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jackie hayes

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Posts posted by jackie hayes

  1. Next Best Available at Bears positiosn of needs based on ESPN rankings. (I've marked their overall "pre-rank"). Damn good value picks for both Bears 3rd rounders at #70 and #90.


    Defensive Tackle:

    Marcus Harrison #46

    Pat Simms #59

    Andre Fluellen #68



    John David Booty #74

    Andre Woodson #97

    Eric Ainge #116


    Wide Reciever:

    Mario Manningham #53

    Early Doucet #71

    Andre Caldwell #73



    Oniel Cousins #72

    Jeremy Zuttah #79

    Roy Schuening #107

    Where do they rank Nicks? (Just curious.)

  2. If Schuening, Caldwell, and Doucet all magically get taken with 3 of the first 6 3rd round selections, I wouldn't mind seeing us take Carl Nicks. Many had him as an early 2nd rounder, OT out of Nebraska.


    However, I doubt we'd take another OT when OG, WR, QB, and maybe even DT are all bigger needs. Maybe Earl Bennett out of Vandy if Caldwell and Doucet go?

    Nicks is a guy I noticed, too. He has big character issues, but it's a nice risk-reward pick. And even though he's been a tackle, I don't think he'd be out of place playing inside. An athletic 341 lb guard sounds pretty useful, then a few years down the road, if everything goes well, he can transition to rt when Tait leaves.


    In any case, I'd like to see a high-upside lineman taken in the middle rounds (no Beekmans). Nicks in the third, or maybe Tony Hills at some point. Lord knows we need the depth.

  3. http://www.suntimes.com/sports/mulligan/90...-bear18.article


    Noone believes him, but, still, it's Urlacher, so it's news. Key anonymous quote:


    One NFL insider laughed off the situation as the equivalent of a child taking his ball and going home or threatening to hold his breath until he passes out.


    ''Urlacher has no leverage,'' the source said. ''He wants to be paid, right? If he takes a medical [retirement], then he's got to prove he's hurt. If he does that, he'll never get paid. They're not going to trade him. All he can do is be disruptive.


    ''It's a joke. Players never walk away from millions. They threaten to, but they never do it.''

  4. How would you like us to denote something is coming from our ass????


    Peace :bears

    Basically, I just assume someone's making it up unless they give a cite/link. I'd read this article earlier today, but I don't read every Bears article every morning, so it'd be nice to know if something's credible.


    Whatever, forget it, I guess I just didn't understand how astonishingly difficult it is to write "From the Trib" while copying and pasting. Carry on.

  5. There are fewer questions on defense, but Smith said he expects Mike Brown to move to free safety after playing strong safety last season. Brown has played free in the past.


    The move could have ramifications for Manning, who is considered a better free safety than strong. Smith said he expects Manning to compete at strong safety with Brandon McGowan, Kevin Payne and Adam Archuleta. He also left open the possibility the Bears could add a safety in the coming months.

    Unless Payne or McGowan are better Strong Safeties then Manning is Free safety this move makes no sense. They again are moving him to a new position as he starts to show improvement and get comfortable at FS.

    The bolded part is from the ChiTrib. When you're quoting a published source, please cite it.

  6. Mike Mayock has Mendenhall above McFadden, too. There's a group of people who think, for all of his speed, McFadden simply doesn't run with enough power, that he goes down pretty easy. And, to be honest, every time I saw him play, that's about what I saw. He'd explode between two linemen into the open field and outrace everyone the rest of the way, which is great stuff, but he wouldn't run over anyone in the secondary. So, jmho, but I think it's a legit concern.

  7. I am not saying there is not complexity, but I think there is a massive over-simplification there.


    At Wr, you need to know all the routes and know well each and every play. That is a lot right there. But you also have to know the adjustables very well. Further, many offenses expect the WR to know the defense, and adjust.


    I am not saying anyone can block, but w/ the exception of the center, I do not agree OL need as much by way of smarts as WR.

    Sure, a wr has a lot to learn, but my point is that it's mostly his own stuff. He will adjust his route based on zone/man, jamming, etc, but he won't run a different route because the other wr got jammed, or because the defense sent the mike on a delayed blitz. A lineman has just as many adjustments, depending on the defensive alignment/blitzes, but he also has to consider what everyone around him is doing. That's the really hard part -- not knowing your job, but knowing everyone else's, too. And while the center & qb will call out assignments, but they're not mind-readers, they don't know who's blitzing or stunting. Those adjustments have to be made without communication, instantly, by every person on the line.


    Plus, again, it really hasn't seemed to hurt Harrison and Wayne.

  8. One, if we want Hester to play WR, would you not agree that is a position that very much needs to show a level of smarts?


    Two, of all the positions on the offense, I would think OL the least of those in need of a high IQ. You learn your blocking, but I am not sure you need to master the playbook quite much. You need to know the plays, sure, but I simply do not think it would be equal to the QB or WRs.

    Look at the Colts in that link I posted -- Harrison and Wayne both had abysmal Wonderlic scores, so I'd say it's not important for a wr. Really, you're not interacting as much as a wr, you're just sort of out there on your own, running your route, blocking the cb. (An oversimplification, but more or less true.) A lineman needs to know not only how to run a play, he needs to know how to react to every possible defensive shift/blitz/etc, and, just as important, he needs to know how everyone around him will react. There's a lot more complexity.

  9. You don't have to convince me. I think he's pretty good and have him in my mock draft. I just ain't buyin' in the 2nd round. Nothing you have said has him projected there either.

    The latest nfldc mock has him going in the 2nd. To the Packers, whose fans find that a ridiculous pick, which I tend to agree with. Still, his stock is high enough that it's looking possible he'll go in the 2nd.

  10. From rotoworld:

    NFL Network's Adam Schefter reports Oregon RB Jonathan Stewart underwent surgery on his big toe Wednesday. He'll be out four to six months.

    If Stewart heals quickly, he'll have a chance to be ready before the start of training camp. Still, Stewart will miss all pre-camp work and his draft status will likely be affected severely. It's a somewhat similar situation to Adrian Peterson's in 2007, but Stewart's potential isn't on that level. It wouldn't be a surprise to see him fall to round two. Mar. 13 - 6:51 pm et

    If he falls into the 2nd...

  11. I just keep wondering in these discussions, how is Wolfe going to fit in? Are we ready to give up on a 3rd round pick already? If we draft someone high, I would think he'd be Benson's replacement (at least next year). But if we're just looking for a change-of-pace back -- isn't that Wolfe's purpose?


    As for Jones, I dunno. Health is a big issue, probably too big.

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