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Posts posted by lemonej

  1. I like the pick because


    (a) as you said, we have a QB who can help the develolpment of a downfield WR, rather than hinder,


    (B) we have worked to upgrade the OL, which buys a WR time to work deep routes, and


    © we drafted a possession WR earlier, and thus he Knox will not be forced into action too soon.


    Honestly, I think Knox has potential, but will take 2 or 3 years to develop. Anyone expecting much this year I think will be disappointed.

    I'll put it this way,Devin Hester made an impact immediately on returns and I believe Knox is going to be utilized there first. I also remember Berrian catching a TD from Krentzel in his first year. If Knox gives 2 or 3 TDs his first season I think that would be more than I expect.

  2. This is one of the kids I thought the Bears would target because they seem to try to find these diamonds in the rough. I watch this guy workout and he can absolutely fly. I like this pick and the Moore pick. I wonder what the Bears are becoming Vandy North?

  3. As a Bear fan since 1966 I have to say this is the biggest trade since I have been following the team.We have always traded for the Mike Phipps of the world or signed the Kordell Stewarts of the league and today they actually pulled the trigger and I couldn't begin to say what I feel because Iam numb.

  4. Well, first off, women are humans. Pretty much everyone agrees a humans life is more important than an animal. Also, unless there are women being forced to fight against each other AGAINST their will until death then it is much different.


    I admittedly dont know much about chicken fighting, which is why I thought it was the closest comparison you made, because it is animals being forced to fight each other against their will. However, dogs are looked at differently than chickens by most people. Now, thats not a fact, but youll be hard pressed to prove to me that chickens are looked at the same way as dogs are.


    Now, Im not a hunter but as long as its legal, its different. Same with bull fighting, which isnt the same circumstance anyway.


    Either way, what Vick did was bad enough to earn time in a federal prison. Nobody, including Pacman or Chris Henry came anywhere close to that. If you have a problem with the laws and/or punishment thats a different issue.

    Some psychologist suggest that in the case of some mass murderers their behavior can be tied into the way they may have treated the family pet.If a murderer was abusive to animals or pets as a child they tend to not have any value for life at all Human or animal as an adult.

  5. I'm going to be sick. When is Angelo going to learn, and when are the rest of us? Why are we in the freaking position we are today? Because Angelo has ignored OL in the draft so damn often. He drafts OL only when his back is against the wall, and otherwise stocks up on 6th and 7th rounders to take flyers on OL prospects. But we are in our current situation (talking just about the OL) because every year, Angelo looks to add bandaids when the problem calls for a body cast.


    Think about what we have done and are talking about. Just a few weeks ago, many/most on this board agreed our OL sucked and needed a total overhaul. We signed an OT, who has one start in 4 seasons w/ two teams, and who we intend to play at OG. We signed an OT, coming off a bad year, who was called "turnstyle" by his former team, and who many here even say is a young version of St. Clair, who we thought was worth no more than a whopping $1.5m. Now we are talking about Orlando Pace, one of the true great LTs of his time, but who today is what? He is the Marvin Harrison of LTs. Yet fans here want to sign him immediatly and start him over Williams. Huh?


    How are these moves different from signing Reuben Brown, Garza, Miller? They play good/ decent for a year or so, and then fall off a cliff. And then we are back in the same place we began because we didn't draft shit, and thus had no one developed and ready to take over. But no worries. In a few more years Walter Jones may be slowing down, and I am sure we will then be interested.


    So many here like to talk about the well known definition of insanity, but to me, that is exactly what this offseason has been thus far w/ regard to our OL. More bandaids to try and cover up a massive wound.

    Nfo is this more an indictment of JA or the offensive line coach who has yet to develop any of the Bears OL they have drafted?Lots of teams take late round lineman and turn them into seviceable players but Heastand(sp?) doesn't.Beekman is the first guy drafted by the Bears to actually make the starting lineup.I still get sick seeing Colombo do okay in Dallas and then the very next time JA takes a first round OL he gets injured.Would you be so gungho about going after another guy so soon?At 18 what will be available at OT the 4th rated prospect at the position.Isn' that similar to what we got last season in Williams?With this offensive staff this might be the only way to go because all rookies have trouble seeing the field with Forte being the exception.

  6. Usually I would agree with you, but in this type of discussion its relevent as a maturity and ignorance issue. Think back to when you were in school. Surely some of your views and beliefs have been changed by life experiences and interacting with different types of people.


    Hopefully he can learn something from you.

