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Da Bears 88

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Everything posted by Da Bears 88

  1. Yea, because being positive all the time is only allowed.
  2. Thanks. I was just curious if he even existed.
  3. Where is Mark Bradley? He hurt still?
  4. Um, that's what primetime is called.
  5. Maybe they should keep the Bears off primetime football. It's clear that they suck at night.
  6. Yea, Rex wasn't the one throwing the ball. So, i suppose we blame someone else.
  7. Take this team off primetime football.
  8. Um, if Brian Griese throw 2 int's, i can't wait til you say he sucks.
  9. It was a bad game all around. What part don't you get?
  10. Yea, blame everything on Rex. Because, we all know it's all his fault.
  11. I should learn not to argue with a Cubs fan.
  12. Yea, that 7-1 record is awful.
  13. Griese isn't going to be superman like you all make him sound like.
  14. Congrats tru. We sucked today. Go pop a beer or something.
  15. Be happy we have a winning record.
  16. Lose 1 game and he's a choker. I'm pissed off. But, we can blame the whole team.
  17. Do we have any WR's that can stay on the field?
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