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Can't believe the day has come


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We can move the ball on offense. And can't stop anything on defense. Going forward however during the bye week:



Briggs said at the beginning of the season that they should keep the same defense because it wasn't broken. My friend it is full broken. The playoffs aren't an impossibility but changes have to be made.



I would keep Cutler out as long as necessary. We have enough weapons to score. It is tough to say he isn't the long term answer when there are not good options out there. But I would definitely draft a quarterback and not over invest in a Cutler contract.

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We can move the ball on offense. And can't stop anything on defense. Going forward however during the bye week:



Briggs said at the beginning of the season that they should keep the same defense because it wasn't broken. My friend it is full broken. The playoffs aren't an impossibility but changes have to be made.



I would keep Cutler out as long as necessary. We have enough weapons to score. It is tough to say he isn't the long term answer when there are not good options out there. But I would definitely draft a quarterback and not over invest in a Cutler contract.


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agreed and it's crazy to think that all those years with Lovie and a dominant D Saying if we had any kind of offense we could win it all, now we have an offense that moves that ball and scores we are now saying if we only had some kind of defense.... uggg.. Sadly the reality is we waisted the window of opportunity we had with that D. Age, time, and injuries have caught up with a once dominant unit. They are a shell of their former self. It's time to make the most of the pieces we have and if we can add any. But start rebuilding this coming offseason.


We are becoming one of those teams with a high powered offense but can't stop a nose bleed.


As for Cutler I do think he can be effective in this offense but watching McCown run the offense and run it well, does make me wonder if a more traditional pocket passer. By no means am I saying McCown is the answer and should be our QB. It just makes me wonder is Cutler's natural style of play slightly at odds with the system that Trestman is tying to install? I think Jay has shown he can play within the system and it has helped his game. But maybe a QB who is more in the traditional mold could really make this offense run at a high level.

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Has anyone seen Julius Peppers? He was a little bit more active today than the last game but watching the Redskins show no fear in running right at him for the game winning TD, with no need to double team him, says it all IMO. We can criticize all the others but the fact is he's the only one on our Dline getting paid to handle double teams and when teams can block him with one guy then that frees up blockers to get on our LBs. Regardless of cap hit I can't see Emery beginning the overhaul on D (actually continuing the overhaul since he focused on LB this past draft) by keeping Peppers around for this much money. You can easily replace Pepper's contribution on the field for a smaller contract to a vet FA ($2-3mil) and have money left over to address other needs at DT.

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Has anyone seen Julius Peppers? He was a little bit more active today than the last game but watching the Redskins show no fear in running right at him for the game winning TD, with no need to double team him, says it all IMO. We can criticize all the others but the fact is he's the only one on our Dline getting paid to handle double teams and when teams can block him with one guy then that frees up blockers to get on our LBs. Regardless of cap hit I can't see Emery beginning the overhaul on D (actually continuing the overhaul since he focused on LB this past draft) by keeping Peppers around for this much money. You can easily replace Pepper's contribution on the field for a smaller contract to a vet FA ($2-3mil) and have money left over to address other needs at DT.

I agree, he's been really disappointing this year and barring him going all world the rest of the year he will be cut during off season

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Wow an abusive dad making your kids wear Bears wear in the dark days that are coming.

Some (like my father) call it child abuse. While I call it excellent parenting. Of course my family is nothing but packer fans as I have several family members that live in Green Bay. Let's just say I'm the only smart one in the family lol

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I think the D was suspect mid-last year...




The D was suspect at the beginning of the year and has gotten progressively worse with every injury. I think they would've been servicable on D but now it's broken and can't likely be fixed without a major overhaul in the offseason.


Can anyone remember a Bears team scoring 41 and losing?


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The D was suspect at the beginning of the year and has gotten progressively worse with every injury. I think they would've been servicable on D but now it's broken and can't likely be fixed without a major overhaul in the offseason.


Can anyone remember a Bears team scoring 41 and losing?

Nope, that's because its never happened in our franchise history

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Since the days of Vince Tobin (save perhaps for Ron Rivera's tenure) the Bear's organization has been happy to settle for a bend don't break defense. This, I have never liked nor ever will. Conceptually the thought is that a team will have to put together long drives to score against you and at some point they (the offense) will make a mistake. It sounds solid and perhaps the odds of this defensive style will work is better than average. But yesterday the Skins had 6 drives of 50 yards or better; all resulting in scores and consuming 25 minutes of time. For the year, the Bears have allowed 29 drives of 50 yards or longer, resulting in 17 TDs and 10 FG; so 2 ended in no scoring. So this philosophy is not working this year as the opposition is succeeding at a 93% clip.


I am not trying to pile on; I have always despised this defensive approach. It is easier to accept when we force turnovers, so I mumble to myself and move on. But with everything happening this year, the snowball effect of player's going down...Yikes

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Since the days of Vince Tobin (save perhaps for Ron Rivera's tenure) the Bear's organization has been happy to settle for a bend don't break defense. This, I have never liked nor ever will. Conceptually the thought is that a team will have to put together long drives to score against you and at some point they (the offense) will make a mistake. It sounds solid and perhaps the odds of this defensive style will work is better than average. But yesterday the Skins had 6 drives of 50 yards or better; all resulting in scores and consuming 25 minutes of time. For the year, the Bears have allowed 29 drives of 50 yards or longer, resulting in 17 TDs and 10 FG; so 2 ended in no scoring. So this philosophy is not working this year as the opposition is succeeding at a 93% clip.


I am not trying to pile on; I have always despised this defensive approach. It is easier to accept when we force turnovers, so I mumble to myself and move on. But with everything happening this year, the snowball effect of player's going down...Yikes

Right and the only saving grace for this D has been the turnovers this year. If not for them this would probably be the worst in the league

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