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Posts posted by Butkus

  1. I agree to a degree.....I think that sometimes there are those who would second guess and criticise unnecessarily. JA has made some good moves, but I would have to say that he has made a few bad ones too.....


    The Cedric Benson debacle should have been cut short sooner


    The jury is out on the Chris Williams pick....


    I question whether Tommie Harris should have got all of that money.....he is not looking like the best DT in the league at the moment, and it seems his injuries might be long term.


    I am still not certain about the firing of Ron Riviera and hiring of Babich...


    However, I like the Lloyd pick up, the choice of KO for QB, Forte is looking awesome, the cap is managed well....and we have just beat a really good team and been in the other two games.


    BUT, the season is far from over, the defense does not look nearly as good as advertised, and I believe KO will need to lead the O to contributing equally this year for us to really compete and go to the playoffs.....


    I remain cautiously optimistic at this point....

  2. Hate to go against the grain here, but I was happy to see Miller was signed. Remember, he was injured last year and I assume is not injured now. He is a vet who is highly regarded but the Bears apparently, and might just provide us the insurance we need. Plus, he really wants to play for the Bears, reportedly turning down bigger money elsewhere. If he is in better physical shape this year than last, I feel strongly it is a good pickup.


    There will be plenty of Bartons on the waiver wire both now and in the future.

  3. Sorry, but that's just a jackass comment. Most on this board who have IQ's higher than a monkey thought it was great, both in words and "the expression". My vote is for classic!



    I admittedly did not see the "face," so I have to say maybe I was speaking out of turn.


    That being said, I am not a big Urlacher fan at the moment, and having seen some of the players comments after the game I got the impression they were feeling underestimated and how obvious it was they would beat the Colts. Hard for me to understand that line of thinking.... I guess Urlacher and Briggs particularly have some ways to go to proving to me they deserve respect, with all of their immature language and behaviour this past year. Not to mention the fact that the whole D has alot to prove after last year's debacle...


    I hope the players are believing in themselves and that their belief helps translate to some results like Monday for the whole year! I am sure we can agree on that...

  4. Hmm, I thought that the Bears were where wide receivers went to die.....maybe moose dropping can realise that statement when he comes to visit next week and Payne/Brown/Tillman give him a good whack! It would be nice to see that loser get some smack for the complete sh#t job he did for the Bears for three years!


    As far as Berrian goes, let's see where he ends up before it is all said and done. I hated to see him go, but if he thought he was going to paradise in Minnesota he wasn't paying attention, unless he was just thinking about the money....let's hope Minnesota doesn't regret giving him all of that money, I don't think he was worth what they paid him.

  5. Great Article Noots. I can't remember the last time we had a game grade out this high. It certainly has been awhile.


    Maybe we should have given "Horns" to the female reporter who was interviewing Forte and Urlacher. She definitely blew it telling Urlacher that no one expected the Bears to beat the Colts and it could be argued with the look on Brian's face when she told him that and his response to her, I am sure he would have loved to put her in the "hardest hits" area as well. :stick



    Come on now, who really thought the Bears would beat the Colts? Not many of us, and if Urlacher is not mature or intelligent enough to handle a question like that without making a face, that speaks for itself. The guy is not Einstein. No reporter, male or female, would ignore the obvious question of the fact that the Bears were not expected to beat the Colts. Too bad that the biggest face of the Bears has the IQ of a monkey, but at least he can play. Hopefully he will continue to perform at a high level this year and help the Bears get some big wins!

  6. One game does not negate all of the legitimate concerns that many have, but the win surely begins to answers some of the issues that have been presented as possible worries. I would think that Forte/Jones is a huge improvement on last year, so far the OLine has looked good, the defense looked like everyone thought it should have all along, and Orton will not kill us and may well prove to be a top flight QB. Those answers alone make a huge difference.


    Now we have to pray against any injuries, still hope to get a body or two on the OLine in case of injury, and pray Kyle isn't having his face plastered all over the net slobbering down JD. I believe that if the team hits on all cylinders it could very well go to the Super Bowl....and win!

  7. In an ideal world, I would like to see the entire league cut out the behaviour that I mentioned previously. Let's take Briggs as an example:


    Last year, not happy being franchised tagged and makes various derogatory and profane references to the Bears organization.

    Has been, and continues to be, involved in a very public paternity suit...I believe now with more than one woman?

    Leaves a crashed Lambo at the side of the road, calls it in stolen initially, admits his crime later and gets a community sentence, which he is not completing as he is supposed to.


    Now, all of that may not appear that bad to some, but as a Bears fan I don't pay my money and lend my support to the team for no-goods like that! The Bears have been great about getting rid of guys like that, and I understand why Briggsy hasn't quite done enough yet, but what I would like to see is the FANS demand that the players act with some dignity and character. They are representatives of the city and the team, so should be held to high standards. If they cannot do that, let them go to the land of the thugs in Cincinnati or LA.


