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Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Posts posted by Ed Hochuli 3:16

  1. We need a homerun hitter... Rice does not provide us that.

    I understand that, but I think an OL is a bigger need then RB, and I think if Rice stays at Rutgers, JA would be tempted and might snatch Rashard at 14, which I think would be dumb, so with this now we should go after Rice, but only in the 3rd round or later. I think Ced can be good with an OL, so if we do in fact improve the OL and he still sucks, then we'd have Rice or Peterson.

  2. That is a good one; I love going on youtube and seeing all the Hester videos. I wish somebody would update one with all of his returned TD (not the receptions), and even though the ProBowl one wasn't a TD, I want that to be on there, too. The ProBowl one, even though it wasn't a TD like I said, is probably his most impressive return. He shakes Polamalu like 3 times!

  3. Maybe this should be phrased differently. What is the dream offseason for the SALARY CAP era

    Then don't sign Ayanbedejo, don't sign Briggs (we have Jamar and Okwo), don't sign Berrian too a LONG term, just about 2 years $12 million, and sign Starks instead of Faneca who is probably cheaper. Better?

  4. Green isnt the universal color for sarcasm, just in the soxtalk.com/bearstalk/talkbulls universe as far as I know.


    Sometimes you gotta let them know that it means sarcasm, maybe put it in the Bearstalk sticky thread at the top of the page

    There ya go. Besides that, I just don't get the joke Bears88 tried to tell with the whole Kiper thing, but OK...

  5. If I recall correctly, he was more in the 96 range but his fastball had tons of movement on it, and his slider or curve was filthy. If he adds an above average changeup, while still learning how to be a pitcher, we are looking at a future ace here. I am telling everyone here right now, DLS will be making the White Sox look silly when we face him in 1-3 years.

    So I guess his potential was to be a Carlos Marmol type pitcher?

  6. I'm watching the Steelers game against Jacksonville and so far in the first half Faneca's pass protection is not impressing me. I've been on board with the idea of picking him up in FA but his performance right now isn't giving me confidence in signing him. At least twice I've seen him spun around backwards while pass protecting and a few times he's come off his man and to assist the LT and then his man ran in and hurried or sacked Rothleisberger. Of course 30 min is too little time to make a judgment on a player and he was selected to the Pro Bowl.

    Right, but what impresses me about Alan is his run blocking, not his pass blocking. His pass blocking is under-rated- his run blocking over shadows it.

  7. Just not with #14. If we can trade down and still pick him up in the 20s, then fine.

    I agree. If we could possibly trade down to a playoff team, like JAX, we could get their pick, and their 2nd round pick. That way we could take Mendenhall, then Oher (or a different OL).

  8. I despise this move. You should never trade 2 potential no. 2's or aces without at least getting pitching in return, and please don't include a young sweet swinging lefty with loads of potential on top of it. Call me crazy, but Sweeney and DLS will be haunting us for a while. I saw DLS in that summer minor league all-star game, I forget the name of it, and DLS has pure nasty stuff. I hate how people say, "well he's 2-3 years away, and we don't even know if he will be good." DLS is the best pitching we have had in a while and we will really regret trading him. And I hate it when you trade a natural like Ryan Sweeney. He has a natural swing and just has loads of talent. Give me a freakin break if you think he will suck because he hit a bump in the road when he was 21 in AAA and in a cup of coffee in the bigs.

    I heard he threw 98-99 consistently and his curve ball was absolutely nasty...

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