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Everything posted by chitownman

  1. Let's just hope that the rumor mill that says that someone above Angelo is apparently looking at replacements for both Angelo and Smith. The sooner the jackass GM and the bumbling head coach are shown the door the better off this team may be once again. Granted I thought initially that the Smith hiring was a good move however, this is the third consecutive season that we have missed the playoffs and the person evaluating the player talent and person who is supposed to be motivating this team are both totally incompetent in their abilities.
  2. Not sure what it was that you wanted me to see in the thread Mongo3451 however, if anyone thinks that Da' Bears are better set up than the Patriots except for the Hoodie is truthfully not paying careful attention to what is wrong with the damn team. It starts at the GM and rolls down from there. (Truthfully from the McCaskey Family) Offensive Line is a mess, no running game, lack of legitimate WR, defensive line failing all the time, linebackers not completely stepping up since Urlacher went down and except for Tillman, the DBs are suspect at best. New England in the hunt once again for the playoffs and who knows what type of run they'll got on once the Pats are playing playoff football once again.
  3. There has been on going debate that both Angelo and Smith have far too much money left on their contracts however, it is time that Virginia steps up as the daughter of this franchise and pull the plug on both Angelo and Smith. I like Cowher a lot more than Shanahan and I think that this would be just the ticket to get this team back on track. I have also felt that Philips is not the right person to lead this team as well and it is time to get someone who really does understand football completely and will be in a better position to move us forward. Why the hell can't the Bears be the equivalent in NFC of what the Patriots have become in the AFC? Get real football people for this franchise and watch out what will hopefully be a positive change for this team.
  4. You truthfully think that Toub is any good at this point any longer. Have you not watched the lack of effort on every special teams play? The only ones at this point that should not be fired are strictly players: Robbie Gould, Brad Maynard and Jay Cutler. Gould continues to be amazing, Maynard continues to prove his worth week in and week out and Cutler constantly attempts to put this franchise on his back and win every game possible with his play. Only problem is that Cutler's teammates do not have the same level of competitiveness that Cutler has.
  5. I could not agree with you more on this. I have never understood how a CPA is made the President of this organization and that the Halas family finds what is happening as acceptable. Angelo at this point should be lynched and Smith should have been fired last season. I do my best to keep pointing people to the game in Minnesota in which it proved that Smith has lost this team. Offense stumbles in the redzone once again and leaves the Viqueens with the ball at their own one yardline. Next play they hit Bernard Berrian for a 99 yard touchdown play to destroy what ever positive there may have been for the Bears. Fox then pans the Bears sidelines and every player you are able to see it in their eyes that it is, "Uh-Oh; not again." Every player was totally dejected at that point and time with no hope for the rest of the season. It continues to plague this team this season as well. How we have been fortunate enough to win the four games we have is really starting to surprise me. Denver is laughing all the way to draft day 2010. The following changes need to be made and made now: Ted Philips needs to resign. He truly has no football knowledge to lead this team in a proper fashion. Jerry Angelo & Staff need to be fired. Poor player evaluation and decisions continue to plague this historic franchise. Too many poor decisions do not make for a good football team. There are flashes of brilliance however, the negatives far out weigh the positives at this point and there does not seem to be any hope of this changing with Angelo and his staff still in charge. Lovie Smith and his staff need to be fired. Look at my point at the beginning of my response and that shows it in a nutshell how bad Smith has fallen as a head coach with this team. We will not make the playoffs this year or any year again while Smith is still the fact o head of this team coaching wise. I would like to see Cowher in charge in some fashion or another. He may be better as the GM at this point and bring in someone to handle the coaching duties to help turn this team around. I would even take John Gruden as the head coach or GM as well. The only coach I would stay away from at this point is Mike Shanahan. I do not think Shanahan would be the answer to what ails this team. I would also be hesitant on hiring Mike Holmgren as well as I feel that the game has left him to deficient in regards to the game itself. Changes need to be made and made now and do not even think about the playoffs this season as it will not happen.
