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Everything posted by Drunkntailgater

  1. My latest goofy video, proving that I saw this record and this game being what it is 4 weeks ago. Detroit has a rougher ride at the 2nd half of their season too. So it looks good for us my friends! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5sX6n5htyo
  2. It's kinda funny all the music Prince had influence on at that time. Not only was he everything behind Sheena Ealston, Shelia E, Vanity 6, but he also wrote "Nothing Compares to U" for Shenade O'conner, and also wrote Manic Monday for the Bengals while he was all hot and bothered for their lead singer Susanna Hoffs. (Which I don't think anyone in the world won't wanna tap that) LOL!!!!! I'm a music nut too.....I've DJ'd wedding, dance clubs and yes.......nudity bars! And, believe it or not, but I have a picture of me scratching it up in the Cadillac Club of Soldier Field too!
  3. LOL......Thanks! I was trying to show off some of my editing skills by using my green screen and the chroma key feature with this one! Could you tell I was thinking about Beverly Hills Cop 1 when I put it together?
  4. Just thought I would toss my post game video up on this thread. Of course this is all in fun and I'm directing this video to a certain group of youtube video makers, so keep that in mind when you watch this. You may not get some of the humor if you don't follow the other people. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCcCS-1Fq78...eature=youtu.be But on a serious note, Philly is stacked with talent that has not been properly used by the lack of experience in some of their coaching staff. In particular the Defensive Coordinator. The thought of them converting an Offensive line coach to a Defensive Coordinator boggles the living hell out of me.
  5. I decided to copy some of the Eagles fans videos off of youtube and have some fun with them. These guys have all seen me on there before and rather expected it. If you're interested in watching my goofy video......enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-bTOxs2eak
  6. Not really changing my stance....maybe a bit regretful of the extremely harsh comments I have left him on his youtube page, or comment on another message board about him. Really, at one point I said the "Idiot should die of ass cancer". LOL.....so yes I've been immature, but I guess that is how feelings fly off the handle when you have this type of passion for your favorite Sport, Team or your Childhood Heroes. If the guy turned around and proved he was a true Bears fan and wrote a Biography on Sid Luckman.....then I might believe that he's really a Bears fan! Hell, even I would buy that book! LOL I still won't read the book. I just feel that it wasn't put together or told from someone close to Walter, yes he may have interviewed a ton of people that Walter knew, but this story does not come from someone that was there threw thick and thin during those moments of his life. And there are far too many people still around that know and love Walter that could have put together a Biography their self. But I can be and asshole from time to time.......Ever see a Drunk Tailgater that didn't have vulgarity spewing from the mouth? LOL......may be Drunk and Vulgar, but always passionate about my that team!
  7. I really don't think this is Martz doing conservative play calling as much as I think it is Cutler looking for physical self preservation for his own well-being. Martz is known to call 7 step drop passes while the team is up by 14,17 or 21 points. As far as we know, Jay may be switching certain play calls to shorter, quicker, hot routes so he doesn't have to stay in a collapsing pocket for soooo long. Cutler is the best QB that we've seen in this City since Luckman, and I believe Cutler will break just about every franchise record we got. He is the franchise now......if he's doing that to physically save his self, I've got no problem with what he's doing.
  8. The biggest question I keep asking myself is, "Why?" Every time I see something new with Jeff Pearlman, it even has me questioning his love of the sport. I've always believed that a good Biography has been put together from someone close to that person, maybe hiring a writer to put their story together for them. Or someone that would have a true, genuine interest, such as a fan. The fact that he's shocked about the price to park at a N.Y. Giants game and now a video of him doing phone interviews (clearly wearing a red jersey which looks like an alternate Giant's jersey) makes me believe that he isn't even a Bears fan at all. When Walter played, Pearlman was either in 1st or 2nd grade, so that tells me that he never REALLY watched Walter play in a game. (I was lucky enough to draw interest in football in 5th grade back in 85) The one thing I will give Pearlman credit for now is, I have never seen someone take to the internet like this to defend his work. From answering people bashing him on twitter to tracking people down on message boards, he sure is persistent on trying to insure people that his work is legitimate. (And yes, I do believe this is him on this board) When word of this book came out I was enraged, being the "Over the Top" fan that I am. When I read the excerpts from SI and saw the TV interviews from my childhood heroes discrediting his book, I probably got more pissed off than the average fan and took some offensive jabs at Pearlman, again being overly outspoken. If he does answer me back on this board about his motives, if he's even a Bears fan and why, or to what extent he interviewed the family members like Jarrett or Brittany, I would probably have to apologize to the guy for acting the immature part that that I did. I'd probably consider the book from him, but would more than likely decline, and wish him luck from here on. I have to say, the last couple weeks have had my thoughts and emotions about this book on one hell of a roller-coaster ride of frustration. LOL
  9. For some reason, Pompei seems to be the new Marrinelli. Everytime the guy writes an article he ticks me off a little bit more.