    I really doubt that losing Urlacher as he was average most of last year, and/or Briggs, would hurt that much. When Briggs was out, I didn't notice any decrease in performance at all. There are guys that have not had a chance that are waiting, I would be at least one of them would do well.


    However, my point is not so much to cut Briggs and Urlacher, I know that is not going to happen. I just think we all should demand that players act like good citizens, and if they don't we should encourage the team to get rid of them. I won't miss Tank Johnson, and I certainly would not miss Lance Briggs!

  8. I would just like to note that Tommy Harris certainly seems to be a player that the Bears can be proud of, and one that us fans should get behind. Besides his obvious physical skills, his behaviour off the field is consistent with what one would would expect of a player making millions of dollars.


    What a refreshing change from idiots who have children out of wedlock and get their private lives smeared all over town, leave their Lambo crashed on the side of the highway and initially claim it was stolen, and make profane and arrogant comments via the media about the Bears organization. I would rather lose than see punks like that play for the Bears. I am sick to death of these types of players taking their money for granted, and acting like they are deserving of some ultra special treatment. Guess what? Linebackers are easy to find! We would not hurt that much from losing any two of our three linebackers...I would bet on it! We might lose 10%, but it would be worth it to see the cavemen leave and go act like fools elsewhere.


    Hurray for Tommy Harris and the character guys like him on the Bears! Let's all support the guys who have some character and decency!

  9. I think it is a mistake not to get a veteran backup running back. We have a rookie who we are counting on to be a starter in Forte, a seemingly solid backup in Peterson who has never had significant playing time, and a relatively complete unknown in Wolfe who everyone seems to agree is not an every down back. So, if Forte and/or Peterson do not perform well or get hurt, we are in a dire situation.


    This decision reminds me of the decision by the staff to keep giving Grossman the starting QB job, or to give Benson the starting job by releasing TJ despite the fact that he never earned it. It is a mistake that could really wruin a season, I hope it doesn't. I just cannot believe that picking up a vet RB would be that expensive or anything but a solid insurance policy. I generally like the Bears management decisions, but not this one.

  10. It is a shame that I lived in Rockford for 43 years, and I leave and there is a big Bears party??? I hope you boys get some good Franchescos, Nunzios, or Linos pizza and have alot of fun. It is hard to find good pizza in the UK, lol! Maybe when I come to visit sometime I will check in with all of the Bears fans!



  11. Let's stick with the RB's that we have, Benson, Peterson, and Wolfe. RB's are plentiful if we need to pick up an emergent need....


    In the draft, I hope we focus on OL, perhaps safety/secondary and receiver if there are some nice opportunities available. If there is a great RB available in the later rounds, ok then....but one of our RB's will have to go most likely, and who will it be? I don't see a need to get rid of anyone we have at the moment, and Benson's contract makes it implausible to get rid of him. That being said, if Benson did not have the contract that he did, I would say to cut him and find someone else. However, his contract makes him the guy we need to keep for at least one more year.

  12. I am not sure that the runs on that video clip are entirely representative of Cedric's recent running for the Bears, but I would say that he has not been given quite enough time to establish himself here yet. However, he has not helped himself with his off field demanour and behaviour either...


    Remember the last time we had two running backs, both of whom wanted to start? I hope we do not pick a running back high in the draft.....let's go with who we have and focus on OL and other areas of need....

  13. I am happy with Booker signing, thrilled in fact. Moose pretty much sucked, I think he really declined in the last year. Booker gives us a solid receiver, and with Hester and Bradley things don't look so bad....after all, we have Haas and Davis as well, not to mention two great tight ends. Let's get some OL NOW!

  14. Urlacher falls into 2 of those 3 categories. Now he wants to rework his deal, and he has an illegitimate son whose mother has caused nothing but trouble since she gave birth.


    And if you want to step into the wayback machine, we can all recall the partying Paris Hilton glory days and Urlachers messy divorce due to infidelity



    I don't recall Urlacher mouthing off or crashing any cars.....not that he is a hero in my eyes, but at least he keeps his gob shut, which is more than Briggs can say.

  15. I'm indifferent. It's always great to retain a good young player. His loss had been planned for, and I feel the defense could have withstood his loss.


    Personally, I would have liked to seen the Bears to use that money to be in the running for Faneca. The Defense has had enough money spent on it with the extensions of Tillman, Vasher, and Brown, plus the eventual extension of Harris.



    My feelings exactly. It is nice to have Briggs, but I would rather have let some of our young LB's give it a go and put that money towards a stud OL or WR....but, it was a reasonable price for a solid player.