    Maybe that's me being a little naive since I attended a racially mixed high school I learned about diverse cultures at 14 years of age.

  7. The kid is in high school. Once that was brought to my attention, it made things more clear. I just stopped discussing this with him.

    I read that post also but in the true meaning of "equality" we shouldn't look down on someone because of their age either.I consider my responding to his post as me sharing my experience in life to someone younger than myself.

  8. The second mock is a lot better looking IMO but Brian Robiskie as JA's second rounder would be shocking since he tends to take a reach at pick number 2 all the time.Brian Robiskie in the 2nd makes sense.

  9. IMO as a dog owner the people who Vick was involved with in the dog fighting ring all have the same thing in mind.They think that it is sport.I would compare it to the guys who mount Elk heads and Lions etc. on their walls from safaris,hunting etc.I think all of it is cruel and should stop.That being said do I think Vick could add something to the Bears?No! Why? Its simple he was never a polished QB in the first place and then what would the Bears do with him? I think it would be similar to what happened when the Bears brought in Kordell Stewart.If the Bears want an athletic type mobile QB like Vick then draft Pat White.He has the same skill set in a smaller package.

  10. whoa whoa whoa, where is this coming from? Where in the world did I ever say Lovie is a racist? I know he is married to a white woman, so what? But that doesn't mean he can't think black people are still being "oppressed." Also, where did I ever refer to Lovie as a "brotha" or ever strictly refer to him by only his skin color? He's black, we get it. I really don't care, as long as he gets the job done. However, historically, minorities have been known to look after each other, and I just feel if Vick was white, he wouldn't be getting all the endorsements by Lovie. He is in no way an Al Sharpton, but that doesn't mean he doesn't share some similar trains of thought.


    However, this is getting pretty ridiculous and I regret bringing it up. It was a simple observation by me, and now I'm a racist and race baiter, which is complete bull.


    Lets just go back to the Bears and why or why not Vick would make sense.

    First of all the first part of your original post you stated that his comments about Vick were skin color related.Did you or did you not post that? What does him thinking that Vick deserves another chance have to do with oppression? Brotha was a slang expression I used because people of my race refer to each other that way.You didn't realize the can of worms you have opened up by making that statement.Saying all minorites look after each other "historically" is somewhat racist.Your saying that Italians, Irish and others don't look out for each other? Come on dude! You have no idea what minorities think and the fact that you said historically sounds as if this is something you read or heard.I know what it is like to be a minority in this country and have known what oppression feels like first hand. BTW I could care less what Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton do or say.Lovie Smith and I are the same age you think he might have a similar train of thought with me since Iam person who is diehard Bear Fan?

  11. Iam the owner of two dogs and have owned dogs all my adult life.Lovie's speaking about Vick is totally football related and the fact that some one on this board is insinuating that Lovie is doing something based on his skin color when he is in an interracial marriage is just a lack of thinking things all the way through.Bearsox be advised that if you are going to continue to post here there are African Americans like myself who take exception to someone refering to THE BEARS HEAD COACH by his skin color.If he doesn't do his job he should be launched without regards to his ethnicity.Herm Edwards sucked in KC and Romeo Crennel sucked in Cleveland both deserved to lose their jobs and I could careless if the two "Brothas" lost their jobs.This board is about the Bears and football nothing else.

  12. He'll go somewhere that offers him a chance to start for more money. Why would he come here where he'll ride the pine behind Williams?

    Reports have him preferring the Bears and the Ravens because he thinks both teams fit his playing style.Which tells me he wants to play for a run first team.The fact that he has only played LT in the NFL also is telling me that if he comes here maybe Williams might be moved inside to LG.

  13. This kid got sick hands! I watched some WR exercise from the Shrine game (I believe). They used the ball throwing machines to shoot balls from 4 directions and he snapped every ball out of the air. I believe Nicks was the second best with like 3 drops out of 8. I wouldn't mind to take chance if he's available in the later rounds

    Thanks a lot You are helping fuel my arguement with my son who thinks Brooks is the better Penn State prospect.

  14. Elliott? You're really stretching to put him on the list. I don't remember who the WR coach was in '02, but it wasn't Drake. In '03 the Pats didn't keep him. Jamin couldn't even make the roster in Chicago in '04 and '05, and the Falcons couldn't teach him anything in '06 and '07. You can't put any blame on Drake for that bum.


