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Posts posted by Daventry

  1. Great observations, I still hold out hope for Flus being a good coach.  It is thrilling to follow a team with grownups in charge who actually know what they are doing.  I think I might get a Poles jersey if I could, lol.  I have bought a Firestick and am going to purchase Gamepass for the first time since being in the UK for 20 years.  Exciting times 

  2. 38 minutes ago, Pixote said:

    IF I had received that PM, I would have responded in a very positive manner immediately.

    Thank you for the kind words you said.

    BUT, I didn't receive a message from talkbears that a PM from you was waiting for me to view.

    I'm sure I didn't, you're sure I did, at least now I know what you are referring to.

    To put things into proper perspective, a lot has been going on that has been very distracting to me. Who knows, maybe I'm spacing out. I'm still struggling trying to regain my mobility after fracturing my back last year.

    You said this PM was sent in February?

    After my daughter passed away last year, I swore I prayed, I never wanted to go through the loss of another child. Unfortunately, God didn't listen (I'm beginning to wonder if there is a God). My son David died of heart failure the last week of this past January. He was only 48.

    There was a period when I withdrew from everyone. It wasn't until a memorial service was held for David by his surviving siblings just recently that I began to 'heal.' 

    Because of my back injury, I had been unable to visit my son for over a year before he died.

    That being said, please, any parent reading this, never stop hugging your child and telling them you love them. I don't care if they are 8, 18, or, 48 years old. If they pass away you will regret not having reassured them of your love one last time.





    Pixote, I am very sorry for your loss.  I have lost two children as well, so share your pain.  Best wishes to you and your family.

  3. 2 hours ago, adam said:

    I feel like this draft is going to be the most impactful draft since Payton and or the Butkus Sayers draft. The difference is the Bears' teams back then sucked. The Bears are adding to a 7-win team that lost 3 games they should not have, and now added two top 10 players.

    Comparing Odunze to guys like JSN and Olave, I actually prefer Odunze over those guys. He is going to learn so much from Moore and Allen. 

    Bookmark this thread and come back next January when the Bears are playing in the playoffs.

    I think you might be right!  What a great time to be a Bears fan.  I think I have to buy Dazn

  4. 1 hour ago, adam said:

    AZ, I was just pointing out the things that he said Fields needed to do or improve on, the "if he can" or "he needs to" or "he must", and he was spot on if you look at all of them. I really don't care about the things he did, those were outcomes visible in the eye ball test and stats. The things that were missing, absent, or lacking are just as important. What you can do is as important as what you can't do.

    These are Williams' and Fields' "Ifs, Needs to, and musts":

    1. eyes need to be more efficient and manipulative 
    2. needs to take better care of the football
    3. needs to be more consistent working on-schedule from the pocket

    1. needs to be quicker eliminating things post-snap
    2. needs to be better taking what the defense gives him instead of forcing throws
    3. ball security needs work
    4. needs to do a better job of avoiding hits
    5. he must speed up his target-to-target progression reads and improve his urgency when the initial target is taken away
    6. if he can quicken his reads and process

    Notice the difference? Williams coming out is a much more polished QB and player as a whole. 

    There we go.  A perfect summary of what has been obvious for weeks.  Thank you Adam, as usual priceless statistics and analysis.  Sadly, rebels without a cause will continue to pollute the airways with idiocy.  

  5. 1 hour ago, Mongo3451 said:

    Why was he there then?  He even stated in the interview, that it was past his bedtime.  It also came up, somewhere else, that he was consulted before the Keenan Allen trade.  From my perspective, a billionaire cannot be a fly on the wall. They always get their taste.  I find it impossible for Poles and Flus to be their authentic selves knowing George is lurking.

    I feel exactly the same way.  That family are poor owners, if any family could screw up a good thing it’s them.  Let’s hope they don’t get too involved.

  6. 2 hours ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

    Sure I like a good healthy debate from time to time but actually I posted this because I was disappointed with RG3 taking this stance.  Although he has an interesting perspective (having won the Heisman and nearly being chosen #1 overall) I didn’t really think he should’ve come out to suggest Caleb choose this option. 

    But to your point, offering a counterpoint from time to time is ok here right? As long as it focuses on Bears football and not personal attacks? 

    ~signed Goat’s A$$ Antagonist

    Haha, definitely ok with me, I misunderstood the RG3 comment.  I am feeling more positive than I have in years, I hope history won’t come along and slap me back to depression.

  7. 6 hours ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

    Meanwhile you may have seen this but RGIII, apparently upset how Fields was treated by Chicago, is encouraging Williams to "pull an Eli" and demand to be traded to Washington.  Let's just say many others have feelings about this.  


    I am really surprised at the stance you seem to be taking, anti-everything the Bears do and what most think is the correct path.  Enjoy being a rebel?  Just for the sake of it?

    I am really looking forward to getting the draft done and football starting.  It’s already clear what the league thought of Fields and soon we will know who the Bears have used their number one pick for.  I am very excited and optimistic, for the first time in a long time I think we can win games.  

  8. 10 minutes ago, AZ54 said:

    We all have the same facts in the world, yet the world is composed of billions of different opinions.  His is just one and he's welcome to it.  This is actually why I read this board because people will force me to see things from a different perspective.  Some change my mind, others do not.  I'm not married to the need for someone to see things my way, I simply accept the differences and see how things play out.  So sometimes they are wrong and sometimes I'm wrong, and maybe more often than not I'm wrong.  Despite all that, it is still possible to support an argument without declaring a "flaw" in someone else just because you disagree.  

    Opinions based on nothing are not much use to anyone.  I have no interest in reading endless opinions based on nothing tangible.

