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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Only because blitzing and stunting are not commonplace in the 1st pre-season game.
  2. Amen! We were arrogant when we didn't go after Brees when we should have. Arrogant when we traded TJ away in favor an unproven prick. This year, we all cried OL and we were too arrogant to 1) spend on Faneca, 2) draft more talent on day one. We signed our own, I was really proud of that. But, at what cost? Looks to be this season. We will undoubtedly have the worst OL in football. Thus wearing our defense down for another season, averaging 3 yards per carry and still not knowing if we have a QB that can play football. My cry in the off-season was fix the OL 1st. WTF do I know. Sorry for the rant, I'm just f'n pissed right now.
  3. At this point, I go with the 6 that perform the best in TC. If Bradley gets hurt, cut him as soon as possible. If Haas out-performs Booker, by all means, cut Booker, as Haas has upside and Booker is on the downside of his carreer. Locker room leadership is completely unnessary from a wide reciever position. They are the most individual contributors on the team aside from kickers. IMO - The ones who are legitimately safe are: Hester, Davis and Bennett. We probably won't too deep in the rotation anyway, as our talent has shifted to the TE position where Des remains our best possession reciever with Davis and Olsen as vertical threats to compliment our WR's. Also, I don't think Booker is a sure thing. I also don't believe any commentary that states "we know what we have" in him. He is NOT the reciever we traded away a few years ago. He is older, slower and more injury degraded. That can have a huge impact on what he once was. I truly hope Booker makes the roster. 1) Because he's one of my favorites and 2) I have confidence in him. But, I simply don't want him on the team if we have recievers that are making more of an impact on the field.
  4. Add Kellen Davis to the list. 6'7" big, fast and athletic.
  5. I wanted two OT's day one. I wasn't dissappointed with our draft, but that was with me still thinking JA was going to bring in another vet. It's TC, I'm still hopeful help is on the way. If not, we're screwed.
  6. I found it odd that D Manning is listed as 2nd string FS. I thought he was working as a CB. Rod Wilson and Okwo are either not developing or Roach and McGlover have progressed nicely. The left side of our OL made me vomit. Sign Rueben and another vet immediately! Overall the D looks good and the O is disturbingly unsettled. I look for them to settle in with the reciever spots soon, with a silent choice at QB. Some continuity needs to develop quickly, especially considering our OL is currently dessimated.
  7. This off-season my biggest cry was to fix the OL 1st. It was addressed in a big way with Williams, but has been ignored otherwise with a huge void in OG play. With our current situation playing out... I’m calling it like I see it with the OL: 1)Turnover - we have lost 40% of an underachieving unit that must play as a whole to be successful. 2)Durability – Williams out 10 days and counting, Metcalf is getting fluid drained from his knees, Kruetz has an achilles problem, Garza OK but missing an ACL. 3)Continuity – We are going into our 1st pre-season game and our 1st rounder has failed to take a snap with the team in TC, our swing tackle is our best L-OG and getting no work in at it. Add to that, Tait is playing RT for the 1st time in a couple of years and must adjust. 4)Talent – Williams (who knows), Metcalf (sucks), Kreutz (aging), Garza (average) and Tait (aging) Continuity is the most important thing we are lacking at this. Without this your QB and running game is dead. Turner will again have to dummy down the offense to “max” protect the QB. This will in turn put an extra defender in the box. I also believe we are below average on talent.(that’s with everyone healthy). If the season started tomorrow, we’d be screwed! This is why Orton will be our starting QB opening day. Because even though we a month to get it together, that is not enough time to get it together the right way. Orton will provide a safer plan while the OL is hopefully gelling. I can see us making a play for additional help within the next several days. If not, I’m afraid this years offense stands to be worse than last. Thus ending the career of Lovie and Turner in Chicago. Keep your fingers crossed that JA has a plan up his sleeve.
  8. I'm going to throw "anticipation" out there. To me this is the most important trait of any QB. Someone is always going to be open. Sometimes the QB does not see it, but the great ones always do. Rex has proven horrible at this. Kyle is not good either, but has not had the opportunity. IMO - seeing the play unfold in advance is the key to accuracy, pocket poise and making big plays.
  9. I too believe it is the fans right to boo if they want. I just look at those guys as "bush league". If you look at things from the big picture. The fans are a big part of the team and it's success. As an ancillary team mate, I am going encourage my team mate that is striving to get better. Boo the the lazy heartless turds all you please as I may be trying to motivate them that way, as well.
  10. Thanks for the info. It's really impressive when you actually look at it. We should have tremendous amount of flexibility next year.
  11. He can block and he will fill the role he was drafted for. AP will not be our 3rd down back, as Forte and Jones talent will keep him off the field. 3rd and long will be when you see Wolfe.
  12. Kinda like you are a backup poster.
  13. As a 3rd down back, if he makes one play a game and contributes on special teams, he has value and matters. When Jones is healthy, Wolfe will be the 3rd back and AP will be a full time special teamer.
  14. That's one of the reason's that the most improvement occurs in the 2nd year. These High School, then NCAA studs come in and really don't know what to expect when they hit the NFL. Unless you are an elite talent, you have to work. It's good to hear he's got it, as Cedric never did. Now's let's look forward to seeing he get's it.
  15. Mongo3451

    My Team

    I'm going with AZ54 on this one. Let's hope Anderson has another solid season. Then we go after Quinn. 1) He's affordable. 2) He should be available with a 1st round pick or something similar. Then we draft an OT and OG. Damn! I'm done talking about next years off-season. I still have hopes for this one. Anyway, the needs may change as the season unfolds.
  16. Mongo3451

    Cap space?

    Thanks for posting that question. I was thinking the same thing yesterday, while posting about our OL and forgot to start one.
  17. I don't think they are all that similar. Berrians' is much better. Berrian doesn't have to become a stud reciever to earn his contract. Hester stands to lose a greater deal of money, if he under-performs. I like Hester's contract for us and Devin's growth. I think Berrian would have laughed at it.
  18. It depends on how many years he has left on his rookie deal. It also depends if any of our rookies develop. If he could be brought in cheaply as a backup, if we let Rex go next year, it may be beneficial as we groom our 1st round QB.
  19. Yes. If you draft a LT and he can't play LOG, you have majorly screwed the pooch. That's why I was do adamant about drafting two OT's, as you can usually convert them to OG if they need help.(It makes them more of a sure thing) Tackles usually have the premier talent.(That's why they make the big bucks) That's also why Albert rose so high in the draft, because he was rumored to have LOT skills.
  20. Count me in as well. I'm hoping JA has one more trick up his sleave. With Hester signed, there should be intense scrutiny placed on finding an OG or another swing tackle. I'm worried about Williams for two reasons.(Unproven and unestablished durability)
  21. Well put. If Ihad to predict, I'd say 5mil/year with incentives up to 7.5mil with 8 mil on the bonus.
  22. Ding ding ding! We have a winner. Hester probably came back with the agreement that he would not risk injury in camp, while finishing the deal.
  23. Hester really doesn't have a leg to stand on if he wants to be unreasonable with his demands. We'll have to withhold judgement until we see some actual numbers.
  24. I would the internet critics like us are the morons before a man who's made his life's living at it. So, if you are right I'm the moron. But, if not...
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