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Uncle Buck

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Posts posted by Uncle Buck

  1. At this point, I think I agree, let Lovie corner himself. I am in agreement with MadLit's position on this organization, but at this point, I guess the string just needs to play out. I honestly can't believe that any coordinator they hire on either side of the ball is really going to make a difference. With this roster and this head coach, I can't see next year being any better than this year. 7-9 might be the best they can muster next year. Even if Martz is the guy and he can improve the offense (he might, but Cutler is dead meat), this defense is only going to get worse. Tillman is on the other side of his career. As for Urlacher, at this point, he is not special anymore. With a pitiful draft position and god knows what is available in Free Agency, where is the improvement coming from for the defense?


    If we assume Cutler and the offense will get better, the defense will once again let this team down. I can't see this team leap frogging either Minnesota or Green Bay. So no playoffs for next year and Lovie/Jerry/Ted are all gone.






    I think I just threw up in my mouth. Verp.


    Many will say Martz is no worse than some of these other names thrown out there. I want to agree, but here is a big problem for me. I fear that Martz will not only prove a bad fit for the team this year, but could actually hurt the development of this offense.


    Part of me says screw it. Let Lovie hire his BFF to run the offense, and then promote his other BFF to run the D (Marinelli). No way Lovie could shed responsibility at that point. Team will fail in 2010, but that is likely to happen regardless of who we hire. So we finally get the house cleaning so many of us want.


    Even though there is a side of me saying this, the idea still makes me sick. On offense, we have a franchise QB. While I do not agree we have to cater to him, we do need an OC that compliments him, and I do not believe that is Martz. We have a "potential" franchise TE, and yet we are looking at bringing in an OC that doesn't realize the TE is an offensive weapon. He thinks its simply slang for view of a hot chic walking away. We have some nice young WR talent, but if his system doesn't fit for Cutler, are these receivers going to be wasted? Will their development be stunted? We need to get Forte back on track, and yet we are looking at an OC that doesn't believe in running the ball. Oh yea, and I have read more than a few aticles talking about how Martz' system is quite different from Tice's blocking scheme, and that makes you wonder as well.


    Can I finally point out that in the two cities Martz has worked since losing the HC job, he has not gotten along w/ either HC. One is a former Bear most all here still love today (Singletary) and the other is a freaking coach on our defense (Marinelli).


    Sorry, but I just can't get excited about this move. Even if this is the move that helps get rid of Lovie, I fear long term damage he can cause will be felt long after he is gone.


  2. This is excellent news! I really liked what I saw of him last year, I thought he played more physical than I heard he was capable of. I wonder what impact this might have on the contract status of Jamar Williams? I thought his contract was up. So right now they would have:








    Shaw (ST only)



    Am I missing someone? I am wondering, since we are discussing linebackers, if given his effort this year if Hunter will be back? It seemed like he was on the bubble last year.


  3. These guys are killing me.


    Every step this organization takes seems to further cement the idea they are stumbling, bumbling idiots. If Chudsinski was the guy for them and they low balled them......what the hell were they thinking? So we are searching high and low for a OC and seemingly find one we like, then decided to be cheap. WOW

  4. I guess it makes sense for Lovie to turn to Martz, one, the guy likes familiar faces on his staff, two, Martz might be the best answer for instant offense, enough to help Lovie keep his job. Angelo, at least is viewing the hiring from a long-term perspective as in what is better for the organization. While it is a twisted approach (given the uncertain job status) as another coordinator (outside of Chudzinski-since he has been a coordinator) who has not done it before might lead to a learning curve, that may cost the team next year, to Lovie's detriment. But on a normal team, growth from the right coordinator, despite short-term pain would lead to long-term gain.

  5. I actually do give Virginia credit. Here is a team/company that has been around a VERY long time, and has always been run (president) by a family member. Say what you want about the reasons, but I think more credit is deserved than realized when she put a non-family member in charge. Honestly, I just do not think many fans realize how big of a decision this was.


