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Where Have Our Old Posters Gone?


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Your no different than anyone else on here, you have made little snarly comments but with your holier than thou attitude, it's ok for you. If you wish I can pull up your comments where you started the smack talk. Your quite a trip.


I wish you could too man so I can apologize for them. I won't go off on anyone unless I'm antagonized in the first place, I pride myself on being a nice guy, but I do have a short fuse... I just think putting down people you don't know is incredibly ignorant, but in todays society I guess I should just come to accept it, even from older gentlemen.


I'll listen to the older gents and avoid this thread...I've said all I needed to say.

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I wish you could too man so I can apologize for them. I won't go off on anyone unless I'm antagonized in the first place, I pride myself on being a nice guy, but I do have a short fuse... I just think putting down people you don't know is incredibly ignorant, but in todays society I guess I should just come to accept it, even from older gentlemen.


I'll listen to the older gents and avoid this thread...I've said all I needed to say.

If u think the banter on here is bad it's a damn good thing you weren't in the fantasy league with stinger and myself the past couple yrs. Especially last yr. Lol. That would have made ur stomach churn. And look at us. We get along just fine now. Every board I've ever been on has had banter. This is quite tame compared to most. And hell I'm sure stinger and I will go at it again this yr. I compare him to my little brother. Nice guy but occasionally I would love to smack him upset the head. And I'm sure he feels same way and that's just fine

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If u think the banter on here is bad it's a damn good thing you weren't in the fantasy league with stinger and myself the past couple yrs. Especially last yr. Lol. That would have made ur stomach churn. And look at us. We get along just fine now. Every board I've ever been on has had banter. This is quite tame compared to most. And hell I'm sure stinger and I will go at it again this yr. I compare him to my little brother. Nice guy but occasionally I would love to smack him upset the head. And I'm sure he feels same way and that's just fine



I personally think the banter is funny and a cool part of a forum board. If I say I think Webb is good and someone asks if I'm his boyfriend, I would laugh. The way I see it, we are all here to talk about a team that we all love. When my friends and I are sitting around bullshitting about sports in general the names and insults are 100% worse then what I have read on here. To me you are all Bear fans, which makes you my internet friends, if a fan of the GB Packers came on here and starting talking shit even if I thought you were wrong I would defend you. We should all be able to give a little shit, take a little shit and laugh about it. Now if some tells me to go $u$k my mother I will have a problem!!! lol

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I personally think the banter is funny and a cool part of a forum board. If I say I think Webb is good and someone asks if I'm his boyfriend, I would laugh. The way I see it, we are all here to talk about a team that we all love. When my friends and I are sitting around bullshitting about sports in general the names and insults are 100% worse then what I have read on here. To me you are all Bear fans, which makes you my internet friends, if a fan of the GB Packers came on here and starting talking shit even if I thought you were wrong I would defend you. We should all be able to give a little shit, take a little shit and laugh about it. Now if some tells me to go $u$k my mother I will have a problem!!! lol

It's simply what men do. Yes, it's fun. But, more importantly, testosterone calls for it!

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Lol I couldn't resist ignoring this thread....It's just frustrating when I back my arguments with legit stats and all I get in response are dumb little comments and no real rebuttals other than so and so sucks.



I cant speak about all the dumb little comments or no real rebuttals. The only one I was involved in was the Webb didn't give up a sack for 8 or 9 games, which would mean he doesn't suck.


First I have tried to find this stat and have not found it. Not sure if it is true. Second this really isn't a stat that can qualify him as being good. There is no way to tell if someone is good by saying they didn't give up a sack for 8 or 9 games. We would have to watch every game to see how many times he was called for a penalty, how many times he was lazy on a play, how many times he missed a block or assignment, how many times he got flat out beat, how many times he almost got Cutler killed, how many times Cutler ran for his life because Webb didn't sustain a block. Cutler ran for his life a lot last year, helping the Bears oline not get credited with a sack when they should have. Culter also held onto the ball too long in some cases getting the oline credited with the sack.


At the end of the day you are the only person I have ever come across that says Webb does not suck. I think it is pretty fair to say getting roasted for thinking Webb is good is not to far off, and I don't really think you got roasted.


Either way its a different point of view and Im glad you post on this board. Hope you don't quit. With the season here I will be posting more hopefully adding some type of positives and if I write something dumb I hope I get roasted! lol



It's all in good fun!