    Kind of like the argument about keeping JF in general.  We could only get a sixth round pick for him and we are still debating his worth?  Isn’t it glaringly obvious what his worth is now?


  9. 2 minutes ago, Mongo3451 said:

    That's not odds.  It's merely a percentage based on flawed math.  I can guarantee that Caleb Williams has the best QB odds to win a Superbowl out of this class.

    Perfect example of very poor grasp of mathematics and statistics, as Mongo points out.  Complete crap.  The ignore option is again becoming a great option.  Can we not try to be accurate?

  10. 55 minutes ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

    Adam has asked that several times.  DJ Moore has also repeated this commentary and said he brought it up during the exit interviews.  My response to Adam (and others) is he could have left well enough alone and said nothing at all or just been vague in his response.  Like ‘it’s been great playing with Justin and I trust the team will do what’s best for the team’.  But he has been pretty specific. He also went as far as saying if he had to choose between the “top two” QBs in the draft and Justin, he’d choose Justin.  (I’m paraphrasing of course). 

    Now ask yourself this.  If the player you made ‘the move’ to get last year says all this AND has the career year he had.  What weight do you think his opinion has?  And no do I think he’s running the team.  

    He could have given more generic responses, that is true.  I am not completely convinced he is doing anything more than being a team guy but I see your point.

    More importantly though, I don’t want DJ Moore to be making this decision.  I will leave him to catching passes and leave the decision making to the management.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Lucky Luciano said:

    1. some people believe williams is too much of a risk to pick with the overall #1. he could be a bust.

    2. these same people believe we should trade down and get a plethora of draft picks AND pick a lesser qb.

    i just gotta ask.... what makes these picks you will accrue any different from the williams pick? according to that theory, they could ALL be busts right?

    if you deem williams the best qb in this qb heavy draft why in the H E double hocky sticks would you NOT pick him and roll the dice that we will have a high end qb that will beat the good/accomplished qb's in our own division for a freaking decade?

    isn't that what this is all about? being at LEAST good enough to win the division each year to get us a SHOT at a supberbowl and WINNING IT?

    having a solid team that maybe makes it to the playoffs  every 5 years or more as a wildcard or even rarer win our division and has an even rarer chance to win a superbowl is just not enough.

    it's some kind of glutton phobia some are having. for god's sake we have TWO top ten picks!!!

    they want to trade out of the rarest of the rare situation to land that key player that moves this franchise into a yearly contender and for what? didn't the 85 bears teach these people ANYTHING?

    the 85 team had all-pro/HOF players on both sides of the ball (remember this was prior the cap) yet what did they lack? a freaking QB (after mcmahon's career was stolen from him, and also a good coach i might add) to win those tight games. if we couldn't do it with that team it's insane to believe we could do it in the salary capped NFL of today!!!

    That’s my view basically.  Nothing is for sure in life but most people whose opinions I respect rate CW highly.  We may never have this chance again.  That being said, I trust Poles but hope the McCaskeys don’t get involved and mess things up somehow.

  12. 45 minutes ago, BearFan PHX said:

    well you know I think Fields isnt a good QB, but Nagy did screw up the team, and we gutted the roster in 2022. Those things happened too.

    But while the excuses do explain the lack of wins, the lack of plays where Fields made a read on time and then threw the ball says to me that Fields is deeply flawed as well.

    When we drafted him, he had fundamental problems that needed to be fixed, and so far they still haven't been. maybe a QB guru would have helped, but Fields could do it any day he decided to. No one made him hold the ball when he was looking at open receivers. Whatever that was probably needed a sports psychologist rather than another coach.

    And Im not saying Fields has mental illness! I'm saying that he has some kind of mental block in his game. lots of players see sports psychologists who arent crazy to gain an edge on their mental game.

    I think Pace screwed things up more than anyone.  And while he traded away draft picks and overpaid for veterans, most here said little and many supported him.  We can’t know the politics of it all and who did what entirely, but Pace sucked for sure.

    Results speak for themselves.  There are always ways to bend reality to make a point, but the facts are overwhelming to me.

  13. 18 minutes ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

    Nagy went back under the umbrella of Andy Reid and the talent of Mahomes as his cover.  Look no further than Bienemy purposefully trying to get from under that same cover and finding himself out of a job in Washington and now back in the college ranks with UCLA.

    As far as Getsy goes, the best I can hypothesize is he’s the same animal as  Nathaniel Hackett.  The guy who lost his HC gig after one year and floundered as an OC with the Jets once Rodgers was unavailable.  Getsy IMHO has a lot more to prove than does Justin. 

    I am no fan of Nagy, but he got a job after he left Chicago.  Bottom line fact.  With a team that won the Super Bowl.  Fact.

    Getsy also got a job.  Fact.

    Check Fields stats.  Facts.

    The facts speak for themselves.  The facts in this situation are multi faceted and all point to JF leaving IMO.

    We have a once in many years chance of getting a generally believed to be a blue chip quarterback.  I hope we get him.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Connorbear said:

    The Bears absolutely screwed the pooch with Fields - failing to provide him the tools to develop and surrounding him with enough talent. Justin owns some of this but the majority is on the coaching staff/front office. 

    Given the Bears have the #1 pick I fully expect them to draft a new starting QB.  I'm good with however Poles and staff chooses to do this. My only hope is they have the structure around this new QB so he can be successful. If not, we'll be starting process over again in 3/4 years. 



    I don’t believe this narrative about Fields being failed as the reason for his failure.

    Nagy went back to KC and worked with Mahomes.

    Getsy was promptly hired by the Raiders after being fired from the Bears.

    There are always excuses available for failure, but in the end it is down to the individual.

    I will be very interested to see how Poles acts.

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