    As for Ted and the stadium, yes, he absolutely does get credit. Could anyone w/o the last name McCaskey have gotten the deal done. Maybe. But in the business world, just because someone else "might" have been able to get a deal done does not meant you do not give credit to the one that did. Further, the stadium deal we did eventually get done was far better than expected (for the bears). Leading up to that point, I do not recall any who expected us to walk about w/ concession sale profits and some other things we got. So he deserved big props for that.


    Criticize him for the hiring of Angelo. No argument. Criticize him for not stepping in sooner and putting on more pressure. Fine. But in evaluating Teddy, I don't think you can take away from the positives just to make a case against him. Trust me. Hiring Angelo is enough of a negative that you don't have the cheat the positives.


    I am not saying I have read it here, but I think Ted gets too much credit for the stadium deal, as if it alone is enough to keep him around. I don't doubt that the McCaskey family is indebted to him. In the political world in Chicago, Mayor Daley is the major domo, and a McCaskey was not going to get that deal done.


    But you are right, the hiring of Angelo is enough of a negative, and the BS press conference calling for change without making change will indeed get him fired in the near future with or without all of the credit for a stadium deal.

  6. What makes you think that? Everything every talked about the stadium gave full credit to Phillips and said he was the key player that got things done.


    So what you are saying just isn't true.



    All I can tell you is what I've been told by friends who work for the city. Besides it is well known that Daley can't stomach Mike McCaskey and it has been bounced around for years that the fact that Ted was an "outsider" helped get the deal done. I don't doubt Ted's ability did help get the deal done but it is not like his participation was all of the heavy lifting nor the deal sealer. So believe what you wish, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

  7. I think the Ted Phillips evaluation needs to be based substantially on the hires he made. If we are giving him credit for getting the coffers opened fine, but don't heap praise for the stadium deal. I guarantee that deal happened only because a McCaskey, namely Michael, was not standing in front of Mayor Daley.


    Right or wrong, the Angelo hiring is on Ted and rightfully so. It does not matter whether he was a bean counter in his prior life, the McCaskey family entrusted him to get the job done and under his tenure the team has been mediocre.


    Opening the coffers is fine, give him credit if we believe he caused that. But the team has not been stellar under his guidance and that has to be part of the factor in deciding whether or not to launch him when the Lovie/Angelo experiment runs its course after this season.

  8. I seem to remember a Jay Hilgenberg interview from this year where he was commenting on the line scheme. He was not a big fan of the technique employed, I believe it is the bucket step, but Jay essentially said the lineman take a step backward initially and then move forward to block. I know I am simplifying it and perhaps even missing something in translation but the key to what I found interesting was that Jay felt this technique found the blocker in a bad position (backward movement) where the d-lineman could drive into him and push him back. Hopefully Tice will have these guys firing off the ball and road grading.

  9. I know he went to USC with his son but even so, why would Monte want to work for a year with Lovie? We're not going to get a big name to come in and rescue Lovie off the scrap heap of NFL coaches, on either side of the ball.



    I was thinking that he has already proven his worth in the league and certainly has nothing else to prove to anyone. Unlike these young guys who might be concerned with the spector of a one and done season, Kiffin might be willing to help a friend out in a jam.

  10. Are you asking me?


    Let me first say that my comments are based on the reality of the situation. If we cleaned out, my choices me be different, but w/ Lovie as the HC....


    DC - Fewell - Frankly, I like this pick quite a bit. He knows Lovie's system, which will bring some continuity, but at the same time, knows more than just the Lovie Two. He has a relationship w/ Lovie, and therefor Lovie may give a bit more leeway to him. I think he has done a good job in Buffalo. Frankly, while I often feel like we play below the level of our talent, I have often felt Buffalo's D has played above theirs. That is a credit to the coach. He seems to have done a good job developing some young players, and I think has done a better job of adjusting and compensating for injuries and losses. I especially like the reports of his personality. I have always said that if you have a mild mannered HC, you need an assistant w/ fire. Like having a calm captain but a drill sargent to get in the men's faces. He supposedly holds players accountable, and I like that.


