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Manti Te'o is a disgusting human being


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He did not admitt to it fully. That's false. And if/when he does, it shows that Te'o is a dumbass. How do you fall for this for this long? Like Biggs brought up, this could turn NFL teams away. Why would they want someone who gets caught up in off the field situations so easily? He brought up that being so gullible can get him into a lot of trouble.

Im willing to bet he wont fall out of rd 1. Any takers. Gonna take more than this(non criminal story)

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Crow? For what? It's obvious that Te'o is full of s***. He was asked why he never visited the hospital or the wake/funeral. His reply: "I never thought of it." Really? You never thought of visiting the person you "loved" when she almost died in a car accident, was dying of cancer, and then eventually died? That never once crossed your mind? If that's the case, he's an extremely stupid human being and possibly even more disgusting than we originally thought.

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Crow? For what? It's obvious that Te'o is full of s***. He was asked why he never visited the hospital or the wake/funeral. His reply: "I never thought of it." Really? You never thought of visiting the person you "loved" when she almost died in a car accident, was dying of cancer, and then eventually died? That never once crossed your mind? If that's the case, he's an extremely stupid human being and possibly even more disgusting than we originally thought.


Seems like you're harboring issues for the dude. His story sure seems to line up. All the facts seem to fall into perfect alignment with his perspective. According to reports, he didn't pause or hesitate when answering questions. He was forthcoming. Add to that the fact that all other players in this saga have either corroborated his story or straight up accepted blame for it, and it almost unequivocally looks like he is not full of it. Naive? Sure. Perhaps a little stupid? Yeah, I can go with that. It's not like that's the first time a football player has been kind of stupid. But the whole "disgusting human being"-angle is pretty much disproven.

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Seems like you're harboring issues for the dude. His story sure seems to line up. All the facts seem to fall into perfect alignment with his perspective. According to reports, he didn't pause or hesitate when answering questions. He was forthcoming. Add to that the fact that all other players in this saga have either corroborated his story or straight up accepted blame for it, and it almost unequivocally looks like he is not full of it. Naive? Sure. Perhaps a little stupid? Yeah, I can go with that. It's not like that's the first time a football player has been kind of stupid. But the whole "disgusting human being"-angle is pretty much disproven.

I have been on vacation in Cabo, so if I missed something, my bad. I think it started out a sc am, but after he found out, he tried to use it for positvva attention for his career. The whole time he was soaking up the publicicty he was dating a girl from St Marys college down the road. I will find more info on her, and give you her name. It was on the SCORE right before I left.

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Seems like you're harboring issues for the dude. His story sure seems to line up. All the facts seem to fall into perfect alignment with his perspective. According to reports, he didn't pause or hesitate when answering questions. He was forthcoming. Add to that the fact that all other players in this saga have either corroborated his story or straight up accepted blame for it, and it almost unequivocally looks like he is not full of it. Naive? Sure. Perhaps a little stupid? Yeah, I can go with that. It's not like that's the first time a football player has been kind of stupid. But the whole "disgusting human being"-angle is pretty much disproven.


Lol. You buy into that crap? It's a shame that people are so easily convinced that this guy did no wrong. He's a flat out liar. He admitted to lying multiple times, even after the fact that he supposedly found out that his fake dead girlfriend wasn't dead. Hell, he was already dating a real girl soon after this fake girl's supposed death. I thought she was the "Love of his Life??" When asked about why he didn't visit his girlfriend while she was sick and battling cancer, he said "I don't know.. I guess I never thought about it.. I was in school." LMAO. What a great boyfriend he was huh? Any reasonable person would continue to follow this story with skepticism, and not rule out anything.


I believe that he may have been duped in the beginning, but later played a big part in keeping the story alive once he and his team started to get more notoriety. I am also definitely not ruling out the possibility that he was aware of this scam from the beginning.


It's funny that he did this interview on a Friday night, OFF-Camera. This is Damage Control/PR 101. Do it on a Friday night so it gets lost over the weekend, and hope the story just goes away.


