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Posts posted by jason

  1. Got it. While I admit I have not seen him play, from what I have read, I am not a fan. I am a tad biased going in against WRs this year as everything seems to indicate this is simply not a good year for WRs.


    From what I have read, there is no questioning his size, but that is about the only part of his game that isn't questioned. He sounds, going off reports, like another in the line of WRs who were able to produce in college, based largely on his size, but it sure doesn't sound like he has the rest of the game to take it to the next level. Lack of route running is a big issue for me.


    I agree in some respects; however, isn't that essentially what all receiving tight ends are/do? He'd be a faster version with better hands. If the Bears had Hardy, it would force the opponents hands.


    They wouldn't be able to play zone, because there would be too many guys who can find the spaces. So they play man on man of some kind. That works to the Bears advantage because no defense in the NFL has the bodies to match up with the Bears' two tight ends AND a physical, 6'5" WR...and that's not even mentioning Marty Booker, who is the prototype for possession WRs IMHO.

  2. IF you truly think that Urlacher should care more about you worrying IN APRIL about your team than his own financial future, then you are selfish, and a jerk. That isn't name calling, its descriptive of an incredibly naive and twisted view of the world.


    Lastly, who do you think SHOULD get all the money flowing into the NFL? Are you in favor of Mike McCaskey keeping it all? Shouldn't a class act like Urlacher be getting his fair cut? Do you watch the Bears because of McCaskey or because of Urlacher? Which one has a bigger impact on the wins and losses? Players are the workhorses of the league, and if lesser players are getting paid more, if Ulracher's % of the salary cap is shrinking quickly, then he should get a new deal.


    If you really believe that nonsense, then there is no reason to even discuss this with you. That's the same tired garbage we hear all the time. Sorry, but that dog don't hunt.


    Urlacher does not have to worry about his future, his kids' futures, or their kids' futures. He has made more during his career than everyone on this board will make in their entire lives.


    Furthermore, by your logic every deal should be renegotiated every year. If the percentage is different from the year before, then a new deal is needed? Well, what about when a player is good enough to be kept around, but not nearly as good as the deal he signed? The team can't renegotiate in that case, can they?


    I just don't think you get it. It's not the raise people get frustrated with, it's the "secure future", "insulting offer", "it's not about the money" BS. Fine. Get a raise. Just don't attempt to stronarm the team when they could easily hold you to your contract. And when you ask for your raise, take into account that the end-goal is a championship, and if you want to get double your money, or some insane deal, there is a good chance the team is not going to get a championship.


    I think you have to ask yourself this question:

    At the end of the day, who do you think is happier?

    Player A: Got paid multi-millions, was a relatively good player, but not great, and has a fistfull of rings

    Player B: Got paid multi-millions, was a superstar, considered one of the best ever, and has no rings


    I'd rather be Player A, and any player in professional sports who says otherwise is just a greedy asswipe who is the definition of what angers average fans about professional sports.



    A: Scott Williams

    B: Karl Malone

  3. I really know little about Z...anything you can share?


    I've heard he has tackling issues and has coverage problems... Especially agasint good teams. He looked good agasint Navy I'm told, but who doesn't?


    What I know is this:

    -He doesn't appear to be fast, or get clocked fast, but he sure as hell runs away from and around people when returning punts. He's football fast.

    -He doesn't appear to be the biggest hitter, but he sure does jar the ball loose a lot.

    -He may not be the best in coverage, but he seems to be in an opportune spot a lot of the time.


    In all honesty, he reminds me of how I would describe Mike Brown. Not overly impressive in any way, just knows how to play football. The one obvious difference, however, is that Z seems to have problems with angles. He gets caught out of position at times, and it looks bad when he does. But the thing is, he always seems to be around the ball when it's important on fumbles and INTs.


    I would still love to see him in a Bears uniform. Many will say he dropped off, but I would say that his team just plain stunk. When you can't rely on your teammates to be in the right place, then your play is going to suffer, and you'll be put in odd situations.

  4. The addition of Allen would make them virtually a lock for top 5 honors in defense. With the Williams brothers in the middle, nobody runs on them. And with Allen on the edge, the passing game would have to set up quickly and get rid of it quickly. At that point, all they need to have is warm bodies that can tackle. Scary.