    OC - Honestly, I have not heard many names that excite me. My top choice has been Saunders, though outside the Trib article, I have seen nothing that mentions our actually being interested.


    Saunders is a hell of an OC, IMHO. He didn't always have a loaded offenses in KC, but was able to develop players and fit players w/ a system. He has a pretty wide open system, and one that I think suits our players skills. He didn't do so well in Wash, or then in Stl, but if you take a moment to look at those teams, they were pretty dang bad. I know I have ripped Martz, who some may say saw a similar decline after great success w/ Stl, but I simply think the system Saunders runs is a better fit for our talent than Martz. Saunders would be my top choice.


    Beyond him, I really don't know. Starting to read about Clements, but haven't really formed an opinion there yet. I do not like Martz at all. I think he would be horrible for the team. I wasn't high on Bates as I fear he wouldn't be experienced enough to run the entire offense. The guy from Minny may make for a good QB coach, but I don't really like him for OC. Just say not to Zorn.


    I just don't know on offense. I like Saunders, but have not heard we are interested. I am luke warm on Clements at the moment, though I just don't know much about him. I am not in favor of most of the rest of the names I have read about.



    Yes, I was asking you. I was curious where you stood on the two positions. Thanks for offering your opinion.

  11. Why do you want Clements? It isn't that I am against him, but don't know why I should be for him. Yes, he seems to have done a great job developing Rodgers, and deserves credit for that. But he didn't actually run the offense, did he? Does he even have experience in that area?


    The reality is, whoever our OC is will essentially be a HC #2. We need someone who has broad experience running an offense. Not just developing a QB, but experience over all positions, game planning, playcalling, etc. Is that Clements?



    Just, curious, but if I might, I'd like to hear from you as to whom you would like for the two coordinator positions?

  12. didn't you just tell me in a previous post a few weeks ago that you would be afraid/concerned if we fired ted phillips, like i suggested, because mikey might step in and be involved in management again so you were against it?


    yet now we hear that mikey and not the board, not the mccaskey consensus of family members voting on propositions, nobody else except ginny and mikey actually had the final say in the discussions according to phillips himself?


    No offense, but you are twisting what was actually said. The quotes state the Phillips "discussed" the moves with ownership, and later clarified that ownership meant Mikey and Viginia. But you twist "discussion" by instead saying "ginny and mikey actually had the final say." No where in the article does it say that. If that is what you believe, it is speculation. It is just as possible they told Teddy, "whatever you think". Point is, quotes talk about a discussion and you talk about their making the decisions.


    If I go to my boss to talk over a subject, that doesn't mean he is deciding and telling me what to do.


    that means every major decision made is in those two's hands exclusively if teddy is to be believed.


    like whether or not to hire a new president and who? this seems to come with complete control over every major decision he makes.


    like complete control over what the supposed gm does in his capacity like hiring and firing coaches or even player acquisition? who our scouts are and how many we employ?


    isn't THIS the entire football operations portion of a franchise and is it not actually controlled by mike mccaskey whether he sits in the freaking control room draft day or not??


    I guess I don't see where you are getting all this. Because these two were who Ted discussed this situation, you leap to the conclusion that (a) those are the only two who ever are part of the decision making and (B) Ted must go to them w/ many other things, like duties of the GM and lesser coaching hires, etc.


    Just seems like you are making some big leaps.


    Further, might I point out that it is also possible the family had already held their own in-house discussions, and then Mikey and Virginia discussed it with Ted. I do not know, but is Ted part of the Board? If not, often in business, the board will meet, and the President (or whoever) will then meet with certain reps from the board, rather than the entire board itself.


    all phillips appears to be is a shield for the mccaskey family. same with angelo. they take the heat and the slings and arrows that mikey and the mummy would get if major decisions turn bad and fall flat. no wonder teddy is such an important cog in their machine. he does the dirty work.


