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Jay Cutler vs Paparazzi


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Agree with your perspective on JC and the fotogs. Let me add that he brings a lot on himself by being aloof and dickish with the media. The finger incident will only make them harass him more, as they will now attempt to incite and bait him.


That being said, I think my personality would make me standoffish with the media as well. Especially fotogs. I think they are representative of what is wrong with civilization. Bottom feeders preying to serve the interest of dumbasses who give a crap what Cutler and GF do on a Saturday in April.


Please. You may have a distaste for what they do, but get off the high-horse a little and come visit reality. You know you'd read virtually any story about Jay Cutler. Just like the rest of us. And there's nothing wrong with it. These people are celebrities. You may read it and say, "Ahhhh, so what." But you will still read it, and readers drive media.

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Please. You may have a distaste for what they do, but get off the high-horse a little and come visit reality. You know you'd read virtually any story about Jay Cutler. Just like the rest of us. And there's nothing wrong with it. These people are celebrities. You may read it and say, "Ahhhh, so what." But you will still read it, and readers drive media.


Jason - What you are still failing to realize (or acknowledge) is that there is a difference between media scrutiny in the sports pages, and paparazzi following a pregnant starlet around trying to get pictures.


Can you at least respond to my question about what QBs (other than Tom Brady) get the same level of photographic media attention? What other QBs have had pictures taken of them in their personal life walking the dog, shopping, or walking through an airport?


You are sticking with this "they should expect a higher level of attention" stuff as if it's normal that all starting QB's get this level of intrusion into their personal life. Cutler isn't getting this level of attention because it's him, it's because of his girlfriend / fiancee.


If you were to say that he should expect this level of attention because he chose to go out with a Hollywood starlet, I could accept that. But trying to make it sound like paparazzi stalking should be expected by any starting QB in the NFL is just ridiculous. It just doesn't happen without the celebrity girlfriend. Feel free to correct me if you can think of any examples that contradict what I'm saying.



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Jason - What you are still failing to realize (or acknowledge) is that there is a difference between media scrutiny in the sports pages, and paparazzi following a pregnant starlet around trying to get pictures.


Can you at least respond to my question about what QBs (other than Tom Brady) get the same level of photographic media attention? What other QBs have had pictures taken of them in their personal life walking the dog, shopping, or walking through an airport?


You are sticking with this "they should expect a higher level of attention" stuff as if it's normal that all starting QB's get this level of intrusion into their personal life. Cutler isn't getting this level of attention because it's him, it's because of his girlfriend / fiancee.


If you were to say that he should expect this level of attention because he chose to go out with a Hollywood starlet, I could accept that. But trying to make it sound like paparazzi stalking should be expected by any starting QB in the NFL is just ridiculous. It just doesn't happen without the celebrity girlfriend. Feel free to correct me if you can think of any examples that contradict what I'm saying.


There is a difference between athletes and movie stars. Movie stars get more photographers. But that doesn't mean high-profile athletes get none. This is especially true when the profile goes from QB on down. QBs are the faces of the league. The gap between Brad Pitt and Jay Cutler is huge when talking about the photgraphers, but the gap between him and his new girlfriend isn't nearly as huge. But I'd say it's just as huge as the gap between pre-celebrity GF Cutler and a relatively unknown (to the general public) player. How many do you think follow around Roberto Garza?


There is a difference between Brady and other QBs. But that mostly has to do with the fact that if he weren't playing football he would easily fit into with celebrities on looks alone. Again, movie stars - and players who look like movie stars - get more photographers. Other than Brady, I'm sure Peyton Manning gets a ton of followers. Vick as well. Maybe a few others. I'll do some research into this when I get a chance, but I know I've seen photos of other QBs doing random, every-day things.


Trying to get on a high horse about any of this is what's truly ridiculous. We watch; we listen. No matter the story, fans of [insert person/team/etc.] will flock to stories and photographs of that item.

