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Jerry Gone


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Now now! Virgie is a nice lady...


She just knows very little on how to run a team well. At least she sent Mikey to his room without dinner a few years back...

Me hears she loves Lovie.


BTW I have a Virgie I work with who has been with our company for years and needs to ride off into the sunset also.

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as thrilled i am to hear Jerry is gone, i think it is a mistake to keep Lovie and the coaches. Hire a GM, and then let them hire/fire who they want. This was the oportunity to get a different coaching staff in here...Cowher, Fisher, Gruden etc are all out there. I think when you clean house, you need to clean house.

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as thrilled i am to hear Jerry is gone, i think it is a mistake to keep Lovie and the coaches. Hire a GM, and then let them hire/fire who they want. This was the oportunity to get a different coaching staff in here...Cowher, Fisher, Gruden etc are all out there. I think when you clean house, you need to clean house.


agree. why put strings on the job before you even hire a gm. if you really intend giving him the power let him make the decision to keep or fire lovie.


yet again this organization is run by amateurs.

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Yeah, hiring a GM is not going to be as easy as the Bears think. New GM's like to bring in their own coaches. That's usually how it works. When you hamstring them for a year by not allowing them to replace the current coach, it makes the job that much less appealing.


But I gotta ask.. They say, with the way the current structure is here for the Bears, the GM has to report to the CEO Ted Phillips. My question is why? For what purpose? Ted Phillips doesn't know anything about how to build a football team, he's a business guy. What are you running by him that you need his opinion on? That's the part I find scary.

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Yeah, hiring a GM is not going to be as easy as the Bears think. New GM's like to bring in their own coaches. That's usually how it works. When you hamstring them for a year by not allowing them to replace the current coach, it makes the job that much less appealing.


i think less appealing is an understatement. anybody remember angelo and jauron and his personnel decisions?


his predecessor was fired for poor drafts. how does he draft for a lame duck coach he may fire next year or a system he doesn't believe in? how does he replace coordinators? what about scouts? what does he tell them is key for them to look for? where does he place his scouting department? what if lovie limps into the playoffs again does he have to extend his contract like jauron?


like i have said in the past, ted phillips is the biggest detriment to this franchise. a president of football operations that knows virtually NOTHING about the job.


the world is laughing george!!

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Yeah, hiring a GM is not going to be as easy as the Bears think. New GM's like to bring in their own coaches. That's usually how it works. When you hamstring them for a year by not allowing them to replace the current coach, it makes the job that much less appealing.


But I gotta ask.. They say, with the way the current structure is here for the Bears, the GM has to report to the CEO Ted Phillips. My question is why? For what purpose? Ted Phillips doesn't know anything about how to build a football team, he's a business guy. What are you running by him that you need his opinion on? That's the part I find scary.


This makes me think they think they're going with Team Polian. I assume they'd be comfortable with Lovie.


Not sure what Angelo ever reported up to Teddy but assume that was the structure in place for him too. And everyone has a boss. Don't think that means anything.

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If the only thing Ted does is simply financial, then I think it might be fine... The next GM would hopefully have all the power to whatever he wants barring giving Smith one year.


Yeah, hiring a GM is not going to be as easy as the Bears think. New GM's like to bring in their own coaches. That's usually how it works. When you hamstring them for a year by not allowing them to replace the current coach, it makes the job that much less appealing.


But I gotta ask.. They say, with the way the current structure is here for the Bears, the GM has to report to the CEO Ted Phillips. My question is why? For what purpose? Ted Phillips doesn't know anything about how to build a football team, he's a business guy. What are you running by him that you need his opinion on? That's the part I find scary.


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If the only thing Ted does is simply financial, then I think it might be fine... The next GM would hopefully have all the power to whatever he wants barring giving Smith one year.




Smith will be interviewing the candidates to be his new boss. He’ll have some sway over President Ted Phillips in the process, though the final decision will be Phillips’. And whoever is chosen will have to dovetail philosophically with the incumbent coach.




how does having a head coach in the mix of interviewing the guy that could fire him make any sense in the LEAST??? it's beyond stupid!!!


like i said... AMATEURS are running this franchise!!

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how does having a head coach in the mix of interviewing the guy that could fire him make any sense in the LEAST??? it's beyond stupid!!!


like i said... AMATEURS are running this franchise!!

