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Everything posted by Bill

  1. Taking your Mack comment. Lackluster. What are the reasons why his name is not called much. And he gets 1/3 the screen time, compared to last year, during national coverage. I don't know his stats but I know they must be down. Injury, fatigue, fed up, or just schemed and double, tripled teamed out of game plans. Most likely all of the above. But I am not seeing the general f-up the play I saw last year. We are going to see all Mitch all the time till the end of the year. I hope that's a good thing. I don't believe he is a NFL top tier QB. And by that I mean he can lead a team to the playoffs and win. Not just along for the ride. The kind of QB that people tune in to watch. And then use that info to figure how best to go forward as a team.
  2. OK. I'm hoping for things not seen, Faith I will see if that happens or my eyes have been right. Just an NFL offense and darn good D is all I need to keep me hoping.
  3. Good points. This is still a good team but a team that has a lot of small problems and a couple big ones. They are not going to tear everything down and start over. If that's your fix than start with trading Mack. Not saying that is your fix Stinger. But they are not going to trade Mack, and they are not going to fire Pace or Nagy this year and most likely not next year either. They should be given one more year to fix the really big problems. Find a QB that can compete at an NFL level. I think there will be a couple available that can come in and at least make this team as it is now a playoff contender for the next few years. Figure out what your strengths and weakness are and devise an off. game plan that fits whom ever you have at QB next year. Some of the, as of now busts, on off. need to be replaced in the up coming off season.
  4. No one does. But do you express that as the starting QB for a professional football team? I don't think so. You keep that in house and let someone else take the hit for it after you get them to turn them off. You're already in your own head, in my opinion, why put that our there for teams and or the press and fans to just use against you.
  5. Ok it's gotten past the slump buster stage. I thought he was being sarcastic the first time I heard him. But he is serious. It's time to just bench him and hope they keep losing so he can come back in a week or two and think it's not just my fault. Which it's not. His head is just not able to process all the info it's getting at this time, I hope. His mind just doesn't seem to know how to process, not just the play on the field, but also the fallout from it. Over load Over load. Says a retired mailman who can't even begin t understand all the plays in pro football. Not sure if that makes my opinion better or worse. LOL
  6. "Seriously fire Nagy today." Win lose or draw. Firing the reigning Coach of The Year award winner eight weeks into his second year. That's not going to happen. Even if it's the right thing to do, which I am not sure of week nine.
  7. 3. I will still keep watching and caring. Regardless of how crummy, I just can't quit you, Bears! But, I will complain about it! Can't agree more just thinks this says it best for me. "I-I, I can't quit you, babe So I'm gonna put you down for a while I said I can't quit you, babe I guess I got to put you down for a while Said, you messed up my happy home Made me mistreat my only child Yes, you did, babe, oh"
  8. I never get. to see that type of coverage living in CA. The sound bite says a lot. I thought I was being hard on this team.
  9. Bill

    Blow this Team Up

    So from the sound of it I should not watch the replay. Sorry, that I'm glad, for not getting nfl package or going to a bar every Sunday so far. I don't think I could of kept season tickets for as long as this team has not been good. Those that have what are your feelings?
  10. I want to see improvement in all areas. Mostly the off. line, the front seven on Def. And some sort of offensive game plan that has some sort of progression and reason for what they did the play before, if that makes sense. Something that shows me they have a direction for the whole team off. and def. I have lost faith this year so far. And I want to see something going forward that makes me believe they know what and where this team is going for the next few years. I Want to win every game but just show me they are getting better. Eagles 26. Bears 24
  11. Bill