By the way where has Terra Tor been???? Was he run off by all you mean assholes!!!hahaaha

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I cant speak about all the dumb little comments or no real rebuttals. The only one I was involved in was the Webb didn't give up a sack for 8 or 9 games, which would mean he doesn't suck.


First I have tried to find this stat and have not found it. Not sure if it is true. Second this really isn't a stat that can qualify him as being good. There is no way to tell if someone is good by saying they didn't give up a sack for 8 or 9 games. We would have to watch every game to see how many times he was called for a penalty, how many times he was lazy on a play, how many times he missed a block or assignment, how many times he got flat out beat, how many times he almost got Cutler killed, how many times Cutler ran for his life because Webb didn't sustain a block. Cutler ran for his life a lot last year, helping the Bears oline not get credited with a sack when they should have. Culter also held onto the ball too long in some cases getting the oline credited with the sack.


At the end of the day you are the only person I have ever come across that says Webb does not suck. I think it is pretty fair to say getting roasted for thinking Webb is good is not to far off, and I don't really think you got roasted.


Either way its a different point of view and Im glad you post on this board. Hope you don't quit. With the season here I will be posting more hopefully adding some type of positives and if I write something dumb I hope I get roasted! lol



It's all in good fun!



By the way where has Terra Tor been???? Was he run off by all you mean assholes!!!hahaaha


This is false, I'm not the only supporter. In the thread that broke down OL play of last weeks game all that info came from a Webb supporter. Everyone loved the info until I brought up that the guy supported Webb. I can pull quotes from Soxtalk when I post about Webb and they overall get a positive response.


I brought up the 8 of his last 9 game stat because it showed progression and thats what you look for in a player. Especially one who has progressed in each of his first 3 seasons, albeit that progression started at god awful. I brought up the Adam Dunn comparison. Dunn was horrible for the first 2 months and everyone was counting the days till he became a free agent. Now that he's been solid for the last 3 months people are talking about maybe even extending him for another year...Why? because he is finishing the year strong and that's progress. You hope he continues that on into the next season.


But like I said before, Webb isn't exactly the brightest crayon in the crayon box so all progress could be lost with the new system. Plus Mills has looked fantastic, particularly in the run game so im 100% behind that decision.


I can't recall what website posted the 8 of the last 9 stat but I assure you it was on some bears site, I wanna say Windy City Gridiron.

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This is false, I'm not the only supporter. In the thread that broke down OL play of last weeks game all that info came from a Webb supporter. Everyone loved the info until I brought up that the guy supported Webb. I can pull quotes from Soxtalk when I post about Webb and they overall get a positive response.


I brought up the 8 of his last 9 game stat because it showed progression and thats what you look for in a player. Especially one who has progressed in each of his first 3 seasons, albeit that progression started at god awful. I brought up the Adam Dunn comparison. Dunn was horrible for the first 2 months and everyone was counting the days till he became a free agent. Now that he's been solid for the last 3 months people are talking about maybe even extending him for another year...Why? because he is finishing the year strong and that's progress. You hope he continues that on into the next season.


But like I said before, Webb isn't exactly the brightest crayon in the crayon box so all progress could be lost with the new system. Plus Mills has looked fantastic, particularly in the run game so im 100% behind that decision.


I can't recall what website posted the 8 of the last 9 stat but I assure you it was on some bears site, I wanna say Windy City Gridiron.


It's not false, I said you are the only Webb supporter I know. I don't remember anyone else saying Webb was good in that thread. Either way you can't say he progressed just because he gave up less sacks in the last year. There is way more that goes into determining if a player has gotten better.




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It's not false, I said you are the only Webb supporter I know. I don't remember anyone else saying Webb was good in that thread. Either way you can't say he progressed just because he gave up less sacks in the last year. There is way more that goes into determining if a player has gotten better.


I thought you meant supporter period, didn't know you meant just here and in your personal life. They're out there, and they have facts that support it.


I know no one here likes me bringing up PFF in reference to Webb but their data certainly says he's progressed. Here's a quote from Moon Mullins on the whole year to year progression.


He was thrown in as a rookie starter at right tackle in 2010; went to left tackle with zero offseason (lockout) in 2011; and came out of 2012 with a better PFF rating than Jeff Backus in Detroit and any of the Green Bay tackles, Don Barclay, Bryan Bulaga and Marshall Newhouse.


Using the PFF ratings for apple-to-apple purposes, Webb was a woeful minus-29.1 rating as a rookie. He bumbled through 2011 at a minus-16.2 that included hefty downgrades for penalties. And last year the same rating scale set him at minus-0.8.


