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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. I never felt it was. Same to you. I attached to your post, but wanted to send a general message. My simple rant is that anyone who has a legit beef with this staff has every right. I, like you and others grow weary of the negative posts with no teeth. To sum my belief in a nutshell: I simply think JA and Lovie played this off-season like they were content instead of hungry.
  2. Agreed. I'm looking to see if they rest Wolfe as well.
  3. Loved it! Poetic justice at it's best. Here's to hoping Mike Brown does the same thing to him!!
  4. I know what you all mean about the negatism. I am guilty to a degree this year though. I wonder if anyone remembers a few years ago, when it was all negative all the time. I was then called a voice of reason and a kool-aid drinker. (and we kicked ass!) I totally love that Angelo has taken care of our own. But, as far as the off-season goes that is it. I have lost faith in our staff, plain and simple, and it begins and ends with Lovie. I am tired of watching and hearing the same old thing with our team and coaching staff. We were supposed to be bulletproof last year and proved not to be. We did NOTHING to stabilize what hurt us last year and had the chance to do so. Looking forward to this season is like looking forward 3 years ago, but with a horrible OL I am not optimistic. It's not being a chicken little or negative nancy. It is simply a football philosophy. I am a Bear fan and used to the ups and downs. I've never been a Lovie fan and likely will never be. I prefer coaches who have a little fire in their belly. Lovie stands on the sideline with a stupified look on his face when he should be fired up. He says things in the media that just dumbfound me. He seems to me like he wants to be a buddy more than a coach. Most of all, he seems in over his head. This coaching staff and team really needs to show me something this year. Starting with the defense: They will have to be dominant throughout the season for us to have any shot at all. Special teams: Will be solid, but not spectacular, mostly because teams will not kick to Hester due to no fear of our offense. Our offense will simply have to hold the line.(literally) I expect them to rank 20th at best and likely around 25th. We should be middle of the pack in scoring, due to the D and ST. What do all the negativity critics have to say about where we will be and how we'll get there? Cause all I hear is a bunch of bitching. Prove me wrong and I'll eat the crow and love every second of it!
  5. One. I said average and you morphed it into good to head off your post. Not a fair start to your argument. Two. Argue the point of which unit would improve/decline the most with the addition / loss of a player. Again, you morphed my post to fit your argument. Three. Don't you think one of our better defensive talents would land us a really good O lineman? Thus helping the O more than hurting the D? Our O will destroy our D this year, if something is not done. Our skill positions will be good enough to do their part, but the O-line will destroy any hope they have to be successfull. I wouldn't want to see any starters go also. It just simply makes sense, if the right value is out there. We'll get an indicator on how the OL holds up on the 3rd pre-season game. Of course it will be too late to get quick value out of any trade.
  6. Mongo3451


    You two windbags can pontificate and hold court with your common sense all you want. I enjoy most of it. Just wish I had the time and ability to type the manifestos you guys come up with to decide who's tiny penis is the biggest. Oh, I meant to say ego instead of penis.
  7. The intention of the list was NOT to suggest we trade all of those players. It was just players that we could possibly trade. We can't and won't field an average offense with the talent we have. The only way to imagine that is to pick up help on the OL. On the defensive side we are double stacked at all positions. Trading one or two players would not have as significant impact to the defense as it would improve the offense. Addition by subtraction. Not trying to talk you into anything, but I think you misunderstood the intent of the original post.
  8. I have no problem with that scenario. My initial rant had nothing to do with Hanie, as I previously posted an example of the huge love for Orton in his 1st TC. Cont'd below... This i vehimently disagree with. We have no room for error this year. Especially, Ja on down having the ability to save face at the risk of a roster spot. If there was strategic reason to keep Williams on the roster, I would listen. Him playing this year is not going to happen. That is the sole purpose of my rant. When it comes down to us letting someone like AP or Hass go, or stocking an extra OL. There is so much you can play with th practice squad.
  9. If that is the case, I'm starting a Bill Cowher campaign. Hell, I've been doing it anyway. I'm sick of the idiotic things I keep hearing from our organization from JA to the waterboy. Williams will provide NOTHING to us this year, if ever. Not IRing him is only so JA can save face. Someone doesn't get a chance to play because we've got a set of stubborn ass's running the show.
  10. Oher is a beast! Greatest need, OL again.
  11. I don't mind trading picks, but the post was for tradable players. I just want something done so we don't completely suck. Picks, players or a combination of both, I don't care. There may not be a doable scenario in the whole league. If we are lucky, we'll find a team as desparate as we are that has talent we need while needing talent we have to offer. Neither team will get killed on the deal and everybody is better. Odds are unlikely though. .
  12. You have to able to "sell" a screen pass to the defense. About like playing poker, if you a "tell" on your hand a pro will have you read quickly. Sometimes it's coaching, sometimes personnel. I have to give coaching a pass on this as this is taught in grade school. It's more than likely we don't work on it enough, so the O is practicing it more, making it easier for OUR D to read and react. Let's judge game film, not practice on this one.
