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Everything posted by chitownman

  1. chitownman

    Poor Rex

    I never thought that Grossman was that good in the first place and the rest of the NFL seems to showing that I must have been right in the first place. It was a bad pick when he was drafted and this does not surprise me. Someone else listed all the former Florida QBs that failed to have any semblance of a career in the NFL and Grossman while at times seemed to show some NFL style talent, he really sucked. Best thing that could happen to this money thief is that no one signs him and he just fades into the sunset.
  2. Yes I do vaguely remember the World Football League and I believe that Virgil Carter started at QB for the Fire.
  3. There are a lot of good receivers that have been names here and I have a few that are just my personal favorites and not necessarily the best all time: 1. Johnny Morris 2. Da' Coach 3. James Scott (Totally forgot about him, Thanks Lemonej) 4. Wendall Davis 5. Marcus Robinson (Until he got hurt) 6. Curtis Conway 7. Willie Gault 8. Dennis McKinnon 9. Dennis Gentry (Best 3rd down possession receiver that I ever watched) 10. Kenny Margerum, Tom Waddle, Jeff Graham Again, these guys may not necessarily be the best ever however, ones that I think about when it comes to our receivers.
  4. I as well do not thing that there is much to worry about with Forte at this point. As long as he is ready to kick the Packers asses on September 13th in front of a National Television audience, I am not to worried at this point. The Trib shows that it is 57 days until training camp opens and the sooner we get through these 57 days, the happier I am going to be.
  5. chitownman


    BearSox, we definitely have plenty of room under the cap to make this trade happen. I am not sure I would want to give up on Hester at this point either. One way or another Angelo needs to find the right combination that makes it too much for Arizona to pass up and we wind up with a receiver who still has plenty of upside left in his career and hopefully will mentor both Hester and Bennett. Imagine that we have already gotten a franchise QB and to get a very good receiver just giving up our #2 pick should be a no brainier if Arizona was serious about their demands changing for Boldin are some how legitimate.
  6. This is definitely a great post and I have to agree with everyone here. I am so jones-ing for football season to get here again that I could care less for the moment about baseball. Granted hockey has gotten exciting this year and basketball some how is surprising however, getting Cutler has changed the dynamics of this team ten-fold. I am as well looking to obtain a Cutler jersey for myself which is an amazing thing. I usually prefer old school players like Payton, Butkas, Singletary et al that I am playing with eBay to get my Cutler jersey for opening day.
  7. It is going to be interesting to see how the whole season play out however, I definitely agree that we will win the division and then the rest of it all depends on how everyone's health is. I am able to see at minimum 10-6 and probably 11-5 and hopefully a home field play-off game. I think the addition of Cutler and Pace has definitely helped us to have a far better team then what I first thought we would have.
  8. I called all my friends after I saw it on Facebook and confirmed it on the Bears website and said to them all, Man Have I Got A Major Boner For Football. I Have Such A Woody That I Wish That We Were Quickly Approaching July 22nd And That Training Camp Was Opening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today has to be one of the best days in the history of Bears football that I am able to ever remember besides the success of 1985!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cutler in house and Pace as well, looks like we most definitely should be the team to beat in the NFC North!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I think that this would be a huge move in the positive especially if Pace is able to remain healthy for the entire year. I feel Pace has a couple of more good years left in him because of his past injuries and think it would be worth it especially if we sign him to an incentive lased contract.
  10. I agree that we need a receiver of Boldin's caliber however, Cutler is still out there as well demanding to be traded. Makes me wonder how to get both accomplished. Someone had suggested in a Cutler thread to see if he is still in Denver on Draft Day. If that is the case and either Mark Sanchez or the kid from Georgia is available at #12, then offer Denver the #18 pick in order to get Cutler. If you make a deal with AZ to get Boldin, how do you get Cutler in house as well. If AZ will take a second rounder, then there may be the deal that we need to get both done. Imagine having Cutler in replacing Orton and Boldin on the wings watching the pill come over his shoulders from Cutler and we have a legitimate passing offense. Takes a ton of pressure of Forte and opens up other things for this team.
  11. If Osgood is worth anything as a receiver then I would offer a fifth or lower pick to San Diego for him. Anything we are able to do in order to upgrade a little bit is worth while.
  12. I read in another thread this idea for getting Cutler, Mark Sanchez falls to #12 (Denver's Pick) and we make the offer of Orton, the #18 pick to Denver. I would also add Urlacher at this point, who may be the face of the franchise however, it may be time for Urlacher to move on. Plus I would also be willing to throw in a conditional 2010 draft pick that may get as high as a second round and maybe no worse than a fifth round depending on Cutler's performance in 2009. We may not have all the pieces to completely get the puzzle done before the draft however, Angelo needs to provide some proof to the fans that he is not full of crap and all talk. Action speak louder than words and so far his words smell pretty bad. Angelo should be on the phone daily with Denver to see what it may take and to work on with Denver to facilitate a trade between the teams that both will be happy with and helps both. Until that happens Angelo is just another lying figure head.
