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Everything posted by CrackerDog

  1. You should've stopped there. Not out of the question? Hell yes, it is. If he doesn't do a THING between now and the start of the year, his wonderful half of football against the third string of the mighty Chiefs will be long forgotten. Most NFL execs would say we have too many preseason games and the players are unnecessarily exposed to injury. They put guys like him out there in the second half of joke games like this for a reason. And our being "QB starved" is no excuse for acting like we know dog shit about football. It's embarrassing. LOL. Yeah, they did. And since then what exactly has changed? And here I don't disagree and never did. The kid looks good. I like him. But when some here say "I'll turn in my Bears fan badge if they don't protect this kid" it makes me sick. I know there are reasons to get emotional about this team but please...
  2. Whatever. It's a joke that fans get this worked up over a guy in this situation. All the "I condemn the staff if they don't keep Hanie off the practice squad" type stuff is precisely what I'm talking about. And it isn't just here, you see it on TV, read it in the papers and hear it all over the radio. Put this guy out there week one of the regular season against the Colts with Freeney breathing down his neck every down and then get back to me. Until then, he's an undrafted camp-fodder guy who had a good 1/2 of preseason football against the 3rd string of a terrible team. Those are the facts. And as for being satisfied with going to a Superbowl... I doubt we'd ever get there again if the coaches and GM were picked by windsock fans who get wood every time they see a QB perform well against highschool level talent.
  3. 100% correct. By the way, all this Hanie love, at this point in time, is borderline idiotic. Get over yourselves. He's played 1/2 of football against the third string of a horrible team. It's pathetic how fans clamor for a guy like this after he's shown so little. Connor is right, give him a few more games to prove if he even belongs here before you start trashing the coach and GM who got us to a Superbowl only two seasons ago. It's ridiculous. Further, just a point of order, just because ZZ says it, doesn't make it true. You girls have your panties firmly wedged up your coochies and you have no clue what the Bears will do. And you have no freaking idea if he'll get "snatched off the practice squad." He's a guy NOBODY drafted and he's got that whopping 30 minutes of NFL preseason experience. Oh yeah, I'm sure the Patriots are just chomping at the bit to get their opportunity to sign this guy to a 10 year, $100 million contract. Sheesh.
  4. Went with my gut and kept Graham, Ward and Jennings. Turned out I got the 6th pick in the draft but since two guys ahead of me kept players that cost them their first picks, I actually have the 4th pick. LT will go to the first guy so there are only two picks aside from him ahead of me. The top ten players available after that, according to my current board and based on our rules and VBD: Brian Westbrook Payton Manning Marion Barber Reggie Wayne Tony Romo Terrell Owens Steven Jackson Frank Gore Drew Brees Larry Johnson Because of other keepers, I should get two of these guys. Not a bad start.
  5. In our league we get to keep three keepers from our prior year roster. The cost of the keeper is whatever you used to pick the player in the previous year's draft. I have to make these selections tomorrow morning. Here are my options: Steven Jackson will cost me my first round pick. He's currently holding out. Plaxico Burress will cost me my fourth round pick. He's currently got leg issues and isn't happy with his contract. Ben Roethlisberger will cost me my 7th round pick. However, keeping him as my starter means I wouldn't even consider taking Manning, Romo or Brees who all look like they'll be available (not kept) in the random order draft process. QB is important in our league as the scoring favors them. Roeth was a stud for me last year but he still doesn't get much love. And if I'm sitting there in the tail end of the first round and Manning is staring me in the face and I've already committed to Roeth, I'll be pissed. Random order isn't set until after the keepers are announced. Earnest Graham, Hines Ward, Marc Bulger and/or Greg Jennings will cost me a 16th/15th/14th round pick (all acquired last year via free agency) depending on how many of them I keep. Each can be kept for my last remaining pick in the draft. I have other choices but they all make sense to release as their value is close to the pick value. I'm leaning toward keeping Graham, Ward and Jennings. Not sure on Jennings as Favre is now a Jet. I suppose I could keep Bulger since his cost is so low and he may pan out as a nice backup QB. Or I could stick with Roeth and give up the idea of having a fancy QB on my team. He's worth every bit of a 7th round pick. There are ten teams in the league and most owners know their shit. Thoughts?
  6. As far as free sites go, I've always liked: http://www.fftoday.com/ Would I take their word as gospel? No. But they've got some nice features and are generally on the money.
  7. I can't believe someone took Bulger with the 11th overall pick. Yikes. That guy will make it to the 10th round in my league. I like your team. I would've gone with LT with the #1 pick but I can see the logic you used. And if it's a keeper league, I'd have gone AP. Nice draft.
  8. I suppose one possibility is we release the loser between Grossman and Orton. Keep Hanie and have Simms as our "Vet Backup." That's a reach in my mind but it wouldn't surprise me too much. Although, with our O Line troubles, maybe 4 QB's is wise.
  9. CrackerDog


