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jackie hayes

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Posts posted by jackie hayes

  1. You should become the next Bears GM, because you know everything.

    One of these days, and I'm sure it will be completely by accident, you are going to actually post something with content. It will be very frightening, but please try to keep a hold of yourself. We NEED your inanities and unsubstantiated nonsense.


    Like this, when the clear implication of everything I've said is that I don't know much. Classic 88...

  2. I'm done arguing with you. The whole "then do it" argument is stupid. You act as if someone can just call up the Bears and say, "Hey, I think I can be a good scout and/or general manager", and they give you a shot.


    As for using bold and underline, I was only focusing on portions of text you were too stupid to read. It may not be supreme intelligence, but it takes more effort and smarts than a rebuttal of "shut the freak up" - which sounds like a little kid not getting their way. Besides, you still don't understand what I wrote:


    "When JA and the Bears' front office starts to pile up winning seasons like the Patriots or the Steelers, then come talk to me about what the Bears' front office "knows"."

    You replied:

    You're the one claiming that most people on a message board are better than any front office that doesn't accomplish what the Patriots and Steelers have accomplished, and I'm the one that has to "show everyone"?


    I didn't say that all fans were better than all teams' front offices. I just noted that the Bears have had a poor track record over the last two decades, and that a person who pays attention to college football fairly religiously (or plays/coaches/refs) could probably do just as well. I honestly believe this. There are many studies out there that say people make up their minds about important decisions within the first few minutes of seeing something. I believe that the front office guys spend a ton of time talking themselves out of common sense picks because, often times, they are too flooded with data to see the obvious.


    Until the Bears front office can consistently put a winner on the field, their draft choices will be criticized.

    You're DONE! Until you add to your answer.


    You then stress "all", when my word was "most". And you didn't "just" talk about the Bears, you mentioned the Patriots and Steelers as the standards that would allow someone to claim the fo knows what it's doing.


    I don't care about your beliefs, nor how honestly you hold them. It doesn't make them any less ridiculous.

  3. I'm done arguing with you. The whole "then do it" argument is stupid. You act as if someone can just call up the Bears and say, "Hey, I think I can be a good scout and/or general manager", and they give you a shot.


    As for using bold and underline, I was only focusing on portions of text you were too stupid to read. It may not be supreme intelligence, but it takes more effort and smarts than a rebuttal of "shut the freak up" - which sounds like a little kid not getting their way.


    Until the Bears front office can consistently put a winner on the field, their draft choices will be criticized.

    You are a cliche. Congratulations.


    And your "smarts" apparently don't extend to the meaning of the word "rebuttal". It was more like a "challenge". Like, you know, do what you say can easily be done but somehow never is. Don't worry, you're not the first blowhard to refuse to back up point one. You're in...company.

  4. You have a good point. Which is why so many wanted to see more of Beekman on the field last year. I would much rather have seen him than Ruben Brown's one arm attack.


    But this is about potential, and since Beekman couldn't even beat out a one-armed guy who had his best years quite some time ago, it doesn't bring about confidence. Draft picks, on the other hand, are still unknown, and we can at least hope that a guy will do well.

    So we should just hope even though he has EXACTLY THE SAME disadvantages as Beekman? We should draft Schuening, not because we have any reasoning that says he could succeed in the Bears system, but because he's highly ranked and we can hope basically anything we want? A number next to his name and imagination make him a good pick?



  5. Re-read the original post. It's all about reading comprehension. More specifically, pay attention to this part:


    I think that anyone on this board who devoted some time to watching every game possible, studying highlight reels, looking at stats, and absorbing a good deal of information could easily have just as good a track record as the Bears front office.


    The point - which clearly went right over your head multiple times - is that the Bears' front office HAS NOT had consistent success for quite some time. Therefore, they are not above criticism. When, and if, they ever get to be year after year competitors because of solid drafts, late day steals, and good draft moves otherwise (like the Steelers and Pats), then your argument holds water. Until then, it doesn't.

    Or you could read the rest of what you wrote, which included this:

    When JA and the Bears' front office starts to pile up winning seasons like the Patriots or the Steelers, then come talk to me about what the Bears' front office "knows".

    It's all about reading comprehension, indeed.


    You want to prove that you're more capable than the Bears front office, then put in the work and prove it. Otherwise, shut the freak up. But there's a reason fans who say shit like that are one of the most laughable cliches on the internet.


    But, hey, they do use bold AND underline. Together! If that doesn't signal extreme intelligence, I don't know what does. It must be true!

  6. The Scheuning craze is simple. He was one of the top rated OGs - in many people's top five - and the Bears need an OG. He also fell quite a bit.

    Why aren't we crazy about Beekman, then? Because, although he's a consistent guy inline, he may not be athletic or fast enough to pull or operate in the second level. So now the clear choice is a guy who's...basically the same. Alright then.

  7. Clever reply. You really showed everyone. Now why don't you tell me where I'm wrong? Why don't you point to the multiple years of successful drafts? Why don't you send me a link of where the Bears had more than two or three good years in a row in the last two decades? Why don't you list the reasons why the Bears' front office seems to be so smart?


