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Like marrotti, Rosenbloom silent


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A quick scan through his archives produced some doozies:


Based on practice games, we've learned that the Bears have a quarterback who was given the job because he's not supposed to make mistakes, and there he was, ending the practice season making mistakes. Kyle Orton threw the interception we've come to expect from whoever is named to expose how little this franchise knows about the most important position on the field, and of course he showed that the Bears get off the bus fumbling the snap.


When the Bears put Caleb Hanie on the roster instead of trying to get him on the practice squad, you wonder if they’re worse than fans who believe it’s true love when they see a No. 3 quarterback starring against guys who are now asking, “You want fries with that?’’ Team ought to know better, but when it comes to quarterbacks, we’ve seen that the Bears don’t know anything.


Then, when you also realize that you're in a division where Jon Kitna is probably the best quarterback.


The Bears will be bad this year. They will make you curse at times, make you retch at others and cause you to wonder why you spent all that dough on a 52-inch screen just to get a high-def view of Kyle Orton and Olin Kruetz blowing another snap.


Orton can’t throw downfield accurately. Orton can’t throw short accurately. Orton can’t really play quarterback in the NFL and can’t even play one on TV half the time. To think, Orton is the guy for whom the Bears rigged the quarterback derby. Hard to believe that Bears president Ted Phillips needed a head-hunting firm to hire a general manager who couldn’t find a quarterback at Jessica Simpson’s birthday party.



So how much do the Bears so obviously not know about drafting a tall, strong-armed, composed QB with a history of success at the highest level of college football, and developing him over 3 years?? Could you clear that up for me a little Rosenbloom? I missed it the first time.


Seriously though, lot's of people were wrong (or at least well off the mark) about Orton and OL. But that's not the point. With Rosenbloom, the thing you have to ask yourself is "Why should he deserve our attention (and be paid for it) when he's no more enlightened than the average chatroom post?" Any numbskull can look at the Bears history of QB's as well as less than convincing stats and speak out with grandstanding, judgmental conceit at the expense of the Bears' decison makers. But is that all we expect out of someone writing for a newspaper that's supposed to be for grownups? Or does it make a sports writer even less capable of his job than the people he's criticizing? Food for thought.


I'm just happy we almost never hear a peep out of Telander about the Bears since mid-last year. It's not exactly a public apology, but still, if that's his way of conceding his shameful irresponsibility, I can have respect for that. Probably Rosenbloom figures since he wasn't the only one, that makes it o.k., which isn't true. But it's no reason to hate the guy.

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