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Posts posted by clnr

  1. Thank you!




    IMdO, Jeremy seems to have the potential to play LT, if he is properly prepared, like a year with Rusty and watching Tait.


    Do you feel he is really only a 7th rounder?


    No, I would not grade him as a 7th. I've read a scouts report that graded him as 7th. I lack a lot of knowledge in grading OL, but I'm trying to pick up a lot. I was just curious as I've never seen him graded as high as you graded him.

  2. Nice! 2 questions: What is your knock on Cherilous? Usually he's described as one of the most NFL ready tackles out there and only the fact that he's a RT and not LT makes him a low first rounder. I haven't really watched him play so I'd like to hear your opinion. And Zuttah in the second? I've read scout reports that projects him as a 7th rounder. Again, I have only seen a little clips of him play. This is not any kind of criticism, I am just curios on how you are reasoning!

  3. That is true. In general Swedes believe that violence is more dangerous than sex when it comes to TV or movies. We have a "suitable for 11 year olds" and "suitable for 15 year olds" ratings for movies and violence rates stronger than sex or foul language.

  4. Answer me this... what percentage of the girls in Sweden are actually smoking hot?


    Smoking hot? about 5% maybe. The kicker is that the average girl is hotter than in US!


    Hi mate... cheers.gif


    you back home or back in the States?

    Hi Adi!

    I'm back in Sweden! I left the job that got me visiting to the States regularly. You get bored with Detroit quite fast...

  5. I agree with Nfo, I just voted for the other one. :D Anything that could be related to the Bears should be fair game, and FA signings/trades/draft rumors can affect the Bears. NFL forum should be for the Spygates/Lions coaches naked drive thru escapades/Mike Vick Dog Lovers Anonymous meetings of the NFL world.


    I agree with brletich and nfo! I have never read the other forums anyway. In my personal experience, the best forums with the most interesting posts doesn't have any subforum at all. A lot of OT but they are alive!

  6. Hi!

    I'm a Bears fan from Gothenburg, Sweden! I've been lurking here for a while and I must say I enjoy your board!


    Became a Bears fan 'by name' in 1987 when the Bears played the Vikings in the preseason here in Sweden. Due to bad NFL coverage here the only football I got to see during the ninties was the Superbowls so I didn't got the Da Bears much. Really started to follow the game during the last part of the 04-season. So I am still learning the finer parts of the game! Had the pleasure to see two live games with the Bears so far, the 06 Giants game and the 07 Lions game in Detroit.


    Bear Down!

  7. Did it change since you guys posted? It looks like his old page, full of inaccuracies, like the one that follows:


    "Then, during the 2003 season, Ed McCaskey died, thus spreading out the shares he had, and allowing the other McCaskey children to take the majority share away from Virginia and Michael McCaskey. Thus this led to Angelo finally being elevated to full GM and powers (instead of name only). It also signaled the end of Dick Jauron, who was fired at the end of the season."


    Check out the history: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=...oldid=197816684

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