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Everything posted by DABEARSDABOMB

  1. Anyone have any special plans for the big game? I know for myself in past years I was always the one in my group of friends that threw the superbowl bash but this year after promising the biggest bash ever if the Bears made it I decided against it. Instead I am going to go out to my parents house in the desert (they won't be there) and throwing a weekend bash for my friends that are big football fans (two of them being Bear fans...1 being a Colts fan and than a couple fans of teams no longer in the playoffs...Giants/Broncos/Chargers). As the Bears fans and Colts fans were talking we decided we couldn't watch the game with casual fans due to being stuck with people being uninterested in the game...yapping about commercials....making unintelligent comments about plays or just random this guy sucks (when they don't know shit about the game) that it would be best for us (and for what our non football friends might think of us, especially our female friends) if we stayed away from them for this game. We've also made oaths to each other (Bears/Colts fans) not to trash talk each other to prevent any of us from throwing a random punch or glass in frustration and that in the end to be happy for the other people (easier said than done though) and yes it will be an interesting car ride home (2 hr drive back). But we'll make up for it by playing video games till 3 AM or so on Sunday morning (since I know I will have trouble sleeping before the big game). So thats what I'm doing...what are all you doing and do you have any pregame rituals or anything like that that you plan on doing too????
  2. Personally I like the navy or white jerseys myself but if I had an orange I too would go with the blue letters as opposed to the white ones (albeit the next jersey I buy will be a white one since I have 3 navy one's....Conway...McClown...Grossman).
  3. The man deserves it. He's had a fantastic season for the Bears and he seems to have gotten better as the season progressed (doing an outstanding job during the playoffs). The big play I remember out of Brown was the 4th down play inside the 10 late in the 1st half against the Seahawks where we hand it off to Thomas Jones and both Jones and Brown go untouched into the end zone. Brown was celebrating before Jones got in cause he knew if he didn't get touched, no way was Jones getting touched.
  4. I always remember when Skip Bayless would tear the Bears to shreds when he was writing for the Tribune (or at least I think it was the Tribune) a number of years ago. I'll tell you one thing, Marrioti is very very good at what he does. He's the type of columnist that rights reactionary pieces that get other people to talk. Sure he gets them to call him an idiot but you know what it sells papers. WHen talking with other sports fans in Chicago you'll hear people say did you read that Mariotti piece and than they likely will go on to trash it, but they are still talking about it, they bought the paper and they read the story and you know what thats why he gets paid the bucks he does (and shockingly when he talks about non chicago sports he actually makes a lot of sense, its just he gets paid to be opinionated and to spur discussion and most of time he does that by writing reactionary pieces that have a bit of truth to them but he spins the truth in a way where most people are going to disagree with him).
  5. I know we have a few Colts fans that stop by and post here on ocassion as well as plenty of Bear fans so here is the thread for fans of both teams to discuss some of there keys' to victory for there own squad (and if they want to they can even discuss what they consider the other teams key to success). I plan on making multiple posts but for me two things come to mind: 1. Bears run the ball 40 + times (helps us wear down the opposition and keep there offense off the field) 1A. PROTECT THE FOOTBALL 2. Tillman and Vasher play a physical game that wears down and frustrates Wayne/Harrison as well as the timing of Manning 3. Consistent pass rush (this team will need a consistent rush all game to force Manning to get rid of the ball early or at times prevent him from being able to step into his throws) 4. Grossman (he will have to make plays and have a good game...ie, make good reads and after you make the read relax and throw the ball) 5. Special Teams (Hester/Gould/Maynard) will have to help the Bears win the field position battle as well as Gould having to convert every potential point we have (we can't afford to leave points on the field against a team like the Colts). As for key matchups: Hester against the Colts special teams Bears oline vs Colts oline Manning's vs Bears defense (Cover 2 has holes and Manning needs to be accurate and patient, two things he excels at) Bears dline vs Colts dline Bears Lb's vs Clark
  6. Ya, I would think someone in marketing would try and shut this guy up and just give him the tickets. However, if you do that now that everything is in the open you risk other fans trying to pull similar stunts for tickets now and in the future. I will say this, Harris did tell the fan he'd get him tickets on tv but you know what I'm sure players say that jokingly to fans all the time (just not on TV). I say this guy should have maybe just jokingly asked Harris if he'll give him tix like he asked and if Harris said no just laugh it off and tell him well it was worth a shot. Why make the team you supposedly love and follow look bad.
  7. With the Bears arriving in Miami on Sunday and interviews scheduled on Monday, Tues, Wed, & Thursday I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread that includes interviews or articles based on interviews (or just good quotes) that happen to come up during the week. Now some quotes or articles may deserve a seperate thread while others may not so this is a great place to put those quotes/interviews/articles related to the super bowl that may not need an individual thread. GOD I'M EXCITED FOR SUNDAY!!!!
  8. Ya, I saw that little portion when I was flipping through the channels and stopped. I'm sorry but Harris was classy to even offer the tickets to a game next year and an autographed jersey. IT would have been awesome if Harris delivered the tickets but if he didn't I wouldn't go making a big deal slamming him in the media. What a douche.