  10. Ok....I have to apologize, I did not read the lengthy novel you posted all the way through before I posted my reply. So you mean to tell me that Connie is publically lying, and you can quote people that will admit that Connie and this Mistress met? And you are telling me that you did an interview with Jarrett Payton? It looks to me now like you are saying Bud said he "Pounded his self with pain killers" like most atheletes did? Are you saying that Bud Holmes did not say that "Walter abused drugs"? Because the exerpts that you allowed to be published in SI sure sounds more like that. And if those are false, exaggerated exerpts that are in SI, why are you not seeking legal action?
  11. OK....if this is Jeff, which I can believe that it is because you have been known for posting on Chicago Bear fans Message Boards to get more publicity for your book, why didn't you answer my question and then block me on twitter? You say that I'm bashing this without getting the full story by not reading it myself, yet the exerpts that you allowed to be released in SI clearly state that in your book that you are claiming that Bud Holmes said that Walter "Abused Drugs". Which is something that Holmes has come out publically saying that he never said that. My second arguement, which is not only in the book but the interview you did with someone from ChiCitySports.com where you claim that Connie Payton met with Walter's Mistress, the mother of his "out of wed-lock" child at the HOF induction. Again, Connie has gone public saying that she never met any "other" women at the HOF induction. These are two major acusation that are fueling the fire to this book. And I would chose to believe Bud Holmes telling me what he said, and Connie herself telling me what she did. As far as I'm concerned, these are two things proven false in your book, from the exerpts alone which discredits its validity. Why would anyone even want to start reading a book which they know will have false accounts to his life? Your recent youtube video with you ranting from your car makes me curious to know...."How big of a football fan are you really?" you were shocked when you found out it costs $30 to park for a NY Giants football game near where people tailgate. Anyone that goes to NFL games in major cities know that $30 for parking is where the cheapest parking lots are. A lot of people will pay from $75-$275 in certain places just to park and tailgate. So even as far as being a football fan, have you ever even gone to a game? As far as me being an anonymous tweeter.....to most computer literate Bears fans, I'm all over Google like the plague and very easy to get a message to. All you would have to do is ask anyone on these boards about my youtube page, my tweeter, or getting a hold of me on places like this message board. Because you tracked me down on here, and went out of your way to do it, all I'll ask of you is to answer my questions about Holmes and Connie Payton's discredit to your exerpts. Depending on that, I will consider sending you my personal information. You do like to vlog? Maybe you would just want to get on cam, and make a video explaining your end of the discredits from Holmes and Payton? I would have no problem getting on cam and answering you.....I really hate beating these keyboards to death.
  12. I know.....I'm repeating my self. This guy has me enraged!
  13. My biggest argument is that Connie has already denied meeting a Mistress at the HOF and Bud Holmes denies that he said Walter Payton abused drugs. These are two of the major highlights that was bought up in his book, and they have already been discredited. Why in hell would anyone want to read a book that they know already has false information? Then when I bring this up to the author, he blocks me! But when you ask him about it, he'll say "You should read the book first before you pass judgement". He's not getting my damn money! I hope he rots in hell.