Where is Tuissasopo in this? We haven't heard from HIM. He has said nothing yet; Only claims that have been made by a supposed friend and Te'o himself, who again, has already admitted to lying more than once. Even if he were to admit to this scam, and say Teo' played no part in it, I would still ponder the question as to whether someone gave him a pretty hefty sum of cash to make this story go away. If Te'o was completely and 100% innocent, he would not need a lawyer, because there is nothing to protect him from, right? I honestly can't believe people are just ready to give him the benefit of the doubt.

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Why isn't there a lot of crow being served/eaten in this thread?

Really? I doubt the whole story will ever come out, but there is absolutely no way he is completely innocent. He has contradicted himself numerous times and the way he is going about trying to clear his name is ridiculous.


First an off camera interview with Schaap without any reasonable follow up questions. Next this interview with Couric:


The spokesman hired by Mr. Te'o's family in recent days, Matthew Hiltzik, is also the longtime spokesman for Ms. Couric.


Te'o would tell anyone with a camera about his dead girlfriend, even after he claimed he knew it was a hoax. He didnt think to visit her in the hospital when she was dying? Really? The main thing that hasnt come to light yet is how this all started and the motivation behind it, but one thing we know is that he definitely milked it as much as he could for sympathy and that he lied about it every time he had a camera in his face.

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I agree with Jason. He's a huge chump but not some disgusting sociopath. At least that's my take given everything out there right now. The name of this thread and most of the posts in it may have been fine at the time they were first posted but they're out of line now.


I'm not defending him. Even if he was duped initially he lied later. But there isn't anyone posting here who hasn't lied so keep those stones in your pocket unless your name is Jesus.


The kid is a late first round talent who may slip into the 2nd. But it won't be over this foolishness.

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After reading everything that has come out I will say I belive that he did not have anything to do with it and I do not think he is a disgusting human being as stated in the title.


The only thing he did wrong was lie after Dec 6th. I do however understand why he wouldnt come out at the Heisman award show and cause a big hoopla. First it would have taken away from the Award show and second he was preparing for the biggest game of his life.



I personally would have dodged the questions as best as I could and came out as soon as the BCS game was over. Tuesday or Wed morning release the info.

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NFL.com has an article up about how a fake identity Twitter account has been targeting NFL teams as well, ie Redskins


Article about WAS team players being duped by a fake on Twitter


I think the truth is that there are disgusting human beings trying to dupe notable athletes, both pro and college.


I bet this is a bigger problem than any of us realize. The situation about Te'o being fooled I think is just one that went public first, there will be many more come to light in the near future, IMO.

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Maybe then we should just change the title of this thread to "Manti Te'o is a disgusting boyfriend." What kind of schmuck doesn't visit their half dead girlfriend in the hospital after a near fatal car accident? Furthermore, she then lives, gets cancer and has it for 4 months, and then dies, but yet again, he didn't visit her ever? Phone records? Get the f*** out of here. If I never visited my girlfriend under these circumstances, she'd "cut my nuts off" (her words, not mine). If he's not a bad person, he's a dumb person and he's also a crappy boyfriend.

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Some of you are so naive. Manti Te'o is a disgusting human because he killed his girlfriend Lennay in cold blood. No amount of lies and confused media will change that.

And ur disgusting then for saying that with absolutely no proof at all. Hate the guy all u want but accusing someone of murder now. Wow

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Maybe then we should just change the title of this thread to "Manti Te'o is a disgusting boyfriend." What kind of schmuck doesn't visit their half dead girlfriend in the hospital after a near fatal car accident? Furthermore, she then lives, gets cancer and has it for 4 months, and then dies, but yet again, he didn't visit her ever? Phone records? Get the f*** out of here. If I never visited my girlfriend under these circumstances, she'd "cut my nuts off" (her words, not mine). If he's not a bad person, he's a dumb person and he's also a crappy boyfriend.


From what I read their relationship got a lot stronger after the accident and was dealing with cancer. I have read also that they had numerous meetings set up and she would cancel. Now I'm not exact on timeframe on these things. As far as going to her funeral, her family told him not to come. Plus he was in the middle of his season with only time to go to his grandmothers funeral.


Fact is we do not know what type of relationship was faked. I have never dated someone from the Internet, the same time an Internet long distance relationship.



