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Everything posted by CryptViLL

  1. Even tho i thought it was a shit call when he said we had "12" men on the field... Overall, first black coach to win the superbowl, Congratulations, just wish it could have been Lovie.
  2. mmhm, agreed. I wouldnt be "Mad" at a qb change, but im just saying - its not Crucialy needed. And peyton the golden boy is MVP... I feel ye ^^. Makes me sick to, peyton does not deserve it as much as them.
  3. Thatsss a little harsh my dude, what if he hosed up the season and we didnt even make the playoffs? He went to the superbowl... Peyton was MVP, no surprise here... golden boy
  4. Garcia would be nice. And another thing is, i thought rex had a really good chance to run the ball on a third down and 8 or so, in the late second half, and he didnt run, he CANT be afraid to run, ive never seen him run... WORDDD to that.
  5. Yup, i feel your pain, i was yelling about that aswell the whole game. But it just seemed like we were giving up so much room to the wide recievers, and just giving up plays, letting them catch the ball etc.
  6. Word. I mis-stated it a bit, obviusly rex didnt "get us here" but i think hes the perfect fit for this team. WE dont need a peyton manning... thats all im saying
  7. freak GOD DAMIT at least im not going to skool for the next two days, that shud heal it up a bit. but wendsday im hosed here
  8. Hey, anyone else mad @ ron Rivera? He seemed to not let the "D" play as much...
  9. I think one more year for rex... He got us here. Maybe im alone, but i love rex, and there is alot of things that coulda happened for rex to do better. What wuda happened if cedric didnt get hurt? etc. I duno Ron Rivera Pissed me off to, you see urlacher i think point to him once? "Let us freakin play" etc..
  10. GOD freakin DAMIT but still a good year overall... cant be to mad/sad. I mean, hell, id rather lose in the superbowl then have a shit year..
  11. ok well im off for the second half, hopefully ill come back tonight and be celebrating on talkbears . GOOOO BEARS FINISH STRONG
  12. we needa get to that freak, its been pissing me off Man did anyone see the beginging shit they did? with the music and all those weird dancing, maybe its just me being a young kid (im 17), but what the f*ck was that?
  13. god dam them, i was watching that to, we actually called their picks before they said anything. And we were right. All 3 colts
  14. yes, we needa come out and change the momentum, get a stop, and lead this second half
  15. Yes going over the keys of the game from the site, we needed to have a running game and a passing game to help each other out. We need this gotta take the rhythm outta peyton, we GOTTA hit him.
  16. Come on freakin offense We gotta get hester the ball.. Do some freakin offense... and get our D off the field, jesus christ. Shame that bensons out, thanks for the fumble.
  17. What if he threw 4 interceptions, 0.0 passing rating? I hope he indeed does stay here, hes in my mind, a perfect match for a bear team.
  18. God dam, the media coverage is absolutely clueless, you'd think theyd learn sometime. The 2005 white sox, now this. I really hope we win...
  19. I havent watched more then 45 mins in the past 2 weeks of superbowl coverage. Im happy i havent been watching it for those reasons
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