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There is a difference between athletes and movie stars. Movie stars get more photographers. But that doesn't mean high-profile athletes get none. This is especially true when the profile goes from QB on down. QBs are the faces of the league. The gap between Brad Pitt and Jay Cutler is huge when talking about the photgraphers, but the gap between him and his new girlfriend isn't nearly as huge. But I'd say it's just as huge as the gap between pre-celebrity GF Cutler and a relatively unknown (to the general public) player. How many do you think follow around Roberto Garza?


This is where you lose me. Make a specific example of your general statement: Name 1 other player in the league that gets national exposure with pictures of them doing everyday things in the off season that isn't dating a celebrity. I challenge you to simply name one and link the example.


This goes back to your statement that this level of attention was foreseeable when Cutler bought his place in Lincoln Park even though he'd never gotten that level of attention before, he hadn't started dating a starlet yet, and you still have yet to name an example of an NFL player that receives this level of attention doing everyday stuff at home unless they are dating a celebrity, that Cutler could have seen as an example that would make it foreseeable for him.


So, give me an example!


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This is where you lose me. Make a specific example of your general statement: Name 1 other player in the league that gets national exposure with pictures of them doing everyday things in the off season that isn't dating a celebrity. I challenge you to simply name one and link the example.


This goes back to your statement that this level of attention was foreseeable when Cutler bought his place in Lincoln Park even though he'd never gotten that level of attention before, he hadn't started dating a starlet yet, and you still have yet to name an example of an NFL player that receives this level of attention doing everyday stuff at home unless they are dating a celebrity, that Cutler could have seen as an example that would make it foreseeable for him.


So, give me an example!


Now that I think about it, this is pretty easy.


Mark Sanchez has received a ton of notoriety for a variety of reasons. He's a nightlife player like Brady, and has recently been linked to Kate Upton. There are plenty of pictures out there of him just going to the theater and various sporting events.


Tony Romo dated several A-listers and eventually got married to a model. He also shops at Walmart.


Tim Tebow for obvious reasons. And one more.


Peyton Manning has been seen on SNL and did a voice on the Simpsons, not to mention a ton of commericals.


Eli Manning could potentially be put into that circle as well.


Brett Favre received tons of attention while playing, and even more during his career. So much so that he was a known figure to even non-football fans. Hell, we even know his brother is a criminal. I've seen photos of him in a car, and we all saw his wedding photo.



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Now that I think about it, this is pretty easy.


Mark Sanchez has received a ton of notoriety for a variety of reasons. He's a nightlife player like Brady, and has recently been linked to Kate Upton. There are plenty of pictures out there of him just going to the theater and various sporting events.


Tony Romo dated several A-listers and eventually got married to a model. He also shops at Walmart.


Tim Tebow for obvious reasons. And one more.


Peyton Manning has been seen on SNL and did a voice on the Simpsons, not to mention a ton of commericals.


Eli Manning could potentially be put into that circle as well.


Brett Favre received tons of attention while playing, and even more during his career. So much so that he was a known figure to even non-football fans. Hell, we even know his brother is a criminal. I've seen photos of him in a car, and we all saw his wedding photo.


Jason - reading is a skill.


Most of those guys are in the limelight, but you missed the distinction of "that receives this level of attention doing everyday stuff at home."


Remember the context of Cutler being able to foresee having pictures of him taken outside his own home. That doesn't count going to places where paparazzi are likely taking pictures of other celebrities. That doesn't count other players that are dating celebrities because we are talking about what was foreseeable BEFORE he started dating a celebrity. That doesn't count players going on TV shows.


So, to be VERY specific, find one of a player not dating a celebrity or model doing everyday things at home where the pictures were published nationally. How about Peyton Manning taking out the trash? Heck, let's even open it up wider! How about 3 examples of someone dating a celebrity doing everyday things at home (like walking the dog or taking out the trash) and having the pictures published nationally.


Remember, I don't disagree that NFL players, and particularly QBs, should expect a higher level of attention. My point is that there are several things here that place this particular incident outside what is a reasonable expectation for these guys despite the heightened scrutiny. The bottom line is that getting their pictures taken when at home doing everyday stuff like walking the dog and having the pictures published nationally is absolutely anything but a normal occurrence - and hence unforeseeable.