    And, while their offense may have glaring holes at QB, WR, and TE...what do you really need with a defense like that? The Bears proved in 2001 that with a dominating offense with two buddhas in the middle supporting a strong defense, even a retard can be the offensive coordinator and the team can still get double-digit wins.

  5. Hey, I said "make the board" happy. I didn't say it would make me happy.


    9th - Albert

    10th - Clady

    14 - Otah

    22 - Phillips

    28 - Brohm


    So I leave the 1st round w/ new LT, LG and RT. Combine these rookes w/ Kreutz and Garza, and we will have the most dominant OL in the league in one years time (give them a year to develop together). I take Phillips at 22, and immediatly insert him into the starting lineup. If this is going to be a developmental year, there is no reason not to get our developmental QB.


    2nd round goes to Curtis Lofton. Great fit to replace Urlacher.


    In the 3rd round we have 4 picks. I like that.


    70th - Forte (insert Smith if that is your preference). Benson will look great behind the OL I have built, but here is my 2 in the 1-2 punch.

    77th - Rachal - I continue to build my OL. Rachal could push Garza immediatly

    78th - Pat Sims - One of my favorite DTs in the draft. Gap shooter, and great fit for our system.

    90th - Quinten Demps - I like this safety, as I continue to upgrade our secondary.


    While I am not going to do the entire draft, I would like to point out my 4th round pick would be Jacob Hester, who will immediatly replace McKie.


    Clady - Albert - Kreutz - Rachal - Otah - This is an OL that should dominate for years to come. I like how Kreutz would be able to lead as the veteran, while the rest have an opportunity to develop and grow together, and w/ Kreutz as their mentor, they should be nasty.


    Besnon/Forte as my 1-2 punch w/ Jacob Hester blocking for them. Nice.


    Speaking of blocking and all, Imagine the above OL. Now imagine Clark on one side, and Olsen on the other. Benson and Hester in the backfield. Who is our receiver? Who cares? We are going to pound the ball right up the gut.


    Defense takes a hit w/ the losses of Urlacher and Harris, but we still have Briggs/Hunter, as well as our current youth (Williams/Okwo) and I really like Lofton.


    Sims may not be harris, but I like him, and after I give our DEs the green light, it will take pressure off Dusty and Sims.


    Phillips and Demps really upgrade this secondary.


    What do you think Jason?


    A bit over the top, but I smiled and laughed out loud while reading it. That would kick ass. I don't care who the Bears put in at RB with that type of OL. Actually, the first thing I thought of was Emmitt Smith. With that line, the Bears could have a average/good player who would, with any luck and health, turn into a 2,000 yd. per year player for several years. I honestly believe that. It would look like a 1990's Nebraska game as the Bears racked up 200+ yds. rushing every game, ate the clock up, and generally made it ugly. The fourth quarter would be completely ours.


    I'll have to think about this one...about what I would do with a blown up draft like that. But I have to admit, it wouldn't be too far off what you have. With that OL, and Hester as a FB, and two stud TEs, there would be GAPING holes to run through. A five yard gain would be a disappointment.

  6. Come on people. You really are a bunch of spoiled fans. These athletes bust their ass in an extremely competitive market. No team hesittes to cut them, and that says nothing of the thousands who just barely miss the cut at all.


    No, I say players should get paid as much as they can, and if threatening to holdout is the leverage that they have, the God bless them. its a market, the teams have their leverage too. They do the dance, and something fair comes out of it, or both suffer.


    As far as 'being a man of your word' and playing through a contract, no that's not reasonable. This is a market where renegotiations are part of the landscape. Everyoe knows it going in. When a player and a tema sign a deal, they both know that if the player outperforms it, they will have to renegotiate, and if a player underperforms it, he will get cut.


    I root for the Bears, but I also root for the players. Brian Urlacher didn't sit out last year because his back was screwed up, he played in pain, and gave what he had, even though the team was going nowhere. This IS a team guy. he deserves to get paid. Where should the money go if not to the players?


    I just can't understand people here who just want these guys to jump like monkeys, put their health on the line, and do it with a smile on their face when they could be making more money. I wouldn't.


