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Everything posted by DABEARSDABOMB

  1. It was back spasms, which typically can last a couple day span so I'm sure its just precautionary.
  2. Come on guys, lets keep to debating the issue and stay away from the personal attacks.
  3. I don't quite think people realize the type of athlete the Bears got in Davis. This guy is a freak athlete for a tight end. I'm not saying he's as good of an athlete as Olsen (who is one of the best athletes at the TE position in the league) but he's at a similar level with a little less football skills (since he split time between BBall and Fball). I was thrilled when he was drafted because I think we'll see him brought along slowly initially but able to replace Clark a year or two from now, which will continue to give the Bears one of the best TE corps in all of football.
  4. Kellen Davis had some nice catches. Both QB's appeared to making some good throws. Obviously its hard to judge based on film since we have no idea how often there were making good throws opposed to bad ones.
  5. Whoah, Colston has proven a lot more at a more important position than Hester has. Yes, Hester is the most explosive return man in the game, but Colston has emerged as a legit #1 player who is much more involved in the day to day flow of the offense. I'd say all talks start below what Colston got in his extension and if they paid him the same or more the Bears are out of there freaking minds.
  6. Parker is more proven than most of our guys but unless there is an injury I wouldn't expect the Bears to make a move. If a starter does become available I could see the Bears being willing to make a deal. But it would have to be a guy that they feel could step in and continue to improve and potentially develop into a #1 (and those guys don't exactly grow on trees). I also want to point out that I believe Parker is currently better than most every WR on our current roster.
  7. I'm not as concerned with QB as most. I believe if you give Orton or Grossman solid offensive weapons we'll get passable play from our QB (possibly even better than that). However, given what they currently have I think its pretty ridiculous that we are going to be able to make much any evaluation on these guys (horrid WR's, unproven RB's, etc). Now if those WR's step up and Jones is healthy (Forte establishes himself) this could all change and we could really evaluate Rex or Kyle (Rex has at least had a couple seasons). I see WR as the biggest need on this entire roster. Look at all great QB's (or most) early on there career they all had at least one top notch go to WR. I realize a good QB can make do with mediocre WR's but they typically can't do that until they've developed (and its much easier to develop when you have a go to WR, solid running game, and good offensive line). In general I believe QB should be one of the final pieces to the puzzle, with the line's being the first pieces.
  8. If we are going to be positive, I'll point out that entering our superbowl season we had no idea that Berrian would emerge as the WR he was nor did we know that Grossman would have as many dominant performances that he did.
  9. I would trade him in a heartbeat. The problem is the time to trade him was in the off-season when you could have immediately made use of the draft picks you would have received. To make a deal in-season, I would ask for a 1st, a GOOD WR, a 2nd and a 3rd. Thats what I would ask for, but I would require at least a 1st, a good WR (who could come in and start immediately and be counted on down the years) plus at least two other draft picks (not necessarily a 2nd and 3rd though). Say Chad Johnson is truly available, I would deal Hester for Johnson and a pick. Hell, I'd do it straight up just as I'd make a deal straight up for Anquan Boldin. I'm not sure if the other teams would do those deals or what the heck the salary ramifications would be.
  10. Thing about the business world. Lets say I want to get paid more, there is a good chance that I'll go interview elsewhere and leverage the higher offers to get a raise at my current employer. The bottom line is that raises aren't necessarily given to the best performances, sure if you perform well you'll get a raise, but in most instances in the business world there becomes the point where to maximize your raise you have to do other things to gain leverage (ie, interview elsewhere and tell the firm hey, I got other options). In the NFL world, that leverage can be to hold-out (hey, you pay me like crap, I just won't play).
  11. This could work out good. Vikings get punished and the Packers have to deal with this distraction.
  12. It was funny to see that is how they determined things. I'm very curious to see what happens come preseason and whether one guy is going to have to play that much better to get the job (Does Rex have a nod because he's had a history as a starter or does Kyle have a nod up because the Bears have already seen what Rex can do and would like to see what they have in Kyle).