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Jason - reading is a skill.


Most of those guys are in the limelight, but you missed the distinction of "that receives this level of attention doing everyday stuff at home."


Remember the context of Cutler being able to foresee having pictures of him taken outside his own home. That doesn't count going to places where paparazzi are likely taking pictures of other celebrities. That doesn't count other players that are dating celebrities because we are talking about what was foreseeable BEFORE he started dating a celebrity. That doesn't count players going on TV shows.


So, to be VERY specific, find one of a player not dating a celebrity or model doing everyday things at home where the pictures were published nationally. How about Peyton Manning taking out the trash? Heck, let's even open it up wider! How about 3 examples of someone dating a celebrity doing everyday things at home (like walking the dog or taking out the trash) and having the pictures published nationally.


Remember, I don't disagree that NFL players, and particularly QBs, should expect a higher level of attention. My point is that there are several things here that place this particular incident outside what is a reasonable expectation for these guys despite the heightened scrutiny. The bottom line is that getting their pictures taken when at home doing everyday stuff like walking the dog and having the pictures published nationally is absolutely anything but a normal occurrence - and hence unforeseeable.


What part about "shopping at Walmart" did you not understand? It's not like the photographers were inside Cutler's home.


I'm not going to dig up any more than that, because I don't want to do your research. But the abscence of it on a Bears board does not mean it does not exist. I'm quite sure the same type of photos have surfaced of fan-sites many times over for several other QBs. But since they're off our radar, we don't think about it. The same thing is true on other boards regarding Cutler; there is no way the Tennessee Titans' fan board has a thread about Cutler's interactions with the paparazzi.

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What part about "shopping at Walmart" did you not understand? It's not like the photographers were inside Cutler's home.


Well then you missed the part about "Nationally Published" as the other criteria. If it were just some photoshopped picture of Cutler flipping someone off, I'm sure no one would have cared since it's not credible.


I'm beginning to think that you don't know that the photos of Cutler in question were published on TMZ.com http://www.tmz.com/person/jay-cutler/


If you check, you will find that the only other NFL QB that TMZ has a directory for is Tom Brady.


If you want to concede because your searches have turned up nothing, then fine. You've proven my point.

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Well then you missed the part about "Nationally Published" as the other criteria. If it were just some photoshopped picture of Cutler flipping someone off, I'm sure no one would have cared since it's not credible.


I'm beginning to think that you don't know that the photos of Cutler in question were published on TMZ.com http://www.tmz.com/person/jay-cutler/


If you check, you will find that the only other NFL QB that TMZ has a directory for is Tom Brady.


If you want to concede because your searches have turned up nothing, then fine. You've proven my point.



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Well then you missed the part about "Nationally Published" as the other criteria. If it were just some photoshopped picture of Cutler flipping someone off, I'm sure no one would have cared since it's not credible.


I'm beginning to think that you don't know that the photos of Cutler in question were published on TMZ.com http://www.tmz.com/person/jay-cutler/


If you check, you will find that the only other NFL QB that TMZ has a directory for is Tom Brady.


If you want to concede because your searches have turned up nothing, then fine. You've proven my point.



Nice one.



BTW I liken paparazzi to ambulance chasers. They are some of the lowest pieces of crap of there. I wouldn't blame any celeb for flipping them off, beating them, stomping on them, etc.



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Well then you missed the part about "Nationally Published" as the other criteria. If it were just some photoshopped picture of Cutler flipping someone off, I'm sure no one would have cared since it's not credible.


I'm beginning to think that you don't know that the photos of Cutler in question were published on TMZ.com http://www.tmz.com/person/jay-cutler/


If you check, you will find that the only other NFL QB that TMZ has a directory for is Tom Brady.


If you want to concede because your searches have turned up nothing, then fine. You've proven my point.


Are you effing kidding me? The website linked is hardly nationally published. I suppose because it has a URL it's international, actually, but that's not really what you're going for.