    Blow this Team Up

    I hope so also. Last year was such a great ride. But that doesn't stop us from asking what if going forward when it seems like the ship is sinking this year. They are what they are and I can only hope for the better.
  12. I know I ramble on with things that aren't going to happen but I enjoy the talk. And as a Bears fans we have had some great players, some of them all time greats. But I think fans become complacent with what we demand. The Cubs have won one World Series in 100 Years. The Bears one Super Bowl in over fifty. My Sac. Kings made a run to the Western finals, once. I know trading Mack is never going to happen. But I also believe getting another game manager, reclamation project, and drafting a QB every year, which I think we should do anyway. Isn't going to do anything different than it has for the past sixty years. One Super Bowl. I don't think you can Win a SB with just a great defense anymore. It's a QB driven league because the rules are made that way. And the teams that have one are always in the hunt at the end of the season. In the last 20 years there has been maybe four game manager. Dillfer, Johnson. Flacco, and Foles. The rest are all ;Hall of Fame QB's. It takes a good defense and a great QB. And I'm not saying Foles is great but he's the only one out there who knows how to get to the mountain top. He's been there once almost twice. I look at the only organization today that has given a road map on how to win in the NFL. Hire a genius coach. OK that's a reach. LOL. But he has a road map. Get your QB and plug him into a system and everything else can be changed every year. Every year the Pats seem to change their roster with players no one wanted or just didn't fit where they were. They got some great players, mostly near the end of their careers. But most are good middle of the pack players who fit into what they needed. And when they became to expensive or they could get more assets back they let them go. If I were in charge of the Bears they would of fired me day two. But I look at what we have, how the league is built, and how do I get to the top. The Cowboys did it with the Walker trade and it changed their team for a decade. The Bears got one of the all time greats because they thought they had their QB for the future. I don't think he is. They should try and flip that asset and get as much as they can. The cap hits for both teams for Mitch and Mack for Foles are almost the same. Throw in a couple draft pick to fill some of our holes. It almost seems genius to me the make believe GM! And I think they should do it now sooner that later. They have a good enough team and coaches to win and that window is closing. I love watching Mack play. I know we should have loyalty to our players. But I've been loyal to a team that has had the same problem for 60 years. Finding a QB who can put the team on his back when needed and take them to the next level. Anyone who read this thanks for taking to time to listen to an old man rant. And to those who didn't, you missed on some great ideas. LOL
  13. I'm no longer a Mitch believer. Everything he says is great. He' seems to be a good leader on the team. But my eyes tell me he's not the guy. He has yet to win a game. Not just get the team down the field and put them in field goal position. He has had more that one shot to win a big game and missed. So I understand he's the guy for the rest of the season. But when even your HC won't let you take a shot at winning the game and says he would kneel 1000 out of a 1000. Says all I need to know.
  14. So we get Smith. Can he play anymore. Name someone who has shown he can make it to the playoffs let alone win. So we bring in that unknown vet to compete with Mitch. Thirty of the current QB's would give him a run for his money based on his play over the past two years. And then spend the next three years drafting a QB. Even if we hit on one next year it will still take two to three years before they can be a viable, knowing the offense, and lead this team anywhere. Most of our studs on D will be over 30 and many not even on this team. We have three years most, to get to the Super Bowl with this team as it's now built. So we keep Mitch and just add retreads hoping to find one that does something they have never done before. We slug along with a good defense and watch as year after year goes by. I'm not the only one here who watched in the 80's and 90's as we pissed away one of the alltime great D's because we could not find a QB. How about Urlacker, Briggs, and Tillman. Killing themselves game after game. While they they, filled in the QB blank. Oh lets go get the next Grossmen. Cutler, Greise, name any of the 30+ QB's who never did anything, oh don't forget Glennon. No Foles is not a lock, but he has been to the top and won. Name one other who has that we can get.. So we watch Mack play every seek and say. God he's a hall of famer and we are so lucky to have him. I've done that for over 50 years. Mack was suppose to take us over that hump. Well he can't play QB and win games for us. He can give s a shot at that ring by bringing us a QB that has done that and a few draft picks to fill in the holes. Yea our D will fall back. But we are not going to win anything when we can't score more than 16 points every week against playoffs teams. I know I'm in the minority, if not the only one, who thinks this could work. But I've seen the other option time and time again fail. If they don't strike when the irons hot it will be another 20 years before we have a window like this and I'll be dead.