    (Disclaimer - I'm not peddling the publication. Honest!) B.R. editor had a number of things to say about Bradley. Mark's problems were his knee, his attitude, and his overall "weird" personality. When a young guy gets three negatives going, he doesn't usually stay with a team long unless he's an instant superstar. That's why Bradley was released. He needed a fresh start in a different city. I believe the decision not to put him on the field last year came from above Drake. Only the Bears brass knows for sure, but that's my gut feeling.


    Noooo! You can't be serious about Currie, can you? The guy couldn't stay healthy for more than 5 minutes at a time. How can you try to put any blame on Drake for that???


    How does Wade make the list? He cut his own throat by fumbling 101 times on return coverage, while being a mediocre receiver. He sure didn't make any giant leaps as a wide out with the Titans or queens.


    Berrian did just fine under Drake. Good enough to get a HUGE new contract in Minny. Heh, the last laugh is that he didn't do one damn bit better in queeny land than in Chicago! LOL


    Bennett is still with the team, and has twice admitted his problems are his own. Again, with the current fad of blaming everything on the coaches and front office, many (if not most) Bears fans want to believe that somebody else would have made Earl a star last year. I say BS.


    I contend that 6 of 7 guys on your list aren't the result of Drake being incompetent. JMO



    The list shows all the WR's that were drafted by JA for this HC and whoever his staff was.Berrian played one contract for the Bears and then he was done. If you had read my post completely you would have seen that I mentioned that if Bennett or any other WR was having problems who was responsible to make sure that the problems were corrected.Bennett was here for all of TC and worked exclusively with his position coach.As a Coach how can you not recognize if someone is struggling with the plays?I also did not imply that Drake was responsible for Bennett not being active for games but I am throwing him under the bus for us going the whole year without seeing the 3rd round pick on the field . Zack Bowman who was picked after Bennett was placed on the field and even made a significant contribution in the one game that he was available to play in. Marcus Harrison saw significant time and his position coach got launched.Under Lovie the Bears have developed several strong defensive players whether it was Briggs,Tillman,Payne,Harris Hillenmeyer,Mc Bride, Graham and even Stelz made a play in a game.The same cannot be said for the offense.

  15. Drake has done nothing in the 5 yrs with the Bears to prove himself. Either we were drafting crappy players or he could not develop them. The only WR to have any success under Drake was Berrian. I said it at the end of the season and still say he should go.


    Peace :dabears

    CB I think Berrian had success despite Drake. I remember in his rookie season when he caught passes from Craig Krentzel under Terry Shea as OC and then the great Turner and Drake showed up and he had injury and scheme problems with Orton as a rookie.When Grossman assumed the QB spot Berrian blossomed.Why? Beacuse Grossman throws the deep pass well and thats what Berrian is good at.If you are looking for him to be a go to WR you will be waiting and the Vikes found this out. He is a deep threat that can take the safety out the box.


    So the dump Drake club is growing.

  16. Bears | Earl may sign

    Fri, 20 Mar 2009 11:22:29 -0700


    Brad Biggs, of the Chicago Sun-Times, reports the Chicago Bears may sign unrestricted free-agent SS Glenn Earl (Texans) Friday, March 20.

    Do you consider this guy a big name? The Bears played the Texans this past season and I don't remember hearing his name called.


    Maybe I'm misreading some sarcasm.

  17. I think your last slot will be the TE from Okla State Pettigrew

    Wesson You know what I think your absolutely right and thats why this is so hard to gage.That is the one position that I omitted. That was a big mistake on my part because this player will be in a similar situation to Olsen and Pittsburgh's Heath Miller.Both of those TE prospects were in a weak group in their draft years.

  18. These are the guys who I watched play and think are NFL caliber players that are not being talked about as much as they should be. The list:



    Brian Johnson Utah -his Height and durabilty are in question but he has taken snaps for 4 years and if you saw how he performed in the Sugar Bowl against Alabama you would think he has an ability to develop on the next level.


    Drew Willy Buffalo- his level of competition is in question but IMO he is a more polished prospect than the much more heralded Nate Davis of Ball State from the same conference(MAC).


    Mike Reilly Central Washington- his school alone and its location makes him over looked and at the Senior Bowl he showed that he could make a lot of the "NFL" throws but again the level of comp comes into play.


    Running Backs

    Javarius Williams Tenn State -in the Senior Bowl he showed that he could run hard catch the ball and hold his own with the big boys.I like this guy as a change fo pace back.


    Rashad Jennings Liberty- nice size decent speed and runs hungry.This could be a 2nd day steal for a team that is looking for a 1-2 punch at RB.


