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bear trap

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Posts posted by bear trap

  1. Personally I don't see Jay going anywhere. I'd love to see him traded but that's the only way it happens. Then the question is where do you go from there. Not much out there

    I'd take a game manager like orton over cutler any day of the week

  2. Just cut this asshole

    Screw cutting him... he costed us too much to get without getting anything back... i dont care if its even a 5-7th rd pick... get SOMETHING for him... pats got something for mallet... ya gotta get something for him!

  3. We dont need any sugar coating wins... and no b.s. wins to give us another shea mclellin draft spots... GO SAINTS! Call me a traitor but i call myself a realist and opprotunist... right now we r lookin at a top ten pick!

  4. Cant blame him for being pissed, still there is no reason to run his mouth to a guy that has nothing to do with the Bears. The guy is looking for his next storyline, Kromer gave it to him.



    Kromer has been doing this long enough to know better.

    I'm happy he did this... i hope it turns into josh mcdaniels 2.0 anything to piss off cutler and make him force a trade on us... get him outta Chicago!!!

  5. That would be interesting if it played out...

    I know a lot of die hards are selling their tickets... I've never been to a game and would love to go to one one day but even I have standards andi wouldn't give a dime to watch them this year... waste of time and money... I can't believe there are people who actually will pay to go...

  6. So I am catching wind of a first quarter boycott... fans not in the stadium for the first quarter, and instead tailgating for the first quarter and not buying concessions or memorabilia.. that would be great but I doubt anything like that taked place cause some people are okay with the way the team is playing... I hope if the boycott isn't done that boo birds are out and very loud... a message needs to be sent to the owners that something better be done!

  7. I saw on sportscenter that its 35-0 can't trestman walk out and declare run rule? I mean he's gotta figure his team is a base ball team cause no one is mistaking them for a football team... I think the 0-16 lions would look like an all madden team against these guys!

  8. I've been a bears fan for 29 yrs and this is the FIRST time ever in those years when I have no desire to even watch anymore games... That says a lot... even during the jauron and wandstat (spelling?) I still wanted to watch the games... but this yr I seriously have no enjoyment on Sundays.. if the coaching staff stays after this I will not be watching any games next yr... asskicking like this deserve massive pinkslips... embarrassed to root for this team and that goes from the joke of a qb we have all the way to the conditioning coach!

  9. I say the fans stop going to games... they don't like getting boo'd .... see how they like playing for an empty stadium... send a strong messgae to the owners pockets... I for one don't really care if I see another game for the yr... my time was better spent getting my yard mowed...

  10. When they get rid of the clown college that is the special teams and defense, the Bears will make the playoffs. Until then, no chance.

    that was the dumbest fuckin play I've ever seen .. does dIpshit even know how to coach sp teams??? or is he just cashing paychecks?

  11. Maybe then they'll have a capable QB in the offense. And a defensive coordinator.


    I've tried everything. Even hoping my negativity would be proven moot. I figured at some point he'd come through for our team. But he's proven himself incapable time and again to come through during clutch. You can cuddle him all you want. I find it ironic you have Urlacher as your avatar given the distaste URL had for Cutler.


    And as I write this almost another pick... Sigh


    HAT TRICK!!!

    screw cleaning house... have a fire sale... everyone is available...

  12. I'm calling it now. With the defense and Jay Cutler on this team, no playoff. Maybe 9-7 if they're lucky.

    Mel tucker for nfc dipshit of the week... every struggling offense should try playing against this team its a helluva pick me up for any offense that's feeling down.... the bears are who they always are!!!!

  13. Going into this draft I think about Emery+Trestman vs. Angelo+Lovie.


    If it were still Angelo and Lovie, I'd wonder a few things:

    1) Would Lovie be making all the picks but one like usual?

    2) Would he be ignoring his scouts and overall team needs to placate a coach?

    3) Which pool-jumping dickhead is on his radar?

    4) Which small school DB are they enamored with?


    With Emery and Trestman, I don't feel like that. I feel like they've done their due diligence and are going to draft the BPA at position of need unless BPA is too ridiculous to pass. Just look at the last two drafts:


    2012 w/ Lovie

    1-Shea McClellin - The obvious need was OL (Riley Reiff and David DeCastro available), yet they went with McClellin. This reeks of Lovie.

    2-Alshon Jeffery - Great pick that pleased just about everyone on the board, but OL was still the #1 need and there were guys like Konz, Mike Adams, and Kelechi Osemele available.

    3-Brandon Hardin - Didn't look like a bad pick at the time, but it also looked like a Lovie decision. Meanwhile, OL still #1 need.

    4-Evan Rodriguez - This looked like an Emery pick that never got a chance to take hold because of Lovie and his offensive leanings as a HC. Meanwhile, OL still #1 need and Bobby Massie was picked one pick later.

    6-Isaiah Frey - Lovie pick.

    7-Greg McCoy - Lovie pick.


    2013 w/o Lovie

    1-Kyle Long - Definitely a need + BPA pick that fits with Emery's "superb athlete" comments

    2-Jon Bostic - Same thing as Long. Bostic had/has intagibles.

    4-Khaseem Greene - Good athlete with great coverage/zone/recognition abilities, moves like a safety

    5-Jordan Mills - What we've seen from Emery is, if there is a need, he's going to flood that need with help (also see the DE position this offseason). Mills is powerful and athletic for his size. Fits Emery's M.O.

    6-Cornelius Washington - What was I saying about flooding a need? Three LBs in one draft. This screams Emery.

    7-Marquess Wilson - Troubled, but extremely athletic and poses a matchup issue.


    With that said, I think we'll see two safeties drafted this year. It's the biggest position of need. Further, I believe Emery is less inclined to listen to a coach - see the nonsense about Clint Hurtt's Louisville connection to Pryor - than JA was. I wouldn't be shocked at all if the Bears started with two Safeties given Emery's propensities. Maybe HHCD in round 1 and Deone Bucannon in round 2?



    Thanks for making me look like a dipshit at work... everyone looks at you weird when you just randomly chuckle out loud!

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