  13. Dissapointed to see this. I can't blame him since his salary is so miniscule compared to his production and he's just one play away from never really earning that one big pay-day. However, he had handled everything so well and the Bears have always had that stance that when you hold-out the organization won't take care of you. I figured Hester would have seen what happened with Urlacher/Briggs/Harris/etc and realized that the Bears have a history of taking care of there own.
  14. Fantastic job. Now the Bears have one hard task left and its Hester. The two sides are far apart and my guess is at the very best they'll either do a short extension or agree to re-open things mid-season when Hester has proved hismelf more as a WR.
  15. I'm excited training camp is beginning. We'll get some fluff pieces but at the same time we'll actually get to see the Bears in uniform and practicing and soon enough we'll see some pre-season games.
  16. http://www.talkchicagosports.com/blog/?p=139
  17. I was listening to someone talk on the radio and they indicated that St. Clair is will be a significant upgrade at the guard position. Apparently the Bears are very high on him as a guard and because of that they won't really look around at Brown much (unless they plan on replacing Garza). The one thing that hurts is St. Clair moving to guard means you really don't have a backup tackle (unless you plan on moving St. Clair outside if anyone goes down and bringing in Metcalf which would be horrid).
  18. The Giants clearly didn't need Shockey to win the superbowl so this makes them better in the sense that they don't have to worry about any off the field stuff regarding Shockey trying to jockey a trade. They'll also get draft picks (I'd have to imagine at least a 2nd round pick would be heading the Giants way). The Saints have significantly upgraded there receiving corps (Shockey is a hell of a receiving TE) and when you factor in Colston/Bush/Deuce (he'll be back) along with Drew Brees the offense should be more explosive than ever.
  19. Thats a whole lot of cap room to still have available. I'm assuming Williams signing will take up a solid chunk of that available cap room because I don't think the Urlacher deal will have a significant impact on that. This also means the Bears will have a significant amount to throw towards Hester or anyone else that they are interested in extending (while using this years portion of the cap).
  20. I sure as hell hope he's right. The last time he made the prediction they made it. If the defense is 100% all season, anything is possible (and it would definitely allow the offense to buy time and develop).
  21. They aren't far apart but I think the key is no one near him has signed a deal yet so that has been causing the final hold-up. I think if it gets closer to Wed you'll see the Bears sweeten the deal just a bit and get things done regardless of whether the other teams around the Bears have signed (neither side is far apart so I'd be stunned if there was a holdout).
  22. I think I read where of all of the players Washington has signed since Snyder took over none of them have made the pro-bowl as a RedSkin. I think Portis has made it (traded for) but considering all of the major signings they have had in the Snyder area, that is pretty telling. It also tells you how a good franchise is successful (and its not by getting its best players in FA, its by drafting well and using FA to fill any minor holes or a final piece). However, given the circumstances (losing 2 DE's in one day) I can't knock the Skins. Taylor is an absolute monster (even though he's older) and the only real question is whether he stays healthy and how long he'll stay. Assuming he holds true to his word and is around for 2 seasons this isn't a terrible deal, however, if he demands more money or walks at the end of this year than a 2nd rounder is far too much (especially considering that Taylor isn't the piece to put the Skins over the top, hell, I don't think the Skins make the playoffs with Taylor).
  23. I realize this isn't really new news. However, the fact that the Bears are said to be counting on this guy as the potential #1 is a joke. A, he hasn't proven anything in the NFL. B, The only thing he has proven is that he can't stay on the field. It sounds like Brandon Lloyd has impressed so we have to really hope that he just died in the pit that is Washington and is now rejuvenated and ready to get back to doing what he did early on in his career in San Fran (where people were raving about his upside).
  24. Its outstanding that we can now put this behind us. The next thing on the burner has to be Chris Williams, whom I'm guessing signs within the next 24 hours (definitely by Wednesday). After that I think the Bears will work early in training camp on getting Hester happy and if they do that you can honestly say they accomplished a hell of a lot this off-season with the only major mistake being related to not franchising Bernard Berrian. Thats not to say that this team doesn't have serious question-marks, but overall I was quite pleased with the draft and off-season (aside from Benson being an idiot).
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