The guy was also preparing for the biggest season of his life. How he performed his senior season would determine the rest of his life. If I was him I would spend every second preparing for my senior season.






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Maybe then we should just change the title of this thread to "Manti Te'o is a disgusting boyfriend." What kind of schmuck doesn't visit their half dead girlfriend in the hospital after a near fatal car accident? Furthermore, she then lives, gets cancer and has it for 4 months, and then dies, but yet again, he didn't visit her ever? Phone records? Get the f*** out of here. If I never visited my girlfriend under these circumstances, she'd "cut my nuts off" (her words, not mine). If he's not a bad person, he's a dumb person and he's also a crappy boyfriend.




ESPN and some of these news outlets are showing empathy towards Manti and I have no idea how.

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From what I read their relationship got a lot stronger after the accident and was dealing with cancer. I have read also that they had numerous meetings set up and she would cancel. Now I'm not exact on timeframe on these things. As far as going to her funeral, her family told him not to come. Plus he was in the middle of his season with only time to go to his grandmothers funeral.


Fact is we do not know what type of relationship was faked. I have never dated someone from the Internet, the same time an Internet long distance relationship.



The guy was also preparing for the biggest season of his life. How he performed his senior season would determine the rest of his life. If I was him I would spend every second preparing for my senior season.

He "loved" her. If your mom, sister, grandma, and/or girlfriend/wife were dying, you wouldn't miss one game or a couple practices?

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From what I read their relationship got a lot stronger after the accident and was dealing with cancer. I have read also that they had numerous meetings set up and she would cancel. Now I'm not exact on timeframe on these things. As far as going to her funeral, her family told him not to come. Plus he was in the middle of his season with only time to go to his grandmothers funeral.


Fact is we do not know what type of relationship was faked. I have never dated someone from the Internet, the same time an Internet long distance relationship.



The guy was also preparing for the biggest season of his life. How he performed his senior season would determine the rest of his life. If I was him I would spend every second preparing for my senior season.

He "loved" her. If your mom, sister, grandma, and/or girlfriend/wife were dying, you wouldn't miss one game or a couple practices?

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He "loved" her. If your mom, sister, grandma, and/or girlfriend/wife were dying, you wouldn't miss one game or a couple practices?


Fact is you and I have no idea what was said in the communications between him and "her" and/or "her family". He didn't likely even have an address. Do you just hop on a plane and fly somewhere hoping to locate the funeral? He would've had to have been told he could come and where it was. I'm sure, if this isn't some sort of double reverse major fake out by Manti and ND, he was torn up about it.


For me, I don't think I could fall in love with anyone I hadn't had physical contact with. A romance could start online but it would need to progress. But I'm 48 and didn't grow up with twitter and facebook and all the other electronic communications our kids are so reliant on. My 14 year old son is online with his buddies playing various computer games pretty much each night. This generation is a bit stunted when it comes to interpersonal connections and relationships, IMO. And this is for normal kids. Imagine being the star of the Notre Dame football team as it prepares for the national championship!


It feels like to me that those judging him most harshly, without most of the facts, or ignoring the things we do know, are doing so with an ulterior motive. Whether that be a hatred of ND, a hatred for Manti's fame, whatever. I don't know. But the facts as we know them RIGHT NOW don't support the idea that he's a bad boyfriend, a bad person, a disgusting human, etc. They just don't. He's a kid and it appears he's a gullible naive one at that. And he pretty clearly lied after the fact which isn't ever a good thing but it's totally understandable given all the stuff this KID had going on in his life around the time it came out.

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Fact is you and I have no idea what was said in the communications between him and "her" and/or "her family". He didn't likely even have an address. Do you just hop on a plane and fly somewhere hoping to locate the funeral? He would've had to have been told he could come and where it was. I'm sure, if this isn't some sort of double reverse major fake out by Manti and ND, he was torn up about it.


For me, I don't think I could fall in love with anyone I hadn't had physical contact with. A romance could start online but it would need to progress. But I'm 48 and didn't grow up with twitter and facebook and all the other electronic communications our kids are so reliant on. My 14 year old son is online with his buddies playing various computer games pretty much each night. This generation is a bit stunted when it comes to interpersonal connections and relationships, IMO. And this is for normal kids. Imagine being the star of the Notre Dame football team as it prepares for the national championship!