    I hope Brian Urlacher gets PAID. I like that guy, and I want to see him succeed on the field and off. Anyone who disagrees is a selfish jerk who doesn't understand that these are human beings who have ascended to the highest ranking a very competitive and lucrative market. There is no profit sharing for them as there is for CEOs, no stock options that allow them to share in the increasing television revenues. So if the market allows them to renegotiate, if you are a fan, you should root for them.


    I do.


    I happen to think your view of things is incredibly warped.


    The majority of fans want these guys to play for what they signed for, within reason. Keep in mind that they are getting paid MILLIONS, and that even one season on the field is enough to support their family for the rest of their lives (let alone future generations).


    The teams don't hesitate to cut them?! Are you serious? If anything, they constantly hesitate. Why...you may ask? Well, for one, the salary cap is a tool that not only players' ability to "get paid" - as you put it - but it also hinders the ability of the owners to make moves (because of the stupid cap hits). And where do these cap hits come from? Why is there such confusion of it all? Oh, that's right, because these guys get MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR GUARANTEES AT THE FRONT END OF THEIR CONTRACTS!!!


    Calling nearly every other fan who doesn't agree with you a selfish jerk is preposterous. I don't give a shit if they have ascended to the highest level of anything. The point is, they already get paid MILLIONS, and it pisses of regular guys like me who don't make anywhere near millions. The truth is, most fans would play for a small percentage of what these guys get paid, and they have gone beyond the point at which they take it for granted.


    Most probably don't disagree with raises or renegotiations. What we get pissed off about is the whining about being disrespected, the complaints of being underpaid, and the over-all callous nature with which these guys handle their financial affairs.


    What is the point of the contract if the reason the employer signs it is to get a player locked up long-term by giving a player big money up front, and then after the front-loaded money is gone the player starts bitching?

  7. I am tired of these players not wanting to play under the contracts they signed, and am ready to deal w/ the situation.


    Urlacher - NO desperatly wants to upgrade at LB, and has even been talked about trading up in this weak LB draft to get Rivers. Instead, we offer them one of the best LBs in the game. NO sends us their 1st (10th overall) and 3rd.


    Harris - Cincy needs a DT in the worst way, and is also talking about trading up as Ellis may not fall to them, and the dropoff after Ellis is deep. Cindy sends us their 1st (9th overall) and 3rd (they have two).


    Hester - Yes, that is right. I am going to deal the windy city flier. I do not think his value will ever be higher. He is the games best return man, and could become a good WR too. I do not believe he will ever be a great WR, as I do not believe he will ever become a consistent enough player at WR, but he could be very dangerous in that regard. Dallas' top two needs are for a return man and WR. They are looking at RB, but that is due to what is there in the draft more than pure need, as they have Barber. Hester definitely fills their need as a returner, and w/ Romo and TO, he would be in a far better position to develop as a WR. For Hester, they send both of their 1st round picks.


    So we give up a ton, but also enter the draft w/ 5 picks in the 1st round, including 3 in the top 14. We have 4 picks in the 3rd as well. We these picks, we can make the board happy by adding both OL (Clady w/ the 9th) and RB (Mendenhall w/ the 10) in the 1st round. We can add a DT like Balmer at 14, and maybe grap the WR/returner Jackson w/ one of Dallas' picks to fill a pair of needs of our own. W/ my final 1st round pick, I add Kenny Phillips to start at S. No LB added, but none worthy, and I give Williams and Okwo and opportunity to fill the position.


    Point is, I blow it up and infuse this team w/ a ton of young talent. If we keep all these veterans, this may not be a great year anyway, so blow it up and start developing youth for a long run after this year.


    Without that pesky salary cap, and the RICOCKULOUS contracts first rounders get, this is a great idea. I'd hate to see the stars go, but it would be interesting to see what could be done with that kind of first round firepower.


    On the other hand...

    We these picks, we can make the board happy by adding both OL (Clady w/ the 9th) and RB (Mendenhall w/ the 10) in the 1st round.


    SCREW THAT! If the Bears had the 9th and the 10th, then they might as well trade Tait away for something, and pick up Otah AND Clady! And we STILL pickup Rachal in the third!!! Hell, Benson could turn into the league MVP with an OL like that!!!



  8. Easy for me. I like Z. He's tough, and could fit in well. I think his measurables are not the same as his football measurables.


    I don't know much about Barrett. But for a guy to have that much going for him, and still be considered a mid to late rounder, that makes me think of the old saying: Look like Tarzan, play like Jane.

