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Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Posts posted by Ed Hochuli 3:16

  1. :blink: You would have three 2nd round picks, and your first choices are CB, LB, and 3-4 NT? :shakehead


    Be honest, you absolutely hate Cutler and want to see him crippled. First you advocate harder for Webb than his own family, comparing him to Bushrod even though the entire football watching world realized Webb sucked and Bushrod was far superior, but now, in this fictitious scenario, you are given THREE 2nd Round picks and you use them all on defense? Even though three of the weakest positions on the entire team are OG, C, and RT?


    I think I finally cracked the case as to your identity. Nice to meet you, Lovie.

    Don't you like Carimi? If so, then why should they draft a RT?



    1. Did you read what I said

    2.I said ARE the Bears going to give him a workout......that's a question


    Now using common sense...... if he canceled his pro day because teams what him to hold private workouts, and if the Bears have interest...then its safe to say if the Bears wanted to see more of him then they will need to bring him in for a private workout.. And for the record I never said the Bears have plans to bring him in for a workout, but merely asking are or will we. So you stop reading to much into things

    You said "we are going to," not "are we going to."

  3. "Those plans have been put on hold as the teams interested in watching Russell prefer he perform private workouts. Thus far I am told the CHICAGO BEARS and Arizona Cardinals have shown the greatest amount of interest".



    What..... did someone just post this or was it just my mind playing tricks on me???? So we are going to give Russell a private workout huh......well that should ruffle a lot of feathers here

    Do you not read or do you just read too much into things? Where does it say he's going to be put through a private workout by the Bears? It says he'll have to have strong workouts and that the Bears have interest. It never says they have plans to do so.

  4. - Also during the combine I reported quarterback JaMarcus Russell was planning to hold a pro-day this Wednesday as part of his attempt at a comeback. Those plans have been put on hold as the teams interested in watching Russell prefer he perform private workouts. Thus far I am told the Chicago Bears and Arizona Cardinals have shown the greatest amount of interest. Russell, who tipped the scale at 311-pounds when he began his comeback attempt, is down around 280lbs and hopes the end up closer to 270-pounds when he works out for teams.

    per draftinsider.net

  5. Well if Russell get down to about his playing weight he will be good....the Giant had a back up QB from Kentucky and his playing weight was 275

    But Jared Lorenzen wasn't a fat, lazy piece of crap either. He was just a big guy. Russell was a tall, thick guy, similar to Cam Newton, who ate himself out of the NFL.


    The point wasnt talking about a third string QB , it about the pointless discussion of our priority should be replacing Moore and Idonije in the draft. Not a very intelligent outlook on our draft. DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING WE NEED TO DO,WITH OUR FIRST TWO PICKS IS REPLACE THEM? Thats just dump.

    No, the point of THIS thread is about Russell. The point of ANOTHER thread is about replacing Moore and Idonije.

  6. Carimi is one year removed from a bad knee injury, And you expect him to be a pro bowler after that? Suck is not the term I would use at all, Untested would be more fitting, Especially since he had a long offseason to rehab that leg. Base is most important in tackles along with feet, noway a knee with that injury would be full strength for you to call him Suck.

    He got hurt in week 2 of 2011 in what was said to be a 2-4 week injury. He never came back and so he had the remaining 15 weeks plus the whole offseason to get healthy. In camp he said he was fine, and then proceeded to be horrible. Right now, he sucks and is probably either a G in 2013 or on the bench.

  7. So how do YOU know he is not and upgrade over Moore?? Lewis is bigger,taller fastest and also plays special teams, and plays with and attitude.


    Moore 5'9 180 4.5 40, played CB/WR/ST in college

    Lewis 5'11 190 4.2 40, CB/WR/ST in college


    So i would say about even if Lewis learns the system and Moore was not a starter but played nickel and this will be the role for Lewis as well....we are not asking him to be a starter but maybe compete with Hayden for the job

    So, if I have this right- Lewis is taller, faster, heavier, and played the same positions IN COLLEGE that Moore did so he's a better football player?


    I think I know he's not an upgrade because he went undrafted in 2011. There's nothing wrong with that, but he's been on SIX (6) teams since. That's a lot of teams in 2 years. If he was an upgrade, why hasn't he stuck on a team? He has played in EIGHT career games. You found a highlight video of a game he had ONE time against Tampa Bay and now I'm supposed to think he's good? You've been tooting this guy's horn since February 11. Give it up. He'll be lucky to see the field one time this year on defense.

