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About Stinger226

  • Birthday 11/12/1952

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    Machesney Park

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  1. I do not wish good luck to the Packers or their players.
  2. The cool thing is we have a QB everyone agrees is going to be great. Jordan Love just signed for 220 mil, for one good year.
  3. Not trying to fight, just present the opposite view of the outcome. As Pix suggested , i still think we would have taken a QB, I just think Poles would have Fields one more year to prove himself. Not suggesting they we would have given him a long term contract. His 5th year would actually have been cheaper than CW. I am totally sold on CW and feel fourtunate to have gotten him. I just dont think that cancels my wish for Fields to have a good future.
  4. I think his biggest problem was consistency. He has did everything but had to many bumbs in the road. Everyone does realizes if we didnt get Panthers pick he would still be here. If the Pathers pick didnt fall in the first 2 picks, Fields would have stayed. I think he gets better. He will never be a top 10 QB but will fall in that next group. He looked great throwing 16 in a row but those type moments just didnt happen enough. IF he improves this year, he will be the starter in Pittsburgh. We get to see his growth from afar now as we watch CW become a top 5 QB as a rookie. I get the rookie growth period but I think he passes those mistakes early and has a redord type year.
  5. A good QB makes every WR look better. Also the OL will look better because of a better release time. Im an optimist and think this is all going to click early. Bear fans are reluctant because of our history. Our history changed the day Poles got here.
  6. Absolutely going to happen. He may not not start but will easily play more than Wilson thru the year.
  7. My problem is, if he called me, I would have went to the bar, its 50 minutes from my house. He calls me after he got home.
  8. My son is not a fanactic football fan and didnt talk to him about football. Someone came over to him for an autograph and he declined, saying he was here socially. He just had small talk, but did do a shot with his wife. Said he was down to earth, funny guy. He didnt know who he was until someone told him. Someone you could have a beer with . No ego at all. Because of his neighbors freindship with the security/ bar owner, was going to try to get tickets for a game. He has went before and its a VIP area where wives sit. We'll see.
  9. Didnt the Detroit head coach make a couple blunders in the playoff game that cost them going to the championship game? His was coach of the year, the year before and no body was calling him out for it. Because he has a winning team. Good coachs screw up too.
  10. My son had dinner with D J Moore last night. His neighbor is friends with the owner of the bar- resturatant in Byron , il. The owner does security for the Bears and booked Zach Millers band ( former TE). He invited DJ 2 months ago but never thought he would show up because training camp started. He shows up and sits at the table my son was sitting at. No one knew he was coming , tada, he shows up.
  11. There are certain decisions that can make a coach look good or bad. Flus was never a head coach before and is in a learning process. Every coach has bad choices. The difference is a winning team (those bad choices are blown off), on losing teams all are magnified. One thing I think what makes a good coach is to keep the team together and focused in the face of adversity. Flus has appeared to keep everyone focused and getting better. We saw clearly Nagy lose his team and he was a coach of the year in 2018. Lots of variables that go into a team winning. Roster developement, roster additions and Flus was clearly at a disadvantage his first two years. This year will be the measure of what kind of coach he is by how well they do. Can he take a roster of more talent and win. We have a front row seat to that movie.
  12. My biggest encouragement for Flus is Poles believes in him. I trust Poles to get it right. A lot of mistakes last year on the offense, I blame to Flus allowing Getsy to control the situation. Another problem was breakdown by selected players at critical times. center was simply terrible and injury breakdowns of the OL. Bad play calling created a mediorcre offence. As much as as I loved Justin, his bad decisions added to it. If you're making soup and one turns out better than the other its because of better ingrediants. We have better ingrediants.
  13. There is always questions going into camps for every team. What makes me optimistic is our last 7 games. We looked like a different team which has been added too. Adding better players and better coaches can only add to, not subtract from. The largest stat site is PFF, how many trust all of their stats? They dont figure in intangables.
  14. I think all 3 WRs get over 800 yards, probably DJ with the most, but depends how it plays out.
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