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Posts posted by Pixote

  1. I'd be curious how Maye's collegiate stats compare to NFL Top 10 Franchise QBs' collegiate stats.

    Did his collegiate career stats indicate that, although not as impressive as those of Williams' stats, he could still be a top-tier franchise quarterback? 

    This is crazy. One day, I wake up and feel convinced we absolutely MUST draft Williams at #1.

    The next day I wake up to decide we MUST trade down to #2, rape Washington for a boatload of picks, and draft Maye.

    Then I question if we should just maximize trade downs to get as much draft capital as possible and pick up a QB as a wild-card project behind Fields.

    In other words, I have no idea what we SHOULD do.

  2. Does anyone have info on how Mongo is doing, health-wise? 

    Last I heard, he had been admitted to a hospital and diagnosed with pneumonia. That was last August.

    Last I saw a photo of him, it was painful to see how he had progressed with ALS.

    I pray he will be able to view, if not attend in person or remotely, the HOF induction.


  3. Here is one mock draft that was published on nbcsportschicago.com. It was done light-heartedly, but IMHO, it could be quite possible (I hope). The only thing I didn't like about their selections was a 2nd WR taken in the 3rd round without the OL Center position being addressed.

    Bears mock draft: Poles passes on Caleb Williams, trades No. 1 pick

    I apologize in advance if I posted this before. I have had a lot of personal stuff going down lately and find my memory a bit faulty as of late. It was too much for my old mind to process. ;-(

    It involves a trade with Washington with Huge capital offered, a selection of Maye, and then a trade of Fields to Tampa Bay. Check it out.


  4. I see there are things about this that make me excited.

    1) If multiple teams are bidding against each other, it raises the value of the pick in trade.

    2) I honestly believe Washington will try to outbid everyone for the right to select Williams.

    3) If we trade the pick to Washington, it would put us in a position to draft Maye, who I believe has every bit as good a chance to be a top 5 QB in the NFL as Williams, and get a ton of draft capital to use to build our next Super Bowl roster.

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if Washington offered us a minimum of their #2 pick, along with their 2nd round pick received from us for Sweat and their 1st round selections for 2025 & 2026.

    Williams "might be" the better of the two QBs, but Maye is an awesome prospect without the "possible" issues of size (exactly how tall is Williams? We'll soon find out at the combine) and intangibles (such as his personality traits and domineering father).



  5. Great Site, Thanks for the link.

    I don't know if we have enough forum members who are active posters to pull this idea off, but let me throw something out to be considered. What if we all ranked players in the different roster positions to be drafted this year? Then, with that info, we would create our own big board for the Bears draft room. It would need to be updated with the latest info gathered from the combine, so the final board wouldn't be set until after we found out how they performed at the combine, the latest rumors, and what Poles does in FA.

    Also, if we did this, who would be game to lead the project? I do not know the NCAAF players declaring for the draft since I watch very few college games. It would give us a focal point to kill time waiting for the draft, and maybe, cross my fingers, distract from the petty squabbling going on.

    Just a thought.


  6. 1 minute ago, BearFan PHX said:

    Thats worth more than a second round pick, I'd take it in a heartbeat.

    If the Bears were to trade Fields, and we were lucky enough to get Crosby in a trade, it would be awesome to match him up with Sweat.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

    I’d be interested in any type of trade that includes Crosby.  Just as long as Maye isn’t the QB at the end.  🤢

    Don’t tell Magnolia I said that. 😝

    LOL, You don't like Maye?

  8. 4 hours ago, Stinger226 said:

    Found it interesting that Kingsbury is now being considered for the Washington OC job. Are the ducks lining up for Williams in Washington. Interesting. 

    Sure enough. I just read an article:

    Kliff Kingsbury's flip could add new wrinkle to Bears' upcoming QB decision

    That speculates:

    1) Washington is preparing to make a run at trading for our #1 pick to select Williams to give Kingsbury "his man."

    2) This would put the Bears on the clock to draft Drake Maye, who many think is as good or not better than Williams.

    3) That it would further put the Raiders at the top of the list to trade for Fields because, as I quote from the article:


    Kingsbury's about-face with the Raiders also reopens Las Vegas as a potential landing spot for Justin Fields should the Bears trade him. Raiders assistant general manager Champ Kelly was the Bears' assistant director of player personnel when Ryan Pace drafted Fields in 2021, and the Silver and Black are in need of a long-term answer under center.

    Would anyone be interested in Max Crosby plus a 3rd or 4th rd pick in a trade for Fields?

  9. I just read an article on bearswire.usatoday.com on the 2024 strength of schedule. There are only two teams (Falcons & Saints) whose schedules are considered easier than the Bears'. Of course, as we all know, this SOS can always be misleading, as there are always surprises once the season begins (for example, Houston's resurgence in 2023).

    Win-loss from 2023 teams: 135-154

    Games vs. teams with .500+ win percentage in 2023: 10

    Games vs. 2023 playoff teams: 7

  10. 28 minutes ago, BearFan PHX said:

    Googled a bit and...

