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Everything posted by HoofHearted

  1. Yeah, he was being shifted to CB, because the Huskers were so excited about his abiity and ball skills(could have been the a huge mistake). He was slated to be a cornerstone of their pass D.
  2. Id still rather see Bragg make the team over him, IF we carry six wide outs.
  3. Like I said, he basically destroyed his knee in 02', ACL, MCL, a bunch of tendons, it basically exploded. He never recovered after that citing tightness and soreness after each and every practice. He joked he could tell when bad weather was coming because his knee would lock up. Nobody really wants to spend a pick on that type of injury. He was a low risk high reward player in round seven or UDFA, and we got him for a great price. With his speed and ball skills at safety(he was a SS the year before the injury as I mentioned), I honestly believe he would have been a top rated DB, much like Mike Huff was this year, in the 05' draft. Nebraska turns out stud safeties like clockwork, and he was set to be the next big thing there with Bullocks, he led the team in picks before his injury, so that shows his ball skills there. An unfortunate turn of events derailed what was once a promising young player, but we can still hope he gets the best of care and comes back better than ever next year.
  4. Second ACL tear for him. I was pulling for him to make the squad, but now he wont. He would have been a stud safety in the draft had he not f***** up his knee so dam badly. He was awesome at SS before he basically tore every possible ligament and then some in his knee, and was very fast.
  5. A straight up trade of TJ for Lelie would weaken us considerably, and no way would I ever do that. Now if Denver were to throw in a 3 or 4 pick AND one of Bell, Sapp, or Dayne, then Id consider it.
  6. I know bad nick name(at best) , but Danieal Manning was exactly that today, picking off two Brian Griese passes. It's still very early, so the jury is still out on this one, but he has already shown his knack for the finding the ball, and equally important to Lovie, holding on to it. Keep up the good work guy.
  7. Q is too slow, lumbering, and has absolutely no technique to play either edges rusher, period. Him at either tackle spot is a disaster waiting to happen.
  8. It is a bad thing to keep him as extra depth, when that depth is provided at only one spot along the line(run blocking RG). Please dont tell me he can play tackle, because he can't. He is ineligable to be placed on the PS, so he would have been a waiste of a roster spot.
  9. "The six-foot-1, 221-pounder" Wow talk about misinformation in the media. Stelly is 5-11 at best, but is built like an oxe. I hope Joel can find consistency, and it's not that I dislike Brad, but the calf problem Brad experienced in 05' sounds like it could affect him long term. Plus, Stelly was a problem child (like myself), who made a crap-ton of mistakes growing up, but he got himself on the right track, all the way to the NFL. I really think Stelly is going to be a great NFL punter, and I hope he does it with us. I'm surprised this article didnt go into the depth of gunners we have now. Wesley is a sure fire stud there, while AP, Joe, Izzy, Odom, and Dejo(maybe Anderson) will hold it down up the gut. I also expect Byrum and possibly Amos to make the squad, and provide real speed getting to the ball in coverage of kicks. I hate to see Todd Johnson on this team again, but he can lay the lumber on ST, at least until McGowan is back. Our ST looks mighty fine to me, and that bodes well for our field position on both sides of the ball.
  10. Being able to stand in at mulitple positions, and ACTUALLY being able to play them are two different things. He cant play T, and should be strictly a phone booth RG(which he is too tall for in most systems). Just cutting useless dead weight, which Ive been waiting for a long time now.
  11. According to this article, we have been involved in talks for him. "The New England Patriots, Philadelphia Eagles and Chicago Bears are among the teams the Broncos previously have been engaged in talks. But nothing appears to be imminent." Linky
  12. Good job JA, quick and painless. signings
  13. Well they sort of acknowledged that...
  14. Maybe just a stickied or added to important topics for the time being?
  15. Oh yeah I know, I was commenting on how a couple of the admin here said we would have a College Football index here sometime before the season. Now sounds about right. Maybe it was Addison?
  16. Mods, it may be time to open up the College Football section now.
  17. "The Bears' highest priority on the roster was locking up weak-side linebacker Lance Briggs after his first Pro Bowl season, but those plans fell apart when negotiations with agent Drew Rosenhaus crumbled a week before the draft. That was one of the reasons the team spent a fourth-round pick on Arizona State linebacker Jamar Williams. Briggs turned down a deal worth about $5.5million per season that would have made him one of the highest-paid players on the roster. The Bears wound up rescinding that offer, and Briggs boycotted the voluntary offseason program. He's expected to arrive for training camp on time and likely will play out the season without contract talks reopening." suntimes Thats some BS right there, turning down that money was a mistake.
  18. No word on the exact structuring, but Clayton reported it includes a 5 million dollar bonus. Not too bad for a cerebral LB who knows the system and rarely is found out of his assignement.
  19. A torn ACL does not equal a loss in speed or agility. In many new studies an this injury people have actually been better mobility wise 18 months after surgery. Even Mark said after his surgery in college he actually came back faster, and more and more people are reporting this same affect. The ligament used from a cadaver, with proper surgery and rehab will function as perfectly as before. In short, he may be at a loss this year, but with the precieved quality of treatment he received Mark will most likely see no long term loss of agility or speed.
  20. Yeah this has been out there for a little while. I noticed it a month or so ago, and I believe it came up in chalk talk. I love both guys, and both do different things, Garza can be a pulling guard, and Metcalf is the brick wall space clogger. Metcalf pissed me off a bunch with offside calls in critical situations last year, and Im sure it got on his coaches nerves as well. Its definitely weird to hear the guy had no ACL and was never aware of it, but none the less Garza is still very agile and quick, as 5 second 40 at his pro day was phenomenal, and he hasnt appeared to lose much if any agility after his knee injury. Not having one hasnt hurt Curtis Martin, Brian Westbrook, or Hines Ward and certainly didnt slow down Elway so why would it hurt an Olineman? Both guys are beasts Garza as put up 37 reps before his draft, and Metcalf did a less impressive 28, either way I would wager to say Terrance could equal Roberto in the 'Feats of Strength'. It's hard to pick one, and thats a good thing, competition is always good, and having an accomplished back-up with good starters experience is great. In the end Garza is an all around better athlete at the position, and I believe he can do more things along the line, and that is why he has the job now, but Metcalf is still our starter in my mind. Im still more interested in who wins the third back up job along our line. It's certain to be a rook, and IMO it comes down to Leffew, Levoir, and Reed. Id like Leffew to get it as he was an excellent LT in college, and has ideal size and agility to be a pulling guard, so he could provide emergency depth at OT as well as valuable youth along the interior.
  21. Heck, if were going to give him a new deal, it better be more than the 1 yr extension he is asking for. Well lose our RFA rights to him just to we can give him more money? I dont think so. Vash, you want a new deal, you sign long term hoss.
  22. Seeing your mediocre backup get payed 14 times what you make up front will put a lot of ideas in ones head.
  23. I still like both Bragg and McClendon better. If anyone makes this team as a sixth WR it will be Bragg.
  24. He wont be playing for that contract, at least thats what he's shown, so any team that might trade for him will also have to take a new pricetag into consideration. I highly doubt this is more about him starting than him getting paid, beacause if that were the case he would have been in camp working his but off from day one.
  25. Tank will be our NT. Danieal Manning will be our FS. CB at RB. Moose and Bradley at WR. Runnels at FB. Metcalf beats out Garza at RG. Leon Joe takes over for Hx2 at SLB.
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