He was penalized just 1 less time than our new 35M dollar LT last season.


I don't know what else to call that but progress but whatever....I'm all aboard JMills Nation now so it's pointless for me to even argue.

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I thought you meant supporter period, didn't know you meant just here and in your personal life. They're out there, and they have facts that support it.


I know no one here likes me bringing up PFF in reference to Webb but their data certainly says he's progressed. Here's a quote from Moon Mullins on the whole year to year progression.




He was penalized just 1 less time than our new 35M dollar LT last season.


I don't know what else to call that but progress but whatever....I'm all aboard JMills Nation now so it's pointless for me to even argue.


Either way you look at it progression doesn't mean he is good.

He went from horrible to god awful his second season and to complete shit in his third year. Great progression!!


So do you think Webb is better than Brushrod? I wonder how many pass attempts NO had compared to the Bears??



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Either way you look at it progression doesn't mean he is good.

He went from horrible to god awful his second season and to complete shit in his third year. Great progression!!


So do you think Webb is better than Brushrod? I wonder how many pass attempts NO had compared to the Bears??


Yes, those ratings say he was slightly below average but if you factor in the fact that at the very least he cut back on the sacks big time in the 2nd half that is continued progression.


I've said it a few times before, if Bushrod was our LT last year I think it's possible he could have been worse. Just from watching how both teams set up Bushrod was in a much better to succeed. But in this scheme I'd give the advantage to Bushrod, he's already had the opportunity to grow in the system.


Anyway I'm done with this, it's a waste of everyones time.

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Either way you look at it progression doesn't mean he is good.

He went from horrible to god awful his second season and to complete shit in his third year. Great progression!!


So do you think Webb is better than Brushrod? I wonder how many pass attempts NO had compared to the Bears??


670 pass attempts to 485 for the Bears. I think we can agree Webb looks the worst in pass coverage, probably got most of his penalties on pass plays.



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I thought you meant supporter period, didn't know you meant just here and in your personal life. They're out there, and they have facts that support it.


I know no one here likes me bringing up PFF in reference to Webb but their data certainly says he's progressed. Here's a quote from Moon Mullins on the whole year to year progression.




He was penalized just 1 less time than our new 35M dollar LT last season.


I don't know what else to call that but progress but whatever....I'm all aboard JMills Nation now so it's pointless for me to even argue.

Can we please stop with jmills nation. I can't stand it when an oline man signals himself out like webb does all the frickin time. It tells me they are more about themselves and an oline has got to play together. As far as the 8 of 9 stat its called spinning a stat to make it sound good to general public who don't pay attention to everything. Give me a little time and I guarantee I can spin almost anything to make someone sound good. And of course as I'm typing this another penalty on Webb. Its not that we hate PFF stats. They do great work. But to relay on solely there word as the word of god is being foolish. Whats also being over looked in the whole comparison is Webb's replacement has held his own even inthose times he's been on an island. Webb has looked really bad this preseason which is why he's lost his job and is fighting just for a roster spot at this time. I've said plenty of times I hope he becomes great but I simply don't see even the will to be good.

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as i said...im done...you'll never understand where im coming from so im not gonna waste my breath anymore....its a waste of everyones time.

And I'll guess u will never understand where all of us are coming from. I'm sorry but u called the integrity of this board into question u should have known ppl would start arguing that. If your really leaving good luck finding a better board. I hope u find a place where there is no banter as to appease you. I love everyone here as we are all bleed navy and orange. And I'll be here hopefully till I'm to old to argue bears football or til wife and kids kill me. Yes stinger I even like you lol

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And I'll guess u will never understand where all of us are coming from. I'm sorry but u called the integrity of this board into question u should have known ppl would start arguing that. If your really leaving good luck finding a better board. I hope u find a place where there is no banter as to appease you. I love everyone here as we are all bleed navy and orange. And I'll be here hopefully till I'm to old to argue bears football or til wife and kids kill me. Yes stinger I even like you lol


Lol I'm going no where, I'm just saying im done with this subject/thread.



