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Uncle Buck

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Posts posted by Uncle Buck

  1. I agree with you more on the kids than on Sherman. Best article I've seen so far on Sherman is:




    With that said, I wish more athletes were like Sweetness. No showboating, no trash talking, just class. And Sherman didn't show any of that. However, the play happened a few seconds before the "interview" and he and Crabtree were clearly talking smack all game long. WHAT THE F*CK DID THEY EXPECT?!?!!!


    No excuse for Sherman, like SCS said though, he's just a product of his generation. I'm a parent and I work pretty hard at making sure my son knows that that shit ain't acceptable. If everyone did that, perhaps there'd be a little less of this BS out there in the NBA, NFL, etc.



    Interesting read. I am one of those fans who prefers the boring interviews. I prefer the athlete who is confident enough in his own skills that he just walks away after a spectacular play. So for me, much of what the author wrote, does not apply. I like the athlete and team that is talented enough it just wins convincingly and moves on to the next task at hand. I personally think it sticks in the opponents craw longer when you beat them and just move on. No prancing and taunting to divert their attention that you just beat them. Oh well, such is the state of things. But you are right about teaching your own child, that philosophy applies to so much when raising children. If parents or guardians just took the extra step, taught the extra lesson.

  2. I'd be damn happy if they came away with Byrd and Bennett. Resign Melton, if it is on our terms. Let Julius walk. Peanut probably does not return, rather opting to join Lovie in Tampa, so to be greedy, I'd look to see if there is a bargain CB who can compete with Bowman, if we don't draft one in the 2nd.

  3. It's today's society as a whole. The ignorance level in the world, or perhaps just the US, is ridiculous. Chivalry is dead.....And I'm saying that as a 26 year old young pup compared to some of you guys lol.



    Speak up sonny, can't hear you !! :)


    What I find amazing is that this behavior has worked its way all the way down through the ranks. My kids are in high school so I watch their teams play. You see teams down by 21 points, late in games, where their ass has absolutely been handed to them and guys get a meaningless first down. The receiver jumps up and dances, signaling 1st down. I fear at times the lessons that are supposed to be coming out of team sports are being lost.


    Back to the NFL, I'm with Bears4, I'd love to see Manning light that secondary up like a roman candle. I'd love to watch Thomas and Sherman self destruct. Please Seahawks, implode on the game's grandest stage!

  4. OMG yeah, not a humble one in the bunch. Hopefully Sherman busts his knee like Bowman in the SB.


    On another note, that had to be one of the worst officiating playoff games I can remember. So many non-calls or wrong calls on Seattle. When Bowman got hurt, he was on the ground for at least 1-2 seconds before some Seattle player dives at him and rips the ball out of his hands. Then the running into the punter call, that was a clear hit and should've been roughing. That was at least a 10 pt swing and was the difference in the game.



    I have to admit the older I get the less tolerant I get for the extra curricular activity. I try to tell myself that today's athlete is different; but damn act like a professional once in awhile. Plus I have never liked Pete Carroll, always felt like he was a snake oil salesman.

  5. This is silly.


    It wasn't just one guy missing.



    Yes, yes it is. Just an attempt to add some brevity to a subject we all feel pretty strongly about. As for Mel Tucker, all will be revealed next year. Personally, I think he is going to fail and injuries will not be available to be used in his defense.

  6. Future news headlines:


    Dateline September 7, 2014:


    Equipment Manager Tony Medlin closes equipment locker on Henry Melton's pinky in 1st Quarter- Melton misses two plays, Bucs rush for 200 yards for the game; Mel Tucker asked about performance after game: "Henry's injury put us in a whole, we lost too many plays to his injury, we couldn't recover".



    Dateline December 28, 2014:


    Speaker system at Ford Field causes temporary hearing loss for Lance Briggs, star misses 2 quarters of play. Bears lose game 48-45.


    An amazing run of time lost to injuries by the Bears' defensive starters ended today as Lance Briggs' two quarters of loss playing time brings game time lost for the season to 3 games for the defensive starters. DC Mel Tucker was at a loss for words after Calvin Johnson torched Peanut Tillman for 175 yards and 3 touchdowns while Reggie Bush ran for 160 and two TDs; " I thought our guys played hard, we just couldn't overcome Lance's injury, its been that way all season. The next man up just did not get the job done".