  16. Maybe character issues in the sense of Pacman Jones but I dont think Briggs play declined this year because of it. Urlacher has the same child issue, does he have character issues. Of course he benefits from playing next to Urlacher, but Urlacher also benefits from playing next to him. he is much better than Colvin and Holdman were when they were here. As far as the car situation, nothing happened, it wasnt a big deal. You just seem not to like him.




    Urlacher didn't crash a Lamborghini at 2AM, leave it on the side of the highway, and call the police and say it was stolen. Hmm, do you think he may have been partying? And if he was partying to that degree, what does that say about what he gets up to in general? That was a big deal IMO.


    And it isn't that I don't like him per se, I don't like athletes who make millions acting like petulant children and crashing cars, having illegitimate children, and running their mouths when they don't get as many millions as they think they deserve. Players like that will ultimately turn everyone away from professional sports if it is allowed to progress IMO. Personally, I will not spend money or time following a team if they are comprised of thugs and "gangstas." It is a shame that professional sports has turned into what it has IMO....and I hope the new commissioner of the NFL will continue to crack down so that I can continue to enjoy the game with my conscience intact. However, I will shut up about this now, as it is an ethical issue and not a football one, lol.


    Urlacher doesn't benefit a whit from playing next to Briggs IMO. But, we will never know how Briggs would have done elsewher as he is now signed back up with the Bears. That is not an all bad thing, as Briggs is solid and with Urlacher looking like he might be on the way down, we can use the solidity.

  17. Im not panicking and I dont want to overpay for anyone, especially Berrian, but I dont care about Briggs cars or pregnant women, hes a hell of a player.



    He is a slightly above average player who benefited from playing next to Url and the system, and who's character issues will hasten the inevitable decline of age. Wait and see.........


    BTW, character issues are problematic, in part, because they interfere with play....

  18. And the open market value of their own players will likely be a rough reality for a Bears team that is suddenly feeling a distinct talent depression since falling in the Super Bowl a little over a year ago. Besides the possibility of losing Briggs, Berrian and Ayanbadejo, Chicago released Muhsin Muhammad and Fred Miller, on top of having traded away workhorse running back Thomas Jones last offseason.


    The Bears also gave a low tender to wideout Rashied Davis, who appeared ready to emerge as a diamond in the rough after a solid 2006 season. Instead, Davis’ production suffered along with the rest of the Bears offense in 2007. Now he will likely draw interest from teams needing a dependable slot receiver who can also return kicks – potentially leaving Chicago with only Mark Bradley and Devin Hester in a suddenly thin group of receivers.


    The loss of talented young pieces, combined with the release of aging veterans and a one-year contract for quarterback Rex Grossman has left Chicago looking like a team in flux. But Bears coach Lovie Smith waved off any notion the Bears are suddenly in transition.


    “We’re definitely not rebuilding,” Smith said. “As far as Super Bowl window, it was a long time ago it seems like we played in the Super Bowl. But we like the core of our team still. I feel like we’re close. It’s a fine line between winning and losing. This past season it went the other way for us. The Super Bowl champion New York Giants had an excellent year, we were right in it with them right up until the end. So we feel like we are close.”


    How close Chicago remains will be hashed out in the next several weeks. But whatever happens in that span – whether the Bears are raided for key pieces or find a way to retain them – marketplace sobriety is likely to have little to do with it.


    Moose and Fred Miller had more to do with a bad year last year than anything. Keeping them would have hurt more than helped. They are marginal NFL players at best, backups.


    Davis is now promising? Maybe, but there have to be 50 guys just like him around the NFL.

  19. I think the joke is all the impatient fans that would feel better about overpaying for mediocre talent just because it's early in free agency.






    Relax people, it is early, very early, in the FA season. And no matter how many people complain about JA and company, as has been said previously, we were in the Super Bowl 2 years ago.


    Does anyone really want Mr I lost my Lamborghini and reported it stolen and impregnated several women Briggs? Mr loudmouth I will never play for Chicago again Briggs??? PLEASE! He is the epitome of the crap modern player who has no class or character!


    Do we want to overpay for a fast receiver who could be great but who has not proven to be the go to guy?


    Relax people....let's give JA and CO some time.

  20. I can't believe I keep reading Marty Booker's name as if adding him to our team would be a positive. Dude is old, slow, and on his downslide. BB is young, fast, and on his upswing. I don't care about all the hate have for BB for whatever reasons, he runs all the routes you ask him to, even over the middle, and makes big plays. Sure he got lackadaisical(or I guess you could say gave up)on a handful of routes last year, and dropped some big passes, but the guy is good, and having him on our team only makes us better, and losing him only makes us worse. That's really all it comes down to for me.



    Hey, don't get me wrong, I would rather have him than not....I just don't know if he is worth superstar money. That will be up to the bean counters to decide. All that I am saying is that if he goes, it is not a season ending loss. I would honestly rather have him stay....

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