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Tice announces OL

Ed Hochuli 3:16

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I am very surprised for him to announce this so early in camp. Spencer has only been able to practice since Thursday. Likewise, Garza has only been at C for a week. More surprising for me is that he's showing that much confidence in Williams and Louis and so early. So perhaps there isn't that much competition but even so, why tell that to your players now?

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LG-Out of position, average

C-Downgrade, out of position, average

RG-Downgrade, bad



Yeah, that sounds promising.

LT - 2nd year player with good promise who coaches like

LG - out of position, big body, 2nd year at position

C - Veteran, shifting from stronger position, replacing guy who was already a weakness

RG - Guy I just don't know anything about

RT - Highly regarded, big rookie, 4 year starter in the big 10.

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No surprise really. Not much to play with...



The big thing about this that raises my eye brows is the No competion, this is our starting Oline and until they Falter in a game we will not be making any changes. Why at this point in camp would Tice be saying these are our starters no questions asked, seems weird to me.

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The big thing about this that raises my eye brows is the No competion, this is our starting Oline and until they Falter in a game we will not be making any changes. Why at this point in camp would Tice be saying these are our starters no questions asked, seems weird to me.

It sure seemed like one big upgrade to last year's line was settling on 5 guys and 5 positions and just not shuffling cards any more. Yeah, guys like Omiyale and Kreutz were still weak, but the play of the line as a whole improved when they were at least given consistent roles that didn't shift every week. 3-4 weeks of the same 5 guys, with the guys on the bench knowing that they're either backups or that they need to step up to earn a starting spot could build some continuity going into the season.


It's a helluva lot better than having no idea who the starting 5 are until the week before the first game, if nothing else.

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Motivation. Takes some of the stress out for the guys like WIlliams...who I think they are mamby-pamby-ing around with. Tice is trying to take the heat away from the guys.


I'll seriously be shocked if this group starts in week 1 of the regular season. I think Spencer will be at Center, Williams or Louis gone, and Garza in for one of them.


The big thing about this that raises my eye brows is the No competion, this is our starting Oline and until they Falter in a game we will not be making any changes. Why at this point in camp would Tice be saying these are our starters no questions asked, seems weird to me.


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Motivation. Takes some of the stress out for the guys like WIlliams...who I think they are mamby-pamby-ing around with. Tice is trying to take the heat away from the guys.


I'll seriously be shocked if this group starts in week 1 of the regular season. I think Spencer will be at Center, Williams or Louis gone, and Garza in for one of them.


Exactly, You have to read between the lines. All coaches want to give their players a vote of confidence, however, it was at best a shallow vote as he admits if they screw up in the preseason games, changes will be made.

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LG-Out of position, average

C-Downgrade, out of position, average

RG-Downgrade, bad



Yeah, that sounds promising.

It's a head scratcher. I just don't see Garza being our C over Spencer. It is clear, though, that we are gona go into the season with this bunch, no other added vets. Cutler better be ready to scramble!

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It's a head scratcher. I just don't see Garza being our C over Spencer. It is clear, though, that we are gona go into the season with this bunch, no other added vets. Cutler better be ready to scramble!

Garza was our best OL after he got back from injury last year. If anyone was paying attention, thats when the line as a whole started playing better. I think because of the short season, he is trying to get the group on the same page, and this announcement only means something if they play well. Plus he gets to look at Spencer for more time.

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So we spent money on Chris Spencer to be a backup to a terribly pathetic Roberto Garza who's not even a real center? Are you freaking kidding me?!


I'm not nearly as worried about Garza as I am all the other moves.

--Sean Jensen was on the SCORE and said Chris Williams looked real bad.

--Lance Louis looked awful in limited time last year.

--J Webb showed potential but last year he was mediocre at best. Now he's playing a more difficult position

--Carimi is a rookie . . . .


This could be the worst o-line ever assembled. This may even beat the Q Mitchell experience.

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Guest TerraTor
It's a head scratcher. I just don't see Garza being our C over Spencer. It is clear, though, that we are gona go into the season with this bunch, no other added vets. Cutler better be ready to scramble!



Everyone in charge should seriously be fired for putting this group on the field. Worst of all, the best player is probably Carimi... invested everything in a QB and have by far the worst Oline in the league every year since you made the trade..

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Guest TerraTor
I'm not nearly as worried about Garza as I am all the other moves.

--Sean Jensen was on the SCORE and said Chris Williams looked real bad.

--Lance Louis looked awful in limited time last year.

--J Webb showed potential but last year he was mediocre at best. Now he's playing a more difficult position

--Carimi is a rookie . . . .


This could be the worst o-line ever assembled. This may even beat the Q Mitchell experience.



HA! Quasi Mitchell... thats the idiot Ive been thinkin about all week... How awful

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Everyone in charge should seriously be fired for putting this group on the field. Worst of all, the best player is probably Carimi... invested everything in a QB and have by far the worst Oline in the league every year since you made the trade..

So when Cutler gets hurt ("quits") and everyone on this board gets pissed at him, remember yourself saying this. Or, remember the fact that he's a human being, and human beings can't take a beating once or twice a week like Cutler will have to endure for the 2nd straight year.

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