  9. This garbage has gotten out of hand in the NFL. I think there needs to be much more severe punishments available to owners for these greedy ass, insubordinate players.


    Miss a practice? 10K

    Miss two? 100K

    Miss three 500K


    And so on...


    Since they are so damn worried about the money, maybe if they started to take a hit in the wallet they would start showing up and shutting their mouths.


    Speaking of that...


    Bad mouth the organization or anyone in it? 10K

    Twice: 100K



    And don't give me this freedom of speech nonsense...if anyone in any other job constantly made public the fact that they were unhappy with their salary, intimating that the employers have underpaid them and/or are cheap, that person would get a pink slip.

  10. Given Urlacher's history, and the fact that he seems to shy away from the media in absolutely every way similar to this, something doesn't seem right. I agree with barnesat; there is just simply wrong with this article.


    It's too forward.

    -Threatening to retire? Highly unlikely for someone who seems to love it so much and hasn't made a fuss up to this point.

    -Demanding more money? This is possible, but I doubt Urlacher would take the media route given his track-record and loyalty. He knows he's the face of the team right now.

    -Threatening the hold out? If anything, it will be to rest up and save a battered body. We'll see when all the offseason stuff roles around, but I doubt it.

    -NFL "insider" who says what Urlacher is "doing" is a joke? How often do the NFL "insiders" make statements this harsh? Almost never. How often does the "insider" turn out to be some guy's cousin who works as a janitor? Quite a bit of the time.

    -The speculation of a players' revolt if he doesn't get paid? Come on...that's the straw that broke the camel's back.


    The verbage is wrong. The wording is too strong, tense, hostile.


    I think this is a test piece to see if the fans would react the same way as they have with the Briggs and Hester situations. I think this is a fabrication to see the reaction.


    Urlacher may be negotiating a new contract, but I don't think this is even remotely close to the truth. It's basically Jemele Hill from ESPN ghost-writing for the Sun.

  11. Love it!! I don't think Brohm will be there, but if he is, he better be ours. Love the Simpson pick, however, I'd rather we go with Rachal or Schuening instead of Smith, as Smith will be there in the 4th.


    My sentiments exactly. Smith in the 3rd, no thanks. I'd rather see the Bears fill up the OL depth with a stud OG that is sure to be there. Like you, I think it's very possible that Rachal or Schuening will be there.

  12. I don't hate them for their contracts. Like you, I'm just jealous.


    What I do hate them for, is their greed. They get these multi-million dollar contracts, and they don't honor them. They get all their money up front, and then cry and whine about being underpaid. They turn down millions and say that they are offended by the offers. It's as if they all forgot what it was like to be un-rich.


    I feel that the honoring of contracts is just like a contract you or I would sign. That's why it's a contract. Sure, money goes up, and people get raises. But it's just that all too often, these guys want extraordinary raises, whereas we get a small percentage. If they do well, they should get a raise, but what they typically ask for is ridiculous.

  13. I believe that a lot of the time, if you want to get the true superstars, you have to take more chances than the Bears do with high-risk/high-reward guys.


    I'm willing to overlook all the problems a guy has (as long as they are relatively minor), when the guy is destroying other teams on the field.


    It hasn't been too long ago that I mentioned on the other board that it was a distinct possibility to get both Randy Moss and Terrell Owens. I was roundly criticized for even the thought. I guess that's how many fans feel. I, however, am willing to sacrifice all for a Super Bowl and a great team. I could care less years from now if someone said, "Yeah, but you guys had a team full of thugs and douche-bags." Just like Cowboy fans of today, and their multiple championships to celebrate, I am pretty sure I wouldn't care.

  14. Bears | Hester reportedly unhappy with contract

    Wed, 16 Apr 2008 20:19:34 -0700


    Brad Biggs, of the Chicago Sun-Times, reports Chicago Bears WR Devin Hester is reportedly unhappy with his contract, according to NFL Network's Deion Sanders. Sanders said, "They're looking for tremendous things from this guy, Devin Hester, but Devin Hester isn't happy with his contract and he deserves to be paid amongst the league's best." The team has only had preliminary talks with Hester's agent, Eugene Parker.


    Deserves to be paid amongst the league best what?! Return men? WRs?


