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Everything posted by Chitownhustla

  1. Help the coaches teach this oline how to block and pickup blitzes!!! With our Defense all we need is for the offense to move the ball and score a couple of TD'S and superbowl here we come Oh and help martz contain his urge to want to throw on every down!
  2. Brandon is a fat out of shape turd that really is a joke of a player
  3. The o line took like shit too, add that with holding onto the ball too long and u are screwed
  4. Dude pull them all, they did what they needed to do, show the O can run the ball and the D stopped a hot packer O
  5. Oline is going to be the end of this teams year!!!!!
  6. Agree, now can the O put it in the end zone for a td!!!!!
  7. I hate and I mean hate with every fiber in my body how good Rodgers is! The packers have been lucky in the qb department for a long time
  8. Anyone saying the bears don't need to upgrade the online is dumb!!! Lol
  9. The O needs to put a drive together right now!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. No we don't know for sure, the NFL team of experts could not verify it. I'm not blaming the victim I'm saying commonsense tells us, Brett contacted Jen, she responded. Brett then took it to far. She prolly stopped it then, or who knows. Either way she didn't think it was a big deal, she didnt come forward 2 years ago. She didn't even sell it to dead spin, so they say. The NFL had to talk her into being interviewed. She wasn't even going to talk to the NFL.... So what is the big deal???? Jen didn't lose any sleep over it and Brett has been made to look like an ass. You can't convince me that Brett just texted her pics of his dick without some type of response, doesn't add up.
  11. Exactly my point his guy has been banging nfl groupies for 20 years, it's well documented. Deanna even wrote about in her book. Brett still at 41 can prolly bang a different NFL groupie every day of the week. I'm not saying he is a good guy or agreeing with his actions. I'm just saying that Jen sterger prolly was contacted by him and responded and it led to the pic of his dick being sent. No guy calls a girls, gets no response and then sends a pick of their dick to get a response. The whole story is not being told. If Jen does not reply Brett could go out in NY and easily find another hot young bimbo as u call her. Brett has no Reason to chase her. She had to respond and then after it started to get out of hand stopped it. She prolly thought it was cool at first and then was turned off by it.
  12. So u think he just started calling her and texting her nude pics with no response from her..... CMON man!!!!!! He is smarter then that. He didn't tell them anything because his lawyer said say nothing. They have nothing and can't do shit. Why answer any questions??? U ever watch law and order??? Lol never say anything!
  13. Guys I'm with conner on this one, Brett is first ballot hof, without a question. Second part you all know he didn't just call her and start texting her pictures of his dick. This whole story of jen sterger is full of shit.
  14. If the bears do not address the oline thro free agency or draft then I will drive up to Halas hall puke and then shit on the front door. The oline is playing better...... Better then really shitty..... Oline must be upgraded
  15. Merill hodge said if cutler had been playing the whole season like he has since the by week he would be in the MVP talk. Dilfer started out saying well I don't know then just stopped and said u are right and I was wrong about the bears and cutler.... Trent is still a douche but it was great to see him say he was wrong
  16. There is picking us to lose and bashing us every time the bears win. Trent gives us no credit when we win. Today was the first time he actually admitted he was wrong on nil live. On nil primetime he said the jets d gave us the game. It can't be that the bears beat the jets it's got to be that the jets gave it to us
  17. I didn't want to say it but since u did I'll comment. Perfect point. We have been pretty healthy up until this point. Hopefully the field doesn't end that for us. Boston u said all that matters is the bears win. You are right that is all that matters . I think the field will help the vikings more then the bears. If we are playing the vikings inside there is no way we lose that game with the qb they got going. With the field being the way it is there is no telling what will happen
  18. I care where the game is cuz I had flights paid and tickets to metro dome. freak watching that game up in minny in -10 degree weather. I don't care what the old time players are saying . The game was suppose to played inside. Why do u think they built a dome in minny????? Once the dome was determined to not be an option they should have found a different site inside. This is all about ziggy not wanting to lose all the gate money.
  19. That the playing field is unplayable, going to be a train wreck. field is hard as concrete. This makes me hate piggy even more!!! Move the game to Dallas!! U a-hole. Or indy or anywhere with a good playing conditions
  20. Dont know if this is true as to why they didnt blitz but Tommy Harris(sire douche alot) said The bad weather affects the Bears defense more so then others because they are built around speed and it is hard to get traction in those conditions.
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