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Did Knox drop the ball before he scored?


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I didn't notice this when it happened but they were talking about it on the SCORE. I went back and watched it and Knox appears to be dropping/spiking the football simultaneously as he's crossing the goal line.


There was no official close and the next closest player was a Bear. So it probably wouldn't have mattered, but still . . .

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I didn't notice this when it happened but they were talking about it on the SCORE. I went back and watched it and Knox appears to be dropping/spiking the football simultaneously as he's crossing the goal line.


There was no official close and the next closest player was a Bear. So it probably wouldn't have mattered, but still . . .



Desean JAckson did this last year and it was called a fumble......cost me a fantasy win.

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Think about it as a best case life lesson.


Often to truly learn a lesson, you have to first make a mistake. Knox made a mistake, but as it was not caught on game day, there were no negative consequences for the team.


However, at least one coach saw it when it happened, and let Knox have it. Further, you can bet Knox will hear a lot more about it in film sessions and could get some punishment/hazing for it in practice too.


Point is, he screwed up, and he will individually pay for it, but the team did not suffer as the refs didn't see it.


I didn't notice this when it happened but they were talking about it on the SCORE. I went back and watched it and Knox appears to be dropping/spiking the football simultaneously as he's crossing the goal line.


There was no official close and the next closest player was a Bear. So it probably wouldn't have mattered, but still . . .


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Think about it as a best case life lesson.


Often to truly learn a lesson, you have to first make a mistake. Knox made a mistake, but as it was not caught on game day, there were no negative consequences for the team.


However, at least one coach saw it when it happened, and let Knox have it. Further, you can bet Knox will hear a lot more about it in film sessions and could get some punishment/hazing for it in practice too.


Point is, he screwed up, and he will individually pay for it, but the team did not suffer as the refs didn't see it.


Very well said NFO and as long as those lessons are driven home, I'm with you 100%.


Also, there's actually a Youtube on this and you can see the ball as it drops hits the goal line. And he's dropping it from behind himself. So, although it's still REALLY stupid and should never happen again, I can't agree that it's completely clear that he fumbled. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkdL2nvzVXA I'm not sure you can drop the ball on the goal line from behind yourself and have it land on the goal line if you aren't already across the line. It's REAL close...

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Guest TerraTor
the refs were absolutely atrocious in that game...


Ya really. Also, Desean Jacksons was really blatant, like at the 3 yard line he started to drop. Either way, no room for the dumb shit, especially from a guy like Knox.

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Very well said NFO and as long as those lessons are driven home, I'm with you 100%.


Also, there's actually a Youtube on this and you can see the ball as it drops hits the goal line. And he's dropping it from behind himself. So, although it's still REALLY stupid and should never happen again, I can't agree that it's completely clear that he fumbled. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkdL2nvzVXA I'm not sure you can drop the ball on the goal line from behind yourself and have it land on the goal line if you aren't already across the line. It's REAL close...


One could argue that physics allowed the ball to land just inside the end zone slightly ahead of where he let it go. Knox was running pretty fast (though decelerating as he got to the end zone but still going fast) and some of that forward momentum could have carried the ball forward. But that's splitting hairs mere trifles. At the end of the day it doesn't matter as the TD stood and he's well aware that what he did wasn't acceptable and I'm sure we won't see him do that again.


I agree with nfo it's a best case lesson and one of the rare times we get away with one. Even had it been reviewed the angle may have made it difficult to conclusively say it was a fumble. But no one batted an eye as it happened because that's the last thing anyone expected

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