  9. Awesome stuff Ranger. Make sure to throw that up on Soxtalk as well so you get some extra pub and visits to your site!!!!
  10. I'd say it is 50/50. We have the money but at the same time there are a lot of other guys we may sign. If we don't get Briggs I expect us to lock up a few of our guys like Tillman, Vasher, Berrian, & Grossman as well as going after a good looking offensive lineman.
  11. So what, its like a 5 o clock shadow now Mine was legendary in October of 05...just ask my bears stalker....I think he goes by the name Steve
  12. The media can say whatever they want, but I hope the next poll talks about the Bears players having won the Super Bowl. Alright who the heck is this. And you are right, Dilfer did in fact replace Tony Banks midway through the system so his stats are a bit skewed. That said I don't recall Dilfer being cut right after winning the super bowl. If he did in fact leave he left because he was a FA and got a better contract offer from someone else.
  13. My myspace will continue blasting the Super Bowl Shuffle. However when I get home I'll make sure to check this out, sounds like it could be pretty cool.
  14. Ya, we'll do our best to do so. It is obviously a bit tougher here as this is nowhere near the size (yet), but we hope with time and steady growth that in the future this place can develop into the premiere place for all things Chicago Bears.
  15. That is because Rivera has the same flaw that Lovie has (in Jerry Jones mind). That flaw would be that both run a cover 2 defense and not the 3-4. I'd be stunned if they chose Rivera (and his combo of Jim Johnson's d and the cover 2) over someone like Wade Phillips (the architect of the 3-4).
  16. Other message boards such as ESPN and the official Bear boards (to share the article). But yes, we have the homepage and can bring it back at any time but would like to do so knowing that it would be kept up to date.
  17. That display was absolutely classless. I will give Reggie credit for apologizing after the game and I hope he never does such a stupid thing again. It is one thing to get excited, but its another to put down or taunt the other team (unless that team has already down a bunch of taunting during the game). Overall I just like it when a team plays with class because its a sign that they've been there before and they will be there again. I still love emotions in the game though, if you make a great play, celebrate, just don't slam the other team while doing it (unless its making fun of the Giants and all the stupid jumpshots they do, ROFL).
  18. Haha, classic stuff. Right now I got the super bowl shuffle up on my myspace page (got to pimp out the Bears).
  19. Haha...I'm hear to tell you welcome aboard. Judging by your post you are obviously enthusiastic about the Bears but I will say that you shouldn't quit your day job (whatever that may be). Great to have you on board and hopefully you'll be writing up a super bowl champion wrap in a couple weeks
  20. I guarantee that Lovie Smith will remain as head coach of the Chicago Bears. First off, for him to go elsewhere this season, Jerry Jones would have to have a complete woodie over Smith. Personally I don't think that is the case, considering that Smith would change the Cowboys defensive scheme from the 3-4 (Jones wants to keep the 3-4). In addition, Jones would have to offer in the neighborhood of 7 million per year or so (over 5-6 years) to even get Lovie to consider pushing the Bears and before that were to happen the Bears would have to give permission to Dallas (and they won't be giving any permission during these next 2 weeks nor do I see Dallas sitting around and waiting for it). Basically put, Lovie will sign a 5yr 25 mill or so extension to stay with the Bears. Lovie likes the players, likes his assistants, likes the GM, likes the fans/city and has really became to embody what the Chicago Bears franchise is about and he's going to have the opportunity to represent this franchise for a long long time (as will Angelo as our GM). I think the Bears were going to sign Lovie to an extension either way. He's proven that last year was no fluke and now that he has a couple playoff wins (and hopefully one more 06-07 playoff win left) under his belt I am even more sure than ever that he'll get a nice fat contract (in fact he probably made a little bit more due to the teams performance). However, I tend to think that both of these guys contracts (Angelo/Smith's) are pretty much done, its just that the Bears are waiting to the end of the off-season to complete the minor details (as to not take away from what the team is doing).
  21. Oh man and I thought 23 was the number I was supposed to be scared of. At least that is what Jim Carey is saying.
  22. Welcome aboard. Great to have another Bear fan in the mix and lets hope all of us will be celebrating something real special in 13 days
  23. As usual, I will refuse to watch the super bowl half time show. Halftime shows are the boringest things in the world. Call me old fashion, but I'd prefer to see the Bud Bowl or at least hear some talking head analyze/breakdown the first half.
  24. Amazing...the Bears are playing in the freaking SUPERBOWL!!! YESSSSS
  25. Fantastic news. Whether you like Tank or not and there is no denying he made a very serious mistake in his life, you can't not like the fact that he seems to be saying the right things since that whole fiasco. In addition he has played tremendous football and will be a key element of our game plan against the Colts because for the Bears to win the game they will need to be playing at the highest level (and for Tank that means not only blowing up the run, but also getting penetration on passing downs (which hopefully flusters and prevents Manning from being able to step up and finish off his passes).
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