It's beyond idiotic but typical Bears to do something like this. After all, Ted did say that the new GM has to share some of the same beliefs of their golden boy head coach so this doesn't come as a surprise. As far as I'm concerned Ted Phillips should have been out the door right after Jerry Angelo. The two came in together, they should both leave together for creating this mess.

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I meant in terms of if all Teddy does is simply be responsible for profits going to the McCaskeys, then so be it. As long as his GM has appropriate football accumen, it's fine to leave Teddy there.


It's the Bears, so stupidity comes with the dinner. Virgie loves her some Lovie. So, she probably wants to keep him. So instead of just ousting the guy, and having nothing, they keep him and want a GM to be able to see that Smith has value. It will turn some GM's off for sure. Like in any job, there are elements you either choose to deal with for your salary or you don't accept the job. It may scare away some good candidates, but it might not.


I won't argue nimrod own this team and run it below acceptable. However, it's like complaining that the sun is hot. There's really nothing you can do about it. We can hope that there is a candidate out there that can see through the McCaskeys crapola and run the team the way he thinks it should be run. All he has to do is eat Smith as a HC for one or 2 years.


On a completely side note, if they want to go all in on Smith...why not just make him the GM? Sink or swim... All or nothing Smith. If he fails, then boot him and start fresh.







how does having a head coach in the mix of interviewing the guy that could fire him make any sense in the LEAST??? it's beyond stupid!!!


like i said... AMATEURS are running this franchise!!


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i honestly don't feel anyone here is remotely giddy that Teddy is running the show. But, it's who we have. We just need to hope that the next GM can fight the power...


It's beyond idiotic but typical Bears to do something like this. After all, Ted did say that the new GM has to share some of the same beliefs of their golden boy head coach so this doesn't come as a surprise. As far as I'm concerned Ted Phillips should have been out the door right after Jerry Angelo. The two came in together, they should both leave together for creating this mess.


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I meant in terms of if all Teddy does is simply be responsible for profits going to the McCaskeys, then so be it. As long as his GM has appropriate football accumen, it's fine to leave Teddy there.


you are describing the job description of an accountant not a president of football operations. it is VERY important to have someone that has a clue in this capacity. do we want to hire another BAD gm? isn't this going to be HIS responsibility to find a replacement? isn't it also going to be HIS responsibility to judge the job that the gm he hires and replace him if he turns out a poor choice? isn't that how jerry angelo ended up running this franchise ship into a coral reef for over TEN YEARS?


It's the Bears, so stupidity comes with the dinner. Virgie loves her some Lovie. So, she probably wants to keep him. So instead of just ousting the guy, and having nothing, they keep him and want a GM to be able to see that Smith has value. It will turn some GM's off for sure. Like in any job, there are elements you either choose to deal with for your salary or you don't accept the job. It may scare away some good candidates, but it might not.


turn off some GM's? any gm that is a really good prospect will just laugh at these restrictions and not even bother with an interview unless he feels like being wined and dined by a mcdonalds happy meal is something he can't walk away from. wouldn't you? why tie your hands behind your back before you even sign the dotted line? just for curiosities sake, who would even recognize a good gm if they tripped over him? teddy boy? lovie? 'curious' george who is leaving it to these imbeciles in the first place?


I won't argue nimrod own this team and run it below acceptable. However, it's like complaining that the sun is hot. There's really nothing you can do about it. We can hope that there is a candidate out there that can see through the McCaskeys crapola and run the team the way he thinks it should be run. All he has to do is eat Smith as a HC for one or 2 years.


can you seriously believe a gm is going to come into chicago and ignore the people who hire and fire him and run this team the way he wants to? even with the 1-2 year stipulation on lovie, he is set up to fail drafting players that fit lovies scheme isn't he? that's one or two wasted drafts.


On a completely side note, if they want to go all in on Smith...why not just make him the GM? Sink or swim... All or nothing Smith. If he fails, then boot him and start fresh.


i'm surprised they don't do it now. after all, he knows even less of how to be a gm than he does of being a coach. it only makes sense to me.

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No. I'm describing a CFO. That's really what Teddy is. Again, don't get me wrong, I wish our set-up were more football oriented. But it's not. So my hope if the Ted just handles the money matters and lucks into hiring a good GM.


If I'm jobless and want a crack at a big city job with a huge fanbase...this job is tempting. You win, you are a legend. So, even with the issues, there are still good reasons to take the job. Much may simply depend on how much the salary is...