It feels like to me that those judging him most harshly, without most of the facts, or ignoring the things we do know, are doing so with an ulterior motive. Whether that be a hatred of ND, a hatred for Manti's fame, whatever. I don't know. But the facts as we know them RIGHT NOW don't support the idea that he's a bad boyfriend, a bad person, a disgusting human, etc. They just don't. He's a kid and it appears he's a gullible naive one at that. And he pretty clearly lied after the fact which isn't ever a good thing but it's totally understandable given all the stuff this KID had going on in his life around the time it came out.


Huh? There is more than enough circumstantial evidence that would refute your claim.


Facts? The facts that Manti's camp took months to concoct told you?


Also, your definition of a kid is subjective. He's a young adult who has attended 4 years at Notre Dame....stop making excuses for him.

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Fact is you and I have no idea what was said in the communications between him and "her" and/or "her family". He didn't likely even have an address. Do you just hop on a plane and fly somewhere hoping to locate the funeral? He would've had to have been told he could come and where it was. I'm sure, if this isn't some sort of double reverse major fake out by Manti and ND, he was torn up about it.


For me, I don't think I could fall in love with anyone I hadn't had physical contact with. A romance could start online but it would need to progress. But I'm 48 and didn't grow up with twitter and facebook and all the other electronic communications our kids are so reliant on. My 14 year old son is online with his buddies playing various computer games pretty much each night. This generation is a bit stunted when it comes to interpersonal connections and relationships, IMO. And this is for normal kids. Imagine being the star of the Notre Dame football team as it prepares for the national championship!


It feels like to me that those judging him most harshly, without most of the facts, or ignoring the things we do know, are doing so with an ulterior motive. Whether that be a hatred of ND, a hatred for Manti's fame, whatever. I don't know. But the facts as we know them RIGHT NOW don't support the idea that he's a bad boyfriend, a bad person, a disgusting human, etc. They just don't. He's a kid and it appears he's a gullible naive one at that. And he pretty clearly lied after the fact which isn't ever a good thing but it's totally understandable given all the stuff this KID had going on in his life around the time it came out.

If you are paying attention to the , you will have a hard time defending him. He got scamed, and continued the lie to advance his career. After he knew about the scam he was getting attention, while dating a girl from St. Marys college. He is quite the jackwad, . I have met woman online before , and the thing you do is talk to them and plan on meeting them. What satisfaction do you get out of a computer screen, nothing. It's about meeting a person. He said he loved her , and didn't go to her beside to see her when she was sick? California is a 3 hour flight from south bend. He got duped and took control of the hoax, to gain fame. He got all these people feeling sorry for him, while he bone face lied to everyone. Read all the facts not the ones that is damage control to cover u his involvement. He used this story for his own gain, what doesnt put him high on my list of of being a good person . He didn't kill anyone, he is a con man, and

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If you are paying attention to the , you will have a hard time defending him. He got scamed, and continued the lie to advance his career. After he knew about the scam he was getting attention, while dating a girl from St. Marys college. He is quite the jackwad, . I have met woman online before , and the thing you do is talk to them and plan on meeting them. What satisfaction do you get out of a computer screen, nothing. It's about meeting a person. He said he loved her , and didn't go to her beside to see her when she was sick? California is a 3 hour flight from south bend. He got duped and took control of the hoax, to gain fame. He got all these people feeling sorry for him, while he bone face lied to everyone. Read all the facts not the ones that is damage control to cover u his involvement. He used this story for his own gain, what doesnt put him high on my list of of being a good person . He didn't kill anyone, he is a con man, and
how would feel is someone came up to you and gave you a sad story, you gave him money and found out , he was lying. There have been funds set up in his girlfriends name, that people gave money to for her family, this story is a lot deeper than we have seen. Let's all wait for whole story to come out, then we can state who he really is , not the damage control a major university is given us. I have facts to know he sucks as a person, but some of you guys need more, so quit defending him , you will look stupid when the whole story comes out.
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