    This has been your opinion all along, and frankly, it is not a surprise that you would take pretty much anything and make this leap. I honestly think that you believe Angelo is on the phone w/ Mikey in the 7th round of the draft, telling Angelo who to pick.



    Given Angelo's draft record here, maybe Mike is involved!!



  13. At least as of right now, I may be the sole person holding Smith and JA as big problem that can't be overcome. :P


    I refuse to drink Kool Aid right now. Even a watered down glass.


    I may relent later depending on how things play out. But, all this is fantasyland speculation until the actual hires occur.



    I'm with you on this team. I am in the same corner as Boers and Bernstein, Lovie is going to hire a defensive coordinator who will follow Lovie's exact orders and if Lovie is displeased, he will simply pull the play calling into his own hands. New boss same as the old boss.


    Even if an offensive coordinator is somewhat successful, the defense will let this team down. Lovie can't and won't change. The press conference gave plenty of evidence that this guy won't change.


    I do not want any of these three leading this team going forward. They will not take us to the promised land. Yesterday's decision simply jaded a bunch of fans (note jade-I'm not leaving) and delayed the inevitable.

  14. #2 is exactly what stuck in my throat, Lovie still defending his scheme! THE SCHEME SUCKS! The rest of the league does NOT use it like he does....at least not the successful teams. The scheme does not work and won't work. And Lovie's insistence on the scheme being sound worried me about what potential the team has regardless of whether they have the best players or not....




    I think the scary thing is that Lovie really does not understand defense. Honestly it seems to me he was taught the defense by Monte Kiffin and Tony Dungy but really never understood it enough to be able to adapt it to circumstances. He is doomed to trot out the same tired and exploited scheme for another season.


    As for the coordinators, it does not matter who they bring in, the three stooges already said at the press conference that the coordinators would run Lovie's schemes.


    The McCaskey family should be embarassed by their actions. I don't care if they think this is a good business decision, they are further cementing their reputation as complete idiots.

  15. Mad I am with you 100%.


    I am done spending financial capital on this team and I will not invest anymore emotional capital on them. I see my Sunday's freeing up this fall. I will always be a Bear's fan, but I will not put up with another season of being insulted by this organization.


    These rumored changes are just window dressing, Turner, Boras, Heistand, really ?? Who cares. Since Turner returned in 2004, Lovie has been allowed to hire six different defensive coaches. Marinelli or Fewell as the defensive coordinator will serve nothing, they will simply be yes men to Lovie, that's all he surrounds himself with. The team keeps propping Lovie up with changes all of the time. How many times do they get to get away with this? This guy is a defensive genius and that s the weakest part of this team. The answer: fire offensive coaches and hire around Lovie AGAIN!!! Now Lovie is spewing that his double duty this last season was too taxing, maybe that's becuase he sucks as a coordinator and head coach. Mike Martz as an offensive coordinator is just that, offensive. He will get Cutler killed with this offensive line.


    I am tired of being told the McCaskey family has $11 million good reasons to not dismiss Lovie. Well, I think they can lose that much through diminished revenues from merchandise and concessions.


    Jerry Angelo is a fraud I no longer trust and Ted Phillips has been an ass clown since day one. He gets credit for getting the Soldier Field deal done. Mayor Daley would have welcomed Krusty the Clown and made a deal with him for the stadium, as long as it was not a smug, snarky McCaskey brat sitting across from him.


    It is a shame Mugs Halas died so young, it would have kept the team out of his sister's hands. I am so tired of this crappy organization.


    Sorry for the diatribe, it's just that this is projecting to be a sad, sad day for me and I am mad as hell.

