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Josh McCown

Alaskan Grizzly

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I think your assessment is spot on.


I had actually thought that as well...the "what if" thinking in me. If not right away, I could see Marshall becoming a real nuisance if Cutler were gone. ala Denver, of course Trestman is no McDaniels..thankfully.


In regards to the QB situation, I think the best case scenario at this point is to Franchise Jay for next year. I'm fairly certain McCown would be willing to sign on for another year or two as the back up. I agree with Cracker that he ain't going anywhere. One thing to consider is that Cutler is becoming injury riddled.... I shy from saying "prone" but for all intentns and purposes, he's starting to build a reputation with a history of injuries. We all know it, and other teams know it. All things as they are, my money's on Cutler being back next year...if for only one more. And with McCown as the backup, I'm good with it.


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To be honest, I wouldn't care if Cutler went to Minny. However, the Bears can have say in where he goes and get draft picks by tag and trading him. There's no reason to let him walk for nothing when they can get some value.


I sure wouldn't want to see Cutler on the Vikes...Let them take the risk in the draft.

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I haven't posted in this thread because I initially felt it was a bit early to compare anything McCown had done to what Cutler had done. Defenses need to see McCown's tendencies in the new offense and make their adjustments before we get a true sense of what he can do.


I do not see McCown as a starter. Period. (Or is that two periods?) He does not have a strong enough arm to threaten the defense over the top. Never more obvious than his incomplete deep pass that was 10 yards short in the Rams game. With Trestman's offense that isn't a killer as it might be say with Bruce Arians' offense.


I agree that McCown has run this offense better in some ways than what Cutler was doing. Flying by the seat of my pants as usual.... I prefer Cutler in the redzone on fades and back shoulder throws. No data to back that up just like how Cutler fits the ball into a tight space better and his passes, even on fades, are more linear (i.e. faster throws rather than lobs) making it harder for a defender to adjust to the ball.


Between the 20s I like McCown as he seems to take the proper early read more often. However, I do not like all the WR screens we've been running with McCown in there. I feel these screens are getting less and less effective as teams play closer to the LOS realizing we don't go deep as often, or as well as we did with Cutler in there. Can Cutler learn from watching some of this?


One point I haven't seen in this debate has been the offense and Oline as they learned the new scheme. Games like New Orleans were the Oline was clueless about who to block for much of the game come to mind. That gets pinned on Cutler's performance. By the time McCown entered the scene the Oline and WRs were more settled in the offense.


Preference 1) Keep Cutler for around $14mil/yr ideally a 5 year deal that gives us a way out after 3 seasons. Plenty of time to draft and groom a replacement if needed, and if he's playing lights out by then we can keep him and pay him some big $$ on a backloaded deal in the last couple years. If that happens he'll have earned it. If we can't get him to agree to a reasonable starters salary then I prefer to keep Cutler for at least one more season under the franchise tag. Draft an early round QB...don't care which round either. If the guy Trestman likes is there in Rd 1 make it happen or if nobody stands out take whoever drops to us in the 2nd or 3rd Rd.


I'm not opposed to the idea of franchising Cutler and trading him if we get the right compensation.

I'm not pushing for that to happen but if the club feels we get fair value and the right guy is there for us in the draft then do it. McCown IMO is the perfect caretaker while the young gun learns the ropes because he can win games in the first part of the season and he will help the new guy learn the offense. Let the new guy takeover mid-season and we're off.


If the team has determined Cutler is not our guy for the future there is zero reason to simply let him walk. Any QB with his mid-level starter talent has a lot of value in this league. Before his injury we averaged 28pts per game and there are always a few teams that will trade for that kind of production.


P.S. As I looked up team scoring stats I'm surprised to see us ranked 4th right behind New Orleans, and ahead of the Cowboys, Patriots, and Lions. Granted we've had 4 INT returned for TD in there but we also have the #1 WR duo, something that teams will consider when evaluating Cutler or McCown.


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I doubt that it's sustainable for an entire season. This is a bad vikings secondary. I sure do hope he continues it til jay gets back

I love what I have seen from McCown but he is 35 years old. He is a terrific back up but he is not the future. Determine if Cutler is the future. If not, then move on.


