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The Fridge Needs Our Help


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Not sure how many people have seen the article today on the Trib's website however, William "The Refrigerator" Perry is struggling financially due to the fact of the disease he was diagnosed with in June 2008. The disease is Guillan Barre Syndrome, which is a nervous system disease. Perry also has CIDP as well, which only makes things a bit worse for Perry. Here is the story on the Trib's website:




Da' Coach's "Grid Iron Greats" organization is working to assist Perry however, not able to get everything that is necessary to help out. There is a website to keep people updated on the condition of the Fridge as well as make donations to a fund to help the Fridge with his medical bills. The website is at:




I just thought that this was an important thing to let everyone here know about and if you are able to help out a former Bear who needs our help, that would be good.

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Great post! I was just going to put it up myself!


Kudos to Da Coach!


Not sure how many people have seen the article today on the Trib's website however, William "The Refrigerator" Perry is struggling financially due to the fact of the disease he was diagnosed with in June 2008. The disease is Guillan Barre Syndrome, which is a nervous system disease. Perry also has CIDP as well, which only makes things a bit worse for Perry. Here is the story on the Trib's website:




Da' Coach's "Grid Iron Greats" organization is working to assist Perry however, not able to get everything that is necessary to help out. There is a website to keep people updated on the condition of the Fridge as well as make donations to a fund to help the Fridge with his medical bills. The website is at:




I just thought that this was an important thing to let everyone here know about and if you are able to help out a former Bear who needs our help, that would be good.

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