    I admit that I absolutely love Hester as a player. He's possibly the most dangerous guy in the game. HOWEVER, he still doesn't know where to line up on offense when he's in there. So, other than a return man, what can the Bears judge him as? What can they pay him as?


    To me, this screams of a pampered athlete with an asshole agent renigging on a contract yet again. It's funny that they always want to renegotiate halfway through the contract for some obscene difference, but the team's can't dump them without losing out. It's also funny to me that the majority of the contracts are front-loaded so that the guys get the majority of the "X million per year" contract, but want to renegotiate after the big years are behind.


    This is the kind of stuff that makes average joes like me hate athletes. Honor your contract. If you want a raise, fine...here's your 3% a year.

  15. Hate it.


    For as many people think that there are so many holes, to trade up to get Mendenhall would not be that good of an idea in my opinion. Especially if we have to give up the depth picks that would be the core of our draft.


    I'd much rather get a RB in the 3rd or 4th, and keep the draft picks as is to fill up with depth and other holes.

  16. What it should have been if the other picks played out relatively similar:

    1) OT Chris Williams - or Branden Albert if someone is going for the upside pick.

    2) WR Devin Thomas - This pick shapes the rest of the draft. There should be a ton of talent left, but it's possible a certain position is sucked dry. In this case, it appears that the top-end WR talent is still there. I don't like the way the draft played out for the Bears, but at this point I think Thomas is good.

    3a) OG Chilo Rachal - Possibly the best OG in the draft

    3b) RB Matt Forte - Solid RB pickup in case Benson drops further

    4) OG Mackenzy Bernadeau - I don't mind this pick. Either that, or more OL depth with T Kirk Barton from Ohio State.

    5) S Tom Zbikowski - Sure, he has his faults. But to get him in the fifth round is pretty good. He is a smart, tough player, and could very well start over most other guys on the team. At least he understands angles and tackling.

    6) QB Dennis Dixon - This guy pretty much had the Heisman wrapped up, and was a slightly slower Vick, but with more accuracy before the injury. This is a HUGE upside pick.

    7) This is purely for depth. DT, DE, WR, maybe another OL is what I'd go for. Whatever floats JA's boat.


    On a side note, I wouldn't mind it terribly if the Bears picked up Dennis Dixon in the 5th, and then grabbed Jacob Hester in the 6th.

  17. Aside from pretty much the first round, I hate it.


    I will be upset with Felix Jones in the second when there is Forte in the late third. And I won't even mention the fact that Chris Johnson is better...and several other better values later.

    I will be upset with JD Booty in the third when there is Josh Johnson, Brennan, Ainge, and Dixon still out there.


    I would despise this draft.

  18. I wouldn't mind seeing him in a Bears uniform. He's tough, has a good head, hits fairly well, and can be used on special teams - specifically as an up-man when teams try to pooch short to avoid Hester.


    The one down side, however, is that he's slow. He just doesn't seem to have the top-end speed to keep up with the WRs. If he bites the wrong way on a move, that's 6 for the other team.

  19. You wont find me defending AP or Benson either. I know all three guys have serious holes in their games and thats why I dont really think any of them are even close to every down backs.


    Everyone salivating over Wolfes awesomeness I have yet to hear a REASONABLE use for him. OK, he obviously isnt going to be the starter or even the change of pace back. Were not gonna run him up the middle and we arent going to have him in on passing downs. So IF he comes in, what is it gonna be for? To run a sweep or some kind of screen pass? If he is used like that he will have the same effectiveness of when we would bring in Hester for a check pass and he would be tackled for a loss. So you can sit here and talk about his POTENTIAL, but when I say he will fizzle away its because WE dont have a use for him. He wont be our change of pace back, he wont return kicks, he wont be a short yardage back. If we do draft a back in the first 4 rounds when exactly do you guys see Wolfe getting the carries?


    Why is he obviously not going to be a starter or a change of pace back? I believe it's incredibly short-sighted, and possibly a bit on the hater side of things, to assume that he can't fill the change of pace back role...let alone the possibility of becoming an every down back. Surely isn't his blocking, receving, speed, or moves...because he rivals or exceeds the other RBs in each department.


    You pose a good question, however. IF the Bears draft a RB in the first 4 rounds, Wolfe may well be squeezed on carries. I happen to think that drafting a RB in the first 4 rounds is a mistake in most cases (considering the Bears' draft this year).


