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Everything posted by DaBearSox

  1. Not this year....he looks worse than R.W. so far...
  2. shit, well sacks suck... but sacks where a QB runs 20 yards backwards before going down is even worse.... remember the play in the last game where he was out of the pocket, 10-15 yards behind the line, ran up maybe 7 yards and took a sack....I sat there and thought why the hell wouldn't you throw that ball away???
  3. he's just an Orton lover...stats prove nothing
  4. Pure entertainment.... I am actually starting to enjoy it....get some good laughs while I am at work
  5. If we fail to make the playoffs this year is Lovie canned? Or does Angelo & Co stay with him and ride the storm out...
  6. I remember someone on here saying he wasn't smart enough to pick up the offense and he scored very poorly on that draft test whatever its called. However, he has seems to pick up KC's O pretty quickly.
  7. I will agree they are not playing up to par, but I will not say they are overpaid. I am going to blame the "scheme" until it shows me it can work. (since it is not going to change obviously)... I might side with you to put graham in there over Vasher...he is just not looking himself right now
  8. They want to make sure Forte doesn't get exhausted before season end...and seem to forget that we have 3 other running backs on this team....
  9. There's nothing wrong with the scheme....our players suck.... What a coach!
  10. Totally agree.... That guy is just a little bitch, his stupid acts were just emphasized by the TV coverage... I will say that this team needs some damn fire though...I am getting ready to blame Lovie for that...his calm and un-moved atitude is starting to get to me, and I feel its rubbing off on the players...
  11. You're gonna be good if you have Tyler Thigpen throwing you the ball...
  12. Starting to piss me off... a coach should never....NEVER....put the blame on his players.
  13. He's gonna be a viking next year so I would stay away Terra
  14. You just can't start Caleb Hanie.... He was losing to bad college teams last year...went undrafted...and saw a few minutes of playing time in the preseason against teams 3rd defenses.... saying he would out preform Rex is somewhat ludacris... That being said my vote is for Kyle, or Jo Jo the poo flinging monkey
  15. Cover 2 DOES NOT....DOES NOT....work against the pass...Riveria did a nice jobs with the schemes to kind of hide this problem... Babich is one sided....Teams know we are able to shut down the run...thus why shit ass QBs throw all day on us...
  16. And honestly...Who cares if this is a "childish" post....this is a message board...this is what happens when people have their own opinions and speak up about it... If you want to be sheltered from other people's points of view than don't come here and post... I am not trying to say that Bears 88 is complaining about being called out...I am just saying that this isn't elementary school and I think we can all deal with some criticism, lord knows Rex does...
  17. I have a feeling that Orton is gonna get a nice extension this offseason...
  18. wow....delhomme????? I thought you were just a Rex homer but now it is obvious you have been off your meds this season. With Orton under center our Offense looks like an actual offense....Even Mike Brown said this season its not the O that looks bad.... (Mike Brown from the lockeroom:) ....slurp slurp slurp....
  19. I also agree that this is a bit hypocritical on your part but whatever... I will back Rex unless he is hurting the rest of the team...if he is hurting the team then he deserves to be booed. I will put my vote behind Danimal.... There was nothing that Rex did to warrent him celebrating like he just won the NFC....especially the way he is thought of in Chicago he should be as humble as he can and produce on the field before he goes and celebrates a 2 inch run. My main thing with anyone celebrating....If you are a productive player = go right ahead....You need to prove something = be humble and let your play say anything you need to say.
  20. I agree to somepoint....especially yesterday... I saw a lot in the other post saying that it was OK for Rex to spike the ball and act like he just won the NFC I however thought it was a bit premature for the timing of it. He didn't do anything special and Forte would have had that TD a lot easier than Rex did. (Plus he did all the work getting them there)
  21. I've driven myself home after tearing my ACL on my right knee before....gotta wait til the MRI, if it is just a high sprain its really up to Orton's healing abilities and his pain threshhold as to when we see him again....
  22. Rex reminded me of umm...old Rex....I am not gonna dog him since it was his first game in awhile but his little celebration after his TD run really really pissed me off....I dont know why I got angry about it I just did... Luckily we pulled that out of our asses....nice job Forte for saving us in the 2nd half...
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