  16. What is interesting to me is that the offense's poor showing has overshadowed a crappy defense. If we are talking about firing the offensive coordinator, we could call for the same dismissal of the defensive coordinator...wait... he's our head coach.


    Check this quote from Pro Football Weekly, when they posted today a ranking of defensive coordinators (this is a scout's take):



    "22. Lovie Smith (head coach) / Bears — Though Bob Babich maintained his defensive-coordinator title to coach the linebackers, Smith coordinates the defense, with great help from D-line coach/assistant head coach Rod Marinelli. Personnel utilization and an inability to maximize talent has been a problem, while the loss of MLB Brian Urlacher had an effect, as well. SCOUT'S TAKE: "It has looked a lot like what they did in Detroit last year. They have been blown out in too many games this year and are getting run over. They struggle in the second half because they get outcoached and cannot adjust. Some of the calls are so bad it almost makes me think they are trying to get fired — no one can be so dumb. ... "They could have laid down at the end of the year, and they kept on fighting. They beat a good Minnesota team, but they still had big problems adjusting in the second half.""


  17. Noots,


    Thanks for all of your great analysis this season. I appreciate your efforts. As for this last game, once again the defense does not look so hot. Culpepper actually looked like a quarterback again. The saddest thing for me about this season is that the inept performance by the offense has overshadowed a poor defense, and a lousy job by the defensive coordinator, glad we trusted him.

  18. The whole season I kept waiting for a burst from Forte. I will admit it seemed like the line play did not help him but still there never seemed to be that umpf from Matt. I thought in training camp there was a blurb about him having a leg injury/issue. I wonder if he really was healthy this year or if as Mike Mulligan (WSCR and Suntimes) discussed often last year that he had too many touches in his rookie year. He just seemed like a different back this year.

  19. Got the contract and picks discussion from writers who cover the team (heard it on the radio), so I am taking the source at their word, they would know better than I . I am not trying to absolve Angelo, but Lovie pushed for those players and he did gain more power in the contract extension thanks to Ted Phillips being an idiot.


    Fact is, despite two straight wins, this fish is rotten from the head down, it is a shame the McCaskey family won't have the courage to make the right decision. Good luck to them trying to spin this crap next week. I would not bet against a ticket price increase being announced instead.

  20. I don't think the added power Lovie got went to this area.


    When Jauron was here, Dick had power similar to what Lovie does now. Jauron had absolute power over his staff. That was why JA could never fire Shoop. Jauron had control over his staff. Further, while JA had power over what players were added to the team, Jauron had total control over the 53 man roster. What I mean is, JA had the power to decide who the 53 would be, but Jauron had power over how to handle those 53. So he choose who started and where.


    I remember there was a point when JA cut a player that Jauron supposedly liked, and shortly after, Jauron benched a young player JA had drafted and liked. Whether true or not, this was the sort of way each could use their power.


    Same thing today w/ Lovie. Lovie does not have control over who the team drafts or signs. He may have some say, but he always did as the HC w/ tight ties to the GM.


    There may be players on the roster who Lovie liked and asked JA to draft for him, but this didn't happen to due his new deal, and I would bet similar was done well before he signed his extension. So I don't buy that Okwo or whoever were Lovie picks. They may have been players Lovie was high on, but they were still Angelo picks.


  21. I've been listening to the sports talk radio quite a bit lately, trying to digest everything since this season went into the toilet. Some of the discussion brought out that when Lovie got the contract extension, he also got himself equal footing with Jerry. The picks of Bauzin and Okowo were Lovie's choices. Now I know Angelo had a say in the situation, but the fact seems to be that Lovie has greater power in the draft room than I knew. So I am wondering if like the effort to undermine Jauron, that maybe the selection of Gilbert was also an attempt to undermine Smith? If this guy, your top pick in the draft does not fit Smith's system, did Angelo force it to expose Smith much like he did to Jauron? Just throwing out another log on the fire.

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