But if you want to search TMZ, a 30 second search on each of the following:


Tony Romo at the movies

Eli Manning on the beach

Tim Tebow going to Wicked

Steve Johnson out and about one night

Warren Sapp doesn't even play any more and this is clearly not a publicity photo

Same goes for Keyshawn Johnson

Deion Sanders out and about

Ray Edwards hanging out in Vegas


Walter Payton has even been mentioned on TMZ!


Finding the above took very little time or effort. There are multiple entries on other players, but I don't care to do more research than the above. It proves my point. Just go to TMZ and look for someone like TO, Moss, or Favre. I'm sure there will be plenty of posts. The point, as it has always been, is that photographers are following around athletes, even those not married to celebrities. And "national publications" like TMZ do it even more often because they've cornered a large slice of the paparazzi niche market. BTW - Cutler and Brady aren't the only NFL players with his own page.

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Geez Jason - you appear to have the attention span of a dog surrounded by squirrels.


Again - the question is whether having paparazzi camped outside a players house was foreseeable.


So yet again, find one that doesn't include a player out in public where a photog might camp out looking for celebrities in general. It has to be of a player doing everyday things at home - like walking the dog or taking out the trash. It has to be an instance where the paparazzi is camped out just for the player.


You keep bringing up examples that don't fit the criteria. Keep trying though. The longer it takes you, the more it proves my point that it is not something that is a norm even for starting QBs in the NFL.

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Geez Jason - you appear to have the attention span of a dog surrounded by squirrels.


Again - the question is whether having paparazzi camped outside a players house was foreseeable.


So yet again, find one that doesn't include a player out in public where a photog might camp out looking for celebrities in general. It has to be of a player doing everyday things at home - like walking the dog or taking out the trash. It has to be an instance where the paparazzi is camped out just for the player.


You keep bringing up examples that don't fit the criteria. Keep trying though. The longer it takes you, the more it proves my point that it is not something that is a norm even for starting QBs in the NFL.


If you keep moving the goal posts your point gets lost. Several of the examples above fit the current criteria.


Unless of course you think the photographers just randomly hang out at the movies waiting for Tony Romo or another celebrity to show up. I've been to the movies in about half the states in the U.S., several times in very large theaters, and I've yet to see photographers trolling for the hopeful celebrity appearance. Or maybe you think these photographers are rampant enough to patrol every public beach in Florida, hoping to catch a glimpse of a pasty Eli Manning? I'm close enough that I've vacationed down in Florida a few times, been to multiple beaches, no photographers from TMZ to be seen. Oddly enough, I've actually seen Wicked in TWO, count'em, TWO major cities (once in Chicago!), and I've yet to see a photographer of celebrities hanging out near the front door. Or is it possible you think there is a photographer on every NY street corner, just crossing their fingers in hopes of running into Deion and his kids. (Pssst - I've been to NY; that would be pretty difficult.)


The longer you keep changing your point and ignoring the obvious examples I'm providing, the less valid your point becomes. And the more valid my point - that Cutler knew what he signed up for when he became a superstar athlete, and shouldn't be a sour puss about it (surprisingly the links I've provided don't show the other athletes acting the same way) - becomes.

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Jason, the goalposts haven't moved. Re-read the thread. You'll see that this has been my point all along. Sure, I may not have restated all the criteria in each individual post. My apologies for thinking you were paying attention.


As for Romo at the movies, those were quite obviously not taken by a professional photographer, but more likely by a fan with their cell phone who submitted them to TMZ. That was not the case with Cutler.


My point remains that Cutler is under significantly more attention that is above and beyond the normal amount of attention of an NFL QB and it's due primarily to the fact of who he's in a relationship with - a Hollywood starlet that attracts the extra attention.



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Jason, the goalposts haven't moved. Re-read the thread. You'll see that this has been my point all along. Sure, I may not have restated all the criteria in each individual post. My apologies for thinking you were paying attention.


As for Romo at the movies, those were quite obviously not taken by a professional photographer, but more likely by a fan with their cell phone who submitted them to TMZ. That was not the case with Cutler.


