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How much would the draft change


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In mid-December of 2007, The Bears were 5-9 after losing Monday Night to the Vikings and were completely eliminated from playoff contention. With their super motivational 2 game winning streak to end the season, they moved from a #8/#9 pick all the way to #14 in the 2008 draft. With one loss they would be drafting #9 and would be the only 6-10 team. That would mean they would not be in the draft rotation for teams tied at 7-9.


So if the Bears had the #9 and the #40 picks, plus earlier picks in the later rounds, would that have made a difference in the draft, or do you see them picking the same players? Ryan Clady would've been available in the 1st. The Bears could've moved down and picked up extra mid-round picks as well.


I understand teams play to win, but there is no reason you can't evaluate some talent at the end of the season. The Bears win vs New Orleans gave the Saints the 10th overall pick.


So does the motivation/pride of a winning streak carry over into the next season?


I know we had a discussion about this at the end of the season, and I would like to see the discussion now that we know how the draft played out.

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In mid-December of 2007, The Bears were 5-9 after losing Monday Night to the Vikings and were completely eliminated from playoff contention. With their super motivational 2 game winning streak to end the season, they moved from a #8/#9 pick all the way to #14 in the 2008 draft. With one loss they would be drafting #9 and would be the only 6-10 team. That would mean they would not be in the draft rotation for teams tied at 7-9.


So if the Bears had the #9 and the #40 picks, plus earlier picks in the later rounds, would that have made a difference in the draft, or do you see them picking the same players? Ryan Clady would've been available in the 1st. The Bears could've moved down and picked up extra mid-round picks as well.


I understand teams play to win, but there is no reason you can't evaluate some talent at the end of the season. The Bears win vs New Orleans gave the Saints the 10th overall pick.


So does the motivation/pride of a winning streak carry over into the next season?


I know we had a discussion about this at the end of the season, and I would like to see the discussion now that we know how the draft played out.


If you dont play to win what is the point?

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If you dont play to win what is the point?

So you are saying that a playoff team who rests almost every starter is playing to win? Why are they allowed to "take a week off", yet a team out of contention has to play to win or for pride?


I understand we can debate the play to win thing forever, but how would the 1 loss affected our drafting?

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They might have taken Clady over Williams, and moving up to grab Mendenhall would have been less prohibitive, so they might have done that. But then there's a good chance they miss Bennett (or Henderson, if Bennett fell to the next pick in the third). But it's hard to say without knowing their grades -- if they had Mendenhall and Forte close enough, if they preferred Williams's polish over Clady's upside, it might be basically the same draft. And I like Bennett and Henderson, so I'm not sure I'd be much happier with that draft. Eh -- we'll never know, and it's not a huge difference, so it's not something I'll worry about.


Edit: Oops, Harrison, not Henderson.

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So you are saying that a playoff team who rests almost every starter is playing to win? Why are they allowed to "take a week off", yet a team out of contention has to play to win or for pride?


I understand we can debate the play to win thing forever, but how would the 1 loss affected our drafting?



Yeah I dont agree with that either.



Just cause they do it, doesn't make it right.

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Personally speaking I'll take the wins at the end of the season. While I know those wins don't get a team to the playoffs, it was a strong way to finish the season. Orton looked like a guy who may have a future and the defense appeared to awaken from hibernation. I think that sort of performance was exactly what the Bears needed to get some of the bad tastes in there mouths from what was one of the most dissapointing seasons in franchise history (given the high expectations).


Angelo has done a tremendous job this season, he's been smart with the cap and while the only move I'd possibly criticize was his lack of using the franchise tag on Bernard Berrian (as I think it would have been nice to keep him here one more season as I want the Bears to surround there QB's with as much talent as possible). Angelo also had what I deemed to be a tremendous draft. Of course that is my initial grade and the reality is whether he got an F now or an A now from the experts the real grades come over the course of the next few seasons (you know, when the players actually take the field and PLAY).

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