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Everything posted by GrizzlyBear

  1. 88 your a zero with all crap you spew , please grow up quickly so the social security checks can start comming in. I know the mentaly challenged have that right.
  2. Would have to disagree on see him this year. I truly think the line has done well for the most part. Even with heavy blitzes from the eagles Orton got enough tiome to throw. With the addition of Williams soon they can only get better. The averages are against Orton finishing the season injury free, But I think with the right play calling it can be avoided.
  3. Either way he is still a tool, no thanks
  4. Really? I guess Ill take that opinion with your ultimate analysis of Rex being the savior and Orton is not worth his salt.
  5. My point Pix, And Kyle KMA, Dense? I guess so, But I watched that Cincy game today and Dallas is not who they say they are. Stars or not, A team they are not. At least they dont play like one.
  6. OMG Nay sayers galore. Dallas is not the team you think they are.
  7. Loks like th QB situation Mute now as well.
  8. Really? So your looking for a pro bowl QB? Hmmm thats rather high expectations.
  9. And please dont say when we play Dallas, We already played Philly and beat em.
  10. The problem with Bear fans is they constantly expect the worst. It took me awhile to realize this after I left Chicago for the Army. So lets say these 3 games where Orton preformed well is a fluke. Why I said "Maybe". But on the other hand what If it is true and he is what we need, then what , When will you guys off the proverbial Nay wagon and say he is?
  11. If this trend continues I can not see a QB taken in the first round for a long time. His play is everything so far we hoped for. And Tturner calling the plays the way he has is what I remember from his last stint with the Bears. Maybe.
  12. His deal is actually a cake walk. If he wilters and he walks or we boot him out the deal will only be 10 mil out and 6.5 back at the bears. read the bottom of the article that deal would not hurt us finacialy but will hurt us at the tackle spot.
  13. Problem with Davis is he constantly thinks he is a better coach then whoever he hires. He should take page from Papa Bear. Hire your coach, watch and drink totties till the cows come home.
  14. I thought you said we had one on the roster already?
  15. excellant point NFO. Rex has continuely shown his head is the problem not his arm, People calling Orton a Noodle arm is also wrong. Even old Madden commented that from the 20 Orton can make all the throws. That is 3rd tier throw. 20 yards is no noodle arm. Pennington makes a living throwing 5 to 10 yards all day long. With Forte a 4 yard pass is nothing to scream about, They proved that last night. It puts the bears in much better position on second down and 3rd. I just think right now for the Bears its all about growing Orton into a quality QB.
  16. you know its always easier to to be negative then it is positive, But to be a tool on top of it? Man I would hate to be so negative.
  17. you know whats funny, I have yet to read an article that states that about harris or hear it off any sports network. He must read messageboards and forums like this, cuz its the only place I seen it.
  18. But to say he has been terrible? Thats plain wrong.
  19. Well I was talking to Tuti Williams , He was offensive tackle for the Cards , Him and Sharpe were the tackles then. He stated to me that Dent was one the worst effort DE in the NFL. He would try to offtem to take plays off. But said that Hampton was a beast. If your asking how I talked to him When I was a Army Recruiter I put his little brother in the Army. He lived with Tuti.
  20. Well the way I look at it is there is plenty of lineman that had the same injury in the NFL, It will heal but they have to give it a chance to heal, His playing is only hurting that process. If they truly want to have him be at his old form , then IR for this year and let him reek havoc next year. With Harrison and Dusty playing well, and Idoneje playing well there is no sense to have him play this year at all.
  21. Well thats saying something for his statement afte r it happened, But he still played like crap and did not deserve to be on the field of play. Just glad his legal crap was dismissed, maybe now he will wake up and smell the coffee.
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