  6. I could not agree with you more Mad Man. This team has returned to being an embarrassment versus a very proud franchise that was the founding franchise of the NFL. I think we need to completely clean house from the very top through the entire team. No one should be safe and new ownership may be able to inject some life into this team. No one should be happy with the inconsistency of this team and we're lucky we are not 2-4 or worse 0-6 at this point. I do not blame Culter for his efforts at attempting to do something however, without the proper protection and supporting team around him, even Montana in his hey day or McMahon would look at bad as Cutler is looking.
  7. Don't forget how bad the Special Teams has fallen as well. No one on this team should feel safe come the end of the season which as it stands after yesterday's debacle will be on January 3, 2010. Major changes still need to be done for most of this team and it should start with management and specifically the GM.
  8. As the saying goes that this start at the top and roll down hill from there. As much as I know that Virginia McCaskey is Papa Bear's daughter however, this team continues to disappoint in far to many ways. Ted Philips is a CPA at best and should not be in charge of this team. Jerry Angelo continues to make more bad moves versus good moves and the coaching staff is not living up to what was expected. There needs to be a complete cleaning of the house and getting people in place that one: know how to evaluate talent, two: are able to motivate this team to perform versus under perform, three: be able to work within the constraints of the the salary cap. The offensive line has a band-aid that is bleeding profusely and continues to show its age, while Knox is showing something; the team still needs at least one more weapon on the wings, the defense is becoming a shambles starting with the line and especially the defensive backfield. Do not forget that the Special Teams is starting to fall apart as well. There are only a couple of players that I feel that are safe for this team: Cutler, Gould, Maynard, Knox and Briggs. Beyond those five you are able to make great arguments either way for the remaining 48 players that started this season. Unfortunately there will not be anything done to dramatically to help this team at this point in the season. Inconsistency in a professional sports franchise is not acceptable and should not be the norm. Especially for the founding franchise of the National Football League. Is this team worth watching any more this season, yes as this is and always will be our team and I will always root for them until the very end. Am I disappointed by by the efforts or lack there of this team, most definitely. Maybe one of these days this team will be heading in the right direction once again however, until a change in the GM and the entire coaching/scouting staff is made, we are only able to hope for the best each and every Sunday and at this point, that is not going to be a lot.
  9. I most definitely thought of Mad Mac when Cutler went spinning over the goal line. It just goes to show how pathetic the media is that their first reference during a Chicago Bears game against a divisional opponent and they reference Mr. Ed and not Mad Mac is somewhat disheartening. It was bad enough that they kept talking up the Lay Downs and seemingly to a degree bashing Da' Bears. As I said, I definitely had flashbacks of McMahon spinning into the endzone and then headbutting his offensive line. I am very happy with our QB for once in a real damn long time. Hope JA gets off his ass and signs Cutler to a long term deal.
  10. Congratulations to your and your wife on the beginning of the second child adding more fun to your life.
  11. In today's Tribune, an article by Fred Mitchell (http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/football/bears/chi-16-walter-payton-statue-sep16,0,3208115.story) advises that the Park District is opposed to a statue being erected outside Soldier Field. I personally find this appalling as the excuses that the Park District give is that the statue for "Sweetness" is not for a war veteran and does not take into consideration other Bear Hall of Fame members or legends. I am hoping that many Bear Fans will write to the Park District to voice displeasure with the Park District's lack of respect to the greatest running back of all time and the founding franchise of the NFL. Here is the information on who to address our letters to: Tim Mitchell Chief Executive Officer & General Superintendent Chicago Park District 541 N Fairbanks CT Chicago IL 60611 I hope that many of my fellow Bear fans will send letters to Mr. Mitchell to voice our displeasure in the Park Districts thought process.