  13. He is a major pain in the ass that is not worth the time or money spent on his malcontent ass. Think back when he was with the 49ers and he had that game against us and caught some 20 odd passes for a new record and do you think he could have been humble about it, no freakin way!!!!!!!!!!! His attitude in the locker room and on the sidelines would be far too much of a distraction versus and investment. There is no way in hell that anyone would ever be able to prove to me that he is worth any type of risk. I know we need a legitimate receiver however, T.O. is definitely the wrong piece to the puzzle. Stay the hell away from this problem.
  14. Look at the track record overall for Jerry Angelo while he has been the one in control of player personnel being the GM. For as many so called positive moves, there are far many more that are complete failures. I do not think that Angelo is the brain that we need to evaluate players currently on this team or players to possibly obtain via free agency or the draft. I personally feel that we have not had a decent talent evaluator since Jerry Vainisi was let go and how the hell we got lucky to get to SB XLI is still surprising to a degree. I know our defense was pretty awesome however, there were times that the defense let down a little that season as well. You say we had a winning record which at 9-7 is a winning record however, quite a few of those games should have gone a different way and lady luck shined nicely on us during those wins. The problem is that the team is only there when it wants to be there versus having the heart and soul of being part of the longest traditional franchise in pro football history. If you do not have an understand of the Chicago Bears and George Stanley Halas, then you should be kicked to the curb and find people that want to be part of the tradition and history of the most storied franchise in the NFL. Enough of this, "It's All About Me & What I Am Able To Get Attitude" that a lot of today's players have. I think an important reading for every player and they should be tested on what they read is the Hall Of Fame Induction speech by Ryne Sandberg. Ryne talks about respect of the game and the people who provided the path for the players that play today to play. Plus the fact we need to get rid of the agents like Drew Rosenhaus who is more of a detriment to professional sports versus a benefit. Unfortunately culture will not be changed overnight nor any time in the near future. So yes I agree we may be rehashing things we talked about after 2007 however, being frustrated by the leadership of our teams and having a place to vent about it is the only way some of us are able to vent and have others that are able to appreciate what we are saying.
  15. Akshaz, I am not able to see both Angelo and Smith being gone if the team fails to make the playoffs next year because Virginia and company would not approve eating both salaries and starting over from scratch with a new GM and new HC. Nfoligno I am able to see how you are able to come up with this thought and want to remind everyone about one key divisional game that makes me still believe Smith is no longer the man to lead this franchise. Go back to Sunday night November 30th. In a span of about 60 seconds, we went from First and Goal from roughly the one to giving up a 99 yard touchdown pass that was caught by our former receiver. You look at the sidelines after that play was completed and you look at the team and there mannerisms and see such dejection that it appears that the coaching staff has lost its team. So if there is a conspiracy going on it is keeping a coach who does not have the confidence of his team. A GM who is stuck right now because there is still too much money to eat on the HC's contract to eat and making minor coaching changes are not going to improve this team. There is a need for major over-hauls at pretty much every position on this team and not a damn thing is being done. It is not acceptable and we as fans should not be willing to accept mediocrity as a right of passage for this team or any team that we may all follow. It is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. Think about it in your own job. If you were not meeting or exceeding expectations of the company you were working for, you would be given a short time to turn it around and if you still did not you would be fired in a heart beat. The same standards should be held for all pro franchises and unfortunately they are not and we are all blinded to a degree not to hit the owners where it would really hurt, in their profits. Either way in my view both Angelo and Smith need to go however, Angelo will be here a bit longer than Smith will be at this point.
  16. I whole heartily agree with you on this Nfoligno. If Angelo wants to be a man of his word and do something, then he needs to do what ever it may take to obtain a legitimate franchise QB and I believe that we would with Cutler behind center than Orton, Hanie or anyone else at this point. Your thought process makes a lot of sense and Denver would be foolish not to jump at the possibility especially if we dangle Orton with the #18 pick as well. They would have a future star QB picked at 12, obtain a veteran for the rookie to learn from for a year or two and have another pick at 18 to help shore up some of their needs and desires to improve their team. Time will tell what will happen however, it sounds good to me.
