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Everything posted by madlithuanian

  1. I think if you were to poll me in 1985 or so, that would be there!
  2. I'm jealous Chile! I never got to see Sayers or Butkus play. (I'm 38). My dad went to Illinois the years that Butkus played college and talks about him like something unbelievable! He also swears Sayers was the best runner he's every seen...even better than Brown and Payton. I've only seen the rare highlight here and there. The Bears need to release some DVD's of these guys (and many others)! I think us fans would eat 'em up! I too blew a gasket on Hester's return in the SB. I was so convinced we'd win it at that point. Dang Grossman... But I will gladly keep all the great moments in exchange for the FAR MANY MORE bad ones. The good ones are just THAT GOOD!
  3. I like his show...I just don't see him as a tough runner! I'm sure if we list out all the "inside info" from PFW now before the draft it'll change more than a politician's view on taxes!
  4. I've got to think the pre-draft smoke & mirrors machine is working properly...
  5. Now it's offense from PFW? http://www.profootballweekly.com/PFW/The+W...spers012608.htm Without completely ruling out the possibility that he might consider using the 14th overall pick in the draft on a defensive player, Bears GM Jerry Angelo told team sources at the Senior Bowl in Mobile, Ala., this week that he was strongly leaning toward an offensive pick in the first round in April.
  6. I've heard really good things about Johnson. I'd love to know more if anyone has any info...
  7. I'm kind of bummed just thinking about that prospect...I really like Tommie! But I do love the jersey more...
  8. Ha! I guess nothing would surprise me! We have too many holes to fill....
  9. Hub's "hip" earring must be somehow jamming brainwaves...
  10. The day sweetness broke Brown's record was a great moment! It wasn't a great play (I think it was a 2 yard gain or something)...but dang, I do so remember that moment fondly! My first game only came as an adult...but thankfully it was in the old solider field to get to experience that. I do miss it. But I don't miss the bathrooms or concessions!
  11. THE moment...for me, was seeing Walter Payton hug Jim McMahon around the shoulders with only minutes remaining in Super Bowl XX. Given all that we know now, to me that is my Bears moment. As far as one play...the Hester return of the Giant's missed Field Goal is the one. It's just like a dream sequence in Madden... The Urlacher performance in the Arizona miracle game is huge, as is the Mike Brown picks in '01 in the last seconds... Also Dent's pressure in SB XX... There are many! But the moment is Sweetness and Jimmy Mac...and the play is Hester's Giant's return.
  12. You read my mind! I too was salivating over what would have been with that trio! I'm fully with you on your TJ, Benson...and even Terrell assessments. I also think we're on the same page regarding the gambling aspect. (heck chalk it up to a trifecta!) HERE'S HOPING ANGELO DOESN'T CRAP OUT THIS DRAFT!
  13. Overall, I do. I can certainly pick it apart and find holes. But I think you could do that with about every team's other than the bloody Pats! I think so much of it ammounts to being lucky. Say what you want, the Pats getting Brady in the 6th is lucky! They probably thought at best, that he might be a good 2nd stringer behind Bledsoe. And we were lucky getting the best returner in the history of pro ball with Hester! We thought he might be good for a reutrn once in a while...but not this! So overall, I'm fairly content with Angelo. I think he certianlyhas far more success on D than on O, but that was his MO in Tampa. I really iwsh he'd bring in some onsultant for offense. But I will say with a pich of salt, that I do trust Angelo overall. We could have Millen...or McCaskey. Don't get me wrong, I want to see him do better. But I am content with him leading the charge...at least for now.
  14. You point is well made nfo. Heck, I didn't think we needed him, I wannted Derrick Johnson (I think I have myyears correct!). But once we took him, I figured, well heck...now we're set at RB for years to come! And as it turns out, virtually everyone was wrong about the guy. Unless some lightbulb comes on and he starts training like Sweetness, he's going to be yet another huge 1st round Bears bust. It's so disheartening. And it's a lot of luck. As we toil with bust after bust, NE is relishing in their 6th round QB pick. You can blame some of it on a bad choice, but the draft is like legalized gambling. It takes some skill not to get completely fleeced, but in oorder to be good, you have to be lucky.
  15. One positive is that he won't be drafed high if at all...thus not turning into the problem that Alex Smith is as far as tying up hordes of loot. Just be prepared to be irate. It's safer.
  16. I follow, but something tells me guys like Wilfork and Harrison won't nearly be the gentlemen that Seau and Brady would. Don't forget, you say that now, talk to those same NE players 36 years removed and you may see the exact same. Bottom line for me, if it's not the bears...I don't like it! Heck, I never thought it would happen, but i never thought someone other than Sanders would break Walter's record. So odds are someone else will do it, and by dammit...I want that team to be the Bears! In the meantime, I'll take some solace that at least it's not Green Bay!
  17. I'm with you Chitownman! Just one last Sunday to overeat and drink!
  18. You seem rather excited to see the Pat's go undefeated. Personally, the only team I want to see go undefeated resides in Chicago.
  19. Normally the guy is annoying, but Steve Rosenbloom from the Trib today has this appropriate paragraph: http://blogs.chicagosports.chicagotribune....ld-be-char.html The Choice (and remember, death is not an option): Rooting for Dr. Evil Bill Belichick to coach the greatest undefeated team in NFL history or leaving the 1972 Miami Crankypants as the only unbeaten Super Bowl champions?
  20. Exactly... the NY /Boston things is more played out thatn Britney's underpants...
  21. Sounds about right... Although I'm thinking Pats 35, Giants 10. 25 pts... AR
  22. Point well made! Then again, we did get quite a buzz on Olsen before last year...and we nabbed him. Sometimes it just does work out.
  23. Be careful what you wish for! I know far too many Boston/New England fans that are amoung the worst poor sports and antogonizers I've ever ran accross. It only takes a few bad eggs... I would Miami to get shut up too, but I'd have rather it been done by a different team. I fear we will never hear the end of how NE is the best ever of all time for decades to come... I'll still match the '85 Bears agasint any team... The good thing about that team is they they weren't as universally loathed like the Pats are outside of NE fans. McMahon was polarizing, but Payton kept the balance. Not to just reagain some of that form!
  24. Thanks for the good link Pix! I could live with those scenarios!
  25. I'm emotionally detached and could care less. I dislike both franchises. Both have already won numerous Super Bowls, so there's no tie in to root for an underdog per se. If the Bears aren't in it and I can't root against the Packers...it's all just an excuse to eat and drink too much one last Sunday...
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