  13. I've been thinking about our OL almost exclusively, this off season. I'm thinking we have some highly tradeable talent on this roster that we can utilize to upgrade the OL. The reason I'm talking trade is because I want a rising player, not a cap cut or scrap heap player. Here's a look at our tradeable players. D. Manning - will not hurt us to be gone. Cap friendly for whoever may want him. R. Manning -Obviously already on the block. Cap friendly for us and may fill a huge need for a deprived team. A. Adams - Looking good for us, but we are deep. Cap friendly for both. I. Idonije - Again, we are deep. Buffalo still may want. Cap friendly again. A. Ogunleye - Please no booing here. He would hurt, but an OL would help more than his loss. M. Anderson - young talented enigma. Has value for contract and potential. M. Brown - Instant help for a team that needs a FS piece of the puzzle. L. Briggs - Did not sign a monster deal, so is very tradable. We'd eat some bonus, but could net a stud player. Depth behind him. Vasher and Tillman - Blasphemy! Not really. Good players with solid market value. Again, they would hurt... Lastly, Olsen and Clark - I don't see this as a fix, as they ae currenly involved in the OL/WR solution to our woeso see anyone go. Sooo, I'm mainly looking at a plethera of D players that could be moved for the greater good of the team. IMO - the depth would absorb the shock of the loss. I'd hate to see anyone go, but I'm passionate about getting the OL stronger in a hurry. I'm not of the mindset that we have the talent on O to even be game managers. Our season may ride in the balance.
  14. He has great burst, with lateral movement and change of direction. Plus, being that short, he's hard to pick out of the crowd. IMO - they should rest him this week and hopefully get him up to 90% for the 3rd pre-season game.
  15. Nice points. Especially the part about cutting Rex loose. That may be why they are looking at Simms. Simms seems to be more of that ball control guy we may be looking for. I personally don't think he's an upgrade over Rex. But, a lateral move to align the talents of the QB position may be an upgrade through continuity of scheme and gameplan.
  16. I'm very interested, but I don't want to shell out $26.95 to read it.
  17. Mongo3451


    They are going on last years offense and the feeling that our and special teams can not get any better. Quite frankly, I feel our OL and WR situation is worse than last year. I also feel our RB and TE situation is better. Will it be enough to off-set the worst OL in the league? Turner better have his best season as a coach this year or it will bring our D and ST down with it. I don't have any problem with 25th until I see improvement in the OL. The 3rd pre-season game should tell a lot.
  18. I've been involved in FFL for 12 years and have yet to find a free site that I trust. Any sites out there that you like? Links...
  19. I'm surprised as well. This far into camp and we're looking for a QB? I'm of the mindset that we need to pick our starter quickly and develop his confidence. Nothing worse for the psyche' than to be looking over both shoulders. Our offense needs to develop an identity uickly or this season is over before it starts.
  20. If the staff sees any football player in Hanie at all, no way he becomes available to anyone. Unless a vet with promise is to be gotten, Hnie sticks.
  21. I saw him in some hustle plays 15 yards downfield. Not sure that's were we need him the most, but that's about it as far as him impressing me. But, it was his 1st pro action, so he gets a pass for the hustle.
  22. Idonije has never really stood out to me. A lot of athleticism but just not a football player. I'd think anyone on our D has a little trade value if we do decide he or anyone else is expendable.
  23. Best just to red-shirt Williams at this point. JA's just trying to not look like a JA for drafting him. Wolfe looked like he should get a few touches with the 1st unit. I'm thinking he's going to be a football player. No need to sweat the D just yet. They are a veteren unit that should be ready. LOL! and agreed on the recievers and Davis. LOL It's cause he's earned a reputation as a good coach by being full of shit. Exactly. Remember, when we were all going crazy for Orton a few years ago? I actually thought he was innaccurate a few times. Plus, he had allll day to throw. All told, I don't care if it was against 3rd stringers. It was better competition than he has EVER faced. The kid held up well, but let's not call him the future just yet. Playing like we have a pair may be the only option around week six. Then again, we may not need to.
  24. What amazes me is, they are still trying to bullshit us over the severity of the injury both pre-draft and now. It is completely making JA and Lovie look like either complete moron or the unluckiest guys on the face of the earth. Here are some exerpts and a link. You decide who's telling the truth or lying. I for one am weary... http://www.suntimes.com/sports/mulligan/10...mully08.article A team spokesman said the injury was not a pre-existing condition but a new problem that occurred in the first hour of the team's second practice of training camp, their first in pads. That news was met with skepticism by at least three scouts among the 21 in attendance at the game who claimed their teams had taken the player off their draft board because of medical concerns. ''I heard that on the radio,'' one scout said. ''Why are they lying about it? You know it will all come out.'' Said another: ''Our doctors said the guy would need to do something. I guess they were right.'' The Bears said Williams missed some practices as a freshman at Vanderbilt because of a back injury. General manager Jerry Angelo was adamant that the back injury is new. ''What the doctors told me, this was a new injury,'' Angelo said. ''He had injured his back approximately three years ago. He missed two or three days of practice. He had no symptoms of any kind of herniation when that injury occurred. He had no missed time in the last three years, so it's a new injury. It's unfortunate.'' Bears coach Lovie Smith said the same thing in his postgame remarks. ''We don't know anything about that,'' Smith said of Williams falling on other team's draft boards. ''He wasn't falling off ours. This injury, from what I am told, isn't a pre-existing injury, so that is what we're going with. Injuries happen in camp, and you go from there. We were unlucky a little bit with this, but Chris will be OK and we'll go from there.'' The Bears insist Williams will return this season, but there is no timetable, only word that he'll remain on the 53-man roster so he can come back. ''That is a very serious injury for a lineman,'' one scout said. ''I would be more worried about his career than this season.''
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