  14. Here is a screen cap of my conversation with Jeff Pearlman today. When I asked about if Connie meeting a mistress at the HOF was in his book (which it is) he blocked me. Connie has publicly come out and said that this event never happened. As far as I'm concerned, this false statement in his book and the fact that he quotes Bud Holmes of saying that Walter Payton abused drugs, which he also denies, tells me this book is garbage and full of lies. If you question him about his book, you'll get an answer. And that answer always seems to be "Read the Book" then comment. In other words, make his ass some money reading a book of lies, then tell him it sucks. Here's my screen cap. http://twitpic.com/72fne1 Enjoy...and tell me your thoughts please. P.S. He also made a youtube video talking about how it wouldn't have been a good idea for him to pass out flyers about his book at Soldier Field with all the angry Bears Fans. I'm planning on making a video response! LOL (evil laugh)
  15. If Martz had the talent he had in St. Louis here, he'd be a great OC. But in hindsite right now, I wish the Bears grabbed Charlie Weis when they had the chance. Hell, Sorry Charlie even stated that he had intrests in Chicago. You can all see how bad KC is doing without him this year. Sorry Charlie sucked as a HC of Notre Dame, but he is an Offensive play calling God when he focuses on nothing but the offense.
  16. Merriweather has turned into a waste of money. How the heck could have he been a probowler last year? He just trys to hit people with his helmet, and I don't think he believes in wrapping his arms around a player to tackle them because I have yet to see it! I don't know much about Conte and don't remember seeing anything of him at Bourbonais, but I am curious to see what he'll do out there.
  17. It just seems to me that it is way to early to think all doom and gloom. Detroit is a beatable team and they have some tough teams ahead of them. And I feel that there is no way in hell Detroit will win the next time they play us in Chicago. Everything rests on these next two games. If the Bears can beat a pathetic Vikings team here in Chicago, then win at what could be considered an extra Home game in London against a mediocure Bucs team....the Bears could still have a competitive season. Their Record will be 5-3 by week 8 which was exactly where it was last year. I've got faith in Tice and that the guy can work wonders with the crap he's been handed. He got the job done last year, and when Carimi is back in the lineup we'll see improvements again. It just baffles me that fans will think that it is so easy for an organization to fire managment less then a year after giving them extentions. Angelo and Lovie would have to cuss out Virgina McCaskey and take a dump in the middle of Hallas Hall in order to get fired this season. Even then......I doubt if the family would just let that money they spent go.
  18. The Bears have two winable games in the next two weeks with the Vikings and the Bucs. If the Bears win both games, they will have the same record they had last season at week 8. I still don't feel that all hope is lost. When Carimi comes back, Garza and Spencer fill their right positions, something could turn around for this offensive line. Yet, we will still be lacking that #1 WR that we so desperatly need. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4-G1She7Yo
  19. Cutler has been a mobil style QB. His style of play would be better if he was in a scheme like Steve Young had back in the day. Something where you use a moving pocket and the QB gets a chance to roll out and throw on the move. This has been said over and over, but a QB can only play to his potential when the Offensive scheme matches the QB's style of play. Perfect example. Look at the Florida Gators. John Brantley looked like crap running a Tim Tebow style offense. They brought in Charlie Weis (who should have come here) and Brantley's numbers have about double what he did last season.
  20. Now this is the article I've been waiting to see. It was only a matter of time! Read this short article. At the end it states that Walter Payton's agent (Bud Holmes) that was quoted in the Biography "May seek legal action if he feels he was misquoted." And denies saying that Walter was an addict or addicted to drugs. http://www.csnchicago.com/10/01/11/Paytons...&feedID=626 Legal action is all the more reason that Jarrett will not comment on twitter or his Radio Shows about this book. I hope justice is served!
  21. OK.....I did that. Yes, Roy Williams rather sucks. But that is not going to stop me from going back to youtube and watching Theismans leg break over and over again! Theisman is still a Jag. LOL.......just had to post this!
  22. I think the last thing any of us want to see this Sunday is Steve Smith being matched up against Steltz!
  23. MadLithuanin this was a good post. I'm happy to see other people are as ticked off about it as I am too. In my oppinion this guy isn't nothing but a journalistic version of a Grave Robber.
  24. This sucks.......we could have really used him this game! And you know damn well that he was looking forward to it too.
  25. I've already argued my points on this topic over at the other message board. I'm glad to see everyone here shares the same feelings over this subject.
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