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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Agree with the above. I want to pile on though. Berrian was horrible to the point of me questioning his stones in regards to fighting 1) for the ball and 2) breaking up interception attempts. Regarding breaking off routes, I disagree. How many times did Rex or Griese move in the pocket to create an opportunity for the reciever to break off the route and come back? I don't think we can criticize a failed opportunity that rarely if at all existed. Not sure coaching will make him any less of a pu$$y.
  2. How many games have the Pats won by a game changing play? How many times have you heard the broadcasters remark about how they just seem to make plays when it counts? These just aren't game changing plays, they are season changing plays. Whether it is fresh legs for veterens or knowing the opposition's signals, the blatant cheating by the Pats is a stain on the game and their legacy. Is Brady that clutch? Or does he know the D that was called? You wonder why they lost the Super Bowl? Karma anyone? My Name is Earl...
  3. Our greatest weakness is not the QB position. It is at WR. That being said, I can't find any reason to argue against what Clayton is saying. I also understand why our off-season has played out as it has. One thing I do know is Angelo really missed the boat the year he could/should have signed Brees. IMO - this is his great failed opus. Other than that, JA has made attempts to solidify the position. He has just failed. One thing I know, is if the plan shows no promise this season. QB will be on the frontburner once again and JA's neck will be on the block. I really think they believe with an improved OL and better Benson and Forte that everything else will come into play. I think it will only help validate where the true problem lies by process of elimination. Is it arrogance or blindness that is causing the staff to have faith in our passing game after losing our top two recievers? Our offense will not contribute above league average. If our D and special teams can be at top form, we will have a playoff shot.
  4. I think you missed the boat on that comment. Prospect is what it is, if he weren't a prospect, he is proven in one way or another. Again, he is a prospect. You don't draft him in the 1st round if he's not. Agreed, but you have to pay the price to get a commodity and it would be a gamble. I really don't know what I'd do. I just know we need a QB for the future and Quinn fits the mold of a good Soldier Field QB.
  5. name='AZ54' date='May 25 2008, 11:56 AM' post='39491'] Honestly, regarding drops, can it be any worse than Berrian and Moose last year? What I worry about is rapport with the QB and run support. While Moose couldn't separate from wax paper, he could hold a block. Berrian, would simply draw his man away as a deep threat. Add to that how bad the OL was, without good support from the WR's our run game would have been less than non-existent.
  6. name='nfoligno' date='May 25 2008, 12:35 PM' post='39493'] I think I stated that in a previous post, but see below... Agree Harris' trade hurt last year, but really: Who saw that coming? If you can create a beneficial deal for your team, you have to pull the trigger. No more living in the past for me. I think with leadership, you also have to show your team that you are doing everything you can to be a winner. (without fear or apprehension)
  7. name='Connorbear' date='May 25 2008, 10:34 AM' post='39485'] I guess you could get creamed with losing the signing bonus. I forget how Vasher's bonus is structured, but I wouldn't mind us biting it a little to get a blue chip prospect in at QB. Send them Rex for a backup and we start Orton and groom Quinn. I used to have a lot of kool-aid for Rex that I simply don't have anymore. Not so sure about that. If they are in need of another premium position, that may be their only bargaining chip. I really think they are desparate for CB and are playoff hopefull. If Anderson is looking good this off season, I could see them moving Quinn for a playoff shot. I'd do a back flip for that. Given his age, past and loss of position, a 5th rounder would be outstanding.
  8. I just hope Clark and Olsen can stay healthy for the season. I see us in a 2TE set a lot this year. Plus, I see us rushing 35+ times a game. I no way do have confidence in our WR's this year.
  9. It totally depends if the team feels someone else can push him for playing time. Having 4 corners is a good luxury to have. If one of the youngsters can step up, 1.85 mil is a very expensive 4th or 5th corner. I've also been reading that Cleveland is totally screwed at CB. I'd still love some sort of package deal to get Quinn from them. Maybe we could start talks. I know it would cost more than Manning, but maybe Vasher and Rex?...
  10. You would think if there were any "high ground" to be gained it would be now. One would assume they have nothing to help them.
  11. That sucks on many levels. 1) You gotta feel for the kid. 2) Will he ever contribute to the team? 3) What does this do to our talent mix?
  12. I get where you are coming from here. But, the argument is biased based on the CBA. The owners have the agreed upon right to do what they do, voted on by the players union. The players are in violation of their agreement with the team and don't have the CBA on their side if they do the same. On a personal note, I always hope that a player gets market value for their services. I just don't see it in Url's case. He has not exceeded his contract. When he signed it, it was the richest LB contract in league history and well publicized as such. I also don't see many LB's making more money than Url to this date. If the Bears have offered additional money, he needs to shut up and take it. He's taking a huge gamble by not doing so.