    http://www.profootballtalk.com/2008/08/10/...rankings-no-25/ He makes some good points but I don't think this reflects reality. We have a shot at the playoffs in my opinion. I guess we'll see...
  10. OMG yeah. I thought he was terrible. He may not make the damn team. Sad to say but Jerry has a hell of a lot of misses in the early rounds of the drafts, doesn't he? And that is now a trend. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for a while but this can't continue. Drafting for need at LT this year was fine but when you do so and pick a guy known to be injured... you aren't really addressing the immediate need, are you? Continuing to whiff in the early rounds will be grounds for his termination. I still want him to succeed but this has got to end.
  11. OK, I wasn't impressed. But as I've given myself a little time to think about it, it wasn't all bad. The O Line did hold up pretty well and there weren't a lot of penalties called in the game. Of course, I'm not sure KC is a pass rushing juggernaut either... The running game looked pretty good. Obviously we have some horses there and this will only improve when Jones is ready to go. Now, it sure would've been great if Jerry didn't draft a guy with a pre-existing back condition. Damn it. Still, we'll have to watch this situation develop. If the line can produce through the first half of the season and the kid really returns in 12 weeks, it might not be so bad having fresh legs at LT for the remainder of the season. Of course, I'll believe it when I see it. I expect he'll miss the whole year. Hope I'm wrong. Wolfe hit the hole with confidence and showed he might be better than we saw last season. When that kid gets motoring he's almost as exciting as Hester. This warrants watching through the preseason as his two best plays may have been flukes against a lousy KC defense. Hard to tell much at this time. Forte really looks to have soft hands for the passing game. Hope that continues to show through the PS. We didn't have that in Cedric. Kyle looked OK. He was making all the throws. That said, I really didn't see anything from him that impressed me. Grossman looked inept for most of his time in there. I'm really starting to think we need to pick a #1 guy sooner rather than later so he can get ALL the reps with the first team. I suggest we go through this one more PS game and then start moving in that direction. Clear leader after game 2 ought to start getting 60% of the reps, maybe more. If nobody is leading the pack by then... Same old shit. The D looked sharp after the initial drive. During that first drive I was screaming for Babich's head. What is it with our coordinators? But then they shook the cobwebs off and played some football. I really don't think it was poor play calling, just bad execution. This next game will tell. Sure was nice seeing Brown healthy. Hopefully the man can finish his career with a few fulls seasons. He's always deserved better treatment from the football gods. I like what I saw of our receivers. Although, I don't know if Marty has it anymore. Poor bastard didn't get separation once, did he? Even Bradley impressed. Must not be "that time of the month" for her. Hester... Incomplete. Hey Turner, pull your head out of your ass this season and use the guy in 1/3rd of the offensive game plan. I'm not saying you should show it to us during the preseason. But if you don't go to Hester deep twice a half for the entire season, you deserve to be shit-canned. The rookie TE got open deep. Sweet! Erik Kramer still looks like he could play. His commentary during the game wasn't bad either, until he got caught in that backpeddling moment about Favre when he realized he was on Chicago television. Pretty awkward. Lovie looked like he had to take a dump the entire game. Let's not put Hanie in the Hall of Fame just yet.voice> But he did impress, didn't he? Playing against the thrid string maybe I could impress. Still... Obviously if the Bears are going with the 1/2 punch of KyRex this year, having a developmental kid like him in the wings in case the season goes south on us is something that may keep us interested in the last three games of the season this year. No, I'm not giving up on the season at this point. If we stay healthy and get a break or two, I still think we could be a playoff team this year. We have to play fearless football this season, something Turner may not be ready to do. If we play not to lose, we'll win no more than 8 games. If we go for it, we could crash and burn or we could win 10 games and have a chance to play in January. I'd rather see them play like they have a pair, either way.
  12. Pro Bowl season would be OK as long as the Jets don't make the playoffs. If they do the Packers get a 2nd instead of the 3rd round pick. So, I wish Brett well, hope he has a very good season and just misses the playoffs in the tough AFC. That way the Packers get a LOW third and Packer Nation is up in arms for years over this. Aaron Rodgers goes into the toilet and the Packers have a decade or two of incompetence.
  13. LOL! Favre shipped to the NFL's version of Siberia. Played chicken with Packers management and LOST big. Packers slip from 13-3 to 10-6 or worse, Packers management will be lucky to survive this. Packers fans are evenly divided on this. There's a lot of hate up there in Cheeseville. All in all, not bad.
  14. I agree. Although Orton getting the first start doesn't surprise me one bit. And frankly, how long are any of these guys going to stay in on week 1 of the PS? I expect a couple of series for each, no more.
  15. UPDATE 2!!! The latest from greeenbaypressgazette Brett Favre leaves Lambeau Field 1:40 p.m. Brett Favre officially left the building at 1:37 p.m. He was talking with ESPN’s Rachel Nichols at his car for a few minutes and hugged team security official Jerry Parins. Favre was wearing a white shirt and gray shorts. He did not acknowledge either the throng of media or the fans waiting near the loading dock. *Update: Quarterbacks Aaron Rodgers, Brian Brohm and Matt Flynn are all on Clarke Hinkle Field for this afternoon's scheduled practice. 1:35 p.m. Brett Favre is leaving Lambeau Field, according to Press-Gazette assistant sports editor Tom Pelissero.
  16. UPDATE! 12 p.m. Brett Favre has spoken, and he doesn't sound happy. Speaking to ESPN's Chris Mortensen, Favre said he and the Packers are "at a stalemate." "Mike and I both agreed last night that me being out there is a distraction and will continue to be a distraction," Favre said in a story that was posted on ESPN.com a few minutes ago. "We all know the reason I'm here is because the commissioner [Roger Goodell] reinstated me so we have a lot of things to figure out. It's simple and complicated, both at the same time." According to the report, Favre said his request for a trade to another team in the NFC North was shot down. Favre also confirmed that there's not likely to be an open competition between him and Rodgers for the Packers' starting quarterback job. "Mike told me, hey, we're a better team with you on it but wanted to know if I have a problem with an open competition," Favre told Mortensen. "I don't have a problem with competing -- you know that, but Aaron should be the starter right now because he's been out here all this time. This is more than about an open competition and I can do that, absolutely, but this is going to be mass confusion and that's not good for this team. "I'll practice my butt off, if it comes to that, and I think we all know what the end result will be, but this probably isn't going to work. And I truly understand that if I was in Mike's shoes, I'd see it basically the same way he sees it, I'm sure. And I think if he was in my shoes, he'd see it my way. I think we both agree on that. "They want to know if I'm committed but I want to know if they're 100 percent committed. The problem is that there's been a lot of damage done and I can't forget it. Stuff has been said, stories planted, that just aren't true. Can I get over all that? I doubt it." Asked by Mortensen what stories have been "planted," Favre alluded to the reports that said he waffled on un-retiring in late March or early April. He said that's "just not the way it went down, at all." He also expressed anger with the stories that alleged he had a team- issued cell phone that showed the Vikings were tampering with him. "Again, that was bull on both parts," he said. "Then," Favre said, "they tried to buy me off to stay retired." He added, "So they can say they welcome me back but, come on, the way they've treated me tells you the truth. They don't want me back, so let's move on. I don't know where it's headed. We'll see." It was unclear exactly when Mortensen interviewed Favre, but the story was posted at 11:52 a.m., CDT. Favre's Cadillac Escalade remains parked in the south loading dock at Lambeau Field. -- Rob Demovsky, rdemovsk@greenbaypressgazette.com
  17. We were planning on heading down today. Camp is closed to the public tonight because of the storms last night.
  18. For a Packer and Favre hater, nothing I could have ever dreamed up could be better than this. Packer nation is divided and they're tearing each other up. Favre's "will he - won't he" routine has Bears fans everywhere smiling. Frankly, you couldn't write this script any better. The Packers couldn't have handled this more poorly. Any professional management group would've known long ago, with Favre (or any face of the franchise player) you have two choices in this situation: 1.) Welcome him back with open arms 2.) Cut him Offering him $25 million to NOT PLAY was the cherry on top of the sundae. As sick of this story as I am, it's like a car accident on the freeway where some people can't help but slow down and look. (Not me, I hate dicks who do that.) But this is great comedy. Can't wait to see what the bozos up there have to say today. Is there a press conference? One of two things will happen: 1.) They'll say Aaron Rodgers is their guy (which they've been saying all along) and disrespect their franchise's #1 name player in recent history 2.) They'll take Brett back and destroy all credibility they have in the locker room (and put a QB on the field the Bears have owned now for 4 years) I CAN'T WAIT!
  19. And if you didn't say that he was going to break your jaw.
  20. I like all of those guys too but don't forget about this beast.
  21. CrackerDog