    Why do you think he is so ill-equipped to run up the middle? Is it his size? Or is it the limited action he saw last year that has shaped your opinion? IF it's the action last year, then surely you realize that nearly no RB could gain yards effectively between the tackles with a broke-down, ineffective OL. Give him an OL that actually blocks efficiently, and I believe Wolfe (and just about any RB who has the talent to make it to the NFL) can do well.


    So which is it? Do you dislike having Wolfe on the team because:

    1) He's a little RB

    2) He didn't produce last year to what you expect, and wouldn't with more action

    3) He doesn't fit the system/coaching

  20. Welcome back Grouchy.


    We are nearly all frustrated with how the coaching staff develops and uses players.


    Benson on a sweep! Wolfe up the middle! Muhsin Muhammed running deep! Where is Olsen in the red zone? Why is the screen so impossible to coach and execute? Etc., etc., etc.

  21. I'm laughing at some of the points made about Wolfe ...can't consistently make a guy miss....can't run over a guy...can't pass protect well...etc. All are things AP struggles with.


    Let's also not forget that they are things that the first round talent Cedric Benson greatly struggles with. Benson makes nearly nobody miss. Benson falls down with very little contact; he takes less for his size than Wolfe has shown. And he's not a real reliable blocker.

  22. I didn't like him in the draft, and felt he was a bad pick then. He is a bear now, and I happily cheer for him, but at the same time, I think you are missing the point. The point is not so much whether people "like" him or not, but how we see our roster playing out.


    Assume for the moment Angelo and Lovie do in fact plan to keep him for another year to give him one more shot, which I think is a more than reasonable assumption.


    Now, assume we draft a RB w/in the first three rounds. There is no guarantee for this, but the way Angelo has talked, and based off expectations, I think this is also a fair assumption.


    So if we do this, two roster spots are basically locks.


    This leaves one of two options. Option one is a choice between Wolfe and AP. Option two is we carry 4 RBs. Options two is possible, but when have we done this before? While it is possible, I think it more likely we still carry three RBs, and thus, we are back to option one.


    So do we carry Wolfe or AP? Lovie is AP's biggest fan. AP has more experience, is a more all around RB, and is (now that Ayenbadejo is gone) probably our best special teams player. Personally, it would not be the end of the world if we kept Wolfe over AP, but at the same time, I think AP would have a considerable edge.


    So it isn't so much an issue of "liking" Wolfe or not, but a numbers issue. If we only keep 3 RBs and we draft a RB relatively early, who is the odd man out. If that situation does come to pass, I think Wolfe could find himself on the outside looking in.


    Which is just one more reason why I don't like the idea of drafting a RB in the first four rounds, let alone in the first.


    Fix the OL and the entire offense will look better. Cedric Benson will look stronger, AP will look like more of a workhorse, and Wolfe will look faster. The WRs will look more dynamic and the QB will look more accurate.


    Fix the OL.

  23. Jason:


    You certainly are entitled to have your opinion but that does not make you necessarily right or this selection horid unless RM turns out to be CB. The Broncos have a lot of needs on OFF and DEF and while Sedrick Ellis is a good prospect; he is not flawless and there is good DT depth available later in the draft and that is why I could not pass on a stud RB like Mendenhall (who should also reward the Broncos for the risk of moving up and losing a 4th rd pick).


    You can say what you want about the Broncos having Henry (durability and off the field issues), Bell and Young who also were injured last year are nice role players but nothing special. I could not take a WR that high at least with this years talent pool and there are offensive lineman that the broncos like that will be available later.


    Every year there are a few radically twist to the draft that will often raise a few eye brows but lets see how the rest of the draft unfolds before you bang to hard on the 1st round pick.


    Agreed. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And every year someone makes a wild move that throws off the course of the draft. And it is my opinion, that if this move played out in real life, it would go down as one of the worst trades and then picks in draft history. I believe every single draft "expert" would criticize the move (not that I really respect them).


    As an experiment, I went to three different Broncos message boards. To be quite honest, I was shocked to see some people thinking of going the RB route in the first. It validated the pick, somewhat. However, many more Broncos' fans criticize the move, pointing to the same thing I have mentioned.


    To each his own, I guess.

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