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  1. I would venture to say it was Bill Polian that put his Midas touch on the franchise that led George to hire Poles. But you are right, as Poles is actually doing the work.
  2. Carmen and Jurko had the stats. It's midway through the Thursday show, if you want to listen on the app.
  3. Look at the EPA stat for football. It's complicated, but very accurate when it comes to success. The top 5 teams over the last five years have the five best records over that period of time. As far as the Bears are concerned, the worst five EPA teams were five of the six worst teams in the NFL over the same period.(Bears 31st) The Bears can help themselves rocket up the line by converting a greater percentage of second and third downs.
  4. If Odunze hits 1000, we contend for the division. I'm thinking odds are against.
  5. Yeah, me too. I would never want to be the first GM to set a precedent like that, especially when it's been collectively bargained and agreed upon.
  6. The chargers are also hurting for receiver. I do have the feeling Harbaugh wants to build through the draft though.
  7. I don't like the stand part option. As I've previously stated, it's about next season. There's not a defender out there that is going to help up win a playoff game. I'll take Conner Williams on a flyer. If you have to put him on the PUP for awhile, I'm good. I've been on record that I don't like the investment Poles has made in the IOL. Williams, if healthy, is proven and young. I want nothing else going into camp. Mid season, gimme another great EDGE trade...
  8. They can easily create space for anyone they want.
  9. Since this is not a Superbowl year, I'm signing Williams before Ngakue. IMO, this year should be all about Caleb and the future before we sign a mid level, injured, journeyman EDGE rusher. Gimme the stud center if his knee is trending better.
  10. I can see Caleb wanting his contract fully guaranteed. It would be an interesting precedent, but likely, given his elite status.
  11. Lovie always said that his safeties were interchangeable.
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