    Dateline January 5, 2015:


    Bear's President Ted Phillips declined to comment after the team issued a press release that Marc Trestman had been relieved of his duties as Head Coach and Defensive Coordinator Mel Tucker had been promoted to the position.

  7. The score announced the Bears had signed a LB coach. He was former HC in college. Paul something



    Paul Pasquenelli. If I recall correctly he coached Syracuse for a period of time. I believe he has a pretty solid rep. I also think he has spent time in the NFL in the past, but I could be wrong. What I can recall of him, I think this is a good hire; hopefully he will be able to teach Bostic and Greene not to fill the same gap at the same time :)

  8. The cop out thought is correct. I don't want to be in the same position next year, or one close to that, with Tucker using something else as an excuse. This year injuries, maybe next year the offense is so good that it scores incredibly quickly, time of possession is severely out of whack, and it keeps the D on the field for an extended period of time? That'd be something odd for Chicago Bear fans.



    If the offense gets that good, I'm looking to the skies for the flying bacon!!!!

  9. I know which lane I am in on the topic, but everyone's right, what is done is done. All I ask for is Trestman and Emery to be honest at next season's end if we end up in the same boat. I don't want the same cop out. I'm getting too old to put up with years of allowing shit coaches and schemes to stay in place again. So, begrudgingly, Mel Tucker, your 15 minutes are now started.

  10. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.


    If the D is awful again, you oust the DC, and Emery takes charge and starts hiring the D side of the ball.



    Yeah....but this bath water stinks something fierce :D :D


    My fear is they are going to blow another season with a mediocre defense and this team will be right back in this position. WHEN Tucker goes, Emery & Trestman should be placed on an extremely short leash; but the bad part is the person on the other end holding the leash is the highly ineffective Sweaty Teddy.

  11. This defense blows again next season, not only should Tucker be fired so should Trestman as well as Emery. But the Bears being the Bears, they will tolerate average.


    I cannot believe the worst defense in franchise history leads to the dismissal of assistant coaches only. If this is indeed true then there has to be a house cleaning of major proportions on the roster.


    Mel Tucker has no track record to fall back on as a reason to be retained. He has been a mediocre coordinator from forever. There is no evidence that it will get better.


    It is so Bear like; we have Lovie Smith who thought offense was offensive and could not get it together to field a competent team on that side of the ball. Now we go to the other extreme and get Mr. Wizard would not know a good defense if it bit him in the ass. Welcome to another decade of playing second and third fiddle in the division.

  12. Indeed interesting, but....


    1) Is Lovie Smith's defense so unique in its approach and player responsibilities that Tucker could not teach it on the run? What I mean is we had rookies out there that seemed to regress. So football fundamentals don't transcend Lovie's defense? Mel could not teach these to these regressing rookies? I suspect even if they switched systems and allowed Mel to run his own D last year, the rookies still would have regressed.


    2) If there was a player "mutiny" of sorts at hand; or players brooding over Lovie's dismissal, then what good is it to let Mel have another crack at it with his own system? Has he not lost a number of the vets? I would guess that if they really wanted to be fair to Tucker then many of our FA vets should not be brought back in order to allow him to have a clean slate. Perhaps, Peppers, Melton, Briggs, & Tillman should go as I suspect they were some of the players who probably resented the change(s).


    I appreciate a different spin on things, and this writer makes a good point, but I find it hard to believe that because Tucker had to run another's defense that he and his staff could not teach the younger players. I might even feel sorry for Tucker because he might have been sold a raw deal. How could anyone succeed with that defense? Injuries aside, Tillman, Briggs, and Peppers are all getting older, its not like there was a holdover of talent that was young and dynamic.


    The Beard rolled the dice that if they hoped for a usual Lovie Smith Bear's defense, combined with Trestman's offense, would result in a good year. For a multitude of reasons, it failed, and a result of that is a defensive coordinator who probably has lessened credibility in the locker room; someone who probably needs to be fired.

  13. I'd be really, really stunned if they reworked his contract this year. I've never seen a guy signed to a big deal that was reworked before a single snap was played.



    I am probably ignorant about this but I understood the clause to really be about cap impact, Jay will still be paid $x dollars now but how that payment applies to the cap is the beauty of the clause. Jay is not giving up any money I don't think. Like I said I could be wrong but after listening to radio shows about it, that was my takeaway.