  13. Yes to all, I can and have seen Butkus playing 20 yards deep and intercepting passes in the deep middle. Get some tape on him. Yes, he covered TE's and ran down running backs. Yes, he could play cover two, but it would have ruined the greatest force the game has ever seen. He could have played any position on the front seven and been a HOF'er.
  14. Plain and simple, fast is fast. And no your point will never be made because it is flat out wrong. Get out of Urlachers jock and realize he could never carry #51's, period, in any defense. You give Butkus the same nutrition, medical and conditioning as Url, he's lining up with the best of them. Oh wait, they are still lining up to catch him. Hell, back then the coaches would withhold water from you in practice because they thought it would make you tougher. You did a couple of stretches and deep knee bends and you were ready to go. Science made these athletes what they are. Blasphemy on putting Butkus at Sam or Will in any defense! Who are you the ghost of Ray Nitschke? You should go on a self imposed timeout for putting that visual in our heads. Shame, shame, shame.
  15. He's getting to the point in his career where he has developed chronic injuries. You just try to manage them the best you can. His skills will decline on a bell curve until he retires. His trade value will follow that path. Hopefully, it's not for several years.
  16. http://www.profootballhof.com/hof/member.jsp?player_id=39 I hope this link works for you. It's Butkus' writeup in the Hall of Fame. Please make special notes to the speed quickness and agility part. I'm getting weary of explaining it. The man was big cat. Just like Url, just nastier.
  17. Yes and my order would be 1,2,4,3. I think AP keeps a spot because of Special Teams.
  18. I'd hate to see the Bears trade Url, but don't view the scenario as insane. His value will never be higher and waiting only diminishes it. In his later years, you just want him to ride off into the sunset as a Bear. Agreed, you don't get rid of the face of the franchise... ...unless he doesn't desire to be that anymore.
  19. Put down the crack pipe man. Butkus had 22 int's in a 9 year carreer. Url would need 7 this year to match that. Butkus could run. Old guys on the board, chime in!
  20. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then...
  21. Butkus was 6'3" 245LB (legit) and was a sideline to sideline player. It wasn't acceptable at all to run out of bounds back then. But, kinda like kicking away from Hester, teams started letting their backs run out of bounds so they didn't get murdered. Plus, for the benefit of all I looked up stats. He had 22 int's and 25 fumble recoveries in his 9 year carreer. I only wished they kept stats on forced fumbles back then. He'd probably still own the NFL record. Urlacher in eight years has 15 int's. I couldn't find fumble stats. I just know he forced zero fumbles last year. Butkus was truly the scariest most intimidating player of all time. I could only imagine what his carreer would have been with todays medical, nutrition and conditioning staffs.
  22. Remember in a previous post in this thread, I stated that Rex is a one trick pony and other teams have figured out how to play him. What he did in 06 was a distant memory in 07. It's not that I forgot, Rex did. During the five game span you are referring to, Rex had Benson who was heating up and was still 2-3. Kyle was 2-1 with AP at RB and was almost 3-0. Rex also lost a few fumbles to Kyle's zero. I truly could care less about ratings. The stats I care about with QB's are TO's and W's.
  23. Totally disagree on Butkus. He was a freak of nature athlete.(just like Url) He was as big as the OL and fast. That's like saying Wilt Chamberlain couldn't play in todays NBA. Singletary, on the other hand, was a somewhat a liability in pass coverage. He had the tremendous benefit of only having to cover someone for 1.5 seconds.
  24. I didn't say Kyle was that much better than Rex. I said I'd take Kyle hands down. IMO - Kyle is a gamer and Rex is not. Rex had the full benefit of an offense tailored for his skills and the #1 reps at training camp. Kyle got 3rd string reps and no tailoring for his skill set. Kyle went 2-1 with a lineup and scheme built for Rex, without the benefit of a lot of practice time. I also don't forget his accomplishments his rookie season. Sure it was the defense that won a lot of games, but the rookie came in and kept his cool didn't lose games for us all while being thrown under the bus by his high priced veteren #1 reciever. IMO - Orton just has more sack than Rex. I simply want football players on this team. He doesn't fumble, he has better pocket awareness, he's not afraid to get hit in the teeth and finds a way to make plays when it counts. Orton has NEVER same support/opprtunity Rex has had. He ain't much better, be better just enough IMO.
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