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Everything posted by Chitownhustla

  1. disgust with my comments about Urlacher or the way he is acting?
  2. What do you think we could get? Cuz i think we could get 3 more years out of Urlacher
  3. No it does not, Urlacher has been in the league long enough, he saw the writing on the wall as soon as it happened. His recent comments also have no validity what so ever. Changed identity???? Has he watched any of the games??? Have we been able to run the ball at all this whole year??? We ran the ball against DET and that is it. Our run game and oline is night and day different from last years team. His comments would make sense if we were running the ball effectively. If he is not jealous then explain why he would make these comments??????? There is no reason for it. If he was a true leader of this team he would never have said this crap. It's like he is crying over spilled milk. Orton is never coming back to Chicago. Cutler will be the QB of the Bears for as long as Urlacher is(barring any inj's). Urlacher liked that fact that we won games because of the Defense, by trading for Cutler he saw that that was going to change.
  4. You hit a homerun there. The only thing i could say is that Ced does look different, leaner and running harder. He is no LT where he makes the plays, but he is a RB that with a hole can hit it hard and pick up good gains.
  5. Is it a problem if i like getting blackout drunk?? I hope not!! haha
  6. You guys sold your tickets and i am looking for them. I dont know what is wrong with me. I have been to the Cincy and AZ game this year. The Cincy game being the worst game experience i have ever had! AZ at least Cutler and Olsen looked good. Why i would want to subject myself to another game this year...I dont know. I guess getting blackout drunk will have to do.
  7. I think Urlacher may be worth more then a 1st and 2nd especially if we fire Lovie and get out of this cover 2 mess. Ray Lewis had some down years but is back to form now. With Urlacher being out this year his body is getting a rest and not taking the beating which could prolong his playing days. But you are right, if i hear him say Orton again i will puke.
  8. What has happened since the day Jay Cutler was traded to the Bears. The Score made it "Jay Cutler Day". The city freaked the F out. Everything has been Cutler this and Cutler that. The spotlight has been on Jay Cutler not Urlacher. I love Urlacher as much as the next guy but his attitude towards Cutler from day one has been of a pissy bitch. He has a lot of years vested, he should have enough respect for the Bears to not take digs when they are down. Orton is not coming back, he should be behind Cutler 100% in any media interaction even if he isnt.
  9. 1000% correct!! cutler has the star power to dethrone him and he is pissed. urlacher has not had anyone to compete with, now he does and he is being a bitch about it. problem for him is he is getting close to the end of his playing days. he better stop the stupid shit cuz once cutler starts tearing it up the city of chi is going to be his not urlachers.
  10. I agree that if Minny and GB make us look bad Lovie would have to leave! I still cant believe that Lovie is one of the highest paid coaches in the NFL.
  11. was the performence by the Bears bad enough to make the Bears fire Lovie? Or do we need to lose more to make this happen?
  12. bad news Shanny was interviewing in Buf today.... so my question is what is it going to take to get Lovie fired?? does he have to lose out??
  13. on the same day cowher said the bears would be one of his choices! make ya say hmmmm
  14. On PTI today, report saying Bill Cowher told Bills no but would want to coach the Bears or the Texans...... Please make this happen and Stoops to ND and i will be a very happy football fan everyone wants Lovie gone how about Cowher
  15. I want to gather everyone that says "i want kyle back" in a room. I then want to break down film of last year, and then of the first 6 games in denver this year and then the last 4 games of this year. if you dont get it after that then u should be watching the chicago fire...... are there problems with the bears? yes....are they fixable? yes....did they trade for cutler just for this year?no it's not a sprint it's a marathon........ this is all JA's fault.... 1. thinking this oline would be ok
  16. Chitownhustla