I'm trying to be pragmatic. Believe you me, I could rant for hours how the McCaskey's, Ted and Smith suck beyond belief... But I'm trying to take a realistic optimistic approach and hope byt lucking into a good GM, a lot of ills can be reversed.


you are describing the job description of an accountant not a president of football operations. it is VERY important to have someone that has a clue in this capacity. do we want to hire another BAD gm? isn't this going to be HIS responsibility to find a replacement? isn't it also going to be HIS responsibility to judge the job that the gm he hires and replace him if he turns out a poor choice? isn't that how jerry angelo ended up running this franchise ship into a coral reef for over TEN YEARS?




turn off some GM's? any gm that is a really good prospect will just laugh at these restrictions and not even bother with an interview unless he feels like being wined and dined by a mcdonalds happy meal is something he can't walk away from. wouldn't you? why tie your hands behind your back before you even sign the dotted line? just for curiosities sake, who would even recognize a good gm if they tripped over him? teddy boy? lovie? 'curious' george who is leaving it to these imbeciles in the first place?




can you seriously believe a gm is going to come into chicago and ignore the people who hire and fire him and run this team the way he wants to? even with the 1-2 year stipulation on lovie, he is set up to fail drafting players that fit lovies scheme isn't he? that's one or two wasted drafts.




i'm surprised they don't do it now. after all, he knows even less of how to be a gm than he does of being a coach. it only makes sense to me.


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No. I'm describing a CFO. That's really what Teddy is. Again, don't get me wrong, I wish our set-up were more football oriented. But it's not. So my hope if the Ted just handles the money matters and lucks into hiring a good GM.


If I'm jobless and want a crack at a big city job with a huge fanbase...this job is tempting. You win, you are a legend. So, even with the issues, there are still good reasons to take the job. Much may simply depend on how much the salary is...


I'm trying to be pragmatic. Believe you me, I could rant for hours how the McCaskey's, Ted and Smith suck beyond belief... But I'm trying to take a realistic optimistic approach and hope byt lucking into a good GM, a lot of ills can be reversed.


so the best we can hope for is sheer dumb luck.


heaven help us, it's deja' vu all over again.

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Not quite. one would hope by experience and osmosis alone, that Ted can come up with better than Angelo. There's obviously no guarantee of that, but we can hope.


And if not, then yeah...we hope for dumb luck.


I've already said that in a different post. Especially regarding Smith.


I hope there's something to the Jeff Fisher rumor in Chicago....For now, we can all hope for just about anything as long as the Gm job is open and good candidates are still out there. I just hope the bears don't futz around... But, we know how that'll pan out too don't we?



so the best we can hope for is sheer dumb luck.


heaven help us, it's deja' vu all over again.


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Not quite. one would hope by experience and osmosis alone, that Ted can come up with better than Angelo. There's obviously no guarantee of that, but we can hope.


And if not, then yeah...we hope for dumb luck.


well, then hope for dumb luck.


didn't ted phillips give lovie AND angie his undying support in that 2009 *press conference? after 8-9 years of angelo he couldn't determine whether angelo could do the job or not? now suddenly 2 years later he determines angelo alone is responsible for the mess we have in chicago?


if it took him 10-11 YEARS to figure this out what qualifies him to even think about choosing the NEXT gm and how long does he give THIS guy? till 2022?


* http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2009-02...awards-ceremony

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Who cares if Ted is the next guy above the GM? Usually thats an owner...and they are not generally football people either. I don't get the drama over this point. The concept is hope that the ownership/decision-maker gets it right by hiring a football guy with a clue to run the football side.


because "Ted" is the guy that set the parameters of this into motion.


1. lovie stays so the gm, whomever he might be, has to like it or leave it.


2. lovie smith stays the coach even IF a future gm thinks there are better options available.


3. lovie smith is involved in the process of who we choose as our gm.


i'm sorry, but they have limited our choices from who would be the best GM to which GM is willing to work with a lame-duck coach he may not like or agree with in philosophy on the direction he wishes our team to take.


"TED" also has limited WHO this GM can or should draft right out of the gate AND who he is going to find as assistants to work in this system. it appears the lame-duck head coach at this point has as much if not MORE control of this franchise than our new GM.


so how many candidates with a clue will fit into that scenario?

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