  17. Here is an article by David Haugh of the Trib that reiterates the points on why we should go out and get Cutler. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/chi-0...0,7412783.story I agree with someone earlier stating that Bears management was too inept to be able to get this done. I just like hell that Jerry Angelo would get his head out of his ass and get this potential deal done. Start with Cutler and build from there. With Cutler you upgrade a position that has been a bust for a long time and I even love Jim McMahon. His problem was that he was to fragile to have the success that Montana had. If McMahon had not been fragile like that, would have had a far better career. Look at their numbers in college and I believe McMahon was better at BYU then Montana was at ND. Cutler has far to much upside and definitely is an upgrade from Orton and definitely superior to Grossman.
  18. If this could happen which it probably won't I would definitely do it in a heart beat. Cutler is proving that he is getting better each season. Granted the numbers that Brian Bear point out do not look good I agree however, I see far too much upside to Cutler as an NFL QB than what we currently have. Give Cutler another two years under center and I think he will become one of the best QBs currently in the game and he is pretty good now.
  19. The Trib is speculating that the Bears should go after either Fred Taylor, salary cap casualty of the Jacksonville Jaguars or Duece McAllister who was released by the Saints. The Trib says that McAllister is a higher risk with his injuries that he has had since his 1,000+ yards rushing in 2006. Would it make sense to sign either Taylor or McAllister as a compliment to Forte' at this point or do you see someone else out there that is a possible free agent or someone that we may be able to draft in a later round as a compliment to Forte". I kind of like the idea of either one of these proven backs who would probably be able to mentor Forte' a bit more on the fundamentals of running in the NFL. I do not want either one to come in and replace Forte' however, it would be nice to be able to give Forte' a good breather once in a while during the game and not loose to much with switching to another durable back. What do you all think?
  20. I agree with Pix on this. I think Hanie definitely showed a lot of moxie last preseason and I know he deserves to be promoted to our #2. Unfortunately the powers that be feel strongly enough that we need a veteran to come in and compete with Orton for the job of starter which will relegate Hanie back to #3. I personally would like the QB depth chart to be at this point: Orton, Hanie, Rookie Phenom. Orton has done everything this team has asked of him and has not complained one pick that I am aware of. Hanie as I have said showed far too much poise and promise not to be elevated to the #2 and we need to look to the future as well if Orton or Hanie are not the true play-maker QBs that this team has sorely lack for far too long. Again this is putting faith and trust into Angelo and staff to reward this team and the fans something worth while and at this point I still do not believe Angelo has the brains to be able to do that.
  21. There are far too many negatives still in regards to Benson and the Chicago Bears. There is no way to fix the damage that was created and there is no reason why to even look at this so called talented players. There are other players out there that will be better suited to fill in for us if the offensive coaching staff does not like the current back-ups to Forte. We just need to believe that something positive will happen and soon. Wait, I forgot we are believing in Jerry Angelo et al to have intelligence. Sorry, my bad.
  22. It is a shame that Angelo thinks that little of Brown. I understand that he has been injury prone lately however, he adds a dimension to the defense that lacks when he is not there. I agree Brown may have lost a step or two however, never underestimate the heart of this type of player. I say we need to resign him to a respectable incentive laced contract and see what happens. If Brown gets hurt again early in the season, let him stay around and help coach the DBs and anything else he maybe able to add insight to the defense. It is a disappointing display of the way this team continues to mistreat players who show loyalty, heart and determination. We need more players like Brown to be on this team and cutting ties with Brown is a total no win situation.
  23. Problem is that I have never been sold on Orton all though he did pleasantly surprise me this season until he hurt his ankle. Fortunately I would imagine the mistake of Grossman in Chicago is going to finally be over. We should never spent a first round pick on this dead weight. Haine seems to show promise however, not sure he is the one either. Then we sign Basanez who really is nothing worth a damn and I do not see a viable free-agent available. If Sanchez is there later in the first round I think he has to much upside potential that I would take a chance and see what happens. If we do not get someone decent in 2009, who would be the most sought after QB in 2010. Don't even think of Tebow, I am not sold on that marshmallow. Granted Florida's program is a bit better with Urban Meyer than it was with Steve Spurrier however, just not convinced Tebow will be worth anything either.
  24. It just makes me miss seeing Walter that much more. I went to the Mackey Awards after we won Super Bowl XX and Walter was the man that night too. I also have a former neighbor who lived just down the street from where Walter lived. This guy who was pretty brash, rang Walter's doorbell and said I know who you are, I just want to see your cars. Walter showed my former neighbor all of his cars. Just continues to show how classy Walter was. I miss him a lot and when I watch games with other fans and we are first and goal from the two I always say, "We need Walter up and over for the TD!!!!" It is just so sad that he is going to be gone ten years in November. He definitely died way to young.
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