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Everything posted by WHarris1

  1. We are just generating NOTHING in the pass game. WHAT THE freak ARE WE DOING
  2. What in bloody freak was that? Had a nice 7 yard play for a first.
  3. BATTED DOWN. Nice job Brian. Let's go Hester, we need you here.
  4. Nearly picked, that would have been large. Time for another 3rd down stop, gotta have it D.
  5. I know. I'm just frustrated as freak and the offense is hopeless tonight.
  6. Offense cannot do SHIT, maybe we can get 2 defensive TD's in 10 minutes?
  7. Rex can make amends for everything that has gone wrong with some solid 4th quarter play. DO IT REX, I HAVE FAITH.
  8. Alright, Bears ball at the 21. Go out there and sling it around Rex, make some plays.
  9. Time for the Bears defense to make another big play on a 3rd down. DO IT DEFENSE. STEP IT UP. SHOW ME SOMETHING.
  10. These next 2 plays are absolutely huge. Need to keep the positive vibes going and get the ball back. LETS GO DEFENSE!!!!!
  11. C'mon D, need to man up here and have another great series.
  12. LOL we're definitely coming back 20 points in a quarter. God I dread the day after a Bears loss, longest days of the year.
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