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Trubisky to gets the call


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article about it. I am excited to see what he brings, unfortunately he is going to be hampered by the lack of NFL quality wide receivers.




YES! Finally, something to look forward to!

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Not the easiest stretch of games for a rookie QB's debut with the vikings, ravens, panthers, a bit of a breather against the saints then the Packers at home. But you have to start sometime and I'm sure Trubisky welcomes the challenge. He'll no doubt make mistakes and at times costly ones, but those will be things he'll learn from. I don't feel like Mitch is the type of mentally fragile QB that will get rattled by adversity. He's shown throughout his career that he is a resilient kid. He'll learn from mistakes and will grow and get better for the experience. We do need to be patient with him because I think in the long run he will be a very good QB for us. Sticking with Glennon shows a lack of commitment to winning this season.



Glennon is what he is he will never get better than what we've seen. So you either stick with Glennon and are ok getting embarrassed, or you get the rookie in there and accept the growing pains. My only concern is keeping Trubisky healthy. Our offensive line is a concern in my mind but with Mitch you have a guy who's mobile seems to have a good pocket awareness and can evade pressure to extend plays and can make plays on the run. Perhaps simply having that element will the line. With Glennon he is a statue and defenses know where the launch point is. It's been mentioned here and in broadcast about how Trubisky fits what we want to do on offense better than Glennon does. Trubisky's mobility opens up more rollouts, play action, etc.


Even with the tough slate in front of Trubiskey, there isn't any film on him outside of what he showed in preseason. The pressure to succeed and win isn't going to be there on a 1-3. But we'll need patience to ride the ups and downs. The upside and potential I feel is worth it. Having him continue to sit and watch Glennon crap the bed has no educational value whatsoever. So this is the right move.

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I'm excited. I also want to immediately acknowledge this team has limitations on offense that not even the best QB's could overcome. With that in mind, I promise to be patient and not overly reactive to what happens but I really hope Mitch can lead us to the promised land!!!

I also will stay away from comparing him to Watson, Kizer, etc., and just focus on what he does.

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Mitch spent most of his time before the start of the season working with the backups to White & Meredith. Those players are now starters since our #1 & #2 WRs are on iR. I think this development might have set Glennon back a bit HOWEVER, I also think it might benefit Trubisky in that he may actually have a better chemistry built up with our current WR starters than Glennon does. Yes, Mitch will struggle, that is to be expected, but he might just progress a lot faster then many think!

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Excellent news.


This pretty much makes the Glennon signing horrible. Many of us thought it was horrible from the start. This team could have gone in a completely different direction, and Trubisky has to play pretty well in order for Pace and Fox to keep their jobs. If the plan all along was to put the rookie in after trouble, then the team should have been better suited to protect a rookie and minimize rookie mistakes. Hence, I agree with the three TE sets. Play it safe, conservative, but stretch the field every now and then to keep them honest. There needs to be a good dose of play calling that involves roll outs and boot legs. Play action is paramount. If nothing is there, Trubisky can just pick up yards before sliding. He should not take any hit whatsoever in the open field.

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I agree. I want stability.


This is what the Pace signing is all about. After two decades without a GM (it still baffles me, the ONLY team in sports) and a few tries at yes men GMs, the Bears ownership finally gave up and asked the league for help. They sent Ernie Accorsi, the architect of the Parcells Giants, to oversee the next move. He was like our GM for a couple months.


He went and found Pace, a Parcells tree guy. Now dont get me wrong, Im not saying Bill Parcells is such an amazing coach that GMs three generations removed still feel his personal influence. But instead, I am talking about a specific football culture.


Some teams, like the Packers, have run the same basic formations and approaches for YEARS. When that happens, you get a lot of benefits.


Take as a given that you can't have perfect players at every position. You are going to build a team, a system, out of imperfect parts. Maybe you dientify certain skills you need each position to have, and other skills that would be nice to have, but if they are missing in a player, wont be emphasized as much based on the role you ask that player to play in your system.


This is the essence of football culture.


The Parcells tree is a group of coaches and talent evaluators that all subscribe to a specific system.


When your coaches and scouts all know what it takes to play outside linebacker in your system, they can agree on selecting players who's strengths and weaknesses that fit into the overall picture. And when you get that rookie, they play under players who have similar skill sets. The older players can show them how to maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. And they can go watch film of players with similar attributes make the same plays they are being asked to make.