My point remains that Cutler is under significantly more attention that is above and beyond the normal amount of attention of an NFL QB and it's due primarily to the fact of who he's in a relationship with - a Hollywood starlet that attracts the extra attention.


My apologies for believing you'd be reasonable enough to actually read my posts and judge them by their content.


You said Brady and Cutler were the only ones with their photographs published nationally. Proven false.

You said Brady and Cutler were the only ones with TMZ pages. Proven false.

You said Brady and Cutler were the only ones who had their photographs taken in regular public settings. Proven false. Even moreso, videos on other people are much more intrusive.


Now you're going to talk about photograph resolution and pixel depth? C'mon man. :rolleyes:


One who wishes not to be proven wrong will always find a way to discredit evidence contrary to their opinion, regardless of whether or not thet discrediting is valid. Let's just agree to disagree, because I didn't really give a shit about him flipping the bird in the first place, still don't care, and we'll never agree on the extent to which a professional QB should expect photographers invading their perceived privacy.

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My apologies for believing you'd be reasonable enough to actually read my posts and judge them by their content.


I did, it's just that you were not paying attentions to the stipulations that I had placed to show that the attention Cutler was getting is not a normal level of attention. For instance:


You said Brady and Cutler were the only ones with their photographs published nationally. Proven false. you missed the stipulation of outside the players home

You said Brady and Cutler were the only ones with TMZ pages. Proven false. you missed the stipulation of Directory and not page - meaning if you go to the "celebrities" directory, only Cutler and Brady are there


Now you're going to talk about photograph resolution and pixel depth? C'mon man.


The only reason you mentioned that one is because it doesn't fit with a public place where paparazzi would hang out to photograph famous people. The only reason I brought it up is because they weren't paparazzi (professional) photos.


One who wishes not to be proven wrong will always find a way to discredit evidence contrary to their opinion, regardless of whether or not thet discrediting is valid.


It's very honorable for you to point out your stubbornness on this issue. I thought your inability to understand the stipulations was out of character. You are usually a pretty bright guy.


Let's just agree to disagree, because I didn't really give a shit about him flipping the bird in the first place, still don't care, and we'll never agree on the extent to which a professional QB should expect photographers invading their perceived privacy.


What we disagree about is whether a QB not dating a famous chick should expect the same level of attention as a QB dating a famous chick. I think there's a difference, you think that they should expect no privacy under any circumstances. We can agree to disagree though.


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I did, it's just that you were not paying attentions to the stipulations that I had placed to show that the attention Cutler was getting is not a normal level of attention. For instance:


You said Brady and Cutler were the only ones with their photographs published nationally. Proven false. you missed the stipulation of outside the players home

You said Brady and Cutler were the only ones with TMZ pages. Proven false. you missed the stipulation of Directory and not page - meaning if you go to the "celebrities" directory, only Cutler and Brady are there


This is getting boring because you obviously aren't even paying attention.


"Outside the players home" - It's impossible to tell where some were taken, but it's clear that a few are just casually strolling. And if you bothered to relook at the Cutler photos from the beginning of the thread, it's pretty damn clear these aren't just out front of his house.


Wrong again on the directory thing. Like I said, you're not paying attention. Aside from the fact that a "directory" is just a matter of organization, and not necessarily importance, it's pretty clear that there is more than one NFL player with a directory, and several other athletes as well.


Are you even trying or are you just a fan of busy work? It's tough proving a point to you if you won't even look at the links, photos, and videos I provide to refute your stipulations.


Does Cutler deserve some privacy? Sure.

Does he deserve it on a public street (where the photos from the original article were clearly taken)? No.

Does he get increased attention and lack of privacy for being a professional athlete? Yes.

Does he get more attention for dating a celebrity? I've said as much.


What we differ on is the amount of attention and privacy. That's it.

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You sure got that right! Now just say "Uncle" and STFU.


You STFU. If you don't like reading it, sit on your thumb and read another thread.


I can't help it if LT2 won't just concede that I've met the criteria he's posted with multiple links.

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