    Herb Donaldson Western Ill-at 5-10 225 the first guy that comes to mind is Aaron Stecker who is also a former Leatherneck alum.This school tends to sneak a plyer in the NFL every once in a while and he could be the most recent one to follow the likes of MNike Wagner,Bryan Cox and Stecker.


    Wide Recievers


    Deon Butler Penn State-his height is the knock against him but his speed and ability to go up and get the ball in the air is what I like about him. I see him as Bobby Engram with more speed.


    Jamarko Simmons Western Mich, With this school having a pro prospect at QB that will be highlly rated next year you have to take notice as to who he is throwing to an Simmons who lacks foot speed is very similar to the previous Bronco WR that made to the NFL Greg Jennings.I'll also give a shout out to Tony Schefler Jay Cutler's TE that was a 2 sport star at WMU.


    Tight End


    Jared Bronson Central Washington-if Mike Reilly can be a prospect,who was he throwing to? This was his favorite target he showed that he has decent hands and like all TE prospects his blocking could use some work.He is a high energy guy.


    Defensive End


    Lawrence Sidbury Richmond-He has a tweener body but has the frame to carry more weight .Right now he is a rush specialist that should develop into a Roosevelt Colvin type player.


    Defensive Backs


    Dominique Johnson Jackson State at 6-2 he has the size that teams covet at CB but he needs to prove that he has legitmate speed to run with the top WRs


    Sherrod Martin Troy- tenacious is what I can say about this guy and if you have been following what this school has been doing since the De Marcus Ware days they will play defense and they have been developing NFL type players.

  19. Every year the draft has strange twist that are unpredictable. This year I have a feeling that it will be even more strange this year.According to the talking heads OT and WR is going to dominate the first round with about 6 picks each that leaves 20 picks for the other posititons. I believe only two DTs Rajii and Jerry are locks for the first round with Hood and Brace following close behind. At DE Orakpo,Brown,Ayers, and Tyson Jackson should have cards turned in in their name along with "tweeners" English, and Maybin also.That leaves 12 picks.Pencil in Stafford,Sanchez,and Freeman at QB that leaves 9. Aaron Curry,Ray Maleuga,James Laurinatis and Clay Matthews leaves 5.Knowshon Moreno and Beanie Wells leaves 3 and I have Max Unger and Alex Mack at the back end of the first round so that leaves one wild card pick and I believe it will be Connor Barwin who played TE and DE in college at Cinci and is the type of versatile player that a franchise like NE covets.

  20. I understand it takes longer to develop a rookie WR, but they don't need to know the whole playbook to contribute. Give them a few plays each week that lead to a few snaps every week. Our coaches, I believe Turner in particular, get locked into players. IE: Forte's over-use and Bennett's under-use.




    Agreed! At some point you have to take the numbers for what they are. You simply can't draft that many slow learners. The coaches must be held accountable for getting the players on the field. Dummy down the playbook, put a foot in their ass and get them a few snaps a game.

    Mongo we are eye to eye on both your points and thats what I'm getting at.Some times you need to adjust your scheme to your personnel.Every week you dummy down the playbook to pin point how you will attack your opponent.So what this says is that the few plays that this team has WRs invovlved in certain situations weekly are too complex for a rookie or young player to decipher.This team in last year's TC practiced a whole lot of 3 TE sets so if you are a WR on those plays what should you be doing? That set alone is another reason that he was inactive for most of the season as Kellen Davis was live every week.

  21. Last season Bennett also told Bear Report he was having trouble learning the plays. This isn't anything new for rookie WRs around the league. Blaming the coaches is popular in Chicago lately, but it's pretty naive to think that Drake can make his receivers "internalize" their assignments so they can play at NFL speed. He can show them what to do (lead them to water), but he can't make them execute (can't make them drink).


    Once the season begins, coaches barely have time to analyze the last game and grade the players, form their game plan for the next week, and show the starters what they're supposed to do for that contest. The backups are pretty much on their own, as any coach will attest.



    Okay it may be popular to bash coaches in the Chi but thats not my style.I point to how long it has taken for every WR the Bears have drafted that he has come in contactwith that does not get on the field at all or are completely inactive.Here's the list:

    Bobby Wade and Justin Gage

    Jamin Elliott

    Bernard Berrian

    Ariese Currie

    Mark Bradley

    Earl Bennett


    That's seven guys who Drake and or Turner have had and most of this list spent a great deal of time inactive early in their careers.If Devin Hester wasn't the league's best KR he might have been inactive as a WR also.

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