  15. I disagree. I think everyone here thought we had everything in place to make a long run in they playoffs. All that needed to happen was for Mitch to take the next step. I don't see that. I agree we are not the Chiefs. But Nagy has shown that he does not believe in his offense. And it all starts with Trubisky. They have players who can take the top off a D. But Mitch can't hit them with any consitancy . I don't see him as part of the solution anymore than I saw every QB we've had except McMahon and he could not stay healthy.
  16. We can afford Foles if we trade Mack. No one knows if Smith is even going to able to play next year let alone do something Foles has proven he can do. Hoping Smith can get better than he has been in the past is a very long shot. And what makes Mack the holy grail. We had Singletary and all of the complemtary players. We had Urlocker and Briggs. And they all fell short time and time again because we did not have a QB who showed he can get a team to where it needs to go. Right now Mack is a great player just like Payton was in his prime and if you want to watch a player excel every Sunday that's he's the guy. If you want to win championships they need to think outside the box.
  17. OK, this year is going the way it is going. Down the tubes fast. And with our current QB's on the roster I don't see any way they will help us in the future. They will keep playing Mitch for the rest of the year but I don't see him as the answe going forward. We have an above average defense and it seems like good offensive with the running backs and wide receivers on the roster. If Burton can get back to normal health he is serviceable for the next two+ years. The offensive line is a problem but I think with a 2nd round pick or two it will work its way into above average. Two me that leaves us a QB short with only a few years window open for a good playoff run. For me I only see one option and it's more than a long shot. Somehow convince the jags to trade Foles. We can't afford him at this time and they most likely won't be willing to trade him unless Minshu, Ginsu, what ever his name is just keepings playing beyond all expectations. Foles has been there before. He's a plug and play QB with all the upside we need. He knows the offense. And yes he is a risk but who's not. Now how do we get him. And this is a tough one and way out from left field. By giving up our best player. Trade Mack and Mitch for Foles and some draft picks. Hopefully a first maybe a 2nd and third. Maybe all of that. We get our QB, they get a generational player in Mack and a serviceable backup to Gardner. Signing Mack was suppose to be the cherry on the top of the Sunday. Well that Sunday fell over. He is a luxury we can no longer afford. I don't see any QB that will fix our problem for at least two or more years and by that time we will have lost most of our A-list players based on where we are in the salary cap and no draft picks. Hicks, Amukamara, Trevatian, Whitehair, Jackson and a few more will be gone. We are at or near the cap and will start losing them. We than start drafting a QB every year and hope we don't pick like we have for the last 60 years. Like that is going to happen. LOL. But at least it gives us a fighting chance going forward. Go ahead and trash me and tell me I'm an old fool. I know that already. But I don't see anyone out there who is remotely available or serviceable that gives us a better chance in the next 2-3 years. But I would love to hear your ideas as to what do we do now.
  18. Yes I see ghosts also. I thought at first it was a post. Tricky to use the same format. Nothing is free but it gets old.
  19. You mean Jay Gruden not Jon right?
  20. Thats great. My dad and I went to the first game of the 85 season. Our first game together. So maybe you guys can give us some new mojo for the rest of the season
  21. Yo'ur right, dysfunctional teams do dysfunctional things.
  22. The pats pick a QB almost every year, get teams to think he's the answer to their situation and then trade him for more and better picks. Great teams do great things.
  23. Bill

    Club Drub

    I could not agree more and have said so many times. Other than losing the locker room it looks the same. I also think that a coach and GM need three years to fully put their team together so I'm not ready to dump either till after next. But I think it's time to find a new QB sooner rather than later. Play him the rest of the year, were not going to get a better option now. But I also no long trust him no matter how well he plays. Maybe I'm wrong.
  24. Mitch reminds me of golf hackers like myself. You go to the range and hit balls and you just crush them. You go to the practice green and drain 20 footers. You get to the first tee and you have a couple of foursomes watching you, half dozen people on the porch of the club house watching. And what do you do. You hit ground burner or slice it onto the 18th fairway. You get on a green in two and think you have a chance for a birdie and at worse a par and then you three put the ten footer.
  25. Maybe all Mitch needs the the old Baseball fixer. Go get a slump buster and lock yourself in a hotel room for a few days.
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