This is what Pace is bringing us.


Also, when you have a stocked established team with a franchise QB, you can play the draft game the way the Patriots do. But when you are the Bears, you gotta take risks. There is no sure fire stud QB out there waiting. You have to take chances. You have to reach for players sometimes too if you believe they can be the player you need. But when you do it int he context of an overall football culture, you stand a better chance of getting it right.


The best poker player int he world does not win every hand, and his or her strategy never contemplated winning every hand. It's about taking good risks, and winning more than you lose. Pace is all that and more.


Fox has been a good caretaker. He was probably the highest caliber of coach we could have gotten to babysit this team while we built the past few years. I am thankful for him.


I would not be the least bit surprised if Pace gets a new coach after this year. If he does, it will be another Parcells tree guy. And it might be a promotion from within (Fangio?) or at the least some coaches may stay. Even if they dont, if Pace is making the call, the new staff will see things in such a similar way to the old one that you will have the stability you and the Bears both want.



I also wont be surprised if Shaheen eventually grows into a stud.


But I am also not surprised that we took a guy who needs a year at QB or TE either. It was the best shot of having a great player NEXT YEAR.


We're on the right road, and it will take a couple more years to really get there. But by the end of this season we should be seeing sparks of whats to come.


When we get receivers and a few more pieces on D, we will be a contender. Im not sure people understood how far away fromt hat we were a few years ago, or how you get from here to there in the real world. Accorsi hiring Pace was the best thing that could have happened.

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Now there is hope!


Excellent news.


This pretty much makes the Glennon signing horrible. Many of us thought it was horrible from the start. This team could have gone in a completely different direction, and Trubisky has to play pretty well in order for Pace and Fox to keep their jobs. If the plan all along was to put the rookie in after trouble, then the team should have been better suited to protect a rookie and minimize rookie mistakes. Hence, I agree with the three TE sets. Play it safe, conservative, but stretch the field every now and then to keep them honest. There needs to be a good dose of play calling that involves roll outs and boot legs. Play action is paramount. If nothing is there, Trubisky can just pick up yards before sliding. He should not take any hit whatsoever in the open field.


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Wait for that 1st receiver that's wide open just 10 yds down field. Trubisky hits him and the crowd will go bananas. Yes unfortunately that's how low we have come. Now I'm even more excited to attend the game against GB. We all know he's going to struggle but I think he can at least give us a fighting chance which is all I'm asking for. I'm 37 yrs old and I'm not above asking trubisky just to tease the living shit out of us this yr. Til we can properly surround him with a better cast of players.

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I have always felt that your top 5 pick should have an impact and when you trade up one slot to get a player obviously you covet him. So why wasn't he put on the field? It was obvious that this resilient young man who waited his turn in college and with the Bears has the perfect demeanor for this team.We all saw it in preseason that he has talent and that whole "snaps under center" argument has always puzzled me with all the one back and Shotgun snaps all NFL teams employ. As for only 13 college starts,well that was 13 more starts than Glennon had in the same span and it showed in the first 4 games. When you factor in that neither had taken a snap in Loggans offense, what logic is that Glennon has more experience. When you see a veteran QB have absolutely no pocket awareness and the coaching staff covering up his shortcomings as a fan you wonder if they think we are all stupid!

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A great day in franchise history and Monday could be the turning point for the organization.


We couldn't get Minnesota at a better time, #2 QB and #2 RB with Bradford and Cook out. Also, Minnesota is 24th in Passing Defense, so they are susceptible to the pass. I would call up Gentry as well so we can stretch the field. If even he just runs post and fly patterns, they will need to keep a Safety over the top. This should loosen up the seams for the TEs.

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We couldn't get Minnesota at a better time, #2 QB and #2 RB with Bradford and Cook out. Also, Minnesota is 24th in Passing Defense, so they are susceptible to the pass. I would call up Gentry as well so we can stretch the field. If even he just runs post and fly patterns, they will need to keep a Safety over the top. This should loosen up the seams for the TEs.


I think the Bears will have the edge on defense, mostly depending on how well Trubisky does. I predict a big game for Deonte Thompson.


But their #2 QB Keenum is having a career year with 755 yards passing / 3 TDs / 0 INTs and a 94.4 passer rating. Their #2 running back? Latavius Murray. One year removed from a Pro Bowl. Our guys cannot go to sleep on them. If the D plays like they did against Pittsburgh then they might fare pretty good

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