  8. I got my information from the fact they had very little money to work with this year. That they couldn't offer Urlacher a better contract.


    There may be 40 million open at the end of the year, but look at who all they have to sign. Cutler, Tillman, Gould, Garza, Melton, Jennings, Hester, Wright, Wooton, Webb and so on. Cutler, Jennings, Tillman, and Melton will take up around 30-40 mill a year average themselves. I'm sure they will back load it some, but that just hurts the future.

    I'm sure no one here will be upset if Garza, Hester, and Webb are not Bears in 2014.


    If they draft a CB and he's a stud, they'll probably let Tillman go too. If Cutler doesn't perform, he's likely gone as well and so is Wootton, most likely. They might even let Gould walk and take a K in round 5 or 6 next season.


    It's not like they're going to HAVE to keep all of these guys.

  9. I'm optimistic simply because the team has started making the right kind of moves. It's yet to be seen if those moves will pay off. The only productive addition last year was Brandon Marshall.


    This year is a year of change. A long standing team philosophy of defense first has been tossed a side. Trestman brings in a very brilliant offensive mind. He's had success on many levels, and hopefully that success can continue on with the Chicago Bears. It won't be easy.


    Jerry Angelo left behind a team in very bad shape. It seems weird to say that about a team that is constantly 8-8 or better. The stars on the team are old. Sadly, there isn't quality players being groomed to take over their positions. Their age not only means diminishing returns on their play, but also they eat up a larger amount of the cap. Where there are aging stars on the team, there is no depth. In places like the OL that needs starters, there is nothing but depth.


    Bushrod is a starter no doubt, but that came at a large price. The team has taken on many large contracts in the last few years. Sadly, once Forte was signed and Melton was tagged, the team doesn't have any players out playing their rookie contracts. Jerry Angelo brought in players with a high price tag like Peppers and Cutler, and now Emery has made his 2 high priced additions in Marshall and Bushrod.


    Between these additions and aging players, the Bears are in the worst place cap-wise that I can remember. This puts Emery in a very hard position. He's signing players with potential but they are what they are. They are bottom dollar cast offs from other teams. Hopefully they turn out, but if they do the Bears may be financially unable to resign them to new contracts.


    The looming contracts for Cutler and Melton will not help this in the future. QBs are being paid more and more every year. Flacco just set a new standard for non Elite QBs to be paid. This makes this years draft even that more important.


    The only way for Emery to succeed will be to draft well. Not just for the influx of talent, but also for financial savings of having starters on their rookie contract. That makes this years draft very important to the future of this team.


    I will give Emery time before I am overly critical of him. He inherited a team that was old, that needed starters at almost ever offensive position, and youth on defense. One that had a coach that was not in his future plans, and needing to change the culture and philosophy of a team that had little change in leadership in the last ten years. He's going to have to find ways to get money to spend, while not hindering the cap space in the future.


    It's a heavy load, and a tough road ahead for Mr. Emery. Hopefully his drafting knowledge and Trestman's offensive knowledge will not only meet but exceed the vision Emery has for this team. I for one am enjoying the ride so far. I can't wait to see this team once it has fully developed with the talent needed to fulfill their visions.


    This has lead to the team being in bad cap space.

    If they don't trade for or sign anymore guys, they will have about $40 million in cap space next year, so I'm not too sure where you got this information at.

  10. Izzy will be a loss for sure, but it makes me believe now that Paea and McClellin are in seasons where they must perform. No one will be complaining about losing Idonije if McClellin has 7 sacks and Paea is better up the middle.


    As for Moore, I find it hard to believe that's a big loss for the Bears. I believe they'll take a CB with one of their first 3 picks, even though that guy is probably not a future nickel. He'll compete with Hayden for the nickel spot in 2013. If he wins, he plays. If not, he plays if Hayden, Jennings or Tillman get hurt. If he shows promise, they might think about releasing Tillman after next year?

  11. here is the problem with signing Russel, that means we wasted our time on someone that wont amount to anything, instead of finding someone that might have some value. Vick and Burress actually had good years that would give them more value on taking a shot with them. I think maybe you should start a carnival and have TO, Russel,ect and travel around and show off there big egos, because the NFL is not the place to take lousy risks.

    TO had a good career, too.

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