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Everything posted by DaBearSox

  1. Is this the Rufus were talking about? Because if so, I'm all for it...
  2. ENDZONE THREAT???? His hands are gonna have to be fixed before that happens....
  3. only 6 early games.....living in Colorado this couldn't make me any happier....getting up at 10:30am hungover to goto the bar is rough....
  4. He has prior's though.....I mean i can't say i don't like this new strong arm deal....but I can't say I like it....
  5. Yea but 7.2 mil can pay every single talkbears members bills, and probably most of us a decent size house....greedy bastard
  6. I don't see how they could.....When MB is healthy he is more of a leader on the field then Urls. Arch is a good player and a former probowler, but I dont think he can just step on the field this year as his old self and an emotional leader. We've all seen how firey the defense is when Brown is in there...
  7. We can all send him cakes and mix in protien shake powder...
  8. Saftey >>>>>>>> Tight End
  9. If this doesn't get worked out this offseason, Lovie will not be our coach in '08
  10. yea, that aggressive D in the Bowl was amazing....
  11. Wow Angelo franchising a player......
  12. DAMNIT!!!!! hahaha did Moose have any big drops, i swear to god when I play online I can't trust him with shit
  13. i'm goin with Tommy Waddle on this one BEARS 31 Colts 30
  14. naw, then i would have to waste money again and be dissapointed 4 months later.....
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