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Bears Press conference...


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They are already running 15 minutes late. Wonder what is going on? Emery and Trestman don't look like guys that would run late for anything. Is there something significant coming?

They are late for press conferences all the time, but there are rumblings of something may happen.

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This is a complete disaster of a press conference. No coaching changes? Complete bullshit. I am more than infuriated as a fan. How does Trestmas have the audacity to tell us they need to go back and look at film of San fran, Atlanta, Nyj after having two weeks to prepare for Green Bay and they play worse than the NE!



We have all been punked!

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I don't think firing a coach solves much and think if something were to happen, it should have been Trestman. See what new leadership can bring and if they play decent, hello new head coach and Emery stays. Play bad and Emery goes along with everyone else too (they are likely gone anyway under new HC). Sticking with everything the same doesn't make sense but firing one guy below Trestman doesn't change things given the fact that I fully believe our biggest problems first and foremost start with our leaders in the front office, QB, and on the coaching staff (along with players obviously).

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Perhaps the simplelist thing to do at this point is can both Trestman and Tucker. Promote Kromer to interim HC and Herring or Pasquolini (sp?) to DC. Then if things continue to tank clean house in the off season.


Oh and boot DeCamilis no matter what. Maybe some HC ST coach has some better ideas and would be willing to finish out the season.?.??

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Perhaps the simplelist thing to do at this point is can both Trestman and Tucker. Promote Kromer to interim HC and Herring or Pasquolini (sp?) to DC. Then if things continue to tank clean house in the off season.


Oh and boot DeCamilis no matter what. Maybe some HC ST coach has some better ideas and would be willing to finish out the season.?.??

I think that makes total sense. Reality is if Trestman is fired now, all of the assistants will likely be gone, but it does give Emery a shot to say, see it was the bad coach and I told you that and yes I made the mistake to hire but I've learned from it and noticed it early and solve it.


I don't think that will happen and I think the quickest way to get back to respectability is getting rid of everyone this off-season.

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Trestman is in over his head. It is clear that he cannot handle the pressure. We have seen signs of it the last two years. He almost reminds me of this very nice, but passive High School Science teacher I had. He could not control his classrooms. Wild kids would tell him to F*ck off and he would just ignore them. Even when they interrupted the instruction, he would just go about his business. We actually had to step in to keep the kids under control, and had to get the Dean involved because the teacher would not address it. This year reminds me of that experience. I can just see Trestman trying to get everyone to do something and they either ignore him or do their own thing. Thank god we were not on Hard Knocks, because it would be an even bigger embarrassment (and another excuse).


Last year he singlehandedly cost us the playoffs with his ridiculous decisions. He never challenged correctly, and was very passive in his play calling. He had Gould kick on a 2nd and 7 from the MIN 29 in OT, and he missed, a few plays later we lose. We were moving the ball easily, and could've gotten another first down for an easier kick. I have seen kicks on 3rd down, but never one on 2nd down from that far out. Gould missed one earlier and Walsh also missed a long one. You at least get it a couple of yards closer. His reasoning was that he didn't want to have a penalty take us out of FG position? Really. How about you try to win the game until you can't anymore.


The only scenario that I have not considered is that Trestman didn't want Cutler, but someone else in the organization did, and he had to fit a square peg in a round hole. Cutler's best bet is to retire, because no one will ever sign him as their starter or backup. He is seen as a cancer now and if Trestman can't fix him, who can?

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#Bears coach Marc Trestman says Jay Cutler has to play better & mistakes he's making in games r not happening in practice.


Is it as simple as saying that even our defense makes our offense look good?


That's what I have been wondering. Are the offense and defense so bad, that they make each other look good in practice?

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That's what I have been wondering. Are the offense and defense so bad, that they make each other look good in practice?

I think the defense is so bad that the offense doesn't even try. Their WR end around always fools that silly SMC running the wrong way. Safeties are playing the run when the CB's are releasing WRs to open space to guard against the Center in the flat pulling and declaring himself eligible in flight.

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Perhaps the Defense has been trying to get Tucker and Trestman Fired and is why the are playing so deliberately awful?



Would make sense if this was last year with more Lovie guys on the team. But with Young, Allen, SMC(Emery guy), Bostic, Fuller, Ratilif, Houston, Mundy, and who ever else they brought in playing on the D it wouldn't make sense.


Also Jennings has two years left on his contract. Briggs would be the only one I could see tanking to get guys fired.



Bringing up Jennings, in Lovie's system the guy was a pro-bowler. They are not using him correctly!

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