    Better yet, why don't you just print off a list of QBs the Bears have had over the last twenty years and rethink the supreme confidence you have in the Bears' front office.

    You're the one claiming that most people on a message board are better than any front office that doesn't accomplish what the Patriots and Steelers have accomplished, and I'm the one that has to "show everyone"?


    Your bluster is just freakin sad. But still so funny. And so:


    :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting

  8. but 4 starts in 2 years? What are you basing your decision off of? The guy was the 22nd best CB in the draft. Harrison was the 5th best DT. No comparison. Bowman has played in only appeared in 22 college games over 3 years, and only saw limited time in a good portion of those. No way you take him over the other players that were available at the time (Schuening and Nicks).

    Um, no. You don't write off just any amount of talent because you don't have X hours of film. If you think he's that good, you take him. If he played more games, you probably don't get a chance to take him there.


    And I thought Nicks could be good, but I don't understand this Schuening craze at all. Personally, I would've hated that pick. And for all Nicks's potential, you gotta admit that he's a HUGE character concern. It takes quite a bit to get kicked out of your own team's pro day by your own coach.

  9. Weak argument. How many good seasons have the Bears had over the last 20 years?! How many good QBs? How many good WRs? What position other than LB have they been very successful with?


    EXACTLY! You can't answer those questions!


    I think that anyone on this board who devoted some time to watching every game possible, studying highlight reels, looking at stats, and absorbing a good deal of information could easily have just as good a track record as the Bears front office. We may have a completely different team, with completely opposite strengths, and a different identity, but I don't think it's even remotely impossible.


    I have heard several fans on this board who have a fairly decent knowledge of players going into the fourth and fifth round. And that's just a random passion for the stuff, not a full-time job.


    When JA and the Bears' front office starts to pile up winning seasons like the Patriots or the Steelers, then come talk to me about what the Bears' front office "knows".




  10. I just thought that at the time of the pick, and who was on the board, that it wasn't that good of a pick. Harrison was already a risky pick due to injury. Why make it 2 out of 3 instead of going for more of a sure thing.

    For the same reason you make the Harrison pick -- upside. Bowman has a higher ceiling than any sure thing left on the board.

  11. Why is Bowman so hard to understand? We want 5 cb, we have 5, but 1 may not be around much longer (RMJ is making a lot of money for a dimeback, and I'd rather see McBride at the nickel after last year.) So we pick up a guy who is very injury-prone, but has the physical ability to be a starter a couple years down the road, possibly a star. I love the pick.

  12. well, all of a sudden everyone here are scouts and know more then the Bears FO.

    They know more than EVERY front office. Every team in the NFL believes these guys to be, in all likelihood, worthless scrubs. But now I find out that every one of them is an absolutely indispensable future NFL qb, that we're just giving away for free.



  13. Anyone we drafted late would have a 99% chance of having a career totally worthless to this team. That's why they lasted so long, despite playing the most important position on a team -- NOONE believes in them. Whoever we pick up as our 3rd qb will have about the same odds. It's really not a loss.

  14. Anyone have details on the recent Bears trades? How did we lose our 6th?


    Also, Colt Brennan is another Rex Grossman...I don't agree with the TE pick either, cuz the guy is a bag of douche, but if he would've picked Brennan, i was going to go out and buy a Colts hat...


    We're rebuilding, so why not hold out for the top QB in next year's draft? Hopefully we'll have a real GM then...

    We traded down twice in the 4th. The first, we gained a 7th rounder. The second, we moved from our 6th round pick up to our later pick in the 5th.

  15. I wouldnt call making a joke about Clarks eye flipping out. I disagree with the pick but I dont think its that big of a deal. I also never said they were trying to push him out. You read way too far into that post.

    It had nothing to do with the thing about his eye. It's about multiple threads suddenly becoming boiling pits of rage because the Bears took a backup te at the bottom of the 5th round. Notice, I said "Everyone", not "You".

  16. We needed a third TE. I don't see why anyone is complaining. It's not like we took him in the 3rd. The pick that should piss most everyone off is Bowman. We already have 5 good guys at the position.


    I really don't like the Steltz pick either due to the fact he is pretty much a less athletic, but younger, version of Archuletta.

    I wouldn't really call RMJ "good", but I would call his salary "high", so I'm thinking we might not have to call him a "Bear" much longer.

  17. That wasnt really the point, I was talking in bringing another guy in that will take more reps from him.

    Why would they extend somebody they're trying to push out?


    Everyone's flipping out because we took a te who'll be buried on the depth chart rather than a qb/ol who'll be buried on the depth chart. I'd rather have 3 good te than 2 good te and a crappy qb.

  18. Tight End is the last thing in the world that this team needs. We don't need a freaking 3rd string Tight End in the 5th round of the draft. You can find them scrubs in free agency. We have Clark and Olsen, I could think of plenty of positions that we could use an upgrade on like Offensive Line, Quarterback, Wide Receiver.... This was thee absolute worst possible position you could draft for.

    Noone in the fifth round is guaranteed to be an upgrade at any of those positions.

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