Peace :dabears

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If Cutler had 2 near picks, including one of which that was called back due to a penalty and that crazy shovel pass nonsense in the 4th as he was going down. You and others would be roasting him right now. He has played well, exceptional. But lets not get crazy.


Cutler has 2 near picks ever quarter. The one that was called back, McCown most likely knew it was a throw away pass and passed it. You're right tho on the shovel pass, it was very Cutler like.


However, if Cutler made the 2 throws that McCown made to Jeffery for a TD and the one to Forte on the sideline, people would be talking about how only Cutler can make those throws.

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Cutler has 2 near picks ever quarter. The one that was called back, McCown most likely knew it was a throw away pass and passed it. You're right tho on the shovel pass, it was very Cutler like.


However, if Cutler made the 2 throws that McCown made to Jeffery for a TD and the one to Forte on the sideline, people would be talking about how only Cutler can make those throws.


Sure he does. LOL. Sure he did, LMAO.

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Sure he does. LOL. Sure he did, LMAO.


I understand your skepticism towards the statement, but no matter how one feels about the situation, it's nearly impossible to disagree with the fact that McCown is more heady in this offense than Cutler. Where Cutler reads and the relies on his arm strength, McCown reads, then reads again, making a safer throw more often than not. So it's not completely ridiculous to think that McCown did, in fact, realize he had a free play, and decided to wing it.

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I understand your skepticism towards the statement, but no matter how one feels about the situation, it's nearly impossible to disagree with the fact that McCown is more heady in this offense than Cutler. Where Cutler reads and the relies on his arm strength, McCown reads, then reads again, making a safer throw more often than not. So it's not completely ridiculous to think that McCown did, in fact, realize he had a free play, and decided to wing it.

And now your making assumptions. Nice.

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And now your making assumptions. Nice.


I presume you're referring to the discussion that McCown may/may not had known about the possibility in having a free play. In which he haphazardly threw a pass that was intercepted. Although none of us can unequiviquoly say we don't know what McCown did/didn't know, we do know that thus far he hasn't made many mistakes. And this would be a rare occurence so the probability is that he made a mistake knowing it wouldn't matter. Case in point, right after he threw it he stayed on the field. Meaning he knew a penalty had been called and that it wasn't against his team.

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I presume you're referring to the discussion that McCown may/may not had known about the possibility in having a free play. In which he haphazardly threw a pass that was intercepted. Although none of us can unequiviquoly say we don't know what McCown did/didn't know, we do know that thus far he hasn't made many mistakes. And this would be a rare occurence so the probability is that he made a mistake knowing it wouldn't matter. Case in point, right after he threw it he stayed on the field. Meaning he knew a penalty had been called and that it wasn't against his team.

Yeah and if jay did same exact thing y'all would be absolutely crushing him. Amazing that jay this yr was averaging 28+ pts per game and that's completely ignored while josh has averaged 22+ pts per game and he's being praised as a saint and guy can do no wrong. Anybody realize we had 480 yds offense. Yet only 20 pts and only 1 trip to the red zone. Which of course we failed. I like josh. AS A BACKUP

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Yeah and if jay did same exact thing y'all would be absolutely crushing him. Amazing that jay this yr was averaging 28+ pts per game and that's completely ignored while josh has averaged 22+ pts per game and he's being praised as a saint and guy can do no wrong. Anybody realize we had 480 yds offense. Yet only 20 pts and only 1 trip to the red zone. Which of course we failed. I like josh. AS A BACKUP


Look at what you wrote. The difference between the two is that one is considered a 'Franchise QB' the other a backup. The fact that he has as nearly as good a record, in some cases better, as Jay speaks volumes. I never said that McCown should be the starter, just question the one we do have. If this experience makes Cutler better, then fantastic!!


And for what it's worth I'm not sure why you're upset a backup QB is capable of making choices like this. Most teams would kill for a their starter to be able to do that.

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Look at what you wrote. The difference between the two is that one is considered a 'Franchise QB' the other a backup. The fact that he has as nearly as good a record, in some cases better, as Jay speaks volumes. I never said that McCown should be the starter, just question the one we do have. If this experience makes Cutler better, then fantastic!!