    Again, Im a by eye guy, but to the idea that Cronin made up what she reports, here are more articles by various sources claiming the same in their own interviews. So thats independent confirmation?


    it was good enough for Sports Illustrated to repeat it


    Here's Brad Biggs, who apparently called his own 5 GMs saying his interviews said the same thing.


    so I dont think Cronin was lying about her conversations with personnel people around the league. Right or wrong, it does seem to be the overwhelming opinion of people in the league.

    I think it's time for the pro-Justin crowd to realize that he's probably gone, and that the people who've been saying that for a while are not mean or haters. We were just early to see what is becoming more and more clear.

    It's not about having an opinion and then being disrespected. That's 2024 jujitsu for trying to win an argument by claiming victimhood, which is equally poorly paired when the supposed victim is having snippy comebacks. I know you hate all the fighting. I gotta say, a lot of it (and Im talking across the internet on chat sites everywhere, not just here) comes from the pro Justin people being frustrated at how dogged the anti Justin returning people are about what they see as true. And as time is marching on, it's looking more and more like they are right.

    And if the move on from Justin people have been right all along, and arguing facts, and the keep Justin people are more meotional, becasue thats why theyre attached to him, then this same dynamic happens across the web.

    It might be time for the pro Justin people to realize they were wrong, and stop blaming the move on from Justin people for it. We arent mean. We literally have no idea why you think at this late hour that Justin still has any chance at being a consistent winner, or leading a 4th quarter comeback. Justin isnt a victim. People posting about him and being rebuked with astonished logical comebacks arent victims. This isnt a whole oppression thing.

    it's just that Justin isn't very good as a passer. And that's not our faults.

    I am not saying she made this up, but you can't always trust the columnists trying to gain an audience to further themselves. That is what I meant by the question. 

    For every report that says we should dump Fields, I am sure there is one saying we should keep him. I know for a fact that others have posted columnists who feel Justin should not be traded. However, you tend to ignore any positive report, instead wanting to find a counterargument. 


  11. 14 minutes ago, BearFan PHX said:

    well, I mean, you could literally question anything, but you'd have to have some reason to think that for it to be plausible.

    I suppose you could think any reporter is lying about anything. Usually when any of us think that, myself included, it's because they said something that I didnt agree with - in politics for example.

    But I think you'd have to have some previous example of her lying to really make it stick?

    All she said was that word around the league is that everyone would trade Justin and draft a rookie. And I just heard that again from one of the other Bears beat writers yesterday too. That they are hearing all the personnel people in the league that they talk to, who arent on the Bears, or on a team looking for a QB (they made that point) so in other words people without a reason to lie for this draft, all said you draft the rookie.

    It does seem to be a commonly held belief in the league by the pros.

    Now, you know me, I believe my own eyes rather than expert opinion. And often I am agreeing with expert opinions too. But to my eye it's a no-brainer re: Justin.

    It's OK that you and others disagree with that. I think it's wrong of course, just like you think I'm wrong. But that's gotta be OK and allowed, it's what we do here.

    I havent really heard anyone make a case about what they've seen on film that makes them think that Fields would be able to make first-read throws across the middle in rhythm for non scripted (first 15) plays. It's like his achilles heel. It's in all the pre draft writeups on Fields before he even got to the NFL too. he never got better at it in any consistent way.

    So someone would have to either point to some evidence that they think Justin is going to be a totally different QB next year - and i dont mean give a list of excuses of why he failed before, but something he HAS done on the field, maybe in the 4th quarter? that indicates that is likely coming for him.

    **OR** they could argue that a QB doesnt need to be a good passer to be successful, but I think that idea is even worse because you can't point to a single example of a successful QB that wasnt a good passer, and who didnt make throws in structure and tempo. If Justin showed us how to consistently win games as a wildcat RB he'd be the first since the 1920s and the T formation.

    **OR** they are simply a fan of Fields, which is understandable since hes such an exciting athlete to watch, and seems like such a good young man. You want Justin to win, like rooting for an underdog. I get it! But I cant agree to base the future of the franchise on the kind of fan love for an underdog. I want the Bears to be favorites in most games they play.

    So either theres:

    1) a logical reason why you think it is likely Fields will acquire this new skill he hasnt had his entire college and NFL career


    2) an argument that a QB doesnt need to be a good passer to win


    3) someone is just a Fields fan, and they love him like we all love an underdog, but that means we'd be willing to let the Bears be bad just so we could be fans of a player

    and in a sportstalk situation, pointing that out isnt mean or hating on someones opinions. You gotta pick (at least) on of those lanes, or show me another one that doesnt fit into one of those three?

    and sometimes when people are forced into admitting that it's #3 they get mad, and try to take it personally. And not just here. It seems all over the internet people are ready for a civil war over Justin - so this dynamic isnt because Im a mean guy, it's because keeping Fields is an incredibly divisive topic for whatever reason.