    Im sorry but

    im not going to debate Orton's suckness in Chicago, but i will ask you "has Orton not looked 10 times better for Denver"?????????? Why do you think he looks better????? It's so freaking simple it makes me want to puke!
  17. Schaffer didnt look very good either, all three FA pick ups on the Oline looked like crap
  18. sorry about the foul mouth, im still trying to get the puke taste out from last night, it wont happen again. as for making excuses, i wasnt. that is why i started with Cutler deserves blame no doubt. If Cutler doesnt throw those two redzone picks and we kick FG's we win. That is all fine and dandy but we still have major issues. Major issuses with no first round and second draft picks. I hope Gaines Adams pans out! The Bears need to pick up a true #1 wr, maybe BM from Denver and some oline through FA. You put BM and Hester as our number 1 and 2 wr's with olsen at TE with an oline that can block and provide some sort of run game you could be talking about a top 5 offense. Take Brett with GB all those years. He threw alot of picks, but won alot of games. He also had good running attacks too. People forgot about alot of those picks because they won games. notice i say "they" won games. Brett will go down as one of the best to ever play, while holding the record for most int's. just saying. as for Cutler learning from this game...you are 1000% right. he has some learning to do. you cant rationalize 17 int's through 9 games.
  19. Cutler deserves his blame, no doubt. Do you think Orton would be walking right now if he was playing behind this line. The Bears should be leading the NFL in sacks right, the only reason we are not is Cutler running for his life. Take GB who is leading the NFL in sacks, Rodgers has been good and bad as well but he has one of the best WR groups in the NFL. Where would you rank our WR's? Where would you rank our Run game? This is scarry how bad our team is right now. Let's not even talk about our O cord. Are these excuses, maybe but they are facts. If i have to hear another person talk about Orton im going to blow my own brains out. we would maybe have 1 W with Orton. I cant remember the last time i saw a oline play this shitty. add to the shit oline play that we have no run game and no true number 1 wr what do you expect. even if we won that game we still are in a very bad situation. Top QB's in NFL P Manning- do you see him running for his life, Reggie Wayne(true #1) and Dallas Clark, Brady- good oline, Randy Moss#1, Wes Welker, decent run game Palmer- time to throw, #2 RB in the NFL, #1 Wr in Ocho Brees- time to throw, do i really need to go over the weapons he has??? run game Big Ben- oline, run game, pass protection, good wr group Rivers- good oline, run game, gates, wr so so E Manning- oline, run game, ok wr's Brett- run game, oline r u kidding me, wr's not too bad with Brett Romo-oline, run game, miles austin has looked great lately, williams and witten Mcnabb-oline, run game time to throw, Jackson turning into a #1 Warner- Fitz, Boldin when not hurt time to throw, run game against us at least What do all these QB's have in common. 1. they all have decent oline that give them some type of protection 2. either a solid run game or a true #1 wr or both 3. some have 2 or 3 weapons Do the Bears have any of these??? Answer is NO. Hester would be a great #2, Knox and Bennet would be great #3's( i do think we could win with these WR's and Olsen with a Run game tho) Run game= puke! Pass protection=puke! What do the Bears have?? A talented QB would has looked great at times and horrible at times. 17 int's is alot. I would like to go back and see how many were his fault. For fucks sake 9 of them came in 2 games. Take our beloved Orton, he looked great the first 6 weeks. Baltimore and Pit finally got pressure while taking away the short passes and looked what happened, they lost and Orton looked like the Chicago Orton. For Fucks sake he has BM a true #1 wr and Royal. Orton had all the time in the world to throw up until game 7 and 8. You want Cutler to look like a top qb in the NFL, you have to give him time to throw first. Do we do that NO. Give him a run game or something that looks like a run game. Would i like a #1 WR yes, but i think we could win with the WR's we have if we had a run game and some pass protection. I am to point now that i am going to pray that Cutler makes it through the season not hurt. Does Cutler make some bad decision...yes. Would they hurt us as much as they are now if we had a run game producing some points??? I dont think so. Either way we can sit here and bitch and moan all day long. IT ALL STARTS UP FRONT WITH THE OLINE.
  20. I hope i dont get the same Bears team that showed up to the Cincy game, being that that was the last game i went to!! If so i will be asking for my money back!! lol
  21. i agree but would say Benson needed to get slapped to wake up, he just didnt get "it" here. by the bears releasing him, he woke up cuz his paychecks stopped coming any qb would look good with the time orton is getting and wr's making plays on his balls turners play calling is horrid and i dont think the Lovie HC and DC thing is working. with what you said about best utilize such talent. cutler roll out?? the guy is running for his life anyways. could help the shit oline we have, give him more time to set play up wolfe why r we running him up the middle?????? olsen is he still alive???????? why have we not gone deep with hester once a qt???????????? he have a qb with a huge arm get him the ball..could open the run why have we not ran hester and knox on flys every freakin play, they r the 2 fastest player on the field every game???? why not try hester in the wildcat with forte in backfield??? im not a fan but freak lets try it.....lets try something our run game has been horrid why is that piece of shit still playing LG??????????????????? r u kidding me Forte out of the backfield worked great last year in the passing attack, where is he this year????? LG???????????????????? r u kidding me
  22. well i guess i cant say the Mcaskeys are cheap anymore.......but why are they overpaying Lovie. How is NE hoodie not the highest paid??
  23. Here is a question, if we had a good oline, would Turner get the job done?? Second question, why the freak do we not roll Cutler out to help the oline now???
  24. If we lose to Cleveland i am inviting everyone to 50/50 on Division in Wicker park for a binge drinking session of the ages.
  25. wait a second, JA or Lovie dovie dont read this board for idea's?????? WTF!!! now im pissed.
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