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Everything posted by Pixote

  1. I think the Bears cover the spread. If our D can play as good as it did last week it will be close although I hold little hope of us actually winning the game. Suppose to be quite windy tomorrow, possible snow tonight. Bears have been successful in getting a few picks from Favre. Crosby struggles in kicking in inclement weather. My guess would be a low scoring game, 14-9 GB
  2. LMAO - Now that is some funny stuff!!
  3. Thanks flea, and I do hope you and your family have a great holiday also!! What kind of weather is typical in your neck of the woods for this time of year? We have already had 13.5 inches of snow here with another storm coming in tonight. Man, winter has just officially started and I am ready for spring, LOL.
  4. Harris looked good as a rookie but made a few mistakes in his 2nd year that, if my memory serves me correct, led many on Bearstalk to applaud his departure. Now we lament on how JA made a mistake. In our system would Harris have performed as well as he has in 2007? I think we all felt we were deep at the safety position. We did not want to let him go without compensation. We got a 5th round selection for him. Was it a mistake? Yes, possibly, but if we had the advantage of viewing the future before making moves it would sure make it a lot easier, LOL.
  5. I agree. I have NEVER wanted the Bears to lose a single game for any reason. However, that being said it is obvious to all that have followed the Bears this year they need to fill some holes in the off season both on offense and defense. We have players who have seen little time on the field this year who might be able to fill some of those roles. By evaluating them in game time conditions we may find that one or two positions out of the many on our list to be addressed need not require a FA pickup or draft pick. How good is Beekman? Could Haas be used as a #3 WR? Olsen needs reps to help him develop. Move Tait to RT and see how he performs there (place whoever you have to at LT while we check out Tait on the right side). Get Bradley some more exposure and find out if he is worth keeping. If you havew a promising player on the practice squad, get him up here and give him some reps (we can always IR someone, LOL). Do whatever it takes to evaluate our ENTIRE TEAM before we go after FAs and ready for the draft.
  6. Since I have no idea what you just said I will assume it was a pleasant exchange and wish you the same, LOL A Merry Christmas and have a great New Year to everyone in our Bears Forum Family!!
  7. I think the officiating over the course of the first 14 games have evened themselves out. Refs blow it on occassion. It is tough for them to see everything. I think the Bears have been screwed by a few calls but have also been helped a few times when our opponent got screwed. To blame anyone other than the Bears players and coaching is an act of denial IMHO.
  8. If we could get A Brooks "cheap" I would definately roll the dice on him, draft a promising QB on day 2, and resign Rex CHEAP.
  9. Exactly, we have nothing to lose by giving him a shot, if he is as good as many of us think, he may be one of many missing pieces to solving our Os problems. I did say one of MANY pieces.
  10. I would love to have C Taylor (or M Turner). Either would make me thrilled. Taylor is more proven but Turner has the "jets".
  11. So your backed up to your 3 and you put Garrett in to run up the middle twice against one of the best set of DTs in the game? What a horse shit call!
  12. I am not going to judge him on the basis of what she says without a lot more info. Sounds a bit fishy to me. I will give him the benefit of the doubt on something that quite honestly sounds like a personal matter that does not need to be aired in the public at this point. She is getting publicity to further her cause be making unsubstantiated statements.
  13. I just pray he comes out of the game healthy. If this OL plays like it has recently, Orton may have to be carried off the field before the game is over.
  14. I agree, he should start the last 3 games to give him a decent chance to either prove himself worthy of being a Bears QB or so bad he needs to be cut. One game in one of the most difficult stadiums to travel to is stupid. I hope Lovie did not actually say that!
  15. Not too surprised, hopefully he will play in the season finale. Rusty will have time to work with him if they keep him around in the offseason (I hope) If nothing else he would give us good depth. If he returns to the "original deal" he was when drafted, could be a great addition.
  16. Thanks for the lists..... Not a bad group, void of big time Pro Bowlers that would demand BIG $$$ but the lists has many players that could be an upgrade at a reasonable cost while we draft a player to groom.
  17. Interesting. So if he is not an OC, instead a TE Coach, even if they do not make a HC change in MIA we could hire Mularcky as our OC because it would not be a lateral move but instead a promotion.
  18. I am curious just what will be available in FA for OL. If we can get a veteran OL to upgrade it might be safer than drafting a player and breaking him in. I was so disappointed with M Columbo. He was actually, I believe, an excellent draft pick by Angelo but eventually we had to cut him because of his health problems. Now he is starting for Dallas. If you could draft a LOT you were certain had the skills to start and contribute in his first year, I would invest a 1st rounder in him, if not, wait until later for a project. FA will be the key to our needs on the OL come draft time.
  19. If a player gets hurt in the early part of the season (like Dusty) he can at least fully rehab and be ready to roll by the start of mini camps. If we continue to play players like Harris, who is already injured, for the sake of a meaningless win (as far as playoff implications) and he further injures himself, then he may not even be ready by the start of next season. Yes, I want to see the Bears win every game possible this year (and every year) but I do not want to risk the health of ANY Bears player that would then result in that player not being fully recovered and ready for action in 2008.
  20. I believe Mularcky is OC for the Dolphins and one would think that their HC is on thin ice. If he is ousted then Mularcky would be released.
  21. I agree totally, we know what we have in Harris & Walker, we need to audition others to see what they can give us in the future so we can better determine what we need to do in FA and the draft. This not only goes for DT but other positions as well.
  22. Shame we couldn't get Charlie Weis to come to us from ND. He had early success there but ND had one of their worse years in decades this year. I am sure he will return again to get the program back on top but one could only hope that the directors of ND would pull a quick trigger and he would want to come back to the NFL. Again, I know I am talking out of my ass, that the cances of Weis being our OC is about as good as Rex being inducted into the NFL HOF, but one can only dream.
  23. ROTFLMAO, I love the analogies...... The sad part is the one thing I liked most about Rex when he first started for the Bears was his mobility. He moved around great in the pocket and ran the ball well when needed UNTIL he got injured scoring a touchdown (I believe against MIN). From that point on I feel it was a situation where he is reluctant to exose himself to further injury by scrambling, which, if you ask me, is counteractive, in that with this OL if you do not scramble well, if you stand back there in the posket without the ability to escape, you are a sitting duck and eventually going to get yourslf killed.
  24. I have been called much worse, LOL.
  25. Agreed, our own roster cuts & resignings and our moves in free agancy (which I suspect we will be more active in than last year) will determine our draft strategy. I think this will be a far more entertaining off-season than last years. I see us being very pro active!
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