  12. That was totally awesomely hilarious. Thanks for posting it.
  13. Not really sure about final records prior to the playoffs however, this is what my best guestimate will be for 2009: AFC East: New England AFC North: Pittsburgh AFC South: Tennessee AFC West: San Diego NFC East: Philadelphia NFC North: Chicago NFC South: New Orleans NFC West: Arizona AFC Wildcards: Baltimore & New York Jets NFC Wildcards: San Francisco & Green Bay AFC Champs: Tennessee NFC Champs: Chicago Super Bowl: Chicago over Tennessee by less than a field goal MVP: Jay Cutler DPOY: Marcus Harrison OROY: Mark Sanchez DROY: Brian Orakpo (Unless Green Bay gets B.J. Raji signed) Should make a for a very interesting season if I am even a quarter right on my predictions.
  14. I have always liked Kreutz since he became our starting center. He seems to be in the same mold as Jay Hilgenberg in my opinion. This just goes to show the type of class act that Kreutz has always been and continues to be. I just hope that it is Olin who decides when it is time to step away and that he is not a salary cap casualty. I still think it would have been good to have Brown on this team and that they should have worked out an incentive laced contract that both Mike and the Bears should have worked to complete.
  15. chitownman


    Unfortunately when I looked at it a couple of days ago, they were all filled up. Unless there is enough interest for another free league, I will have to miss out on playing with everyone this year.
  16. chitownman


    If there is still a spot in the Free League like last year's, I would like in on it. Thanks
  17. I am so there with all you guys. I have been jonesing since we got Cutler and it seems that they are attempting to make the right changes to have a more successful season that last season. The hard part is that TC is only eight days away and then we'll be into the season before we know it and then it will all end once again as we start 2010. It is insane and the sooner the better. Hell, I even bought a Cutler jersey because I am so amped for football!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I agree whole heartily with this comment. I think John Lynch is one hell of a guy and was one hell of a player. I also agree that Marshall is not all that with his off-field problems and would rather go another way if at all possible. Cutler I think is going to shore up the QB position for a while and I hope that JA does not screw things up and builds around Cutler and Forte and Olsen.
  19. Brian, Those are definitely some numbers that I hope come true with Forte' getting roughly 1,250 minimum with ideally a minimum of six rushing touchdowns as well. I just hope you are correct and that we do win the NFC North and have at least one playoff game in Chicago. I am not sure we have all the pieces to be contenders this year however, anything is possible. I am just so anxious for the next ten days to pass and that training camp opens. I look forward to the season more and more for the first time in about twenty-four years.
  20. If you have an interest on a real adventure for yourself, I have through a friend who lives in SoCal tickets to the Thursday November 12th game there. Tickets are at face value and they are about 18 rows off the playing field. If you are interested let me know and I will pm you with the info you need to secure your tickets. I believe the tickets are $100 per ticket.
  21. I have always rooted for Jarrett in his entire football career. From his time at St. Viator's, then in Miami, with the Titans and WLAF and now in the CFL. I hope that Jarrett makes the team and eventually some how gets another opportunity in the NFL.
  22. Not sure how many people have seen the article today on the Trib's website however, William "The Refrigerator" Perry is struggling financially due to the fact of the disease he was diagnosed with in June 2008. The disease is Guillan Barre Syndrome, which is a nervous system disease. Perry also has CIDP as well, which only makes things a bit worse for Perry. Here is the story on the Trib's website: http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/chi-1...0,4191114.story Da' Coach's "Grid Iron Greats" organization is working to assist Perry however, not able to get everything that is necessary to help out. There is a website to keep people updated on the condition of the Fridge as well as make donations to a fund to help the Fridge with his medical bills. The website is at: www.fridgefund.homestead.com I just thought that this was an important thing to let everyone here know about and if you are able to help out a former Bear who needs our help, that would be good.
  23. What ever works out sounds great to me.
  24. Pisa was St. Louis leading tackler last season and was a salary cap casualty this year. We got him for a song and he is reunited with his rookie year defensive coordinator who of course is our head coach. Definitely should push Roach for the starting "SAM" during the preseason.
  25. I definitely want in the free and preferred Yahoo league that may be set up. I'll send you a PM as well DB.
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