    My Team

    If this is true, it isn't proven out historically. In 2006 Rex was sacked a total of 21 times. Me too.
  22. He'll be suspended against us unless he appeals and this gets reduced or the Panthers voluntarily reduce it (once this blows over a bit.)
  23. CrackerDog

    My Team

    Can't argue with the way he played against the Packers nor the two wins to end the season. Of course, in the same portion of the season Rex played a big role in 4 games, winning twice while putting up three games of 80+ QB ratings, one against the future Superbowl champs... Anyone here think Kyle would've done better against SD and Dal than Rex did to open the season last year? Also consider that Rex was sacked 25 times in 7 games he had a major role in last season. Orton was sacked twice in the three games he played. There can be a lot of reasons for this but protection was a huge issue last season, nobody can deny that. Whoever wins the competition, I'm getting behind 100%.
  24. He was practicing to GET better. And before he did a thing these low class "fans" booed him coming out of the tunnel. Face it, Rex didn't look any worse than any of the other QB's on this team last season yet he's the one that gets booed. Just like all the "experts" here last season calling for Griese and then what? He sucked. No line, no consistent running threat and a predictable game plan doesn't do much for a QB's status. The coaches have had an open competition for the job this season. These are the two guys we have. If Rex wins the job it means Kyle isn't as good. Period. If Kyle wins the job, great! I'm going to support the guy who wins. Ignorant fans sending them messages this early in camp, not understanding everything that goes into making a football team tick, doesn't make either of them better.
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