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Can we please stop with jmills nation. I can't stand it when an oline man signals himself out like webb does all the frickin time. It tells me they are more about themselves and an oline has got to play together. As far as the 8 of 9 stat its called spinning a stat to make it sound good to general public who don't pay attention to everything. Give me a little time and I guarantee I can spin almost anything to make someone sound good. And of course as I'm typing this another penalty on Webb. Its not that we hate PFF stats. They do great work. But to relay on solely there word as the word of god is being foolish. Whats also being over looked in the whole comparison is Webb's replacement has held his own even inthose times he's been on an island. Webb has looked really bad this preseason which is why he's lost his job and is fighting just for a roster spot at this time. I've said plenty of times I hope he becomes great but I simply don't see even the will to be good.


I almost wrote another post while watching Webb jump off side yet again.


4th year still making the same mistakes.

His progression has gotten him from starting tackle to fighting for a roster spot.


Not the type of progression I'm looking for!

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Lol I couldn't resist ignoring this thread....It's just frustrating when I back my arguments with legit stats and all I get in response are dumb little comments and no real rebuttals other than so and so sucks.

give me a break you beat a stat to death and then think everyone should have your opinion. There are other arguments on grading a player than your little PFF, your just stubborn and its ok to have your opinion, but so is it for other people, your the one that beats it to death. We will be on a entirely different subject and you throw the Webb argument in the thread, a lot of your opinions are valid but you sure picked a bad player to waive a flag over.

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I'm still here!!!


Peace :dabears


LOL! Me too. What a piece of $hit this thread turned into.


SCS, you've got to get a thicker skin if you're going to hang in there with the menfolk. I tell my buddies to "F Off!" during sports discussions all the time. There's nothing personal going on here. ChickenLittleTwig is A-Okay in my book, so are you. We just enjoy a little smack talk when things are quiet. As someone else said above, I'd defend you over a Packers fan regardless of right/wrong. We're all Internet Brother here, you're just the youngest runt we have and you seem to enjoy getting slapped silly so relax and enjoy the ride.

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LOL! Me too. What a piece of $hit this thread turned into.


SCS, you've got to get a thicker skin if you're going to hang in there with the menfolk. I tell my buddies to "F Off!" during sports discussions all the time. There's nothing personal going on here. ChickenLittleTwig is A-Okay in my book, so are you. We just enjoy a little smack talk when things are quiet. As someone else said above, I'd defend you over a Packers fan regardless of right/wrong. We're all Internet Brother here, you're just the youngest runt we have and you seem to enjoy getting slapped silly so relax and enjoy the ride.



Haha, have to say I like this post....if nothing else the silliness becomes entertaining when things are quiet.


Now that I have finally broke down and purchased NFL Game Pass, the only real option for those stuck in other countries who have to see every Bears game, I hopefully will have a bit more substance to contribute.

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LOL! Me too. What a piece of $hit this thread turned into.


SCS, you've got to get a thicker skin if you're going to hang in there with the menfolk. I tell my buddies to "F Off!" during sports discussions all the time. There's nothing personal going on here. ChickenLittleTwig is A-Okay in my book, so are you. We just enjoy a little smack talk when things are quiet. As someone else said above, I'd defend you over a Packers fan regardless of right/wrong. We're all Internet Brother here, you're just the youngest runt we have and you seem to enjoy getting slapped silly so relax and enjoy the ride.

Enjoy this post a lot.

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I completely disagree.


But, to each his own.


It's only what you make of it.


I personally like all the posters here, including you. ;)


I miss some of the old ones, but just like life...as one door closes, another tends to open. So, I have have equally enjoyed many of the new voices.


Life is too short, and I'm too old to take anything here personally. I love great debate. Sometimes we have that, sometimes we don't. If you don't like that particular issue, ignore it and go on to the next one. Otherwise, odds are you will get caught in the tornado and make a bad situation worse. Just some words of wisdom from this old man... It's like TV. If I see "Full House" on, I don't get angry and upset. I simply turn the channel to "Game of Thrones". Each post is it's own channel. Turn to the ones you like, ignore the ones you don't.





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LOL! Me too. What a piece of $hit this thread turned into.


SCS, you've got to get a thicker skin if you're going to hang in there with the menfolk. I tell my buddies to "F Off!" during sports discussions all the time. There's nothing personal going on here. ChickenLittleTwig is A-Okay in my book, so are you. We just enjoy a little smack talk when things are quiet. As someone else said above, I'd defend you over a Packers fan regardless of right/wrong. We're all Internet Brother here, you're just the youngest runt we have and you seem to enjoy getting slapped silly so relax and enjoy the ride.



Once again I'm fine with a little shit talking, if theres more to it. dont just be a little bitch and say something stupid and nothing else....I just enjoy having intelligent arguments that actually add something to the topic at hand.


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