    Believe me, I am shocked we dont all agree on this. I really am.

    I am not shocked that you feel we should all agree with you on this.

    The day you posted on this forum to die-hard Bears' fans that when you look at Justin Fields, you do not see a quarterback but instead see a piece of shit, I predicted from that day forward you would never be able to view Justin Fields without a prejudiced eye.

    Just as you sincerely believe Poles' objectivity is compromised because he hugs a player in a locker room, I feel you have lost your objectivity when it comes to Fields.

    That is not to say you are wrong. You very well might be correct in your assessment. Maybe he is a piece of shit. Maybe he will never become a franchise quarterback or even one rated in the top 10 by the number crunchers.

    However, some of us would like to keep Justin around for one more year (and still draft a QB to develop behind him in case, God forbid, you are right) to see if he is "fool's gold" or a "hidden treasure."

    How would he perform if:

    1) What if he had an improved OL that gave him confidence when he dropped back in the pocket? How many times did I see him make a 3 to 5-step drop, and before he could even set his back foot to throw, he found the blitzing defender, beat him to the spot, and tried to decapitate him?

    2) What if he had better receivers? Yes, DJ and Cole are awesome. But when that is all you must depend on, the opposing DC can take away their edge by scheming. If Justin had another WR he could depend on in the lineup (and this year's draft has some awesome talent at WR), how would that affect Fields' performance?

    3) What if he had an OC who knew what the hell he was doing? An OC that could design an offense around his amazing talents and not try to force him into a template. An OC who knew how to call plays to counter the defensive schemes being used against us. An OC who knew how to make adjustments on the fly?

    4) What if this OC had a history of shaving 1+ seconds off of a QB's release time? One that has proven to be able to work with mobile QBs?

    Hell, I have no answer to those questions. I would love to have one more year to find out!


    1) Keep Justin.

    2) Trade back and get a ton of blue-chip players to continue to upgrade our starting lineup.

    3) Draft a good prospect at QB early to groom behind Justin.

    That would be my plan, which doesn't fit either of your three options.

  12. 25 minutes ago, BearFan PHX said:

    in this case she isnt giving an opinion though, shes reporting what people in the league told her.

    Or did they tell her?

    I do not remember the name of the female reporter who admitted in an interview (and then tried to walk it back) that as a sideline reporter in the NFL, she quite often made up reports on what she was told by coaches during half-time. She worked for a major network, I believe Fox, but am not sure.

  13. 5 minutes ago, BearFan PHX said:

    LOl youre such a _______ i wont even bother using any word for that. Your takes are ridiculous, and youre so fighty and nasty.

    I honestly think you just dont understand half of why what you say is so weird.

    But I'm not here to fight with you. Since I told you to cut out the truly nasty stuff, and then kicked your rhetorical butt enough that it did stop, I don't really care anymore what you have to say about me.

    You've been exposed, and now the weight of what you say about me is greatly lessened. Who cares.

    I'm getting so damn sick and tired of this petty squabble between the two of you that I swear to God I am about to resign as admin and leave the forum. I do not come here to listen (read) fellow Bears' fans, who I thought were two mature adults, argue like two six-year-olds. Fellow admins have repeatedly requested that the two of you "bury the hatchet." Yet you continue.


    (And I don't want to hear, "But he started it....")

    JUST END IT! NOW!!!!

  14. One last thought and I will not debate this any further. I consider Poles a reasonably intelligent man. I don't think for one moment he is going to risk losing his dream job (being a GM for a storied franchise) by allowing himself to be swayed by his personal feeling for the players. He will do what's best for the team to succeed, because if he doesn't, he loses his job. You said it is personal. Yes, but not the way you characterize it. It is personal because he doesn't want to go home to his wife and family and tell them he is no longer the GM of the Bears.

  15. 4 minutes ago, BearFan PHX said:

    "he loves Fields and supports his guys, but when he makes hard decisions he doesn't let that into it"

    Actually you made Stinger's point, as I'm sure he believes as I do: (as you said as quoted))


  16. 17 minutes ago, ASHKUM BEAR said:

    Chargers seem to be in cap space hell. Wonder why homie went there

    Despite being in cap hell, they have a much better roster in place to begin their rebuild than we did. I suspect that they players will be excited to play for Harbaugh (I assume) and will be willing to rework contracts to help get things on the right foot.

  17. 44 minutes ago, adam said:

    They are going to purge and rebuild. It gives him 3 years+ before any will care with results. It also gives him an instant excuse.

    No, No, No. If their fans are like Bear fans, then a purge and rebuild has to be finished by the end of year two or he will be roasted and run out of town with a bus ticket for Ann Arbor. LOL

  18. 1 hour ago, adam said:

    Ben Johnson is staying in Detroit, turned down the SEA and WAS jobs, wow. Maybe he is waiting on the Bears position to open up?


    That's a bit disappointing, although I am sure Detroit fans are thrilled, for good reason. 

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