  14. If true, that's a stroke of genius right there. Maximize flexibility while still forcing as much of Cutler's cap hit to year 1 as possible, which maximizes future cap space. If we pursue Michael Bennett and agree to terms needing more cap space….make it so. If we don't get him on our terms and sign a lesser quality player keep the cap hit on Cutler's deal



    That is exactly right, if the quality FA's get resigned by their teams and there isn't anyone worthwhile, let the Cutler contract eat the cap and gain flexibility in future years. Biggs also stated on the radio this morning that the same clause was written into the Jennings and Slauson contracts.

  15. Brad Biggs is reporting that Cutler's contract is written so that the Bears can convert portions of the contract to a bonus status, so that it can be spread out. Trib posted the article at 8:00PM tonight


    They are calling it a automatic conversion clause that allows the Bears to convert salary to bonus whenever they wish and it will be allocated over the contract years.

  16. But for the two blown defensive holding / interference calls in the end zone those may have been TDs. The Packers got a lot of calls in their favor today.


    As Aikman said, they were going to let them play today, but it looked like the 49er's receivers were mugged just about every play, did not seem to happen the other way.


    I know I am a Bear's homer, but it seems like Aikman and Buck sports wood over the Packers every time they broadcast one of their games. I don't get the fascination with GB; what's likeable about that team?

  17. Very satisfying day for football. Glad to see Cincy lose and of course no more needs to be said about GB; though SF let them hang around with that piss poor first half. Those two field goals should have been touchdown drives.

  18. A very satisfying Packers loss tonight. That has to be the worst way to lose, at home, with 0:00 on the clock and nothing you can do about it. The kick looked like it was almost blocked but the GB player seemed like he was way offsides.



    Nothing better than watching the cheese dicks going down in flames. I will say Eddie Lacy is one tough dude, but he is going to have a 3 year career the way he runs.


    So now the gnomes of Green Bay hibernate with their sisters until the spring!

  19. I finally got a chance to watch the Emery press conference, at least part of it. He has a lot of conviction in terms of building this team and how we came up short this year (not just that we did). If you work for him there is no way you are not uncomfortable about your future. Trestman's generally a quiet guy but got the same sense from him too. We'll see how that translates this offseason.


    As far as the 3-4 or 4-3. This is what I see that gives us some insight but no detail:




    Moving forward, Emery wants to build a "physical, fast, playmaking defense that causes disruption," something he says he saw in the first three games of the season when the Bears intercepted five passes, recovered six fumbles and scored three defensive touchdowns.


    "The No. 1 thing is score. The No. 2 thing is to create turnovers. No. 3 is to cause disruption to the opposing quarterback," Emery said. "We have to create more confusion pre-snap and more disruption post-snap on the opposing quarterback."



    Not clear that the Lovie 2 defense is gone but seems to indicate he wants a more diverse scheme. If I asked football fans what defense causes the most disruption to what offense's want to do I don't think anyone will say Lovie's scheme but you'll get a lot of "Steelers 3-4" in those answers. One thing to note is the value he places on having the defense score. Something to keep in mind as we head toward the draft because Emery might go after the playmaking DB first.


    We are now a week after the season ended and no word on Tucker…so he is still getting "evaluated".


    Not to kick dirt on Lovie's tenure here in Chicago, but his defense was too much like Vince Tobin's in that it was a bend don't break defense. Lovie himself admitted a number of times that he did not care as much that teams gobbled up yards against his defense because in his mind, the longer the team is in a drive, eventually they will turn the ball over. The difference between that and Vince Tobin's defense was that Vince's teams never forced the volume of turnovers to make it a acceptable defense. Lovie's defensive scheme benefitted greatly from Peanut's wild ability to force turnvovers.


    What I am taking from Emery, I think, is that he wants an attacking defense, one that will dictate the tone, I hope much like what we saw under Buddy Ryan. I think the Dick LeBeau defenses play that way.


  20. I remember a certain SF team coming into Chicago many years ago during "Bear" weather and the beloved lost the game. So, yes you are right, not everyone digs the cold weather. All I want is a SF victory, well that and Aaron Rodgers suffering another injury to that shoulder :) JK

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