And for what it's worth I'm not sure why you're upset a backup QB is capable of making choices like this. Most teams would kill for a their starter to be able to do that.


Does anyone think if the Bears had both QB's signed up for the next few years that any NFL team would offer more for Josh than they would Jay? The only place in the world that McCown is rated more highly than Cutler is in the world of internet football experts. In the real world, most see the difference.


With that said, I repeat, Josh is playing great and I'm happy we have him. And Jay makes too many mistakes! I just want to see what he can do when he's had the same OC for two damn years in a row, and another off season with the Nerd whispering in his ear. He might actually live up to his damn potential! And I want it to be with the Bears, not against them...

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Look at what you wrote. The difference between the two is that one is considered a 'Franchise QB' the other a backup. The fact that he has as nearly as good a record, in some cases better, as Jay speaks volumes. I never said that McCown should be the starter, just question the one we do have. If this experience makes Cutler better, then fantastic!!


And for what it's worth I'm not sure why you're upset a backup QB is capable of making choices like this. Most teams would kill for a their starter to be able to do that.

I'm not mad on josh. How can I be. I'm sick of all those ppl claiming we should cut Jay and give big bucks to josh. In the end I want the qb who can put the most points on the board. And so far its been jay. Its just facts. Sure mccown so far has made less mistakes but he also doesn't take many chances either. Once again just facts. And honestly I'm not sure jay is best long term answer either. Just think that if both were healthy give me cutler

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Does anyone think if the Bears had both QB's signed up for the next few years that any NFL team would offer more for Josh than they would Jay? The only place in the world that McCown is rated more highly than Cutler is in the world of internet football experts. In the real world, most see the difference.


With that said, I repeat, Josh is playing great and I'm happy we have him. And Jay makes too many mistakes! I just want to see what he can do when he's had the same OC for two damn years in a row, and another off season with the Nerd whispering in his ear. He might actually live up to his damn potential! And I want it to be with the Bears, not against them...

OK looks like we agree on this issue. So question is if you were gm what would you do. Pay jay for 1 yr franchise tag or go long term deal. Of course either way I want josh back as the back up

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And now your making assumptions. Nice.


It's an assumption to be sure, but based on his play thus far, it's not illogical. He has been very careful with the offense. He's progressed through reads and taken the smart choice far more often than Jay Cutler has in his time in Chicago. It's obviously a smaller sample size, but if you were to try to put a generic percentage to it, McCown takes the smart throw more often than Cutler does. That doesn't mean he's a better QB, but it does back up the assertion that he might have been aware of the circumstances of that play.

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Look at what you wrote. The difference between the two is that one is considered a 'Franchise QB' the other a backup. The fact that he has as nearly as good a record, in some cases better, as Jay speaks volumes. I never said that McCown should be the starter, just question the one we do have. If this experience makes Cutler better, then fantastic!!


And for what it's worth I'm not sure why you're upset a backup QB is capable of making choices like this. Most teams would kill for a their starter to be able to do that.




And when you factor in the amount of money a franchised QB costs versus a journeyman backup, it's no surprise Bears' fans are talking about the possibility of spending a WHOLE LOT LESS money and getting slightly less productive play. Put it another way, in terms of what might be best for the overall team...


Cutler for above average $ > McCown for vet minimum > Cutler for franchise $


Having said all that, I've been a Cutler supporter since day 1, but when a virtual nobody can step in and produce like McCown has, I wonder if the Bears really need to spend franchise money on a QB.

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Does anyone think if the Bears had both QB's signed up for the next few years that any NFL team would offer more for Josh than they would Jay? The only place in the world that McCown is rated more highly than Cutler is in the world of internet football experts. In the real world, most see the difference.


With that said, I repeat, Josh is playing great and I'm happy we have him. And Jay makes too many mistakes! I just want to see what he can do when he's had the same OC for two damn years in a row, and another off season with the Nerd whispering in his ear. He might actually live up to his damn potential! And I want it to be with the Bears, not against them...


Absolutely nobody outside of McCown's immediate family would pay more for him than Cutler. But considering his production compared to Cutler, the prospect of paying a ton less for McCown is worth discussion.

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