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Everything posted by GrizzlyBear

  1. Brown has played well and Vasher has not been that bad, But the rest I would have to agree.
  2. you gotta love the Divorce comment from Lovie though, It was classic.
  3. Would have to agree with LB analogy. Why expose someone that has nothing to expose? Url has been vacant of late. While briggs has been doing rather well. Being that most passes were recieved in that last drive toward middle right I would say he calling out Url. IMHO I would have to agree.
  4. Been looking for the TB reactions , Where you seeing that?
  5. I understand completely, The sickness is contagious. So please keep your distance. But the over all of it rather eye opening. The d line was excetional in stopping the run. Saying that it seems like our DB's is the major problem. Is it scheme or is it Lack of talent?
  6. Ok I have read all the things I can here, From the extreme of one side saying it Orton, to another saying its Turner. The funny thing is we dominated every quarter on time possession and percentage of total net yards. We out played TB in almost every aspect of the game. With exception of the number passes. But our average of net yards per pass was greater then TB. Offensively The Bears are on track as wierd as it may seem, at least by the stats. Defensively its another story. Babich maybe the culprit or maybe Lovie wanting him to run it it a certain way. But either way you look at it, it smells pretty bad. Holding TB to 47 total rushing yards say the D line was preforming in that aspect. But pressure on the QB was non existant and tight coverage on reacievers was abscent as well. All the passes that greise got were fast hit slants all day long. Not one break on the ball to shut it down, no jamming at the line. Could it be the play of our CB's? I doubt it. They have proven to be good solid CB in the past. Both are healthy. To me it has to be the scheme. Its the only thing that makes any sense for a talented team as the Bears to play so lousy and out of sink. Its almost like watching a new system installed. Url has been not himself. Harris has been not himself. The CB's are playing like they are extra cautious. It would have to be coaching. Link to gamelog Take a look at the Game log and see if you come up with the samething as I did.
  7. You bet Iam, No way a first rounder spent on a QB, We need O line then Safety and LB, QB is last on the list. Pick one up in FA. If not then keep what we have. According to 88 we already God at QB on the Bench.
  8. Orton is limited by what he is told to call, TURNER had a BAD first half. Thats my take.
  9. NO WAY!!!! A QB in the first? ACK!!!! IAM GONNA HURL!!!!!!!
  10. First off Turner has nothing to do with defense. Secondly, Url and Harris ( our 2 top defenders) Have disappeared. Harris has yet to get a pressure let alone a sack. And where is our Golden boy Url been? He has played awful. At least to me he has. He has taken over games before. Ie cardinals.... This defense has more to do with the Play of our stars then of Babich.
  11. Sorry Dude I have yet to see a great defense. The only ones playing at previous levels are Briggs and Peanut. The rest need a kick in the ass. Harris and Url have disappeared. Dusty has shown what we expected. So to say they are great is a huge over-statement.
  12. Screw the 2nd for a QB. Go FA and what you have currently. No need to boow a pick on something we get in FA.
  13. Hester was drafted to be a CB with return abilities, and for that its well worth the second round pick, As for now? Well his abilities have shown he is more capable of making an impact at the WR, then the CB.
  14. Man can we get anymore negative? Geez about ready to slash my own wrists.
  15. Lets see, how do we win? I'll say it before 88 does> START REX!!!!!!!! sorry couldnt help myself.
  16. Manning returning Kicks will be a good relief to hester. As a nickle goes stick graham or McBride in there, Neither will be as bad Manning in that situation.
  17. You can tell some people dont really watch the games, I guess the beer is flowing a little to well.
  18. Iam sure lovie has nutting to do with schemes on Offense, with the exception of wanting a running game. The defense's best friend is the running game. And Lovie knows that. The longer the O is on the field the better the D can rest.
  19. Whats funny about that a number of people said Thigpen was gonna be the starter in Minny after this season. Then the trade. Well looks whos laughing now. That is if Thigpen pans out.
  20. They could do a couple of things here. But I think the most logical is to move manning back for trial basis. He is the only Free safety on the Roster. Bring Bowman to the active roster. If Manning dont pan out then try McBride at the nickel. I thought he played some last year. ( maybe wrong)
  21. Brady Now? Of course not bonehead. Brady first 2 games, look it up.
  22. GrizzlyBear

    Some good news

    So "best weapon in football" does not deserve 4 plus years and good money ? Hmm dont make sense.
  23. I wouldnt do it, And to tell ya the truth I see KC getting either one. They are in a group more trouble there then we are here.
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